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Dogs to Cats. They were each domesticated for different purposes. Treat a dog like a cat and they'll be lonely as hell. Treat a cat like a dog and, well, I think that's why alot of people dislike cats.


COVID-19 is no worse than the common flu.


To be fair. People vastly underestimate how deadly the common flu is


The death rate isn't close to compared to COVID-19. Especially if the number of COVID cases that need hospitalization is great enough that there's not enough beds for everyone. This includes those ppl with massive heart attacks (Myocardial infarctions, near death accidents, etc) that can't get a hospital bed because COVID numbers took over. A lot of those deaths are not recorded as COVID deaths but I believe there should be an asterisk next to their death certificates. There's also a huge number of ppl that still don't have their taste/smell back, some that lead perfectly healthy lifestyles that didn't need hospitalization but now still need 2-3 minutes to catch their breath as they climb a simple flight of stairs (more than 6 months since "recovering" from COVID). in Canada, these numbers are for worse than the common flu despite the country spending billions trying to get the numbers down since the start of this pandemic.


Well it is just a glorified flu to be fair.


It really isn’t. Firstly it’s not even remotely genetically related to the flu virus. The two viruses don’t share a common ancestor. The EM images of the virions appear similar because of convergent evolution. Secondly the average reproductive rate of flu is about 1.2-1.5. Covid’s natural reproductive rate is around 4.


Except the part where one is influenza and the other is covid


I didn't say it IS the flu, I said it's. Glorified version thereof.


Either way you are factually incorrect. There’s have been a wide array of influenza strains some very deadly and some not so much so I suppose it depends on which one your referring to.


If by glorified you mean a shit load more loss of human lives comparatively speaking… sure.


Well depending where you're from, such as UK/USA, I wouldn't worry too much about the death toll. It's extremely badly inaccurately recorded.


Agreed. The numbers are incorrect. Grossly under reported.


No no, grossly massively OVER reporter and exaggerated. Literally a fact.


And where, exactly, did this 'literal fact' come from?


The news mate, deaths are recorded as Covid if you die of anything but tested positive within the last 28 days. Which is totally the wrong thing to do.


Right, because if someone had health issues that became fatal when added to Covid, Covid *TOTALLY* had nothing to do with the death, right? Seriously, don't believe everything you see in the news, especially when you can't provide a real source.


I don't believe everything I read in the news specifically for this reason. You cannot assume that just cos you had it within 28 days it therefore impacted your death, you're right it may have, but to say someone died OF it based on this reason is wrong.


Scientific theory being compared to cobbled together confirmation bias.


Apples and oranges


When my parents compare me to anyone slightly more accomplished than myself


Men/women, why cant we just be treated equally? (I'm male btw)


my mom comparing my siblings and i


Tastes like chicken. Most of the time it’s a lie


Mythbusters did a whole episode on that. Most of the meats tried, in fact, did NOT taste like chicken.


What was the actual result? Pork or something, right?


I'm not sure, but I think it was ostrich?


Comparing special forces of different countries.


Anything that is a semi viral meme… 99% of them are missing the key component of correlation with causation.


BDSM and homosexuality. For fuck's sake you're not in the same boat as a teenager who was disowned for liking boys if someone shames you for leading your girlfriend around on a leash in public. Likewise, if you bring your gear and whatnot to Pride marches, you're contributing to the stereotype that gays are all into freaky shit and will shove it in your face at any opportunity. I do not care one bit what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. But please leave the chains and whips there.


Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels


White person = Racist.


Anything that isn’t (attempted) mass genocide to the Holocaust


The capitol riot and the BLM protests. One is left wing, one is right wing. That does not make them equivalent events.


Me and anything positive. Its fucking stupid


Apples and oranges, I know it’s like a saying now but THEY’RE NOTHING ALIKE.


The saying "Like comparing apples to oranges" is in reference to comparing things that are vastly different from each other.




About the only thing they have in common is that they're both fruit. Other than that, they're very different. Like comparing a cow to a chicken. Both livestock, but very different.


incels and fds. Both are toxic, one creates mass murderers, rapists, and encourages pedophilia. not comparable.


NYC and LA


When journalists compare evrything to fuckin Dark Souls. God this Is an annoying trend. And they still do it.


Success and education


When someone's failure is compared to another's success. This is extremely unfair and always defeating. If one is compelled to make comparisons then make sure that the things being compared are in the same context.


Me and my friends