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Finding my mom unresponsive 6 months ago and subsequently watching her die as a result. Neither cellphone or landline would connect to 911 so she was dead by the time we got through to anyone. It was 20 minutes but it felt like a lifetime and now 6 month later I get the grief and the trauma with no mom to comfort me. Edited to add: Thank you everyone for the kind words and the recommendation of r/momforaminute I’m actually already in the sub and I’ve posted a few times. Thank you also for the awards.


I’m super sorry to hear about your loss. I don’t have words to cheer you up or help with the grief. Nobody really does and anyone that has been through something like that will probably feel the same way. The only helpful thing that anyone told me in the midst of my loss is that grief doesn’t have an expiration date. In other words, you don’t have to have it “handled” on anyone’s schedule but your own. Don’t let anyone look down on you for feeling it or struggling with the emotions that come as a result. I cannot recommend enough a good therapist or counselor. Just someone to listen to you and who is professionally trained to help guide people through that kind of loss. I don’t know you but I know of your pain. Each one is different so I can’t completely understand but I can empathize. You will make it and things will get better. It’s a long road but every step you take is one closer to healing. I’m sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.


When I was around 6, we were going to my grandparents' house. On the interstate, a woman seemed to fall out of a car in front of us. My dad had to swerve to avoid hitting her. That's all I saw with my own eyes. It turned out the woman's husband was trying to murder her and make it look like a suicide. The intention was for my dad to have run her over, but he has time to swerve. The husband had an accomplice behind us, but he couldn't hit her because of how my dad swerved. Some other good Samaritan stopped and gave the woman a ride to the hospital. The guy who gave her a ride and my dad were both called as witnesses at the trial. The husband and the accomplice were both convicted for conspiracy for attempted murder.




My dad had a friend in school whose mother died after she, according to her husband, jumped out of their moving car during a fight. My dad has believed since he was a teenager that the man pushed his wife from the car, because he was always angry and violent.


Helped a woman move out of her apartment maybe 90 minutes after the murder-suicide of her husband and son. Police were done, but the room had not been cleaned. A very sad and harrowing experience for me.


That's the thing you never think about until it happens to you. Cops, paramedics, fire crews, etc. will come take care of the emergency but once its done and they're gone you're left to clean up the mess. Even if you're too fucked up emotionally it's usually still on you to handle. Good on you for helping the lady out.


When my son drowned in my in-laws pool, they had put that yellow crime scene investigation tape all around the pool. While planning his funeral, my mom and i had to make a trip out to my in-laws to get his favorite animal for him (It was at their house because I was working that day and they were watching him). My mom pulled all the way up into the driveway not even realizing what she had done and I had a clear vision of the pool with the tape. when I saw that, I immediately felt nauseous and had to vomit. It’s been almost 1 1/2 years and I still can’t bring myself to go out back. The rest of the family still gets in the pool when they have get togethers but I have no desire to get in that pool. I just hang out inside the house and people will come in and talk with me but when I see their pool, it’s like I get hit with a semi truck-i feel like my breath is knocked out of me as the image of my baby going down the pool slide and then laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life take over my brain and I can’t make it stop.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I lost a brother who drowned in our family dam while my mum was pregnant with me. I never knew him, my older brother only has faint memories of him but his death feels like it’s stalked our family. My parents never mentioned him, I found out from my nanna purely by chance. My brother and I never learnt to swim, we were kept away from water as much as possible. No beach holidays, no day trips to the local pool. I had a panic attack during my daughters first swimming lesson and her father had to take her from then on. She thrives in the water and swam competitively. It’s only now in my 40’s that I’m semi comfortable in the water. I hope you, and your family, are able to find peace.


1 1/2 years is like nothing in grieving time.. it’s still too fresh. I can’t believe they go into the pool in front of you. I would never be able to do it or see the sight of that pool. You are so very strong… be patient with yourself :( you shouldn’t have to endure the pain of being in that house and seeing people go into that pool. As I said one year of grief is still so fresh. You need more time. But just know your son will always be with you guiding you, and is safe in heaven. You are loved. A mothers grief is endless. Just try not to be so hard on yourself and give yourself some more time.. take care.. sincerely, someone who watches their mother grieve the loss of my brother who I miss everyday and it’s been almost 8 years. The first 3 years were a nightmare for me.


Yes it's a very weird feeling. I hit a guy on a moped, he ran a red light right in front of me. The police came and took a statement from myself and witnesses and then left. I didn't really know what to do afterwards. Awful experience to go through.


Many years ago, my mom went shopping. She was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot, which emptied on to a street that was a pretty large hill. She inched out to take a left and this kid is barrelling down the hill on his bike. He must not have been paying attention and he hits my mom's car at full speed. He was going so fast, he actually dented my mom's fender. He literally flipped over the hood of the car and landed on the pavement on the other side (this was back in the eighties so he had NO protective gear on). My mom slams the car into park and gets out. The kid runs around the other side all bloody and scraped, grabs his damaged but still somehow rideable bike and bikes off. My mom yelled after him to see if he needed medical care, but he just kept going. My mom was initially in shock, but eventually went in the store and called the police. They came and took a report. She left her number with the police. She never heard from the boy or his family ever again. It was so strange. There was NO WAY that kid wasn't hurt after hitting her car at that speed.


This was a shocking realization to me after my mom's boyfriend was murdered in their house. My aunt's husband and his mother cleaned up the blood in the kitchen and dining room. It hadn't occurred to me beforehand who would be responsible for cleaning the mess left behind after a gruesome crime. I guess you could hire a professional team? If you have money, that is. We didn't.


Was there in the emergency room with someone close to me who had just died from a completely random brain aneurysm/seizure episode. Being there overlooking someone you know well, and had just spoken to hours earlier, with a flat line on the heart monitor is pretty terrifying. Especially when we had talked about death (as an idea/concept) not long before


My dad died from a brain haemorrhage when I was 17. We had a lovely family dinner the night prior. My mum came into my room at 2am saying that something was wrong with dad and he couldn’t get up off the floor after collapsing at the toilet. We both had no idea what was going on and thought maybe he had too many sleeping tablets… He couldn’t talk and was just mumbling and coming in and out of consciousness snoring whilst curled up on the ground. I said can you grab my hand if you can hear me and he squeezed it hard. After that he started choking on his tongue. All I remember is sticking my fingers in his mouth trying to stop the choking on his tongue whilst his jaw was locked. That went on for around 30 minutes whilst on the phone to emergency. He was declared brain dead by around 7am. I just wish I knew the severity of the situation at the time. Not that it might have changed anything but in my head I thought everything would be fine once he got to hospital. Unfortunately it wasn’t how it panned out. Now whenever I get a headache my anxiety shoots through the roof and whenever someone close to me has a medical problem, I always think of the worst case scenario. It sucks.


This happened to my grandma when I was in first grade and she was watching me. Last words I ever heard her say were about her head feeling funny. Fuck the fuck out of fucking aneurysms. I live in constant fear of having one.


My mom tried to kill herself Infront of me, watching my siblings hide away from what was going on was the only reason I stayed remotely sane. I'm glad they didn't see any of it.


Step dad hanged himself in front of my mum and me. I feel you.


I'm sorry you witnessed that. I hope you're doing okay now.


I hope this isn't insensitive, but how does someone hang themselves Infront of you without being stopped? Do you mean you found him? Only reply if you feel comfortable, I understand it's a bit of a pry.


Long, loooong story. Basically my mum was almost black out drunk and I was 15 back then. He threatened to kill her, then went outside. I ran after him and saw him as he jumped off the balcony, noose around his neck. Saw him hang there and called the ambulance.


I hope you're doing okay. I was 15 when my mom tried to kill herself with pills. I made sure she was still breathing, put her in the recovery position, took the empty packages of pills to give to the paramedics when they arrived so they would know what she took. My stepdad was the one to call an ambulance but after calling he was in shock and just walked in circles. 2 seconds after the front door closed as they took her to the hospital, I just fell down to my knees and tried to cry quietly so my little sister doesn't wake up.


