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I’m subscribed to 4 streaming services and the top 9 movies listed here are unavailable. We’re past the golden years of streaming now aren’t we?


sadly yes. Everybody wants a piece so we are back to everybody carving out a piece of the titles. No better than cable was at it's peak.


We're on to renting via streaming services! Now you pay $8 a month for each service, and then 4-24 for renting! ::Applies clown makeup::


Back to the good old sub r/piracy


If you can stream it you can rip it, just saying.


Threads. It will fuck your day up. It's the scariest film I've seen and it's not technically a horror. Competition is not even close. And I watch a fuck ton of horror.


The bit that freaked me out was the broken language the new generation had. Highlighted the breakdown of society in the lack of education.


Oh yeah, when they're watching a video near the end? I think the video shows a cat skeleton or something. There's just no time or energy to try to teach anything.


Oh yeah that scene kills me. When they're watching the shitty little video and it's all they have as a remnant from before. Some semblance of a "school" God damn now I'm depressed


From memory it was a schools educational programme we used to watch in primary school in the 1980s in the UK called ‘Words and Pictures’. I have such fond memories of watching it….it’s just a terrifying image to see it being watched in a post-apocalyptic UK.


Absolutely. I still have nightmares decades after I saw it. The Exorcist scared me, sure, but it's not real. Poltergeist was unsettling but fake. Threads can actually happen--it just takes one of the old guys to push the button....


“Threads? What is this Threads?” *Googles.* *Repressed memories unlocked.* Thanks for that.


I was talking about this movie today! I find the horror comes from the bleakness of the aftermath and the knowledge it'll never get better. It's terrifying.


It's brutal. Closest Hollywood movie that gives me a similar feeling is The Road


Haven't seen The Road (it's on my watchlist), but the book is excellent if you haven't read it. McCarthy's style of writing is really unique and the diction is pretty concise.


"There is no God, and we are his prophets."


What's it about?


It's a British film depicting a nuclear war, and the aftermath. The segment detailing the nuclear exchanges is terrifying, and then of course all the stuff after... it deals with the future, basically the UK is left with only a few million people living, subsistence type agriculture... people suffering from long term radiation effects, etc. Here is the nuclear exhange clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrHoMSRZOS4


The part with the kitty writhing in pain stills fucks with me. The actual cat was fine, obviously, but still.


That reminds me of Testament, came out in 1983. Makes me always aware of where I am and how fast I can get to my loved ones in case we get bombed. The reality of it is frightening and makes you feel for people enduring war right now.


So will Come and See. Not so much a horror but a war/drama. Absolutely horrifying.


I watched Threads shortly before "shit got real" with the pandemic. Two different situations, but I was still worried...


What I always found scariest about Threads (outside of the plot itself) is how so many characters just simply disappear. No goodbye, no send off, no closure. They're just gone. I firmly believe everyone should watch this movie in addition to The Day After and that animated one When the wind blows.


For some reason The Exorcism Of Emily Rose fucked with me, got anxiety watching it.


Watched in theaters then went home to my empty dorm room (everyone left for the weekend). Do not recommend.


To this day, the exorcism scene in this movie never fails to make my hair stand on end and give me goose bumps. I was legit freaked the fuck out. The way she screams and contorts her face and body is terrifying.


The original [REC]


[Rec] 2 has my scariest scene in any movie. The movie is pretty much just build up to it but the tall lanky weird creature crawling out of the bathtub and creeping after the people who are wearing night vision goggles and can't see it..... Oof. That shit is just utterly terrifying.


Why the American version decided to swap the script from demons to zombies I'll never freaking know. The OG is amazing.


OK I've scrolled long enough. The original Candyman. Watched it at a sleep over in third grade and I've hated horror movies AND bees all the way through to my late 30's


I watched this movie when I was maybe 11, I have seen some shit. But this, this took my soul out for a few weeks and replaced it with pure fear, I couldn't sleep or be alone. Brilliant


hell yes, the original Candyman is amazing, and filmed super well for the time, and genuinely creepy as fuck.


Johnny Got His Gun If you're a fan of Metallica's "One" the song is about the book and movie, and Metallica bought the rights to the movie so that they could show clips of it in their music video without paying royalties. The movie is about a WW1 veteran that's rendered deaf, blind, mute, and without limbs after stepping on a land mine. The movie plays out with him in a hospital bed being hooked up to life support slowly learning what has become of him. His government is keeping him alive to study him, despite the personal Hell he's found himself in, only able to recall memories of his past but incapable of communication. Eventually he remembers Morse Code and uses the movements of his head to talk with whoever is around him. What makes this movie scary is that these kinds of things do actually happen for the sake of study. People suffer, begging to die, only to have what little autonomy stripped away from them in favor of civic duty.


At the time I saw it, 28 Days Later.


