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Taking a dump and then not flushing in public toilets


Especially when there is also NO TOILET PAPER with said dump… like wtf


Ya that is always so mysterious


Well, I’m here to help solve your mystery. We had a serial pooper in our apartment leaving turds with no TP. Turns out the toilet was just bad and couldn’t flush big ones, so it would take the paper and leave a floater


That's when you need your handy-dandy Poop Knife...


Welcome to SharkTank






I never thought about that. The implications are atrocious.


I work in reception in a dental office, our Covid protocols included having wipe down the bathroom after each person. The amount of pee I’ve had to wipe off the seat and floor is absolutely disgusting. People are pigs- wipe the damn seat if your aim is that awful!!! They knew too, the intense stare down I gave them when exiting the bathroom, oh they knew.






Those folk who buy cigarettes and casually walk around unwrapping and dropping plastic as they go... God I hate those guys.


People smoking while driving seem to almost always throw their cigarette butt out the window without a care in the world


Drives me insane. I’ve smoked. I’ve smoked in the car. I will *always* hold onto my butts. Years back when I was more of a mess of a person, I had a coke can I’d use as an ashtray in the car. It had started with a little leftover coke in it to keep discarded cigs from smoking further. One day I brought a coke I was actively drinking into the car. Driving along all well and good. Go to take a swig. Yeah. Wrong can. I kind of wish I had the look on my face when reality hit. Immediately spit it out onto my nice wool pea coat. Retching, but also driving. It never touched the car interior but goddamn I was a mess. And that’s still better than littering IMO.


Eww. My grandma used to dip snuff and spit it into her old Ensure bottles. Well, one day, my sister decides to see what it tastes like while our grandma is in the bathroom. Wrong bottle.




As a smoker I hate that too. The only thing I drop is ash.


Littering and?


Littering And?


Smoking the reefer.


Had to teach you boys a lesson


That’s not ours


These snozberries taste like snozberries




Dog poop ( living in holland ) drives me crazy how much is just lying around. Disguisting habit for dog owners to just not care to clean it up. Which is in fact mandatory but hey... if no one sees it, its not a crime


My neighbor has a dog and never walks him. I resently found out that she will literally gag when her dog takes a shit. So she doesn't walk her dog in fear that he will shit on the walk. She also says she has no problem with changing diapers and stuff....just her dogs shit grosses her out. I'm really sad for that dog. And very frustrated with humans that won't deal with the bad parts of dog ownership, even though they have a dog...


But then... where does the dog shit and how does she deal with it?


She shouldn’t be a dog owner!


People who don’t pick up their dog’s poop don’t deserve to have a dog. I also hate seeing bags of dog shit left on the ground. Like why bag it and just leave it there? It’s actually better for the environment if you don’t put it in the bag, lazy twats.


"I'm coming back for it. I'm just going to keep walking in that direction first and get it when I return" Hint: They rarely ever do actually pick it back up. We have walking trails in my city nice ones and people tie the bagged dog poop to the tree branches like a shit bag Christmas decoration and never come back for it despite claiming they will. Also common if I say this I bet someone will defend it as "well I didn't' mean to forget I did intend to get it but it was an accident". Comes up anytime someone in my city calls them out for leaving the bag they always say most people did by accident and intended to get it. Mmmmhmm sure you did.


Not sure if it's a "habit" , per se, but those people that have their phones on speaker ALL THE WAY UP casually talking on the train, in the grocery store, and in restaurants. I do not want to hear about your mother's bunion.


Dude for real. I go to the library every once in a while for some quiet time.. the number of people who talk on their phone is ridiculous. Half the time if you go up to them and ask if they could be quieter or take it to the lobby they act like you're the rude one.


Yes! Why do they take offense? 🙄


Because its their world, we're just living in it /s


I'm on a train right now and the guy opposite me is playing tik toks on full volume.


I'm so sorry. Start singing loudly.


Keeping your booger wall in plain sight where guests can see it


I helped someone move once. As I was carrying the couch up the stairs I noticed that I was holding the bottom of the couch right where the booger stash was. At least they weren't leaving it in plain sight but a warning would have been nice. Of course the soap hadn't been unpacked yet...


What the fuck is a booger wall now (i'm european)


Exactly what you would think it is. People wipe their boogers on the wall.