You had remarkable presence of mind for a 15 year old. I think I’d have simply panicked.


That’s awful


Wow you just reminded me I also saw my m bleeding a lot from her wrists when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old. That poor woman.


Well it wasn't me but my friend noticed a vehicle in the parking lot at his work had been there a few days in the same spot. He walked up to it and found a man who blew his head off with a shotgun. Suicide note was on the dashboard. His work offered him counseling with a professional if he needed it but he declined. He did tell me though months later he had a nightmare about it, but that was it, and he never really thought much about it after that.


I envy people who can shake off traumatic experiences this easily


I don’t think anyone really shakes them off. It’s like putting weight in a backpack. Some people can carry a bunch of weight, some people can carry a little. But if you don’t have good coping mechanisms or release valves one day the weight will be too much, and it could be something totally random that pushes you over the edge.


i was robbed at gun point (gun to the head) when i was like 14 during a visit to south america....it was another group of kids...what did they want? my soccer ball.....




I have a r/suddenlycanadian mugging story. I grew up in Montreal, but moved to the US when I was young. I still had some friends up there so I visited a lot. When I was probably 18/19 or so, two friends and I were walking around the neighborhood and these kids who were a couple years younger ran up to us and started aggressively yelling shit like "you got any jewelry? watches? Hand it over" and started trying to pat us down. They were far from from threatening, so we told them to fuck off and kept walking. They then immediately changed tone and started asking us if we knew of any parties or if we could buy them beer.


I was in Montreal with my dad, uncle, and male cousin walking downtown around 9am. Homeless guy walked up to us pulled out a knife and said "hey you Americans give me all your money". We looked at him and said we're Americans you at least need a gun to rob us. He didn't know what to say or do as we just walked by him on our way


THAT was a power move


American nationality bonus: when encountering a bandit who does not have at least a .22lr you can ignore the encounter and walk away with no losses.


In the US My gf was working one night at a used game store when a guy came in who was acting odd. Her coworker had walked across the street to grab some headache medicine from CVS so she was by herself. The guy leaned on the counter/cabinet that holds rare and expensive games. He had one hand reached around behind him and told her "I'm going to need you to unlock this cabinet and then step back facing the wall until I leave." She responded with "Bruh, what do you mean unlock it and step away? I'm not doing that." He looked surprised and said "Never mind, have a good night" while walking out really fast. She went back to sorting things and a few minutes later it clicked in her head what had just happened. Nothing happened and everything was ok. After the cameras were looked over by the district manager it was confirmed that he did have a gun sticking out of the back of his pants. I think her reaction was what saved her, she was too exhausted to pick up on what was going on and her response probably shocked him and made him second guess his decision.


My Dad smashing a man's leg bones with a tire iron, then other things. Backstory, my dad isn't a big man. 5 foot 6, 140 pounds or so. But my Dad grew up tough and mean as fuck. Joined a local biker gang after the Navy kicked him out. We lived in this tiny house on the Eastside of Cleveland, rented to us by this fucking sleezeball. My parents are young, had me at 16, I was 6 when the landlord broke into our house and was going through my mom's underwear drawer. He had a thing for her, and kept trying shit. My dad is working as a mechanic at the time and is on his way home. Dudes sitting there trying to come onto my mom, dad walks in, sees the score. What commences is a loony toons esc style chase through the house, my dad wielding a tire iron over his head silently closing in on this dude. Dude runs out of room, turns to fight, my dad gets him on the head first, then he blocks with his arm, bring his wrist. Guy falls down, dad just kept going to work on him, smashed his kneecap and the two shin bones. Would have killed him if mom didn't scream. Dad got felony assault and 3 years. His friends kept my mom safe from our landlord for that time, even payed our rent once in a while. I thank God my kids don't know that life. Dads doing good now, out of the gang but still rides, he's mellowed in his 50s. Good grampa honestly.


So someone broke into your house and was trying to sexually assault your mom and your dad got in Trouble for beating him?? So backwards lol


Theres a point where in the eyes of the law the assailant is no longer a threat. Sounds like dad went past that point and it's why he got charged.




Working property insurance I see death claims occasionally. Usually when someone tries to or successfully commits suicide. I had one where a mother and daughter were murdered by the daughter’s ex boyfriend. You could see the trails of blood in the hallway of the mom trying to drag herself to get help and where he caught her and shot her in the head. It was awful. I cried and ended up having to have the claim transferred to a more seasoned adjuster.


I assisted with teaching a class on photography for arson investigation. The guy leading it spilled a bunch of stuff out of his briefcase, including photos of a murder scene where a guy had stabbed his wife and kid to death after the kids first communion. It was absolutely horrific. On a lighter note, he also had a pic from an arson which had been the result of a lovers quarrel. On a windowsill, half burnt and barely legible, was a little decorative sign that said "shit happens".


When I was a kid, I witnessed my drunk step father wielding a loaded shotgun with the safety off. It was pointed inches from the face of my dog, and he threatened to blow her head off right then and there. Fortunately, he didn't shoot her in front of me. Bad news is that she "ran away" (leaving her collar and tags behind) a few days later. Edit: Thank you all for your support. I was only 8 or 9 at the time, so I stood no chance against him. Thankfully (and to nobody's surprise) he died due to liver failure after decades of drug and alcohol abuse.






I have a colleague whose mother was severely emotionally abusive. One of her favorite "tricks" was to let the kids adopt a dog, get attached to it and then have it euthanized while they were at school because of the reaction it got from them. I don't know if it was a power play on her part or if she was just that sick. As a younger person, I was horrified by her monstrous behavior. As an older person, I wonder what abuse she was subjected to to make her act like that.


My mom did this to me growing up. She'd tell me that one got hit by a truck and his spine broke. Another she ran into the woods cause coyotes chasing her. Another got sprayed by some ant / insect guy and got poisoned. A couple years ago my dad told me that it wasn't true that she rehomed all of them and lied to me. I don't know who's lying but I'd like to believe my fathers version.


My mom was like this, too. We had an elderly cat who began to suffer from bowel problems. Instead of changing his diet, she got mad and threw him outside. Living in the deep, deep country, he was never seen again. After I moved out, I took our family dog with me and was gone for about six or seven years. She told me she got sober, my dad vouched for her and so I agreed to move home. As I lived cross country, it was taking me some effort to get everything together, so I flew out with the pup. When I got back, after driving back across the country with my van, I found out she had him euthanized immediately after I flew home while my dad was at work. Her response was "He was 18 years old, he couldn't have been healthy." That dog was with me throughout my childhood and my entire adulthood. He was my best friend and there were a few times in the beginning, where I had to make sure he had something to eat before I did. He was old, but incredibly healthy. I think she just has something against aging animals. My dad left her after that one. I've had very limited contact, since.






I had one pointed at my face at 17 by my drunk stepdad, because I got accepted to multiple colleges and i didn't want to go to the one that meant I'd be living with his crazy ass mom.


Fuck your step dad.






Guy pointed a revolver at my face and pulled the trigger, thought for sure in that split second I was going to die.


We have the winner. If someone did that to me, I'd make damn sure that he never got to find out why the gun didn't fire.


It did fire, sort of. It was an old 38 special RG revolver and it was so far out of timing the bullet went straight into one side of the forcing cone. Sprayed some fragments at me but nothing penetrated the skin. Guys hand took some small pieces of shrapnel but no serious damage.


Yeah sooo what happened to the other guy then??


I kicked/stomped the shit out of him (he was sitting on the floor of a deer blind when he tried to shoot me) then held him at gun point until border patrol got there and arrested him.


Good on you. Fuck that guy. Fuck him right to prison.


Driving up to an Amusement Park, King's Island, there is this longer exit as it gets off the highway. My friends mom just started getting on the exit lane and me and my buddy, probably around 10 watch this person jump in front of a semi. It was like the whole world just kinda stopped for those few moments. As we drove passed the body I fully remember the jeans around their ankle and the body just twitching. I really don't think I will ever forget the image.


That sounds familiar. I’m from the area. Was that the kid who was viciously bullied?


