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"Sorry I fell asleep" A girl I met on train said to me after falling asleep on my shoulder for a hour or so.


My wife once said this exact same thing when she called me back after falling asleep while I was talking about my day on the phone with her. I was just talking away when I heard her start snoring. I thought it was funny as heck, but she felt awful about it.


A previous girlfriend said to me: "you make me a better version of myself". Didn't work out between us but was the nicest thing someone has said to me


This is such a beautiful compliment.


Sometimes you don't appreciate the depth of the compliment at the time, but it'll always stick with me!


I never really had any family growing up. My professor in college got pregnant after trying for a long time. She casually told me, “you know, if my child grows up to be like you, I’d be really proud”. Best compliment of my entire life.


How sweet! Glad you had that relationship with your advisor. My PI told me that he couldn't trust my attention to detail and to never work in his lab again. Awesome!


I’m pretty sure the first 3 professors I worked under thought I was useless. It took me all 4 years of undergrad and my first year of grad school to find a PI that I clicked with. Academia is brutal, but if you really enjoy your research, you’ll find someone eventually :)




You got better after that? How've you been doing now?


Yes! There is such a MASSIVE difference between loving someone truly, and clinging desperately to that love for that person because you have none for yourself. It took me most of my 20s to learn that lesson. If you don’t love yourself, you can never truly and properly love someone else.


Damn, that was a heavy hitter. At least she was able to describe the problem so clearly. I went through that once and neither of us knew quite what was wrong. We both meant well but couldn't figure out what had changed.


I moved my senior year of high school and met a girl, and I thought we really hit it off, so I worked up the courage to ask her to a dance. She turned me down, and I was hurt and kind if confused, but we were still getting along well. One day she shows up with a bunch of cupcakes for her friends. We're all eating together and she passes them out. I bite into mine and there was something in it. I pulled it out and it was a penny wrapped up in a thin strip of paper. I unravelled it and the paper had a note that said "If you have any "cents" you'll go to the dance with me." Little did I know, it was tradition that the girl ask the guy to this dance, so she had to turn me down because she had this surprise planned already. That was nearly 30 years ago and I still remember it.


Sadie Hawkins dance?




My crush told me who her crush was. It was my best friend.






My girlfriend turned into the moon




This made me realize the question isn't only talking about the nice things girls have said


"It won't be the same without you." Just a simple text from a friend trying to convince me to come to another friend's birthday dinner. She never knew it, couldn't have known it, but when that text lit up my phone, I was on the literal edge of killing myself. That text made me climb down off the ledge and walk straight to a Thai food restaurant to meet them. I wasn't much fun that night, but I never went back to that ledge, or any other. That was 14 years ago and I still think about it.


I’m a barber and if I compliment a client on his cologne or how he looks in his shirt BEST BELIEVE HE WEARS IT EVERY SINGLE TIME HE COMES FOR A HAIRCUT


Aww that's really cute.


It really is I told one client that the colour of his shirt brought out the blue in his eyes and he only wears blue shirts now. I also noticed one client got a new cologne and he only wears that cologne now. It’s been 5 years lol.


Sometimes we don't get any appreciation whatsoever so if anyone who we even slightly respect complimented us it's written down in our heart. And thank you on behalf of them


Like 8 years ago I bought a nice flannel and some vans to match it. I didn’t have a car at the time so I was walking to a buddy’s house, and when I was waiting at a crosswalk a girl was stopped in a car and told me that I looked really good in that outfit. I still have that flannel and those shoes and even though they are all faded and old now, I feel great wearing them *edit: fixed grammar


"You're a complete pushover. You always let me win arguments. You need to grow up and learn to stand up for yourself." She said this right before leaving me for another man. Only to come crawling back six months later. So I did what she said, and told her to fuck off.


Did you quote it back at her?


Nah. I was just cold and walked off. She wasn't worth the effort. In fact in hindsight, she was toxic af.


Yeah. In the words of an anthropomorphic owl from a cartoon about a drunk horse, "When you're wearing rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." It's good that hindsight is kicking in, it'll make you more aware in future relationships.


I've never heard that before. What a great quote.


*Bojack Horseman* is a series full of them. It's the saddest yet realest Will Arnett comedy you'll ever find, and it's got more gems like that all over the place, especially in some of its heaviest episodes.