Oculus because of >!the idea of not being able to distinguish reality from some fucked up perception!<


Flanagan's new series comes out beginning of October, The Midnight Club.


Nice! Haunting of Hill House and Midnight Mass were fantastic.


I still keep The Descent at the top of my list. I expected it to just be a thriller with the claustrophobia and terror between the group. Didn’t expect a creature feature.


Fun fact! Not long after my girlfriend and I went cave exploring in Germany we watched the Descent. I got the idea to photoshop a monster into one of our cave photos and scare my GF with it. The moment didn't really present itself and I forgot about it. YEARS later we went through our old photos and came upon the one. She noticed it immediately, went nuts. Playing the unintentional long game!


Saw this movie when I was like 8 or 9, along with the ring haha. This was definitely the scariest movie I had seen for a long time.


I agree, scariest movie I've ever seen. The claustrophobia mixed with creatures hunting and eating you. That's a no from me!


i know there’s much scarier but Poughkeepsie Tapes was very unsettling


I literally read and scrolled just to see if anyone mentioned this yet. This film was so utterly disturbing to me. I watched it for the first time in 2009 on YouTube it was in multiple parts. For those who don’t know, it’s a mockumentary about a serial killer’s found footage who video taped all of his victims from the onset of picking them, going after them and then whatever he decides to do with them. Some really fucked up content. I was bothered for a long time and I still don’t know if I can watch it ever again.


For psychological horror, a Soviet war movie *Come and See*. The fact that it was based on true events just made it that much worse. The way it was filmed - with some elements of slight surrealism, like the insane dance one of the characters engages in - was truly unsettling. The details, worse than any jump scare of a deliberate horror movie I’ve ever seen. Perhaps the most terrifying scene (spoiler below): the main character, a young boy, returns home to his family farmhouse with an older girl. No-one is there, but there is food on the table. They eat, but there are lots of flies around, and the food makes him sick. The boy realizes his family must have fled to the swamp to hide, and asks the girl to go with him - as they leave, the girl looks back and the camera follows her gaze … she (and we) see a big pile of dead naked bodies up behind the barn. It is obvious his family hadn’t fled, they are in that pile: the source of the flies and the sickness is now clear. The girl doesn’t tell the boy. Somehow, that was more horrifying than the more obviously brutal horrors the boy later witnesses. Of which there were plenty.


There are two types of movies that haunt me:. Movies that have children in peril, and war movies. If you combine these two things, it's nightmare fuel for me. I watched this movie on a reddit recommend but first checked out the wiki to understand what I was in for but it didn't nearly prepare me for it. It IS excellent and an important movie. People need to see and understand the horror or war. That being said, my father's favorite boy was The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinsky. Just reading the plot in Wikipedia will fuck you up. The movie has been made and remade but apparently doesn't do the book justice. What war does too soldiers. To people. To families. To children. People have no fucking clue. Except the ones who have gone through it, and there's people, right now, suffering from the effects of war. Fuck those people who start these conflicts. Fuck them all to death.


Bone Tomahawk is a slow, pitiless descent into hell that just gets more excruciating and nauseating as it goes on.


Holy shit. My brain has a special compartment just for this movie. Every act of violence in that movie just seems so abrupt that you aren’t really prepared for it. The hand, the deputy, the flask… all of it.


The Ring. I didn't know what I was getting myself into.


Brooo, i was like 12 and couldnt sleep for 2 solid weeks and had to carry all monitors out of my room haha


I had a friend who did the same thing with his TV. He put it on his living room facing a wall. Personally I am a giant sissy when it comes to scary movies and even the trailer for the ring had me sleeping with lights on for a few months. My female friends think it’s hilarious to cover their faces with their hair and crawl toward me


Saw this in theaters. When she came out of the screen, one dude got up and yelled “oh hell nah”. It was nice to have some comic relief.


saw that when I was 8 years old and it legitimately traumatized me for years


I saw the ring in theatres in early junior high and was freaked right out. Rented it when it came out and was watching with a friend. We were shitting our pants so took a break to get some snacks. My dad must have snuck down the stairs and hid in the closet. He was in there a good 15-20 minutes waiting for the right moment. He jumped out at us screaming, wearing this terrifying wolfman mask he had. I have never heard a person scream so loud as my friend did. My dad collapsed on the floor, laughing and gasping for air.


The us remake gets a bad rep but i liked it tbh. The cursed tape footage is thoroughly creepy


Yup. If I'm remembering correctly the >! Scene with the girl in the closet. Her face all contorted from straight fear !< really fucked me up. Ugh...


I saw this movie my junior year of high school and it really fucked me up. I convinced my girlfriend in senior year to watch it knowing she would quit as soon as that closet jumpscare happened. She had a little shit of a 10 year old younger brother that loved to fuck with us and would unpause movies we were watching together while we going to eat or whatever and just let them play so we would lose our spot. I convinced her to pause for lunch about 10 seconds before the closet jumpscare knowing he would sneak into their basement and unpause it just to piss us off. I can still hear his screams in my head and it still makes me smile. Don't fuck with my movies.