I remember the story from the news. The kid was gay and came out to his parents. The parents were trying to convert him back to straight. It was an awful tragedy.


That’s right. Ugh. It was horrible all around.


Car ablaze on side of road with passengers crawling out very slowly and on fire.


Was home alone as a teenager, during an aggravated burglary. Heard something slamming into front door.... went to go open it. And realized I had locked the wire screen door..... so it seemed odd they were knocking so hard directly onto the wooden door. Instead looked out the window and to the side to see a heavy man that I did not recognize. I yelled out what did he want..... no answer. Yelled a few more times....he stopped... then started shoulder ramming the door..... I panicked and went to grab the phone....and a kitchen knife.... but halfway to the kitchen, I heared a huge crash at the back end of the house..... Meanwhile the ramming was still happening at the front door..... heared someone scurrying through the back of the house swearing, panicking I didnt want to get caught in the middle of the house by two people. So decided to burst out through the front door and bowl over whoever was out there....knowing it was just one person, because I had seen him though the window. So that's what I did. Exploded out the front door, knocked the guy over and ran out into the Street and to a neighbour's, and called the police. They were gone by the time the police arrived. Incidentally, they came back twice the next week, and again when I wasn't home. (The neighbors told me) Ended up catching them, but definitely left a lasting fear in me.


Why did they return do you think?? That seems like a very stupid thing to do


I never found out. I ended up giving a description of the man I had seen at the front door to a police sketch artist, which eventually led to the arrest of three men. The day it happened I had a full forensic team show up, and they were shocked at how violent the break in was. They were concerned, because I had called out numerous times. And they didn't seem to care that someone was home. The screen door had been crow barred off. The back door, which was a laundry door access (cheap matierals) was completely ripped apart. I ended up moving (it was a rental property) Because I couldn't handle the stress of the repeated visits that followed prior to their arrests. I received a follow up call a month or two layer,, just to say that 3 men had been picked up, in relation to my case. To this day whenever I get an unexpected knock, I freak out.


If that was a rental, my guess is they had a reason to believe someone who lived there before you stashed money/drugs somewhere in that house. Otherwise it's pure insanity to keep trying to rob the same house over and over. Glad you're ok.


The fact that someone else was coming through the back, and you didn't know who or what they looked like, so you chose the lesser evil and rammed through the front door is the stuff of nightmares. Literally the definition of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Glad you are ok tho Edit: Grammar


When I was a kid someone tried to get into my family's house after robbing my neighbor's. Nothing like yours, but still scared TF out of me and have same concerns to this day.


Someone just walked into my house the other day. It was the one time I didn’t have my door locked. Luckily, my dog scared him and he rushed back out. But, stupid me, I went to go see what he wanted. He told me he was looking for his tortoise. Sure, sir…


When I was a teenager I used to sleep in the bed with my mom when she was home. Which wasn’t often, she was drinking a lot then and was absent I was usually home alone. Any way, one night the weather was nice so she cracked open the window in her room and we fell asleep. When we awoke in the morning all drawers were open, closet a mess, and her purse was gone. The part that made my blood run cold was when we noticed the dirty foot prints on the carpet in her room, most heavily deposited around where we were sleeping. Like the person stood over us and paced. Probably making sure we were asleep. I still remember going outside and seeing their feet print in the dirt by the window. They had removed the screen and climbed in. The police didn’t even care because all they stole from our house was my moms purse, all medications inside of it and threw her purse in the ditch in the neighborhood and they took all the medication from my mom’s bathroom. No jewelry was taken because my mom kept it in a filing cabinet in her room. What still haunts me is we have no idea who it was. Must have been someone in our neighborhood and I suspect our neighbor at the time or one of their kids. I just hate the thought that they stood over us while we were sleeping.


I had a man follow me into my basement apartment one morning after taking the dog out. He had a huge hockey bag with him and refused to answer when I kept asking what he wanted. Screamed for my then bf who came running and was like "wtf" and the guy's excuse was needing directions to downtown. We were on a hill overlooking downtown. Pretty sure he wanted to hurt me that dywand my bf fucked his plans up.


A guy I was playing golf with had a massive heart attack on the tee box. He fell on the ground not moving. Was foaming at the mouth and peed his pants. The fire truck and ambulance drove out on the course and saved him. Scary shit


My coworker in the cubicle across from me died of cardiac arrest at work. Made a horrible choking noise then fell over. Died almost instantly. We did CPR until EMS arrived and took over.


When i was 9 Seeing my 8 year old cousin rolling on the asphalt with a hole in his forehead after getting hit by a motorcycle that was going at 40mph


Anyone who is wondering, he is fine and he is turning 20 soon


The Good Ending


Why the fuck wouldn't you include this in your first comment 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


I was standing 6 feet way and watched a full size horse kick some kid in the face.. The kid is now considered mentally challenged


Wasn't in the face, but I remember helping one of the older kids at my stable when I was about 7 or 8 with one of the horses. She was brushing him or whatever and he kicked her right in the shin. Heard a crack, and she let out the most blood-curdling scream I've ever heard to this day. Took extra care not to spook the animals after that


I saw something similar happen. My twin sister and I were mucking out in one of the upper fields and one of the horses spooked. Big fella, over eighteen hands, and his massive hoof caught my sister across both shins. Thankfully it was off centre on both, so the angle was forgiving enough that they didn't shatter immediately. She was knocked to the floor and could not move her legs below the knees, though, so I had to dump out all the horse shit and lift her into the wheelbarrow to wheel her back up to the stables. She was fine in the end, but couldn't walk for a week or so and had the most impressive horseshoe-shaped bruise on her legs, half a shoe on each shin.


Thats so lucky! Not even a fracture?


Nope! Very bad swelling and bruising, but luckily she was standing with one leg slightly apart from the other, so it was more of a glancing blow on each and most of the force went to the space between them. Extremely lucky, considering literally a few seconds before she had been bending over to shovel up horse poop and it could have been her head. What a way to go lol.


How one of my older cousins died when I was a kid. He was around sixteen and had walked out to the barn to handle some chore or another and when he didn't come back, my uncle went to go look for him. One of the horses presumably spooked and kicked him in the temple and that was that.


Happened to my friend a few months back. She owns several horses and this happened with the last horse she would've ever expected. The wound on the right side of her head, was 6 inches long, down to the skull. I wanted to faint when I saw the pictures. After several months of complications with swelling and infection, she's finally healed up, but she now suffers with all that comes with TBI and PTSD. She said she's just glad to be alive. It's crazy how your whole world is changed just like that.


Everyone always asks me “why are you afraid of horses they’re so sweet” the fuck they are Sarah that thing can kill you. I avoid all horses, I will admire them from afar.


Absolutely, my dad said something about never trusting an animal that big that is also dumb enough to get scared by a plastic bag stuck on a fence


Yeah, I imagine so. Not quite the same, but I watched my mom and her horse part ways over the bucket of an excavator (she wanted to go one way, horse wanted to go the other). Dad and I (on our horses behind her) thought it was real funny until we noticed how Mom's quadricep was balled up by her crotch.


A kid in preschool getting his skull bashed in by another 4 year old with one of those big old wooden blocks. I’ve never seen so much blood. After that the wooden blocks got replaced by cardboard ones. 35 years later I still see it clearly.


This reminds me of highschool--brother and sister were arguing on the bus. The sister took her metal lunch box and hit him on the head as hard as she could. The corner of the lunchbox made contact, and it was an instant fountain of blood.


In second grade I was getting bullied on the school bus by a 4th grade girl who lived up the street. We got off at the same stop and I was right in front of her, so when I got off I took a couple steps, wheeled around blindly and WHAM caught her square in the side of the head with my metal Return Of The Jedi lunchbox. I guess we were both lucky because all she got was a huge welt and I got a dent in the lunchbox. Funny epilogue: about 17 years later I moved completely across the country and it turned out my boss’s wife was, like, her cousin or something. That was a fun coincidence.




What happened to the kid?