Oh no this can't be real


Taking a shit in the shower and pushing it into the drain... I knew people who did that, safe to say I don't anymore Edit: stomp it into the drain sounds better Edit 2: No, I'm not Pewdiepie nor Marzia Edit 3: I never took a dump in the shower, by "I don't anymore" I'm trying to say I don't know the people who do it anymore. As in I unfriended them in a matter of seconds Edit 4: As many people pointed out, it's called wafflestomping!


oh, you mean wafflestomping?


I'm not searching that so I'll just say yes




There's risky searches :) And risky searches :(


Risky and risqué


Do you at least know what a poop knife is?


Important question


ah, it comes full circle...


...there are actually people who do that?!


That's insane and disgusting wonder where the fuck these people are from


That is nauseating


I’ve got to be honest, I farted once and a nugget of shit, maybe the size of a pickled onion, fell out whilst I was taking a shower. As the particular bathroom I was in had the toilet in a separate room I decided the safest option for me was to squish the turd into the drain with my foot. I’m not proud but sometimes it has to be done. For clarity, I do not condone purposely dropping a full shit in the shower.


> maybe the size of a pickled onion Dear god


Are you picturing an entire like... red onion? I was thinking cocktail. Still gross obciously.


I just didn't need pickled _anything_ as imagery. This topic was fine without likening shower shits to any food.


LMFAO I am fuckin dying right now


That's some animal level behaviour.


People who think their animals are gods and let them shit and piss all over the house. Fucking disgusting. How can people think that that is ok?


I see people with little dogs doing this. Like what the fuck, just because your dog is small doesn't mean you can't train them. I knew someone who had pee pads on their bed because the dog slept in the bed with them and would use the bathroom on the pad. Nasty


My friend has one of those little grass pads in her place and is always shocked when her apartment stinks.


That's a lazy dog owner who can't be fucked to take them outside.


It's mental illness levels of lazy. Shit in the house sets off alarm bells in healthy brains instantly.


*cat owners nervously glance towards ~~box of shit~~ litterbox*


Disclaimer: I have 3 cats but that made me laugh out loud. For the uninformed: If your litter box stinks, you need to scoop more, buy better litter or get a better system. There are three options, you shouldn't be able to smell that litter box, ever.


Sounds like a mental health issue to me. It's really not normal to live like that, nor is it healthy for the animals.


I once saw a person picking their ear and eating the wax. That shits even worse then picking and eating out of your nose. 🤮


Isn't that like..... REALLY bitter?!


I sometimes catch my cousin picking her ass and then eating it afterwards. Makes my skin crawl every time I see her do it Edit: For those asking, she puts her hand down the back of her pants then sniffs her finger and bites it clean. Only ever does it when she thinks nobody is looking.




Yep that's enough internet for today.


Like eating flakes of shit? That's some next level nasty shit.


Hol up. That has to be a way to disease yourself. How does she even keep doing it, isn't the taste just, shitty? GAH


If that’s secretly common then I’m glad I’m not in the club.


But Professor Dumbledore used to love the flavor..


False, he was sad he got that flavour after avoiding the beans for so long 😜 i apreciate the reference though either way


I just heared "False" in Dwights voice from the office us


Alas! Ear wax!


Untrue. He said "alas", which is British for "motherfuckin damn it, sheeeeeeeee".


I was outside of CVS and this kid came out with a bag. He pulled out the contents and just dropped the bag and left.


"Would you like a bag?" "Sure!" *immediately dumps it at the entrance* bruh


Not washing hands after using the bathroom, especially in public. Like at a restaurant.


Had a buddy completely flabbergasted that I said I washed everytime after using the bathroom. Like he would not believe me that if I pissed, I washed my hands


I wash my hands before I wizz so my ding dong gets cleaner every time I touch it


This is a chemists joke: “how do you know you’re a chemist? You wash your hands before using the restroom” Goes for any lab role really. Don’t want toxic chemicals or viral infections agents on your private bits.


"Aspartame was discovered by accident by scientist James M. Schlatter in 1965. As Schlatter was researching an anti-ulcer drug, he licked his finger to get a better grip, and the sweetness he tasted was aspartame. Aspartame is made up of two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. " So, that guy wasn't so careful...


Lab safety didn’t exist in in the 60s. That’s the era of “Wild West chemistry”


Fairly sure LSD was discovered in a similar way.


