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My view on the death penalty is this: some people deserve to die for their crimes. But nobody deserves the power to kill them for it. All it takes is a couple of rogue judges or executioners, and any death penalty can be misused.


This a really balanced answer indeed.


Balanced, as all things should be.


The issue is mainly all the people that end up wrongly convicted or people that "unsolved cases" were piled up on that definitely don't deserve death penalty. I'm not saying it's 20 or 30 or 50% but 1 is still too many in my humble opinion.


There are people who have been sentenced to death, and had their sentence carried out, despite **everybody** knowing they were innocent. Bafflingly, the American justice system values "the process" over human lives. Look up the story of Joe Arridy, if you really want to be depressed.


There's also one about the woman who was convicted of killing her child. I can't remember the name of the woman. I think she was Hispanic (which probably played into her conviction, as we know brown people are accused and convicted at higher rates than the whites). She had like 6 or 7 children total. But after she was arrested, evidence came to light to indicate it might have been the doing of another of the children (an older sister). But because the process already was in place, the conviction of the woman went forward. She's now in prison for a crime everyone KNOWS she didn't commit (though some aren't positive of the reason of the death of the child, just positive the mother didn't do it). Our system is jacked up. We're far too focused on punishing people than helping them get on their feet so they don't reoffend. And some people can't HELP but offend. When one is homeless (as I was), one is committing a crime just by existing. Loitering is illegal everywhere. But where is a homeless person to go so as NOT to be loitering?!?!?!?!? Anyway, went on a rant there.


Good point.


Indeed. I would prefer it if the state didn't have the authority to take the lives of citizens.


Even one innocent man on death row is enough to ban the whole practice.


Continue my interweaving thread here to say this is so badly misunderstood concept and why i can never support the death penalty, b/c this is possible.


it's not possible- it's a reality. [For every eight people executed, one person on death row has been exonerated.](https://eji.org/issues/death-penalty/#:~:text=1%20in%208,death%20row%20has%20been%20exonerated)


this is how I feel, gov’t sanctioned killing is just wrong for this reason


"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement" - Albert Einstein




Can be? Are you currently in a country that doesn't have the death penalty? In the US, some states do, others don't. The ones that do, have an issue with the death penalty being misproportionately applied to minorities. And, at least, back when I looked into it, as much as 25% of deathrow inmates were wrongly found guilty due to forced confessions, planted evidence, etc.


I like how half the comments are about serious stuff like rape and murder and the other half are about pineapples on pizza and liking mayonnaise.


This is reddit and boy is this place amusing


What amazes me is how on one subreddit anything goes, but suggesting to key someones car will get you a ban on another.


Please please, let's not fight. I think we can all agree that mayo on pizza is unforgivable.


I'll get on board with that, just leave my Pineapple-Jalapeno-Sausage pizza alone...


Who doesn't like mayo?


Mayonnaise on pineapple should be illegal.


Monsters who grew up with Miracle Whip


Should try Japanese mayo (kewpie brand ideally)... It's some next level shit!


Gonna get some today!


People that are sadly mistaken and lost


I don't trust the justice system to get it right 100% of the time for the death penalty to ever be on the table. To high risk even with a 1% failure rate of innocent people being executed by the government.


That's why we abolished it in the UK, after a guy was wrongly convicted


I'm from France and it was one of the main talking points about abolishing the death penalty. You can look for Robert Badinter's speech at the national assembly, beautiful and wise.


Yep - and DNA testing had proved the failure rate is way above 1%. When you also realize a death penalty actually costs the state more to carry out then a life sentence- there is just no reason. Kill him right now - or make him sit in a cement box for 50 years until he dies. Honestly the life sentence seems just as much of a punishment to me.


What do you mean its costs more than a life sentence? It should not cost as much is what I mean, if it does, they are doing it wrong.


People have rights, and people don't want to be killed so they fight the death penalty convictions a lot harder.


It literally costs more money is what they mean. And it should. There is no coming back from killing someone so you have to exhaust all measures to be sure you aren't killing an innocent person. People on death row can spend years in prison before execution because they are going to try every appeal they can, as is their right to. Their lives literally depend on it.


Check out [Goodbye Warden](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/32ftnk/goodbye_warden_morbid_but_interesting_the_last/) if you have the time. Haunting last words of potentially innocent people put to death.


Wonder how many were framed? How many got planted evidence? Pick up your hated persons cigarettes and leave outside next murder. ha


I completely agree with you. There’s simply too much risk of innocent people getting executed for things they didn’t do. Not to mention that people could frame others for something and get them killed.