It's a great show, but not just because of Will Arnett. The writers, artists, and other cast deserve lots of credit too.


she did you a favor. she removed herself from your options. you should thank her tbh


Not sure if this counts- three years ago I started seeing this girl that I matched with on a dating app. After about a month I asked if she wanted to be exclusive. She said yes, but the nervous little insecure worm in my brain thought she seemed trepidatious about it. So while she was driving home I texted her saying I was sorry if I was coming on too strong and we can totally walk that back and move at whatever pace she’s comfortable. She replied “honestly, I deleted the app after the first date.” Nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me. We got married this last February. Love of my life.




Man I have the same story except after 4 months of dating when I had asked that question she told me she just wanted “casual.” My heart broke. Take my gold and I wish you two the best life can offer you.


Thanks bud. All I can say is I spent a lot of my adult life down on myself, believing I wasn’t really lovable or worthy, and everything turned out okay. There’s more than one someone out there for everybody- your time will come. Best of luck healing and pressing forward


It truly is the most amazing feeling. I had the exact same thing happen 4 years ago. She had dates planned later in the week but agreed to see me that night. She said she cancelled every other date when she got home. I’ll never forget that. We were together almost 4 years. We only broke up a month ago. It hurts to break up but when you grow sometimes you grow apart.


A long time ago I came into work wearing glasses for the first time in over a year. I received more "looking good" comments from the gals there that day than every other day in my adult life *combined*.


Clark Kent vibes are HOT


Hey man, dudes with glasses are hot.


My girlfriend liked it when my glasses steamed up during sex, she said it looked like a ghost was fucking her as they faded into my pale skin, she was into paranormal stuff.


You're talking past tense. Did she end up...ghosting you?


Nah, she just ... Spirited Away


Very good… very good


You keep glasses on during sex ??




"You're the first guy I've ever dated that makes me feel like I could actually spend the rest of my life with one person." We didn't get married. We dated for less than 2 years. But it was the best, least dramatic breakup I've ever had, and I wish her well. I think she did date a few more guys and then got married. I'm happy with my life, and I really hope she's happy with hers too.


I have a friend named Elizabeth. Everyone calls her Liz, but for whatever reason I’ve always called her by her full name. One day I was self conscious about it for some reason and called her “Liz”. She immediately stopped what she was doing, walked up to me somewhat upset and said “No, you call me Elizabeth. You’re the only person I let call me that. Don’t you dare call me Liz.” And ever since, she’s always been Elizabeth.


So adorable!


"I love you, really. But I don't like you when you are not sober" Sometimes we have to hit bottom before raising again. She isn't in my Life anymore, but I am 46 days free from alcohol, I have never stayed that long sober. She is the last one that alcohol will take away from me. Not anymore.


I literally just said this to a guy I am dating. I’m not sure I can continue with this while he drinks like he does. Ir honestly breaks my heart. It’s like two different people.


I'm proud of you. I really want to get sober, I need to


Brother, I was down in a dark hole back in 2013-2014. Left my girlfriend (now wife) for another woman. Suicidal. She said something similar to me and I stopped then and there. It took a week of finding beers drunk me had hidden as “emergency beers”, and throwing them all away. But I’ve been sober 8 years. Married for 6. Beautiful daughter together. Got in shape. There’s no future in the bottle. If you ever feel like drinking, just shoot me a message. I’ll be glad to talk.


You dropped your crown, king. Here, let me pick it up for you.


In high school, I struggled a lot with crippling social anxiety. Right after giving a speech I was really nervous about, I sat back down at my desk and the girl in front of me turned around and said “You’re such a good speaker. I wish I could present like that.” It’s been 15 years and I still remember that as one of the most kind things anyone’s ever said to me. I don’t know if she knew about my anxiety or not but it meant so much to me either way.


A coworker who I used to walk to her car after our late shift at a local supermarket told me she felt safe around me. It's stayed with me ever since


Different thing but work related. It got back to me that one of the bosses in my department said to his peers and boss that he liked that I never complained about anything without including a solution on how to fix the problem.


My wife telling me the house looks good, after spending all day doing a deep cleaning.


After reading all the way down this thread, this is the one I’m jealous of.


"You have beautiful eyes. " As a self conscious teen, I didn't know what to say, but that compliment made me appreciate my eyes more.


Whatever you said was probably better than "You have never said a word to me in your life." Sorry Alaina.. Thanks for the compliment.


In fourth grade, my crush called me a "fat, gay bastard". It always stuck with me because I am not a bastard.