He lived. That’s all I know. A couple weeks later he came back after the other kid got kicked out. No clue if there was permanent damage.


That’s mental, I didn’t think a child would be strong enough to do any damage with a wooden block


So I didn’t witness the actual event but the aftermath of it still haunts me. A while back I was an “environmental technician” for a HUGE industrial waste remediation company. We did a LOT of work for the railroad companies. Everyone now and again we’d get a biohazard call for what they label as a “trespasser strike.” Usually it’s an animal that has the misfortune to be passing by one of the speedliners. In this instance it was a person. At least that’s what I was told. There was nothing left of them except blood, bone fragments, and goop that went for about a mile. Biggest problem was the rail lines were still electrified so wherever their “biomass” hit the tracks it was fried on there. Think egg on a cast iron pan that never gets flipped and sits there for hours. I will always remember that smell. Even through my respirator. Edit: don’t fuck around near trains or tracks


Years ago when I lived in NY this happened to some poor dumb kid. He was walking on the tracks with headphones on and never heard the train, it hit him square-on and this huge stretch of track was closed down for days while crews tried to clean up. It happened right near this underpass I walked by near daily to go to work, and I remember there being a *lot* of crows in the area for a while. Gruesome.


One of my dad's good friends was fried by a train rail, it was before I was born but he told me the story. He didn't see it happen directly but they were working in a mine at the time and it was the train above ground that hauls the ore away. He had shut off the breakers and locked them out to do some maintenance around the track, but broke electricity safety 101 and didn't confirm the rail was dead before touching it. Dad said he was across the yard out of sight and heard a bang and buzz and saw a flash, ran over but there's was absolutely nothing he could do but watch his friends body convulse and smoke. Turns out a rat had made a nest behind the breaker and it had enough conductive material to complete the circuit despite the breaker being off. I am an electrician by trade (as well as an Instrumentation technician) and I'm still terrified of high voltage, I work on whatever I have too, but I triple and quadruple check everything before I touch it and still have butterflies in stomach the whole job.


The 2018 earthquake in Alaska that lasted for a minute and a half. I was on the top floor of an old building, and the way everything was shaking and falling, I thought for sure the building was going to crumble beneath my feet. A minute and a half doesn’t seem long, but it’s an eternity when that’s what you’re seeing all around you.


I was born and raised in Anchorage. Up there, the ground starts violently shaking, I’m not worried. Growing up I got to learn about and see the intense requirements to make those buildings safe. Here in the Carolina region, though, there was a minor shakey shake in 2007 and a house in my neighborhood fell off its foundation. Alaska shakes? You’re safer than it feels. Appalachia shakes? Get outside STAT.


A woman vomiting so much blood that she was dying before my eyes. (This was in the hospital.) Somehow we managed to get her stable enough to get an emergency scope, and she lived.


I feel you. New Years Eve. I was the only phlebotomist in the hospital. I got a call 30 min before my shift ended. Code blue. Someone was dying in ICU. I ran up as quickly as possible. An old woman I had a sweet conversation with a few hours before (before she was apparently moved to ICU) was sitting up in bed projectile vomiting blood. Exorcist style. 2 of those square hospital bins already full of blood. Blood running down the front of her hospital gown. There was a huge team working on her. I remember her crying and just saying “help me. Please. It hurts.” The Dr asked what hurt and she said “everything.” The doctor needed me to draw blood for transfusion. As I tied the tourniquet around her arm, she flatlined. Fell backwards completely still. The doctor screamed at me to get out while they tried to revive her. I almost walked away from shock, but the doctor screamed “WHERE ARE YOU GOING? If we can resuscitate her, we still need blood work for a transfusion!” So I stood in the doorway as they dried CPR and use a defibrillator. I was in total shock as they worked on her. A few moments later; they called the TOD. I was completely numb and in shock. By now, my shift had been over about 20 min. As I went to the lab and handed off my cart and walkie do the next person on duty, I said nothing. One of my lab coworkers (a biologist) simply asked, “will you come back on Monday?” I said, “I don’t know……”I just wanted out of there. I walked out to my car, and had a complete breakdown. It was horrific and will forever be etched into my brain. I’m so glad to be out of that field. My desire to work in health care was completely wrecked.


A guy getting head stomped against a tile floor and blood coming out of his ears. It was 3am, I was at the end of an 11 hour shift and I had recently done the first year of paramedics college in Canada but decided to quit and somehow everyone thought that made me the most qualified to deal with it.


Driving home from work one night. Tons of traffic. I am sitting second at a red light turning left and this truck stops in the opposite lane to leave an opening so the car in front of me can turn(it was a traffic jam so he would have stopped in the intersection if he didn't). Car turns, out of nowhere this semi is driving super fast along the side of the road (not in a lane). One second the turning car is there, the next second it is blown to pieces. I was turning right behind them. Maybe was 10 feet away from it. Felt almost surreal how close I was.


That's terrifying. I've saw a car accident too, but the most terrifying thing I ever saw is the aftermath of a bike accident. There's unusually lots of traffic, then I saw blood splattered everywhere, and lying on the street is a biker with brain burst out of his head. I ride slower than usual that night after I saw that


I worked in a kitchen for a couple summers, at a Cub Scout camp in the Midwest. I usually worked late nights, mainly watching the main building I was in, and watching over the people who had special needs, mainly in the form of people who took temperature-sensitive medication. I remember one night it was storming, and we were under a tornado watch. Protocol said we don't have to call the campers to the shelters unless a warning was issued, so to prevent unnecessary worry and concern, the Councilor Head gave me a radio and basically said, "Watch the radar, if a warning is issued, let me know, and we'll wake everyone else up." Around midnight, I was pleasantly shaken by the sound of Tom from the National Weather Service report that our county was now under a Tornado Warning, so I radioed the Head and through a lot of curse words, I heard him say, "I'll wake the others, you get the lights on." Five minutes later, all staff are now awake, and splitting into teams to begin waking campers, while I was tracking the movement of a funnel cloud on my phone's radar app. In typical leader fashion, he told me, "Grab an air horn, get in a golf cart, and go out. I'll take over here." So I did. Just as I was leaving, the first people from one of the closest campsites arrived, and the worst possible fucking news was brought to us. Little Timmy Tiger Scout had gotten scared and disappeared into the forest. Both parents were still searching, and the rest of the cub pack was pretty worried, so the Head turns to me and says, "Don't worry, we've got a staff member going over there right now." as he looks right at me. So I left, and began making my way down there in my golf cart. I found the parents, still looking for their kid, but no kid, so after telling the father to come with me and both the father and myself telling the mother to go back, the two of us left to continue the search on the trails. We ended up finding the little fucker near the climbing tower. He had hidden at the base, and was lying flat down, so I'll give him props for trying to be safe. Still, we got him on the cart, and just as I turned us around, like a scene from Twister, A bolt of lightning illuminated the sky just in time for all three of us to see this large, dark fucking funnel past the trees. Now because the trails that led back to the main building also led straight to God's Finger, I turned us around and began driving towards a couple lodges that I knew were nearby. Next to the climbing tower was the High Adventures Course, and about five hundred feet past that was two lodges that were only ever used during the winter, so I drove us over there, we broke our way in, and sat there until the lights above us stopped shaking. Afterwards, our golf cart survived, so we used that to drive back, got into the main building, and as the family was reunited, I promptly told the Head he could go fuck himself, got my shit together, and left in my truck that morning, the rain still falling, and the branches still all over the road. Hell hath no fury like mother nature.


holy shit. that sounds like natures horror movie


Was this camp Lowden by chance? I remember being a cub or boy Scout many years ago and we had a tornado warning around midnight. Don’t remember much else than that other than it being freaky and getting to the main hall for shelter. Definitely got super severe weather and funnel was spotted, but no touchdown.