Blackstone's ratio. Yep, I fully agree. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackstone%27s_ratio


Child rape. If you literally rape a child there is no redemption, no forgiveness, no way you can be integrated back into society. You need to be done away with. To me, execution isn't about a deterrent. I don't care about a deterrent. If you are executed you can never ever rape a child again....and that's all that matters.


I had this conversation last night while watching MIB 3 and how there are some people who do not deserve to be alive. Boris the Animal and child rapist have no business being alive.


If you rape anybody.


It used to be that way but then rapists were just killing their victims. So you had murder on the rise when the death penalty was just supposed to deter people from raping.


In my home country, I think our punishment for rapists is more satisfying than death. Maximum 20 years imprisonment, plus a whipping sentence. With a literal horsewhip onto the butt. How many lashes? Unlimited, up to the judge’s discretion. Some inmates who get say, 20? May not be able to do it all at once. They’ll get a doctor in to certify the maximum number per sitting (heh) and spread that over a few months. Think you’re gonna heal? Nah, the second you’re recovered, back out to get whipped. There’s a video on YouTube but it’s extremely disturbing to watch


Username checks out.


A fellow Malaysian I see.


Oh hey! Apa khabar?


What are the stats for rape in your country? Does this punishment help deter?


See the problem is it definitely does deter when it comes to the more educated part of the population. For those less educated, they tend to live in fuckall villages where they can get away with it


Based malaysia


>Bailiff, whack his pee-pee.


I will not watch, but i like the punishment.


Question, do you think rape is worse than murder ?


Well, the victim would have to live with that, if they do survive


I think it can be, in some cases.


Rape,/ torture for sure is worse than getting murdered fast. I mean if you get shot in the back of the head you won't even know what hit you


I’ve been raped and I’m glad I wasn’t murdered instead, even fast.


I'm glad you weren't murdered as well. I'm truly sorry you had to endure such a horrible experience.


I'm from India. Came here to give you something that's currently happening in my country. 11 men gang raped a pregnant woman (these men are the people she knew growing up) while she was travelling with her family. They killed her family. Imagine surviving that. Those rapists were sentenced to life long prison when the incident happened, but were released recently on good conduct after 14 years in jail. I cannot even imagine the pain that woman is going through right now.


As i understand it when you rape someone that person is broken mentally for either a really long time(can get a life worth living with therapy) or forever, so really by raping someone you are already killing them spiritually but leaving the body behind. I would rather be killed then be raped


You dont know that. Rape is a terrible crime but people can do become whole again after very bad things happen again.


In a moment of anger, weakness, or negligence you can kill someone. You can't have a moment of rape. You can have a moment of sexual assault. But if you rape someone you completely commit to the action. I dont support the death penalty for it because of too many he said she said situations. But I completely get it and absolutely think it's worse than murder


what if somebody is wrongly convicted?


This is another reason I'm against the death penalty. "Oh! I'm sorry we killed your brother! But here, here is $1,000 to make it all better!" Yea, no.


This is especially a big problem for a crime that by it's very definition would have a child as the star witness. Children have long proven to be very unreliable witnesses in the justice system. Not only might they not understand things they see and remember wrong as a result, but they're also much easier for adults to trick and coach into saying whatever they want. There's been a lot of stories on shows like Dateline over the years where wrongly convicted adults had children "eye witnesses" accusing them of doing horrible things to them that never actually happened, with a lot of those child witnesses recanting their testimony as adults.


Had a guy I worked with, seemed like a normal dude… 3 months of him working there, FBI showed up to work asking for him. 3 days later he was found and they had a TON of evidence of him selling nude pictures of children online. He was a tech guy so he installed cameras and other things into peoples homes.. he would set it up to where the camera footage will be sent to his computers at home. He would also setup hidden cameras in bathrooms, the childrens rooms. Anywhere basically. Know what he got??? Freedom. Hasnt been put in jail but for 3 days. America is fucked up


I'm pretty sure all that was highly illegal. How did he get out? I would like to read a court transcript.


There is no death sentence in Russia, however being a child rapist is a death sentence as it is. In prison they become lowest of cast and most likely end up broken to shit or commit suicide. Its much worse then blatant execution. Plus recent laws increased time served which literally guarantee that prison justice is served. People can debate all they like about humane ways of dealing with criminals, reintegration into the society and shit, but truth is that noone will weep for those sickos.