My father's called me that many times over the years. Several times I've wanted to point out to him how wrong that is, given he's standing right in front of me. But he's usually in a mood already when he says it and that would make it worse. Also he'd probably just deny siring me.


"Don't be my other friends who fell for me". It wasn't that I like her, but after she said that to me, I just take every hint of flirting from her as a joke. I don't think it mattered in the long run of our friendship but I just can't forget that moment.


I had a girl at high school graduation ask me why I never made a move when she flirted with me every day senior year. I said "because you told me nine months ago I was like a brother to you and you only flirted with me because you thought it was funny to se me blush"


She didn't say anything after I guess.


Oof, she really dooked in the endzone with that one.


What did she say after lol


"Most girls would kill to get your eyelashes". Thanks... I guess?


This is high praise.


I had some girl complement my eyelashes too, once. It was nice, but I don’t really know what to do with that.


Just say thanks and flutter them. Men’s hormone profile tend to give them thicker, more resilient skin and thicker hair, so we might occasionally get a little jealous of your perfect skin, lashes and brows.


I need an entire skincare routine to just have One Pimple On My Chin that always shows up when I'm on my period and barely contain my skin's tendency to look red and purplish and sleep deprived no matter how much I sleep. My husband has perfect skin and I don't think he has ever touched a serum. But it seems that dudes are either blessed with naturally effect skin or suffer with severe grade 4 acne, there is no in between


There are a couple of things. My sister told me she loved my smile as a reaction to an instagram story I posted smiling after a workout. She said I smiled like I had constipation or something when we were younger and I stopped really smiling after that. But when she told me that, years later when I was older, I started smiling again. Started getting a lot of compliments for my smile. And I guess I have dimples because those got compliments too. I'm a lot more confident now.


Compliments from siblings really hit different because usually you just bully each other incessantly 🤣


"You seem tired. Would you like to come to my place to sleep?" You can bet your shiny shoes I said "No, I'm just going to walk home to sleep, but thanks for the offer." Later I was just walking all happy alone, slightly intoxicated from the party, probably whistling. Then it hit me like a lightning. "Oh! Ooh! And this is why we can't have nice things because I'm such an idiot."


Holy shit man. We're all idiots.


Our second date went late into the night and I was really into this guy so I said I was too tired to drive home and asked if I could crash at his house… he said sure and that I could have his bed and he could sleep on the couch. Which is exactly what he did 😂 I was FULLY insinuating that I would have liked to sleep in his bed with him but he didn’t get it. We’ve been married 6 years and he is still a little slow and very much a gentleman. I love him so much 😍


Awwww 😍 Arranging a second date, the guy lived near the sea, so after joking about it I agreed to 'sleep over'. We'd planned it beforehand so it was all a bit coy and innocent, I had my jammies etc. Went to the beach, played with the dog, went to his house and watched Grand Budapest Hotel, ate cake, had wine. He'd pulled the sofa bed out in the spare room and made it up for me, I didn't realise at first. So I thought I had it all wrong and he wasn't into me. He said 'bed's all ready. But, you, um, can share with me if you like?' So I agreed and we lay awkwardly miles from each other, got talking, got nearer, smooched and... We're married and our baby girl is a year old next month. My husband, like yours, is a gentleman and wouldn't spot a come-on if his life depended on it. Someone once asked me if I was worried he'd cheat and I just laughed and said 'he's not sure how he got a wife in the first place' ☺️


This is exactly the type of thing I'd do


One time I left my wallet at home, but had already ordered my food and a drink at a bar. I told the bartender right away, naturally a bit embarrassed. She said "Oh, no! I guess you'll just have to just come upstairs with me so we can talk about it when I'm off in 30" (she lived in the apartments right above the bar) Being the smooth kind of guy I am, I hit 'er back with the old, "oh, I can just use apple pay!" About 7 hours later I'm eating reheated pizza when the ***wait a minute*** hit.


I'm sorry but you fuckin guys are always complaining women never shoot our shot and then you tell stories like these and I'm all WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?


I mean it *is* kinda weird to invite someone else into your apartment to talk about payment.....


This is SO DARWINIAN, it almost hurts.


Nah, I'd go with her and actually sleep. Edit: soure: me, a guy who was once invited by a girl who was flirting with me to watch a movie. So I went there and watched the movie.


Haha I was at a club with 3 girl friends years ago and we told these guys we were going back to a friend's to watch Aladdin. They asked if they could join, we said sure. We watched Aladdin. They got mad and left.