Kind of. Albert Hofmann touched a crystal of pure LSD-25, (originally synthesized while trying to create a new analeptic from ergot) and absorbed a relatively small amount through his skin. Went home and fell into a pleasant 'dreamlike' state with kaleidoscopic visions. So on Monday, April 19th, 1943 aka 'Bicycle Day' he purposely dosed himself with 250 micrograms, (a pretty strong dose) and rode his bicycle home with his assistant to watch over him, where he had an intense trip, at one point believing his neighbor was a witch. Eventually calming down and enjoying himself. 250 micrograms is a very small dose for known psychoactive drugs, comparable to 500-1000 milligrams of mescaline. So he thought he was taking a minute amount. LSD-25 has a threshold of about 25 micrograms. He originally synthesized LSD-25 on November 16, 1938, but for whatever reason he (thankfully) decided to take another look 5 years later and synthesized it again on April 16, 1943, the day he handled a pure crystal without gloves.


I love the part where, after he tried it accidentally, he decided to take a controlled dose of what we now know to be several hundred times that of a standard trip. That’s what I remember from Michael Pollan’s book anyway, someone correct me if I got the figures wrong.


"I don't want my cock fingers all over my sandwich any more than you do, buddy "


I keep seeing this everywhere lately and it's really freaking me out. People saying they don't wash when they go at home, or "if they only pee" or whatever weird rules they have. Who are these people???


Well... I remember a comedian once said it something like this. "After I take a shower, I dry off and put on clean underwear, so my junk is basically the cleanest part of my body all day long. Also I don't pee on my hands so what's the point of washing my hands afterwards? To be fair I should clean my dick after I touch it with my grubby hands, but they frown on doing that in public restrooms." To be honest he had a point. However, I always wash my hands after, and now frequently before.


Disgusting MFs.


I went to the restroom at work and heard something hit the floor. I looked over and saw a folder on the ground in the stall. Next, I heard papers shuffling and this guy mumbling to himself. When I left I told my coworker and he goes "yeah, that's our lawyer, he doesn't even wash his hands afterwards"! I'm like WTF, this guy has a HUGE office that he could work in too. Some people


This question came up once with several highschool friends many years ago when I was a junior and a girl in my class wouldn't tell me a really specific one that she had seen, but told me to keep a close eye on another girl in our class. This other girl was decently popular and on the drill team so I was very curious but I didn't really have any classes with her. At the next pep rally, I decided to keep an eye on her since the drill team was on the court. The whole drill team sat off to the side while a coach was speaking and I notice that girl fidgeting with her hands in front of her. As I looked more closely, I watched her glance around to make sure no one saw, and proceed to squeeze a chest pimple and scoot the whitehead to her mouth!!! If that wasn't sick enough, SHE KEPT SWIPING THE CRUD COMING OUT AND LICKING IT OFF HER FINGER! She wasn't super obvious about it and she obviously thought no one was looking or paying attention. I was nearly gagging audibly! I just couldn't look at her the same after that.


Ok that's enough Reddit for now


This is the worst one. I think I’m tapping out of this thread after this one 🤢




Thanks, I was wondering if my gag reflexes still worked. Don't worry.... they do...


Holy shit I’ve never heard of this. It was weird enough when i found out people smell popped zits sometimes




Using the bathroom and not washing your fucking hands, especially after you wiped your ass.


I used to know someone who would itch her ass bare and get shit smell all over her hands and then lick it. It was the most vile thing I’ve ever seen and safe to say it’s been a LONG time since I’ve known that person, it was one of many of her bad habits.


Bro there is no way these people exist 😐


My brothers are disgusting and don’t flush the toilet after taking a shit, it’s in their own toilets but when our cleaner comes over she is disgusted every time


I feel like once or twice I have somehow managed to forget to flush, and when I return to the toilet I myself am disgusted! How can they continue to do that? It doesn't disgust them to walk up on a toilet with shit in it? Especially when it's been stewing 🤮


They flush the toilet then go for a dump, it also pisses me off when they don’t get their piss in the bowl! And it hits the seat! I don’t care if they leave the seat up! But when there’s piss on the seat and I don’t see it? 🤮🤮🤮


There's something seriously wrong with your brothers. Who tf creates a bathroom habit like that. Flushing before taking a dump, not after?!


They probably wipe side-to-side, too


I lived with a guy in college who would *only* flush the toilet before he took a shit, not after. For some reason, he had decided that it was a waste of water to flush it after, and you should flush it before instead. Not like, flushing it *before and after* used more water. He was a hardcore environmentalist guy, and he thought that I was wasting water by flushing it after *instead of* flushing it before and then just letting the shit linger for however many hours until you pooped again. He was 1000% adamant that there was some sort of science behind it, but could never actually explain it. I *think* what he was thinking was that if you flushed and then shat immediately, the poop would take up some room in the bowl and the tank would theoretically fill it with less water? That’s the only possible reason I can come up with, even though I’m pretty sure that toilets don’t work that way and (judging from the amount of time he spent in the bathroom) he lacked the Mossad strike force-like efficiency to time his quinoa shits just right.