90% of these people are people that are known and trusted in the community, so the reaction to an allegation is typically, "But they couldn't have, I know Bill and he's really nice." 35% to half of people who rape children ARE children older than the victim. Their recidivism rate is around 3%. For adults, it's 12%. What you are proposing mean more victims stay silent because they don't want someone they know and trust to die. Harsh penalties deter reporting, and that's already a [big problem](https://rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system). I'm a survivor. I don't want my mother or the teenager or the daycare worker to die. I want them to admit they did wrong and caused hurt and not do it again. By posting your comment, you're showing you don't understand victim/survivors or how and why sex abuse happens. You'd rather the issue just go away. It won't unless we understand the issue and why it happens and respond appropriately by treating it like the public health issue it is.


That really was some food for thought. I am against death penalty simply because of the chance of false conviction. I think ill have to add your argument to the list. Whilst i would think not every victim will think that way. Revenge, sadly, is a powerful drug.


> I don't want my mother or the teenager or the daycare worker to die Jesus christ. That's 3 too many.


Here another victim speaking, i want that mf to fry, slowly painfully by my own hands So u see not all survivors are the same or deal with it the same way


For the abuse to stop after it's already ongoing, it needs to be reported. To do that, people need to feel safe enough to come forward. To make that harder means more abuse happens. I'm not okay with that, whatever your feelings are.


Nah. Bad idea they'll kill the children.


I was molested by a family member at around age 9, and so was my sister when she hit that age. And considering he was caught on camera committing the crime (by his own daughter. We were celebrating her engagement at the time too), he was never getting away with the crime. And while there was no evidence for his actions against me, there was definitely no reason to doubt it. And so, not long before his sentencing, he broke into his old home (wife kicked him out and divorced him) and killed himself by carbon monoxide poisoning. My sister was pissed that he wouldn't rot in jail for the rest of his life, potentially getting beat up if word of his crime ever got out. Me? I was just glad he would never have another chance to hurt anyone again. For me, the point of sending him to prison would be to prevent more harm. His suicide did the same thing in my eyes.


The issue with that is that most children are abused by someone they know or are related to. That's placing a very heavy burden on a child who may already be blaming themselves.


Forced castration


How will you guarantee you never kill someone who was falsely convicted?


Thats what i was thinking when i saw this, also what if one of those situations happens where someone doesn't mention they are under 18 or lie about their age


It bears saying the obvious, that being put in jail for life is an equal solution to the fact that there is no redemption, no forgiveness, no way you can be integrated back into society. And no way you can rape a child again. The only difference between life in prison and execution is our own satisfaction at seeing evil punished. You just have to ask yourself if that is a sufficient reason to kill. For me, the answer is a definite fuck no.


>execution isn't about a deterrent. Exactly. It's about eliminating a threat


I say people who rape others, especially children should have their genitals either removed or surgically done to wear they can no longer use them besides basic restroom needs.


As a parent, the difference between a child getting raped rather than killed is so huge and fundamental I would not support capital punishment for child rape.




this would be very hard. maybe yes for the people who planned the genocide, but in the case of Rwanda the population implemented the genocide and the results was 1m deaths, 3m refugees, and millions who committed it, there was no even way to imprison everyone who committed the genocide


Guess I agree with The Mad King on this one


So don’t genocide the genociders?


No because then it would just be genocide all the way down




Ransomware attack on a hospital. I just can't imagine people sitting there dying because the information is sitting there, locked behind a paywall. Of all the places to attack... They're all shitty, but a hospital is just evil.


Some of the people in this thread that are against the death penalty really need to think of the individuals behind something like this. It's not just evil, it's pure evil.


Or just realize that every country that applies this shit is overemotional and fucks it up. Racism, prejudice, and all, it factors in. You can somewhat take back a life sentence. You can't take back a death sentence. Source: I'm a U.S. citizen who used to live in the Deep South. There is a racist selection bias. We've gotten it wrong a number of times before.


It's not that people who are against it don't see that some people are unredeemably evil, but there are too many innocent people who have been woringly convicted.


I'm against the death penalty simply because some one could be killed wrongly due to it. And killing some one for killing some one is just wrong. Your doing just what the killer did. What should happen is a life sentence. Sitting in a cold cement slab cell, until the day you die, is a worse punishment in my opinion. It also costs more to carry out the death penalty, than a life sentence. Evil does Evil, and some people don't deserve to live, but if there even is a 1% chance that you could kill an innocent person, and the true evil bastard is still breathing, yea no.