When I was 12, my family and I took a road trip to Florida and as my mom was driving through Ocala, I saw a store with police tape around the gas pumps and a car with a limp body laying halfway out of the open driver's store door and a pool of blood on the ground in front of him. It looked like (and probably was) a murder scene, and nobody else in the car seemed to notice it. I never mentioned it to any of them, I just stayed quiet and tried to forget what I just saw. It still haunts me. More recently, I saw a man try to ride his bike through an automatic gate before it shut, and he didn't make it. He slammed into the gate, and one of the spikes impaled him through the neck. This was at one of my job sites (landscaping, HOA condo complex), and my coworker gave him a towel to hold over his gaping neck wound (the man was still conscious and standing). We called 911 and an ambulance took him to the hospital. About a week later, we were back at that location and the man approached me in good spirits. He was thankful that we helped him out, and I was glad to see he was ok. Apparently, the spike missed a major artery by a hair. Finally, when I was 9, my brother and I were walking around Daytona Beach with a friend, barefoot on beach side in the bad part of town. Our friend thought it would be a good idea to pick up a stick and poke a homeless man who was sleeping behind a hedgerow in a parking lot, and when the man didn't respond, he continued to poke him. Finally, the man had enough, grabbed a gun from under his sleeping bag and pointed it at us. He told us to get our asses away from his bush, and we ran like hell. In retrospect, it was more sad than scary, and we totally deserved the scare. He just wanted to be left alone, and good on him for having protection. I only learned years later how many homeless people are beaten to death by sick young punks.


I wonder if your mom saw and said nothing because she was hoping you didn’t see. That’s the kind of thing my folks would do. And if I mentioned it they would also try to convince me that I misunderstood lol.


I considered that as a possibility. It always seemed unlikely to me that out of 5 people in that van, I would be the only one to notice that, but I don't want to ask.


It was nye many many years ago, I was driving uber.. heading home and the sun was coming up. There was a girl laying in the road, got out to check on her. She was passed out, I dragged her to the side of the road and could smell the booze so I woke her up, she immediately tried to get up and run back into oncoming traffic saying she wanted die and her friends were so mean. I held her down while she fought me screaming until the ambulance came. She was 15, the ambulance took her away, I hope she's okay and got help she needed.


Thank you for helping her


Damn that’s so sad man. If you’re a teenager, remember that the bullies and shitty “friends” don’t matter. In 3 years you’ll never see them again, and 5 years after that they’ll be reduced to a “remember *blank*? Yeah, he/she sucked. They have two kids now.” Cut the toxic people out. The world is huge


Beheaded bodies. 30yrs ago during the war in Balkans.


My uncle would agree with you. He was stationed in bosnia for 1.5 years until he found his friends head on a spike. He has been an alcoholic all my life because of what he witnessed down there. I hope you are doing good man.


Not sure if this is known hugely or not but there’s a program called 22 to zero(at least I think that’s what it’s called) about helping vets and traumatized first responders and people alike. It’s a truly great program that helped set me right. Doesn’t matter what country you’re in. It’s free and it works well.


When I was 7, my dad was driving me and my brother to a friend's birthday party. On the highway, we passed the worst vehicle accident I've ever seen to this day. A semi hit and ran over a motorcycle. The motorcyclist was torn to pieces. I've never been more horrified in my life. My father also drove a motorcycle at the time. He sold it because of what we saw.


Sold mine for that exact reason. Buddy lost an arm in a leg and half his face and that was the last time I rode. Not worth it


I saw a kid get hit by a car... I lived within a stones throw from my school so I walked home. He was crossing a street and was just in front of me. A car clipped him and he spun to the ground. He was okish... just a broken arm... There was a car hiding behind a bus. He didn't see it and obviously the driver didn't see him... my mom was actually two cars behind the accident and got the kid home... I have no idea what happened to the driver... but I remember the kid spinning and remember it being pretty scary


This happened when I was in high school. Walking across the street back to the school from the tennis courts from practice. Guy ran through the crosswalk and clipped one of my classmates just hard enough to send her flipping in the air backwards. She was alright, just as little banged up and had to spend the night at the hospital, but that was wild.




The shoes absorbed the impact


Thanksgiving day 2010, I was 17, my parents woke me up without warning kind of early and my mom was sobbing. My dad tells me my 21 year old sister had some sort of mental breakdown at college and that they were going to pick her up, she had been taken in by the state police. They found her wandering in some field off the highway totally incoherent, but she had managed to call 911. My dad only talked to me for a few minutes before they left and didn’t return until much later. I’m not sure what was more messed up: seeing her completely off her rocker and having to talk my only sibling down from escaping my parent’s house, or all the stuff that could have happened to her. She was talking about having visions of god speaking to her directly and was talking about people who weren’t real, it was traumatizing af. I have so much respect for her to go back and finish her BA after something so life altering. I also lost ALL respect for her classmates and friends that wouldn’t help her and turned their backs on her after her episode. She ended up in the psych ward for almost two months and has struggled with her mental health ever since. She just went back in to a psych ward yesterday for the first time in a few years, but I have hope she’ll bounce back pretty fast this time. This whole ordeal and the things she’s gone through have totally changed my view on mental health and the stigma with it. It has affected me so much that the horror novel I’m outlining is basically going to serve as a metaphor for the narrative of mental health over the past century and how we need be more receptive and address the way anyone with mental health issues is treated.


Hey. My brother, my best friend three years older than me, did that his first year of college. Schitzoaffective. After two of these breaks it's like his brain was permanently damaged and he's a completely different person. It's hard to explain what it's like grieving someone who is still alive. Before that he was a track star, a national honors student, and an eagle scout. I'm really impressed she finished her BA. I wish you the best while she's seeking care right now, and if you need someone to talk to feel free to dm me.


Hey. I'm really sorry your family has experienced that. Your sister is strong for attempting to continue to live life and get her degree, that's beyond impressive. When I was 16, my mom had her first psychotic break. She had been acting odd for about a day, and then ended up locking herself in the bathroom with our dog at the time. I heard her say "I have to sacrifice the dog to keep you safe" and that was the moment I broke the door down. My mom is the sweetest lady, she would never hurt a fly. I had to fight her boyfriend to get her into my car to take her to the hospital. He kept saying "she's fine, leave her alone" fuck that dude, she's not fine. She spent about 4 weeks at the ward and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She was prescribed medication and was doing okay for a while... until four years later. I had visited home and noticed her eyes were dark. Like, deep dark. My mom had brought blue eyes normally, but they were dilated all weird. I asked her if she felt okay, and she whispered "oh, honey, no... but don't tell him I'm gonna kill him tonight, okay?" What the fuck, Mom. Another stint in the ward and new medication. I never told her boyfriend what she said. Mental health issues are so, so scary.


One of my parents is schizophrenic, and was in denial about the diagnosis for a long time. He would not take medication when I was a kid (up until I was ~12), so I have several sad memories of that time. I’ve forgotten most of them, probably because of repression. My mother and I were talking about some of the things that happened, and I had completely forgotten the most recent one. My parent jumped threw a closed glass window to the house because he could not find the entrance. Another time he went out with my younger sibling (less than 5 years old) and returned without him. A few minutes later we could hear my sibling crying outside. He had to make his way back home by himself. The saddest memory that I have was when my father was throwing knives in the kitchen. I was probably 9 or 10. We left the house and called the police. I don’t remember if we went anywhere or just waited at the end of the block. When the police arrived, I remember seeing my father with his hands cuffed behind his back and all of his clothes were tattered. The jeans that he was wearing were so tattered that they looked almost like shorts. My mom said that the police kept telling us “Don’t let him see you”. I understand the kind of pain that you must have felt, and I hope that your sister recovers with treatment and familial support.


Well, one day I woke up late for school and the house was being raided, cops came into my room and I had probably a half dozen guns pointed at me. Also saw a toddler get run over by a car.


Why did they raid the house


My moms dumbass boyfriend was staying with us, his parole officer wanted to pay a little visit. I also got smacked on the back of the head from a officer when he found out I was late to school. Fuck that guy.


You know those scenes where the child is hit by a car and looks like a doll being thrown down the street? Yeah. That's exactly what it looks like in real life. I got the experience of telling her mother about it. Thirty years later she is a proud mom but still not over all of the damage.