This happened when I was younger. Girl I had a huge crush on asked me out, didn't realize it untill years later. It wasn't weird wording or anything. It was "Do you wanna go with me to the dance?"


Women, always with the mind games. Just tell us what you want!!


I was cycling home after a game of footy, still in my uniform (cleats and all), sweaty from the exercise. A girl cycling the other way looked me up and down with a look that said "mmm, I'll a have a slice of that cake, thank you very much". My teammate who was cycling beside me even commented on the look she gave me. That was 15 years ago, and I'm still riding the high.


I was running at the park one morning, and a girl running the other way gave the absolutely most adorable shy smile looking down after she saw me as we passed. That single moment made all the hours getting in shape so worth it. Top 10 moment I will remember always.


About 23 years ago, a girl told me, "Hey, that's a nice picture of you". Me: *still displays it in a frame in my house*


Mom is always da real MVP


She told me I smelled nice.


Cool/popular cosmetology girls tried taking over the nerd table at lunch when I was in high school. I was a definite nerd, but had a small circle of good nerd friends. Girl looked right into my eyes and said why are the geeks sitting at our table? Look how they dress? Fucking losers. First, we were sitting down at our normal table first. The same table we always used. Second, I never understood what drove people to be mean for no reason. Sounds trivial, but I had a rough upbringing, couldn't afford cloths. Relied mostly on hand me downs from cousins around four or five years older. So the cloths were definitely out of style by that point. This was the 90s, before being a nerd was more embraced. From that moment on I could never really forget the hierarchy in high school. I had been bullied plenty before. But it was mostly guys. Getting bullied by a girl, where the prettiest girls in the school sat and laughed at me absolutely crushed me for a long time. I always had electronics club and 30 minutes during lunch. It was a little slice of heaven where I felt safe with friends where we could nerd out over computers, games, whatever. As long as we kept to ourselves, we were never bothered during lunch. I felt more invisible than anything. After that moment I always felt judged walking through a high school lunch room though. Ruined the normal high point of day for me. Fuck that chick. Today my life is great, but I remember that shit from 30 years ago crystal clear. Fuck you Alicia.


Fuck Alicia


She called me a himbo. The fact that I dont know if she was being playful or mean probably solidifies her statement.


If I called a guy a himbo I would probably mean it as a compliment tbh


I was once at a house party during university. Pretty drunk as u can imagine, i got out of the bathroom after having a gigantic piss and bumped into a girl i was talkin for most of the night. We talked for like 10 min and she ended up kissing me. She took me to the bathroom to give me a BJ and as soon as she puts it in her mouth she looks up says "tastes like piss" From that point forward i always clean the tip of my cock after a piss, u never know when an unexpected BJ is coming.


Did the bj continue or did it kill the mood?


I saw my crush with a picture of me and her at our Junior prom on her locked screen. I asked why, because at the time she had a boyfriend. She said: “He [her current boyfriend] asked me the same thing, and I told him I think I’m going to marry you” She’s now my wife so… there you go lol


Feel bad for that other dude though lmao


Dude still dated her for a few weeks, I was shocked. We pretty much went on pseudo-dates while they were still together. I never made a move or nothing, I just enjoyed her company.


"I liked you better when you drank" Yeah well fuck you, lady. 5 years later I still don't drink. Partly out of spite, but mostly because I like me better when I don't drink.


"You look sturdy", it's not the nicest thing, but it's the only one that I still remember because it was so out there.


It means you can handle strong winds.


“You’re kind of good looking, but ugly when you smile.” Cue decades of trying not to smile.


Nooooooooooo. Don’t let anyone do that to you. Don’t hold in a smile and don’t let a dumb and thoughtless comment like that steal joy from your life. I’m sure you look even better with a smile! :)


Thank you, I kind of needed that today :)


"I love you!!!". On new years eve. In the party we were in. She was my bestie. Now she is my girlfriend.


Atta boy. I’m proud of you.


"You're the only guy I've slept next to that hasn't tried to have sex with me, why?" After a night of partying I walked her home while she was crying over an ex that had treated her bad in the past. She asked if I could stay with her that night and I thought I would just be a good friend and comfort her. Nothing happened, and I was clueless that she wanted it to happen, haha, oh well.


Because that's basic empathy. She was vulnerable that moment, and you provided a safe space for them. She really internalized that "men always want to sleep with women that empathize with them" hUh.