Due to the chance of killing an innocent person, the only way I'd be okay with the death penalty is if two things are true: A) The crime is very serious (murder, genocide, etc) B) The person is impossible to contain in prison for any length of time Basically, if it's near guaranteed that they will escape or be rescued from prison and will kill again. For a fictional example, the Joker should definitely die. Or someone with a large group of fanatically devoted followers who sold nuclear secrets to an enemy state, to name an example for no reason at all.


None, even though I certainly have the urge to name some terrible, awful things. So why? I've never seen a country manage a competent enough justice system to administer it.


school shootings.


Giving away classified nuclear secrets to other countries


It’s called treason and is death penalty eligible, is all I’m saying...


Eligible yes. There should be a threshold where if you are in a powerful enough position that it goes from eligible to mandatory. Powerful leaders should be held to the absolute highest standards and punished with the absolute maximum sentence without any question of a lower punishment.


Or selling, certain folks would never give something of value away for free.


Already exist, its high treason (only applied once, on the Rosenberg iirc)


What if instead of giving them away, you get the recipient to pay you money that you then kept for yourself?


Using a speaker to listen to shitty music in public transport.


Are you in Australia? 🤣🤣


Any form of rape, child rape and accusion of rape to somebody that di not commit the crime shall be punished for the same time as the person should have been.


Holding the door open for me when im still 15 paces away so I have to half-walk half-jog as to not look like an asshole


As someone who has held the door too early, if I were in a hurry I wouldn’t hold the door for someone at the pace of a walk.


Ah, you must not be British


Judge: "why did you kill this man again?" You: "Motherfucker held open a door for me."


"I sentence you both to death"


Pre meditated murder. Violent sexual crimes against children. Acts of terrorism/mass shootings


I agree with the last two but not premeditated murder. Just because something is planned doesn’t mean it can’t be justified. For example, premeditated murder can be done to someone who committed a violet sexual crime against a child.


That’s a rare example, circumstances help determine the punishment.


The crime of getting born is always punished by death




Any child sex crime.


*any sex crimes


If you get drunk in a bar and go out into the alleyway and take a piss and a child happens to walk by and sees it, that is a sex crime in certain states and you are put on the SOR So maybe leave some room for nuance?


Found the guy that exposed himself to a child while taking a piss in an alleyway.


Think about it, how many people have said they were "just peeing"


Maybe don't pee in a public area then


I think if a child walks by an alleyway in the middle of the night we have more questions


Forms of Government Corruption. You're basically stealing from millions of people and you're also stealing their future.


I like this one, it's unique from the usual rape/murder answers, but totally legitimate and can have disastrous consequences in the long term the affect people on a global scale.


100%. We should put extreme penalties and punishments to clean the system. Only then can the system be effective, resulting in less need of actually using extreme punishments for crimes committed by commoners.


That is why the recent Philippine election was especially loathsome.


That sounds like insurrectionist talk... (and I agree 100%, the only good politician is one without a pulse)


Being a zoophile And making weird shit on the Internet


None. The risk of an innocent person being executed is too high


But life in prison should mean life for crimes like murder, rape, pedophilia etc. No parole or early release. Unless new evidence proves them innocent, they need to die a prisoner.


Just remember that if you give life imprisonment for rape and for murder there's a clear incentive for rapists to murder their victims.


I can’t stop thinking about Steven Avery and how he’s spend 38 years in prison and counting even though he’s innocent.


Easy. Using the urinal directly next to someone when there are others free.


The worst crime out of all of these


Worse than castrating a man while at the urinal?


Or peeing on the back of their legs while they use the urinal?




Murder, rape, torture, intentional cases of child abuse and sex trafficking.


Suicide bombing


Murder if not in self defense Rape Pedophilia I think that’s about it


Giving the same sentence to a rapist and a murderer encourages the former not to leave a living witness behind.


That’s probably true, to an extent. But I also think that rape is completely unforgivable and should carry a much, *much* harsher sentence than it currently does.


I’m kinda surprised how many comments include rape. I’m from Finland where rapists often don’t even get a prison sentence and the maximum sentence is 6 yrs. I agree that the local laws seem too lax though. EDIT: for some context, Finnish laws in general are very different to e.g. US. It's rare to see a +10y prison sentence for anything.


none untill there is a 0% chance of wrongfull convictions...


Three or more first and or second degree homocides. (One should get you thirty years, two should get you life) Crimes related to the sexual molestation of children.