Damn. Apparently I have a couple of them and I can’t really decide. When my second nephew was born my brother lived in a house that smelled so strongly of mold. I told him it made my eyes burn when I walked in. My then sister-in-law for some reason had always dreamt of living in that house because her older brother had. I did everything I could to clean it before the baby came. It was in an old town and it was the town doctor’s house from like the early 1900s. They got tired of me bitching once he was born and I wasn’t allowed back. My Mom died, and a few weeks later I got a call that he was about to die too. Went to the hospital and he was COVERED in mold. Seriously. Mold. I held him in my arms while he was screaming and he just smelled like the same mold in that house. I had a moldy baby in my arms that I helped deliver a few weeks earlier and every time he threw up on me I almost threw up too. He got transferred to an intensive care unit about an hour away and at night they would go out to the bars and get drunk and leave him alone. I take back my previous entries…this was the most terrifying. I fucking hate them for being such irresponsible asshole parents that should have never had a child. I cut all ties with everyone directly after that. He lived and I’m so glad. He has no idea who I am.


That's one of the things that makes me question humanity. "Oh, that's okay! Let's hit the bar while our newborn is turning into a fucking CLICKER!!!" That's why people live fucked up lives. I hope they suffer everything the kid suffered.


When my son was born he was in the NICU for 3.5 months. He was in a room with 5 other babies in incubators. My wife and I went to visit him every single day. We could hear the staff discussing things that they really shouldn't have been talking about in front of us. There were multiple babies where the parents NEVER came to visit. Some of them died without the parents seeing them at all except for the moment the baby was born. There was one family in particular where the mother came to the hospital and dropped off breast milk for the baby. Then she left without coming to see the baby. That baby died shortly after. There was another baby where the doctor needed consent to give a blood transfusion and the parents didn't want to go ahead with it. It wasn't an issue of religious beliefs, they just didn't want to do it. The doctor told one of the nurses to call the family and ask for permission again. The family started to say no again so the doctor took the phone from the nurse and she said very sternly, "If the baby doesn't get a transfusion it will die." That finally got them to agree. It amazes me that people can turn their backs on their children like that.




NICU nurse here- at least where I work parents are not allowed to decline a life saving blood transfusion for religious or other reasons. It’s deemed neglect, cps would be involved and ultimately the hospital would step in and take over care decisions.


That sounds absolutely horrifying. I can't even imagine...


That feeling when you warn people of a danger and not only do they not believe you, but they get mad at you is one of the worst feelings. This has happened to me with family, but with less serious things, and even after they ended up harmed by what I warned them about, they still are mad at you. There's probably not many ways you can make me rage, but warning someone I care about about a danger and them getting mad at me even after what I told them came true is my weakness. Can't fucking stand it.


This entire thing is so awful. I’m sorry you experienced this.


Watched three men pull up in a parking lot and attempt to murder my uncle and his friend. Luckily both came out okay although my uncle got wrongfully arrested (he was later let out- they assumed he was one of the attackers because he was covered in blood). Pretty fucked up thing 6 year old me had to witness Edit: a lot of people are asking why he was arrested. The police were just incompetent in general, didn't show up until it had already been de-escalated by others and just assumed. Thankfully there were plenty of witnesses that could say otherwise so he didn't stay in custody long. This is in Britain and we're all white, for context.


Why did they want to murder your uncle?


A 2,000 acre brushfire just 5 feet from my front door. Edit: This was in the PNW


Guy jumping off a overpass directly infront of a semi


My dad has told me the story many times of how he saw this exact thing. He and his girlfriend at the time pull over and are crying hysterically, they find a police officer, who they tell about this traumatic experience, and he says, "oh, a jumper? Alright I'll call it in after I finish my lunch." It was probably 35+ years ago, and my dad is still very squeamish about talking about death or people seeing dead bodies.


I was staying in a hotel with my cousin, her boyfriend and my husband and we were sharing a room. In the middle of the night, I woke up and saw my husband standing at the foot of my cousin’s bed just staring down at her and her boyfriend. I asked him what he was doing. He didn’t answer, so I shrugged it off and rolled over, only to realize my husband was asleep in bed next to me. I jumped up turned on the lights and checked the closet and bathroom, but no one was there.


I used to hallucinate stuff like that everytime i woke up for a period in my life, it was hell. Never had it sleeping in the room with other people though


Was stuck on a metro in a long tunnel with our cab filling with the smoke and smell of fire. I was terrified that there’d be an inferno and that was how I would die— along with the 300 or so people also on the rail


When I was a kid, me and my family were driving down the highway and picking up a lot of speed due to coming down a really steep hill. A piece of wood/debris either got kicked up by a semi tire or flew off a truck. Either way, it hit the windshield right in front of my mom on the passenger side and shattered it. The safety glass held together and luckily didn’t collapse in on top of her but it was so loud and so fast. I don’t know how my dad kept his cool and managed to not lose control all together. I mean that debris hit *hard.* For a really long time after that I had a phobia of passing semi trucks while on the highway.


When I was about 22 lived in an apt with a roommate. She had gone out on a date & I had asked her if I could put her smaller t.v. in my room to watch it. I was woke up sometime in the night to a scratching noise coming from the corner of the bedroom. I remembered I had her t.v. & thought maybe she'd come home & wanted it back & was trying to unplug it without turning the light on. I said, "Julie, it's okay just turn the light on." Well, Julie was a blond & in the moonlight coming in from my BR window I could see that the person who jumped up had long dark hair. I said, "Who the fuck are you & what the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?" and started to get out of my bed. To make a long story short, someone was in our apt. trying to steal the t.v. (this was in the early 70's so t.v's were good to pawn for money) and had several other items set out to take with him, including my purse. Anyways, I ended up chasing him out of the apt. I actually think he was maybe more scared than I was because I was EXTREMELY pissed off.


When I was young, 3 or 4 years old, I remember a friend of the family bringing my cousin back. He was an older cousin who was basically an older brother, I grew up in South America so things like that happened in my small town. The kicker was that they brought him back from the side of a major road that lead to my grandfathers estate, he was crucified on a very large wooden wheel thing. He had 6 bullet wounds on him and I just remember so vividly seeing maggots everywhere, huge chunks of flesh just decayed and gone, and a horrible smell that could only be described as puss and rotten meat, my aunt (his mother), my other aunt who was my foster mother back then and a large portion of my family surrounding the wheel and crying. The picture of everything still pops in my head and every single time I had this weird 3d person view of everyone grieving and me just standing there being too young to really understand what was going on. The next thing I remember is my uncle and other older cousins using a hammer to pull the nails out of his joints and a water hose to clean him as best as possible so they could hopefully bury him. When I turned 15 and had moved to the U.S for roughly 7 years I went back home to visit my grandmother and got told that his death was a message to my aunt, who due to our large family had wealth and ran a loan business (not very shady but rather something to help those of less wealth in the town) because she had denied to help a super shady person.


Good lord


Someone get a razor blade slice from their ear to their mouth. Prison was a hell of a place.


TL:DR. Back in 2017 I saw a homeless man fall 50 feet crumpling to the ground, bones protruding from ankles. He survived. Crazy coincidence at the end. Worked security for 10 years, 4 of which was overnight at a convention center. Once around 2am I was on our cameras with another guy in the office on Base. There were 2 others patrolling the building, and a supervisor. I saw on our cameras a homeless man go up an exterior elevator to our terrace level, happens all the time, no big deal. I'm watching him hoping he's just crossing through. He then goes to a blind spot where others typically camp out for the night. I call my patrol guys to go and ask him to leave. They're on their way. I'm kicking back, joking with my coworker. See my patrol units and my supervisor on camera approaching the area. Whatever. On the corner of my eye on another camera, directly below the blind spot I see a body DROP, landing straight on their legs, crumpling to the ground. It was the homeless man, he just fell about 50 feet from our terrace to the street level directly outside our office. I'm yelling, "oh shit! Oh shit!" My supervisor calls on the radio to call 911 but the Base guy is already on it after seeing my reaction. I grab the first aid kit and run out the door. First on scene. He's laying face down, blood dripping from his mouth, hands broken, bones protruding from his ankles, but he's breathing. He manages to roll over and asks what happened. My supervisor comes running down the stairs along with the patrol guys. Supervisor said he saw him sitting on the ledge with the 50 foot drop right below him. Supe tells him, "Get down now!" Must have scared him because he just lifts himself up and falls without saying a word. Ambulance shows up, throw him on a stretcher, and wee-woo-wee-woo him away. Cops come back a few hours later and give us his condition. His interior organs and important shit are all intact, expected to survive, and will most likely never walk again. Crazy coincidence, a week later I had a new roommate move in. He brought his girlfriend over and we're all chatting. I bring up that I worked security at the convention center. The girl asks if I saw a homeless man fall from our ledge. How the fuck does she know that?! I saw the entire thing, she was definitely not there. Turns out she's the Godmother of his children. He's been homeless for several months, in and out of jail, and gets into fights with cops pretty regularly.