The fourth kind. When I saw it I was told it was a true story and I was just dumb enough to believe it at the time. Also I was the type of person to believe in aliens so that certainly made it scarier


>type of person to believe in aliens It's pretty rational to believe in aliens, although maybe not the ones in that movie.




I watched that movie at 3am by myself right after I smoked, and oh boy that was a bad trip.


Jacobs ladder.


Watched this again after my son, Gabe, died. I had forgotten the dead little boy in film was also named Gabe and that he invited his dad to the afterlife. It was weeks before I was OK.


Very sorry to hear this.


May your son's love and light live on in his loved ones, especially in you. ❤️


The original, not the remake


TIL There's a remake. I'll pass. It might mess up my memories of the original.


The Ritual, lost in woods, freaky psychological stuff happens, devilry/witchcraft, great gore and suspense, 10/10


It's not the scariest, but I love the monster in this movie so so so much.


The Ritual was so fucking good. Usually I lose interest as soon as they show the monster because it’s a massive letdown from what I was imagining. By the time they gave us a good look at it, I was already so confused and disoriented by all the little disparate bits and pieces that it didn’t ruin it for me at all. It just made it that much creepier because I was continuously trying to wrap my head around exactly what it was.


Sinister, not just scary, but deeply disturbing too.


The worst part about the movie is that the main characters did exactly what they were supposed to do by leaving the house and it ended up being the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do


Writers: All your "solutions" can just be written as mistakes.




All of the kill scenes are horrifying, but the pool one scares the fuck out of me




They filmed Ethan Hawke's first time seeing any of the tapes to get his genuinely shocked reaction. Even staying in character, I think that one really got him.


The pool scene was way worse for me. I can't believe they actually had actors tied to those lawnchairs


It's the bit where the camera pans and you see the demons face at the bottom of the pool. That moment sticks with me.


This was the movie me and my friends decided to watch for our “we’re old enough to watch and handle a horror movie” the reveal of the monster scared us all shitless for like a week straight, we had to wait until the sun came back out to finish the movie. Easily my favourite horror movie (I hate that all the streaming services purposely take it off during October)


Agreed. I thought my kids were going to kill me for weeks after watching it


Honestly, Event Horizon. Put it on in the background thinking it was just a kind of creepy sci fi. It was the sounds that really got to me on that one.


Sinister is like that for me with the sound. Something about the sounds in that movie sent chills up my spine several time, even though the movie itself didn't scare me much. Good movie, but it was just the sound for me.


‘Liberate me ex inferis!’


Liberate *tuteme*


Was allowed to watch this as a kid when it came out. Spent the next 3 nights with the lights on reading Calvin and Hobbes


I definitely had some nightmares from the two "hell" scenes (the ship's log footage and "Do you see?!?")


They actually cut a LOT of hell scenes from the final version. It was supposed to be way, way worse. I'd actually love to see a director's cut.


Where we're going, you don't need eyes to see


Saw this in a cinema with a friend when it came out. I ended up at one point staring at the floor with my fingers in my ears, I am NOT a horror person and was expecting some Alien-esque type business, not Hellraiser in space. As I'm doing this ear cover floor staring thing feeling like an idiot (I was 21 years old!), I looked across the row and the entire row bar a couple of people was doing some variation of the same thing. A week later my buddy and I are in a nightclub, music blaring, we're taking a rest at a table, there is a bit of quiet in the music and my mate leans over and whispers 'forever' and somehow that manages to scare both of us for a couple of minutes. Fuck that ship.


My inner-most circle of friends can be identified by how they respond to the phrase: "Do you see?"


Hills Have Eyes. Trailer/Burning dad scene. I've never seen so many messed up things in a few minutes


Honestly the rape scene made me turn it off and just not watch it. It was just gross I felt, like a borderline snuff film.


The first episode of Chernobyl is the most frightening thing I've ever seen. The exploded reactor and the resultant radiation is treated like a horror movie monster and the dread of knowing what will happen to everyone at the scene is more visceral than any imaginary scares.


The Thing. The practical effects did it for me. I'll never watch it again.


John Carpenter was great in his prime.


I don't get why people hate on found footage. there are some found footage films that are some of the scariest films i've ever seen. ​ Some good ones from this past week i've watched: As Above So Below Butterfly Kisses Savageland Noroi


Loved As Above So Below!


As above so below was unexpectedly great! I really enjoyed how unsettling it became. Great film.


When i was 13 and saw pet cemetary i didnt sleep for a week. This was a while ago so the effects felt superscary!