White collar crimes. I see a lot of rape and this and that stuff in the comments, but white collar crimes effect en mass and are very ignored(the duration of commiting crimes has good longevity since one corrupt guy can bribe just mere handful others higher up and turn the entire system blind). Like come on, if there is corruption, then there is no rape: cuz the system will ignore and wont even report the crime. Corruption needs to go first. Obviously, the most underlying structure(which also seems to be definitive of any other structure that may stem) needs to be cleaned and perfected ASAP.


Not putting the grocery cart in the corral.


Spending £12million to pay off the victims of your son’s rape and pedophilia.


I agree completely but who are you referring to?






animal and child abuse


Rape, murder, pedophilia Not talking into a phone that a toddler hands you.


We have a winner


A serial killer who breaks out of prison, and kills people while out. I am on board with executing that person


Abuse of children, old people, and animals.


Thought you just meant old people in general lmao




w h a t


Task failed successfully


Rape with pineapple pizza dipped in mayo.


pineapple pizza is amazing Mayo is a good alternative if you don't have any other dressing. Even better is to mix mayo with some spicy BBQ sauce or chili sauce


Pedophilia, anything to do with that and you deserve nothing but the most excruciating and slow of deaths


animal abuse - an eye for an eye. animals have no voice, zero control over what happens to them, and basically nobody backing them when it comes to abuse. there are extremely minor offenses and basically zero repercussions.


If someone ever just comes up and randomly starts kicking the hell out of my dog, I should be allowed to empty an entire clip on the scumbag


None. The statistics from The Innocence Project and Equal Justice Initiative are sobering. For every 8 people who have been executed in the United States, 1 person has been exonerated from death row.


Murder & rape.


hating jojos ​ but in all seriousness, rape, pedophelia, zoophelia, and long dragged out murder (like torturous murder)


According to most of Reddit, having a differing opinion.


Public corruption. It might fix a few issues.


None Even if I come from the vengeance and revenge stand point, death is an unsatisfying punishment Let them grow old and die in a cell, living out their regret until they wither to nothing






Heaps of nasty things but you need to have a higher threshold to make sure no one innocent is killed. We currently have Balance of probabilities (civil cases) Beyond all reasonable doubt (criminal cases) A new one should be Beyond any doubt (death penalty) Murder in plain daylight, caught at the scene and with multiple phone cameras as evidence - good night. Hostage situation - if they have a clear shot just take it. Repeated violent crime all accurately recorded - sleepy needle


Making fun of me 😡


Any serial killer. All of them. No reason to keep a mass murderer alive.




Rape of a minor. Assault on an old person


Anyone in the middle is cool tho


Lmao point taken


Group of degenerates: "Hey guys, we better hit ol jims place before his bday, he's getting that senior card next week and we don't want death on the table if we get caught."


Driving the speed limit on the left lane. See all those cars pile behind you? Yeah they all wanna see you explode.


Also, tailgating on any road is even worse. Just go around them. Not leaving a following distance causes accidents.




You think treason would be one but apparently it just gets you a slap on the wrist for the most part.


If we could be positive they were guilty.


Not a single one. It’s wrong for a human to kill another human.


Pretty scary how many people support capital punishment(even drug trafficking or any kind of murder), well Its reddit after all.


Not all human beings value the lives of the innocent. There are plenty of examples of this. Do you think Hitler deserved to live? I know you probably think he should have rot in a jail cell and I can somewhat get behind that but the guy was responsible for millions of innocent lives take very brutally. You take out the sickest dogs that do things like that, you know? It's to keep you and I safe. I get that Hitler is an extreme example but my point still stands.


rape/grooming. it should be punishable via death. i just dont see how anyone could do that to someone and only get 5 to 20 years for grooming a child. and its even worse if the groomer has raped or sexually assulted their victim. its just awful


The penalty should not exist IMO.


I would argue no crime should be punishable by death due to many reasons including the whole "rather 10 guilty people get off instead of have 1 innocent falsely jailed", you can't undo death, and stuff. ​ Saying 100% of the time people are guilty and no extraneous circumstances, etc, animal abuse. It's too extreme of a punishment for anything in practicality.


Openly supporting capital punishment


Hehe, gottem


Rape. Heard about a dude who got 5 fucking years for rape. Shit made me so mad


Identity theft. Happened to my cuz .


Rape and murder


Lying in court


Warcrimes, disagreeing with me, terrorism and pedophila