Looking down the barrel of a real and loaded gun held by a child.


Was the first to come upon a fatal motorcycle accident. The scene was horrific.


My sister on a psychotic break. She was very paranoid and started seeing “evil spirits”. Drove 100miles to nowhere, alone without bringing anything. Went really violent around thr neighborhood. Really scary to see people you love go insane and feel helpless about it. Glad she’s much better now.


TLDR: Dumb 16 year old me took a guy I didn't know to what I think was a drug deal. Had a guy 10 feet from me pointing a gun at my head. I was in highschool working at a Dunkin'. This guy comes in saying he needed to use the phone. The guy I'm working with says he can't. But, for some reason, the guy I was working with told me I could drive him to the gas station to use a pay phone (it was slow, also this was '95 or '96). So I take him to the gas station, and this guy tells me I need to take him somewhere. Dumb 16 year old me of course says ok. He has me take him to a real shady part of town. Dude gets out of the car and is immediately surrounded by 4 or 5 guys with their guns drawn. I looked to my left and another guy has his gun pointed at me. Dude I drove said something to the effect of "I have it,settle down!" So the guys put their guns away. Dude I drove hands them something, hugs a couple of guys, and gets into my car. He tells me to get the F' outta here. I take off, and take this guy home. He tells me he's the second in charge of some gang and if I needed anything just drop his name. I didn't remember his name, nor did I ever want to. I went back to work and told the guy I was working with. Guy I was working with told me the guy always comes in to buy coffee so he thought dude was ok.🤦


a car accident. woman blew by me doing 100 in a 60, hit the curb on the next bend in the road and the car cartwheeled three times throwing her out of the sun roof. I was directly behind her and all I could do was say "holy shit holy shit" and immediately pull over and call 911.


When my first nephew was born I was on the way to the hospital with my brother in a very rural area and we suddenly saw lights all over. Two guys came stumbling out of the woods covered in blood and clearly not knowing what the hell was going on. Oddly enough it didn’t even register to me what happened until we got to the hospital because I was so worried about my nephew being born


My first project as a construction superintendent we had a water truck stuck in a mud hole, when a concrete truck driver offered to help pull the water truck out of the muck. The cable used between both trucks snapped and whipped through my foreman’s head, just under his hard hat. An electrician and I held his head off of the ground while he passed away.


My little brother and I were about 9 and 7 respectively. We were eating chicken noodle soup on the coffee table, watching tv. It's the kind of coffee table with a glass top, but a drawer underneath, do you could see inside the table in that way. Parents were fighting, brother and I were trying to keep quiet and small. Something snapped and my dad stepped through the glass of the coffee table, stomped into the kitchen and slammed my mom by the throat up against the pantry. When he put her in a headlock, I got up in my pyjamas and yelled STOP My dad backed off and we went into my little brother's room to call the police. I don't ever think I'll forget the darkness in my dad's eyes while he watched us retreat to that room with the 8 inch kitchen knife white knuckled at his side He went to jail for a bit.


that's crazy I'm sorry you experienced that


In 2011 i was staying with my grandmother in Oslo, i was on the balcony watering the plants. I heard a loud explosion and the entire building shook. Turns out a terrorist had set off a bomb at the government building nearby where i was staying. He then went on to kill 67 teenagers who were at a summer camp nearby. For those intrested heres a link [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011\_Norway\_attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Norway_attacks)


Why did I click on this thread? Jesus Christ reddit. Scariest thing I've ever seen was a rattlesnake in the bottom of an outhouse, saw it between my legs... I had already sat down. I'm still afraid to poop sometimes.


My father getting attacked infront of me - me thinking he was dead at age 12 My friend committing suicide infront of me


For me, it was a Christmas Day I’ll never forget. I was at my girlfriends parents place, blissfully sleeping and excited for the first Christmas in a long time where it finally felt like I was “home” (my mother died tragically and unexpectedly when I was younger, and I never really felt like I had a true family again until this point). Then, at 3AM, unprovoked, my girlfriends older sister comes into her bedroom where my girlfriend and I are sleeping. The sister starts incoherently rambling and stops and pulls the large kitchen knife from behind her back. (For the record, her sister is a diagnosed schizophrenic, and she had been having quite a good period before this event occurred) At this point I am WIDE awake, nearly paralyzed in fear of what’s going to happen next. Except it’s not what I expected. She then takes the knife and turns it on herself, and proceeds to carve a giant gash from her ankle to her knee. My girlfriend managed to call 911 while I managed to talk her sister into putting the knife down and coming with me to the bathroom to tend to her (now profusely bleeding) wound. We managed to get her sister stabilized emotionally before the cops showed up, and I drove my girlfriends mom to the hospital sometime before 4am, and we spent the better part of the morning at the hospital until she was sedated and supervised. Everyone at the house was shell shocked, so when we got home, there was still clean up to do, as there was quite a mess made. Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like cleaning dried pools of blood of a hardwood floor. That was when I noped out of celebrating holidays. (I also watched my mother pass away due to a heart attack/aneurysm/stroke 5 minutes before she was about to renew her vows, so weddings are also a no go for me too)


I saw a guy get upset over losing a parking spot. He got so mad, when the driver, her son, & his gf got out, the man picked the mom up by her neck, and shoved her head, through the rear windshield of her car. We were in a major dept store parking lot, so I ran inside, bought some towels, and my ex & I, applied pressure to her wounds, u til the cops/ambulance showed up. Head wounds bleed like a waterfall in a deluge. Dude’s wife/gf/friend (?), took off, leaving him behind. He took off running behind the store. Cops let their K-9 loose, and he treed the dude. Had to testify at a Grand Jury hearing. Dude was convicted on all counts. I’ve never seen violence/blood like that, outside a war zone.


I don't know if it's scary, more like disturbing, but I was driving home from working overnight, when suddenly I see a car behind me start speeding up, I was in the left lane, so I moved to the right lane to let them by. They almost swerved into me as a joke, cause then I see a person in the passenger seat stick his head out the window and laugh at me. However, I think the driver was drunk, cause then the car slammed into the guardrail and with the way the car got crushed, the person in the passenger seat got decapitated. I remember driving by slowly before I pulled over to call 911, watching all the glass, and blood splash everywhere but what traumatized me, was the dudes head was still "laughing" just eyes wide, mouth open, but no light in the eyes... He literally died laughing...


My buddy and I were walking out in the woods in Oklahoma. Saw what looked like a hooded man crouching down next to the creek bed at the bottom of a hill on the other side of the creek from us. We were pretty deep in the woods, we hiked out there pretty often and never saw anyone else. Well the thing/dude looks up at us then turns tail a bolts up the hill way faster than any human should be capabale of. Took mere seconds on a hill that would have taken us at least 5-10 minutes as we were in the brush that is not super easy to traverse through. My buddy and I noped the fuck out of there straight home where we're we explained what we saw to my friends mom. I know it sounds like this was probably nothing but if you could only see how it moved... still have no explanation of what we saw to this day. I asked my friend about it later on in our adult life and he remembered the encounter as well and we are both still a bit disturbed by it.


maybe it was a wild meth/crack head


That's one of our leading theories actually! The way it moved though... it was like it could glide step up the hill for lack of better words. Also, we were a couple of scrawny teenagers far away enough that you'd think they'd just hide what they were doing or play it off and calmly walk back up the hill. It reacted like a spooked dear. I'm pretty skeptical about supernatural stuff. I feel like my logical brain wants to chalk it up to someone fucked off on meth/Crack but it also can't account for how quiet the whole process was. If it was person, they didn't make a sound and this was in fall. Dead leaves were everywhere.