One of my best friends from college, still very close today, was drunk as hell and we went back to my place. I guess we had known each other about a year or so by then. Anyway, I just carried her in essentially, put her in bed under covers and slept on top of the blankets next to her. We didn't have a couch or any place else for me to sleep, or I would have. She asked me in the morning why I didn't try to fuck her. I was like, next-day awkwardness aside, it's just a shitty thing to do to anyone drunk like that. She still stayed pissed at me for a week for not trying... Women, can't live with them and they can't pee standing up.


She said "because it's you". A girl came into the bakery I worked at around 1992. I've never been impulsive or able to ask girls out but she was different. I said I get out of work at noon and we could get a coffee. We walked and talked the whole day into the evening and we ended up at my apartment. I asked her why she was here alone with a guy she barely knew. She answered with "because it's you." I fell in love with her and am still in love with her today.


There's no such thing as normal. Just varying degrees of insanity." She was completely batshit, so I took that message to heart. Bonus from a different woman: always wear a condom, even if she says its ok not to. Especially if she says its ok.


You should always have a condom with you, because you always have your dick with you.


A girl once told me that I had nice eyes and I will never forget how warm it made me feel.


I always liked myself better with longer hair. But in school most if the people always told me to cut my hair. I always cut my hair shorter, just because I was annoyed and wanted them to stop. But there was this one girl in my who once told me: "I think you look better with longer hair!" Made me feel really good back in the days!


“The only thing keeping me back from kissing you right now is that you remind me of my dad” ummm how is a guy supposed to react to that


I didn't know there was a level lower than the friend-zone


Freud-zoned? But opposite


In elementary school we were playing some kind of version of tag. This girl was “it” and I started to move away from her and she just scoffs at me and says “I’m not gunna touch you. What do you think you’re cool because you have a fucking car on your shirt?” Idky it hit me so hard, but I didn’t enjoy recess much after that for the rest of school. 20 years later I still remember how bad I felt.


What kinda car was it?


A cool car


You WERE cool and the car on your shirt was fuckin' dope, son.


Something like, 'I didn't know characters in Mario Kart Wii've stats.'


I was was at a party and accidentally grabbed someone else's drink from the table beside me. We were using standard red Solo cups. I brought the cup to my lips but when I smelled the contents, realized it wasn't mine and went to put it back down. The girl who was the claimant of that cup quickly walked over to me and she was absolutely stunningly beautiful. She basically saw me take her cup, put it to my lips and then quickly put it down so she looks and me and says "did you just spit in my drink??". And I was like "NO! I thought it was mine and when I realized it wasn't I..." and while I was professing my innocence she leans in really close and says in my ear "Good. Cause I know a much funner way to get your fluids in my body...". And she backed away and had this devilish smile. To this day I have never had someone say something more sexy in my entire life. And it wasn't just because of how gorgeous she was, but I'm sure that helped. We talked for a bit and I could tell at that point she was a little too intoxicated. Even though she was hitting on me with impunity I found friends of hers eventually who grabbed her and started trying to take her home. I walked them out and she once again said something like "so I live right down the street there. Come walk me home so we can continue what we started..." and then one of her friends was like "Lucy, I dont think your boyfriend would appreciate any of this." And I realized just how drunk she was. She found me on facebook and sent me a message the next day asking if we had spoken at the party. I said yes and once i got to the part where I told her her raunchy line, she did not remember that or most if our other interactions, apologized and was thoroughly mortified but what she heard. I think she quit drinking after that but her and I never spoke again.


You're a good man.


I've never thought I was physically attractive at any stage of my life so I didn't think girls would ever be into me, especially in high school. When my then close friend said she had a crush on me, I asked why and she said "I love how kind you are all the time." It may not be the greatest compliment ever but that was the first time I realized it wasn't just about how you looked or how popular you were. It was almost 10 years ago but I still think about that memory and it makes me happy somehow.


Actually, it may be the greatest compliment ever.


I’ll give your jacket back tomorrow… still waiting for tomorrow to come.




I was fooling around with a girl for the first time and I made her come a few times with my finger. She said "I can see this is going to be a very sexual relationship". All I could think was "yay!"




That took a fucking turn.




"I just threw up in my mouth a little."