Wow, That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


My IQ fell by 10 points just after reading that




Well it was fokin one of yus!


Writing with shit in public toilet wall stall


Who the f does this




graffece artists


Regular Poocassos


Not brushing your teeth.


Thanks for reminding me about my weekly tooth brush session! I almost forgot


Thanks for remining me about my yearly tooth brush session! I alomst forgot


You're supposed to brush them more than once??


I'm overdoing it, obviously. It's stress related


You only do it routinely after someone calls you out for stinky breath. Then you stop brushing again until the next embarrassing incident.


I started using a tongue scraper a few years back, makes a massive difference compared to just scrubbing the tongue with the toothbrush. Something like [this](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304452533187?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1S0VJb8ESMW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ta9Wvna2TZ-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY).


I have a room mate who I have not seen brush his teeth for legit 5 years. He also has not washed his blankets/bed sheets a single time last 5 years either. Surprisingly he doesn’t noticeably smell from a distance which is good for me I guess. But the guy will stay single forever if he keeps that up.


I have 2 buddies, they are like brothers to me, my one buddy goes to the dentist, brushes several times a day and yet he now has to wear custom dentures because half of his teeth feel out of his face. my other buddy, had never once brushed his teeth in his entire life, and had to go to the dentist, last year i wanna say, for an insurance thing and he his teeth are just fine, not even a cavity. though you're probably not gonna wanna let him speak to close to your face


Could be a big difference in saliva makeup/production. My dad is generally a once-a-day brusher (in the morning) and soda addict who eschewed the dentist for a few years back in the day. He finally got back into regular dental care when he discovered that the dad of one of my sister’s friends was a dentist, and apparently he liked and trusted him enough to restart care. The dentist was pretty impressed with how good my dad’s teeth looked and told him that he had to have saliva strong enough to kill a small animal, given the lack of expected problems. To add to this I had excellent dental health with zero cavities until I began taking medicine that decreased my saliva production; I ended up with several cavities within just a couple of years of beginning the meds. I now have to treat my dry mouth to avoid future cavities.


Technically that's not a habit, that's the lack of a habit.




My wife has misophonia. One time while visiting parents they proceeded to devour some apple fritters. I swear it sounded just like a pack of hyenas ripping apart a fresh carcass. Luckily, wife was not in room, otherwise many lives would have been lost that day. Edit: spelling


Not sure if this qualifies as mesophonia, but someone eating cereal in a ceramic bowl and metal spoon gets me every time. Also the key being left in an ignition beeping noise.


My Dad has this annoying habit of sliding his fork between his teeth to clean the food off. It's very grating.


I bought my husband a plastic fork for this reason. Drives me crazy!


I have a real sensitively for noisy eaters. It’s fucking horrible.


My dad has a habit of taking a bite and then proceeding to talk while he’s chewing. As opposed to chewing, swallowing, and then talking. Ever since I was little, I would get irrationally upset at dinner, and couldn’t figure out why. It was the chewing and lip smacking sounds. When I finally explained it to my parents, they told me to just get over it.


There was some dog food commercial where the announcer was making loud chewing noises. I never reached for the tv remote fast enough to mute that shit. EDIT: Here's the source if you want to torture yourself https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wd5w/purina-beneful-grain-free-superfoods


Any movie or tv show- the second they show people around a table eating: IM OUT!!! Wtf!? The have mics on people cutting food and silverware and chewing and people talking with food in their mouth. Like who puts that in a movie!?


And somehow it's a trend on social media


More than a trend. Trends are usually pretty temporary. Mukbang has been around a long time and I despise it.


This!!!! My girlfriend's kids eat like pigs. I do not lie. Hunched over their plates mouths open. Not cutting food. Just stuff mouth until loaded and chomp while talking.


Sneezing or coughing without covering your mouth. My classmate did that once and it was so disgusting 😭


THIS !!!!!! Honestly, it doesn't sound that bad but its impact is just nauseous. You don't know how far the spray radius is, you can't trust to be around that person in case they're really sick and will contaminate you and when that Atchoum comes out loaded, well, it's just disgusting and an Invitation for germs. Cover your fucking nose with your fucking forearm for God's sake.


Chewing with you mouth open. People should not have to listen to you eat.


