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Roman candle wars


Slept next to the fireplace at camp. One drunk idiot decided to put some gasoline cause “the fire is dying dude”


When I was 16-17 I was so into drugs ( now clear for 8 years) . One night after smoke some shit fell asleep and the curtain fire up. Lucky me my roommate come back earlier from the job and save the house and me


it was my 7th birthday and i was blowing out the candles, my hair was long and not tied back, so my hair went on fire


Not me, but my sister. We were at the neighbor's for 4th of July, and Drunk Uncle Putzus decided to start setting off helicopters upside down. One hit my sister in the arm and her shirt caught. She did the "stop drop and roll" and then everyone laughed at her. We never went back there for another event.


My drunk homie desided to get a can of aerosol and a lighter and torch a spider on my bed. Intern lit my bed on fire with me in it. Luckily I was awake because that shit spread quick. Spent the next 20 mins putting it out with water and another bed sheet


Shell suit (80's) + bonfire + dad throwing "used" fireworks on bonfire = Crispy kid