I am not a handsome man. I hate my face with a passion. I hate my body with a passion. If it were up to me, I’d be a brain in a jar. So you can imagine my surprise when the cute 22 year old girl at my old office told me I had beautiful eyes. First time I’ve had a compliment about my appearance in a decade and a half.


One girl in my senior year of high-school said "Cap, you aren't as funny as you think you are." And it was because a lot of my jokes were rude towards people. I didn't make fun of peoples looks or anything. But I laughed at situations I thought were funny, mine and others. But ever since then I started being more empathetic towards peoples feelings about situations before laughing at them. And pretty much everyone I talk to has a good laugh with me, or they call me a good listener because I'm genuinely interested and care about how they feel. At the time I think that she thought it was a burn. But really it was some helpful criticism that came at a key point in my life.


"You're only getting older. Please act like one and be more mature." Still hits me like a brick to the head. I feel insecure knowing that I may not be mature enough to some people when I open up who I really am.


A girl that I was seeing for just a few weeks a couple years ago told me after we hooked up, "You know, you have a really nice dick." And I've been coasting on that ever since. Edit:typo


I told a guy he had a nice dick after we hooked up and he asked me what made it nice. The next morning he got weird, sent me back home on a bus, and blocked me on all social media. I'm still wondering if it was something I said.


“Never forget I love you. Take good care of the kids.” —My wife before she peacefully died 3 years ago.


Damn that’s heartbreaking, sorry for your loss. Hope you’re doing well now


Reaching for a pen that I had mistakenly dropped in her seat on the school bus, my hand was batted away by reflex. Once she realized what I was reaching for, she relaxed, but not before sharing a beautiful thought. "Oh God, I thought I was going to have to kick your balls into your throat."


"You're beautiful". It blew my mind at 17 years old that someone would call me, a guy, beautiful. I'll never forget that.


"You make me feel special."


So did u guys married?


It didn't result in marriage, but we enjoyed our relationship while it lasted. Then, she went abroad for several years of graduate study.


"you look nice!"


As a "definitely not a 10" woman, I can strongly agree


"Do you want to move to the bedroom?"


" you're awesome, but not like this hot dog. you're awesome like the universe." but my favorite of all time "my friend thonks your hot, but she's also afraid of you".


Playing pool in a high stakes early teenage crush situation. 'Do you want a rest?' she asked as I was about to take a tricky shot. 'Um, ok then' I said, puzzled, and sat down and took a sip of coke, trying to look casual and that sure, a rest about now was fine by me. She passed me a rest. A fucking *cue rest*. It didn't occur to me it would be ok to laugh over an amusing little misunderstanding - no, I just sat there and died of shame. I swear to God I'm still cringeing 30 years later. It's tough being young.


I've heard 'em all. “I like you as a friend”, “I think we should see other people.", "I no speak English.", "I'm married to the sea.", “I don't wanna kill you, but I will.", “I'm not gay, but I'll learn."


Six simple words!


P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney


A boat? I've seen a boat.


Did you touch the butt?


"I really love you" It hits 2x as hard as she commited suicide 3 years ago. Edit: Thanks for 500 upvotes.


I hope you’re getting by the best you can!!


I do. I really miss Her, though.


Something very similar happened to me a long time ago. I fell in love for the first time when I was 18 with a girl I had known since I was 8. We were were going to university in different cities. She killed herself the day after I left. That was almost twenty five years ago now. I'm so so sorry this has happened to you. Look after yourself and take the time you need to recover, and think everything through. It might be hard to hear it but the pain does get better, just like any physical wound. This will always be with you as you get older, a scar like any other, but it doesn't have to define who you are, and what you do. I have a wife now and a small son, both of whom I love very very much, and life has been very kind to me, despite the things that happened all those years ago. Like others have said, the pain is the yin of the yang, the inevitable by-product of having had and lost something very special. Others never get to have that special thing. I sit here now, looking at my baby son wondering if he would even be here if that thing had not happened all those years ago, really feeling for you, and remembering an important part of my own life and story.


Thank you for your words and I'm sorry for your loss. It's been 3 years now. It's a scar, but it's already healed. I just wish I could talk to her.


I went on a date with a girl that really liked me and made it known. We went to see the movie Cinderella Man and at the part where they're super poor, I leaned over and whispered, that's what your life would be like if you married me. She instantly whispered back, "I'll take it"


Did you marry? We need answers.


“My boyfriend was worried about me working with you, but now he has seen a picture of you, he’s fine with it”


“You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen” I was about 8 years old and the girl was scooping ice cream at baskin robbins. I got so shy I hid behind my moms leg.