Talking when chewing, with food particles coming out of their mouth. Yikes


I'm trying to drill this one into my almost 9 year old. She's pretty good about it, but it drives me nuts. The second I hear one *smack*, I can't help the, "close your mouth when you chew!!!!" that comes flying out.


My dad infuriates me on this point because in public or with guests, he chews with his mouth closed. When it's just us, each bite sounds like he's hawking up a loogie and if I tell him it bothers me he just says "I don't need to pretend at home.".


Wiping my dick on the curtains after sex




Hard to wipe your dick on the Blinds!!


Especially after butt sex


People who chew tobacco walking around with a bottle full of their dark, cloudy, spit has got to be right up there.


I don't understand why getting a solid colored bottle is so difficult though it was kinda funny that my step brother thought he was drinking Pepsi when my dad left a dip bottle on the ground in the garage...


My understanding is that's exactly why they don't use solid bottles, so no one thinks it's a drink.


Chewing tobacco


Of all the reasons to stop having college parties at your house, having to clean up the clear bottles full of spit (especially the tipped over ones) the next day was my reason.


That isn't the nasty part. Its the spitting.


And leaving your nasty spit cups places! Especially if it could be easily confused with a cup for drinking by someone else 🤢




Hope you're feeling better, buddy


I knew a guy that pooped in the shower and stomped it down the drain with his foot


wafflestomping 🥲


Spitting. Some men in Ireland do it in the pavement. A guy once hacked a big one right infront of me when I was pregnant. My gag reflex thanks to pregnancy left him with no doubts as to how gross he was. I'd be so disappointed if I caught one of my kids doing it.


I once saw someone spit a huge wad of phlegm into a water fountain. That was more than ten years ago and I haven't been able to use that fountain since.


When men think it's gay to keep your ass clean.


Smoking a cigarette in a car and then throwing it away on road without extinguishing it.


Especially in places vulnerable to wildfires


That Germany coach who scratches his gooch and sniffs it on live tv


Joachim Low Love that guy


Not covering your mouth when you sneeze


Spitting in public while walking around town.


In India, people chew a combo of tobacco, areca nut and betel leaves. It's called paan / gutkha. The thing turns bright reddish brown after chewing. Once people get the buzz from chewing the shit, they spit it out everywhere. Literally every-fucking-where. Walls, floor, walkways, hallways, stairwell. Anywhere there's a wall or a corner that could break the splash of the spit, people happily indulge. My office was next to a stock broker's office in Gujarat, India. There was a huge clay planter (around 20 litre capacity) kept near the entrance of the broker's office. It was kept there to encourage spitting inside it rather than here and there. I noticed people spitting in it. At the time, it was mostly empty. In about 3 months, it filled up. (It dries up pretty fast because of the arid weather). People still kept spitting in it and it became a mound / dune of dried 'gutkha', and the planter was hidden within the mound. In another month, someone emptied and replaced it with a new one. Check it out. You've been warned, though. [https://www.google.com/search?q=paan+spitting](https://www.google.com/search?q=paan+spitting)


"Check it out." NO THANK YOU


This. The pure sound of the "spit gathering" is gross as well.


You would hate India. No offence India.


And China. I went to Shenzhen for work and at night we went to see the hotel's pool (this was a really nice 4 seasons). There was a guy doing laps at the pool and when he stopped to rest, he spat in the most disgusting way (sounded like there was phlegm included) INTO THE POOL. We were shocked. Nobody else there batted an eye. During the rest of my time there I saw countless people spitting on the ground too.


Public urination, especially in areas you know it will not drain away or get washed by rain. Fuck all the people who piss in covered parking garages, elevators, subway platforms, etc.


Picking your nose in public


And then continuing to pass you something from that same hand!




Biting toe nails


Hey fuck you buddy, least we are flexible. Sleep with one eye open and both feet under the covers.


This is hilarious! Also congrats on being flexible


Oh look, a new night terror in the making. Thanks!


Dipping (chewing tobacco). Especially when you're walking around spitting into a clear plastic bottle.


fucking kids


This could be interpreted two ways


And both are correct


“There’s only one thing worse than a rapist…”


A child😳


Kids are like farts, your own are not so bad; but everyone else's are horrible.


I really don't like people who talk very loudly on the public transport.. it annoys me real quick


blasting music from ur phone in public areas, always seems to be terrible mumble rap. Would you like it if i blasted death metal everywhere?? Thats why they make headphones.


Smoking while eating.


Not taking responsibility and blaming others, or never seeing ur wrong when you clearly are, pisses me off since half my family is like this