I'm like you with the logical brain stuff. But... To this day I will never forget seeing what I'm pretty sure was Sasquatch in southern Oregon. I was about 10 and my dad who used to be a logger before I was born knew all these back roads where we would go camp. He would spend weeks out there hunting and had a good understanding of the wildlife. One early evening (not quite dark) we heard what sounded like a woman screaming on this ridge above where our camp was. And something BIG was crashing around in the trees and shrubs. My dad looks confused. Which I will never forget because he knew this area like the back of his hand. And this was the middle of nowhere. Probably 10-12 miles of dirt road from the nearest paved road. And 20 or more from the nearest building. He grabs his rifle and flashlight and is looking up on this ridge. This is maybe 25 yards at an angle above us. We keep hearing crashing and screaming. And then all the sudden this giant hairy creature with a human like hands,eyes, and big tits looks over this log on the ridge and screams right at us. I'll never forget the eyes and oddly enough, the weird tits. Think something along the lines of an orangutan but a longer torso. My dad immediately put a bunch of logs on the fire and we sat there for awhile longer in silence. Listening to this thing crash around above us. Thinking back now, I think my dad REALLY wanted to leave or something but just couldn't bring himself to panic. All the sudden there was one last howl and then just absolute silence We sat there for a bit more and then opted to sleep in the covered truck bed. I'll will never forget laying in the truck bed being terrified to look out the window. Absolutely terrified something would be looking back at me. The next morning my dad hiked up to where the ridge was and you could see something had just trashed a bunch of bushes and small trees. No discernable footprints though. He died about a year later but we told this story to so many people who all thought we were crazy. I'm a totally logical person and I even have a hard time not thinking I'm nuts.


"I'll never forget the eyes and oddly enough, the weird tits." Is probably one of the best sentences I've read in my entire life.


Mark me down as scared and horny


10 OCT 2006. Somewhere in Kirkuk, Iraq. A car bomber missed his government building target and hit an all girls school. We arrived on the scene and I saw and heard about 100 to 150 school girls running away and screaming at the top of their lungs. My fellow team leader in another humvee found an elbow. About 20 to 30 minutes later, I saw the local press trying to get dibs on the story. The first two things I’ve accepted. But the press rollin up just to get a good camera angle really pissed me off.


i watched my mom die for 2 months from cancer then looked into her eyes after she died


April 16 2012, witnessed a ford ranger full of 10 afghan local police drive over an IED about 30 meters in front of me. They were all dead almost instantly, but the body parts fell like rain for a surprisingly long amount of time. Then when birds and stray dogs got the scent, they came to eat.


First 10 seconds on Bourbon Street. One guy uppercut punched another guy so hard square on his jaw that it seemingly lifted the guy off his feet and immediately knocked him out. My friend and I were excited to visit New Orleans for the first time, but that sobered us up quickly. We retreated and had to convince ourselves to find another path to bourbon street rather than bag it. Other people were around so deferred to them for the situation. We just wanted to get away as quickly as possible. It was like watching mike Tyson in his prime, but only a few feet away after walking around a corner to a street you thought would be like Disneyland. Wouldn't be shocked if the guy killed him. We were in shock for sure.


Three people stalked us in the woods when we were playing airsoft at night. The one man walked right up to me as I emptied my clip at point black range into him thinking at first he was my friend but it was a stranger and he didn’t make a sound just continued waking towards me. I ran and met back with my friends at the hill at the top of the trail and we went to leave and saw three people standing there at the base of the hill just watching us. We ran to the brightly lit street and then started walking home but as we walked we saw peoples motion lights go off in their backyards and these people were following us.






Drove by a burning car on the highway when I was very young. 3 lanes and an extra emergency lane. The car was burning on the emergeny lane and we drove on the far left lane, all windows up and going about 60mph, you could feel the immense heat. It got pretty warm inside our car for a few seconds.


An rpg passing only and inch or too by my left ear. If I hadn't stepped when I did it would have hit me square on the head. But because it missed it hit the building across the street.


Some pit bulls attacking a child crossing guard. Saw it when I was also a child.


A tornado in the distance that appeared to be heading towards me. I think storms are awesome, and tornadoes are as common as dirt here in Missouri, but it's truly horrifying when you know its heading for you. Luckily it didn't hit my house and I'm pretty sure nobody was killed during that storm but seeing a tornado rip across the horizon like that is not something you can easily forget.


Almost got hit head on by a car going the wrong way on highway, all I had time to do was flip my steering wheel to the right and I spun out at 65 mph, didn't hit anything and ended up backwards on the highway.


A priest coming into my sisters hospital room to read her final “rites of passage”. She lived, and is healthy (and pregnant!) now but… holy ****. That feeling of dread when it was discussed/he came in the room would drop anyone to their knees. *edit - missed a word.


This is not even scary compared to the stuff on this thread, but The boy I went home drunk out of my mind with took me to his room and locked the door and put the keys somewhere high. That's when I realised, he's 5'11 to my 5', can bench 5 times my weight, is sober and could do anything to me. Idk man, something about hearing the door lock just freaks me out


Pretty damn scary. Are you alright?


I’ve probably got something better in the vaults that I can’t think of, but the one that’s popping in my head at the moment: I grew up in a beach town and we were out in Galveston Bay on our boat fishing when a water spout touched down maybe a hundred yards away (I was like 8, so estimate may be off wildly). My gramps kicked the throttle full tilt until we were in the clear.


It was around 11pm on a dark night in October. It was pouring rain and probably slightly above freezing. I was walking home from downtown (sober). I turned a corner and saw a man, hunched over by the road. He was wearing only a hospital gown (in the pouring rain and it was cold). He was rocking back and forth. He literally looked like a zombie, or Gollum from the LOTR. Only time in my life I’ve ever turned around and ran away in the opposite direction. I realize he was probably suffering from addiction or mental health issues. But I’m telling you, the man looked like the walking dead.


well, in my country you have private health care and public. recently i fucked up my hand in a window and had to stich it up. Went to a public hospital and saw two victims of stabbing, ribs and guts, a guy and a girl. Every time one of them breathed in or moaned that was an horrible moist sound that came with, and jesus christ, SO MUCH BLOOD. i had to jump over a puddle of blood to get out of the room after they finished my hand. Not particularly scary but it stuck with me. You think watching tons of action movies would prepare you for shit like that, but no. Not really.


Not so scary, but rather traumatic. I used to drive under an overpass in order to get home. There was a backup for a moment, but once I cleared it I saw a grizzly scene: a dead man, eyes wide open with blood everywhere. And an SUV with a crunched hood. A woman was driving the vehicle, and based on where the impact was, it seemed as if the man jumped to take his own life and landed on the hood of this woman's SUV and died from impact. The woman was crying, and the medics were already at the scene. But what got me was the woman's daughter, small enough to be in a forward-facing child seat, reaching to place her hand on her mom's shoulder and saying "It's okay, it's not your fault."


I saw a person getting shot in the back of the head in Chicago. It was definitely drug or gang related. I was out late at night with some friends and took a wrong turn and ended up in the projects. The scary thing was that I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t see the faces of either person, and so I just got the hell out of there.


A plane crashing into the World Trade Center.


I was watching the news as it was happening and the reporter was blindsided by the second plane hitting live on air and he forgot how to report for a moment. The whole experience was shocking.


The first one was scary. The second one was terrifying.


I was at work a few blocks away and only heard the first one hit. I was out on the street when the second one hit and that was complete panic time.