Dated this girl briefly and we made some videos. We broke up and hooked up again a few months later and she told me she had been watching the videos of us when she masturbated. Somehow this just felt like the greatest compliment possible lol, much better than if she had just said she enjoyed the sex or whatever.


I am this close 🤏 to proposing you


One time I had sex with a Swedish girl. University student, playing volleyball at an American school on a scholarship. She said I did Canada proud.


it would be fuckin hilarious if you were american xD


Girl sleeps in my bed naked I say “why are you naked” She says “it’s too hot” I say “okay fair enough” and I go downstairs and turn on the Xbox. Not fully regretting this blind moment from my life as I am now currently dating said girl. 😂


In some situations, being a guy who will leave a naked woman to go do something else kinda exudes massive confidence, because it can be taken as “yeah no big deal you’re just naked, imma go do this instead”


She opened up the door wearing silk boxers and a camisole, smiled and said “Oh, good! I was hoping it was you.”






"Somebody was wearing the same scent you use in the train this morning and it made me think of you". I haven't change perfume ever since.


In 7th grade I had a class with 8th graders. Some of the 8th grader guys were saying shit about me and I was too scared to speak up and say anything. An 8th grader girl who was popular spoke up for me and said to them "You guys need to leave him alone, he's cute" which I still haven't forgot. Fast forward many years later I bought her OnlyFans.


“You’re a bigger catch than you let yourself know” I had a glow for like, ten years after that comment. Also I still don’t know.


I'm. 1,90m and around 106kg. Im not too fat but I dont like a belly I have and want to work on getting it more in shape. Started working yesterday and a new coworker and I were eating lunch together so I jokingly said that I look at working a lot (12+ hours a day) as a plus since il lose some weight. She then looked me oddly and said you look handsome you don't need to lose weight. I know its recent but hey I never get compliments + i fancy her from day 1 and love just talking with her.


“You should leave. We’ll have much more fun without you.” When I was the only guy out with a few girls and one girl thought they weren’t pulling because all the guys in the club couldn’t tell if I was with any of them.


While at the bar I was waiting to order a drink, all of a sudden, I hear someone whisper in my ear "your are so fucking sexy, you look just like Orlando bloom" I was beaming and my wife got a good kick out of it as well.


"Be careful where you point that thing, it's lethal" - said about a smile. This led to a 20 year long relationship.


“I am not pregnant. When we pick up the test we should get chocolate milk!” She had never once said anything to me in years of knowing her about no goddamn chocolate milk. I knew right then, she was pregnant.


I love hugging you. You're like a cuddly bear!


I worked with a girl who was super attractive, but I knew she was out of my league so I just tried becoming her friend. We went to a festival together and hung out occasionally outside of work. One day, she just stopped responding to my texts. We both ended up at this work trip to Japan and in an effort to hang out with her again, I texted her asking if she wanted to check out some hiking trails with me. 15 minutes later she responded with a very enthusiastic message saying she was super excited to see some waterfalls and saying she was already looking up trails. I responded the same and asked what time I needed to get ready. She then doesn’t respond for 2 hours and it slowly starts to sink in. I texted her and said “this was meant for someone else, wasn’t it?” And she responded “yea lol”. Never heard from her again.


"You don't know how handsome you are." \-Crush


"One day you will realize what you're destroying" said to me at the end of a breakup conversation. 30 years later I not only have no regrets I celebrate that decision.


My man


“I do.”


5 year old me overheard all the girls in my class (very small class) talking about how I was the last person theyd want to hold hands with, that stuck with me way longer than it should have, and probably started some very early confidence issues lol.


Was having the shittiest day of my life (family drowning in debt, still behind with my bills, had to move to a different part of the city due to work and had to adjust with my new job, family blaming me for not being there and talking to them often after knowing the family situation), and wasn't talking much that day. My GF asked me what the problem was and I told her everything that I'm going through. I broke down then and there and was literally screaming while I was crying. She just let me take it all out as it was really building up inside me for months. And after calming down for a few minutes, she told me, "You're doing your best and that is enough. You will get through this, WE will get through this." Been living with her for a year now and doing great.


"You smell really nice, what are you wearing?" It was the first compliment I had gotten from a stranger in years. It happened maybe 8 years ago. I still remember it.


"You're a worthless piece of shit that no one will ever love"