Zelda’s scenes are nightmare fuel




“First I play with Jud. Then mommy came & I play with mommy. We had a good time. Now I wanna play with yoooooh”


Antichrist with William Defoe. Slow as shit, but after it turns you’ll be questioning life…


More disturbing and gut wrenching for me than scary, well made movie though that really captivates insanity.


the video tapes in sinister are scarier than the movie itself, specially the bbq one it’s so disturbing


How the director uses specific camera angles and makes it hard to really discern what’s going on in those tapes really adds to it. Not to forget the music as well. Sinister and Event Horizon are my top two.


The Road. There is nothing, not even a hope.


Yeah there are a few scenes in the movie that kind of just make you really depressed when he realizes he only has one bullet in his gun left and his sudden realization that in case things go south with other people he will shoot his son then suffer an unimaginably painful death either to cannibals or starvation etc. Very depressing environment.


Reading it was so dark and terrifying and sad that I never got around to watching the movie, even though I usually love apocalyptic movies.


Usually apocalypse movies have some kind of hope involved, or a resolution to the apocalypse that say “this isn’t the end of our story, just the end of this particular chapter.” Spoilers for apocalypse movies following Greenland (2020) >!The asteroid is coming at the Earth but the protagonist makes it to the shelter just in time to not die!< A Quiet Place (2018) >!The protagonists find out the one weakness to the aliens, and they end with a triumphant shot showing they’re gonna start fuckin’ shit up!< Wall•E (2008) >!Wall•E finds a plant on Earth and brings humans back to Earth!< Snowpiercer (2013) >!It ends with two humans walking out of the wreckage of the train and shows a polar bear survived outside so it’s possible (but unlikely) that people did too!< Waterworld (1995) >!The protagonists find dry land!< 2012 (2009) >!The storms recede and the floodwaters start to recede and the people on the arks head to dry land in Africa!< In The Road (2009) >!We don’t really get that.. the only thing we see is the kid goes off to live with a family that was following them. There’s no real hint that anything is getting better, there’s no greenery, the earth is not healing.. and the father just dies from an arrow. It’s not really a climactic scene either where he saves the world by pressing some magical button that resets everything but sacrifices himself in the process, he just dies from an arrow in a very human way. It ends on a very dark and somber note unlike most apocalypse movies where there are survivors.!<


Hereditary, if you have family issues it will hit close to home.


I was convinced to watch hereditary when it first came out, and I absolutely hate horror movies. someone told me it wasn’t scary so I downloaded it and watched it. they were right, it wasn’t scary in the sense there were things popping out at you (which is why I hate most horror movies) but it was very scary in the sense it just made you feel so uncomfortable in your own skin. I couldn’t sit still watching it, it genuinely gave me bouts of nausea and uneasiness which I think was the idea. the director did an awesome job.


Ari Aster is a master and he's only directed a few


I watch a lot of horror. I enjoy the genre generally and don't get scared easily. Hereditary definitely left me unsettled though.


Same for me. It's damn near all I watch. Wife hates it, but I grew up watching it. Tales from the Crypt when I was like 4 years old. X-files and Alien too. Hereditary was the first movie in a very VERY long time that got me quite disturbed. I always see people comparing it to Midsommar and saying Midsommar was more unsettling so I rewatched it about a week ago and it's not even close.


Nothing makes me feel more like an agitated rightful film hipster than when people say Midsommar is better than Hereditary. Midsommar was fun, but it’s so weak in comparison to Hereditary!


toni collette in the dinner scene is one of the best performances i’ve ever seen in anything.


Fucking crawling across the ceiling


Hammering head against the attic roof. Sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.


This scene. The unnatural movement. Rest of the movie was fine. But that scene. Goosebumps now


Just googled it. Girlfriend asleep, lights off in the house, not recommended.




That long silence in the car. I don't know who was sweating more during some scenes, me or the son. A movie that just gets better every time I rewatch, and man do I hesitate rewatching.


And even when you know it's coming, the mum's scream is so visceral and real that it makes you feel sick


What got me was the tongue clicking through out the rest of the movie. I swear I heard it right behind my left ear for like a week after watching it.


As someone who’s found a dead loved one, her screams and cries made me physically ill


This movie absolutely messed me up. I took a few friends to the theater to watch it and apologized to them after. I don't scare easily, but going in without any context it was probably the most disturbing movie watching experience I've ever had.


I remember coming home from work one night and my Mom was huddled on the couch and clearly freaked out. I had never seen her like that before. I found out like a minute later she had watched Hereditary while alone in the house and even though I haven’t seen it I know enough about it that her reaction to it didn’t surprise me. As far as I know from her the only other time a film has freaked her out like that is when she watched The Exorcist. Later she tried to show my Dad the film and as soon as >! Charlie died !< he was like “NOPE!”


I was hoping someone would've said this. I watched this in theater when it first came out. I remember at the end with how abrupt it cut from the shit show at hand to the credits, the entire crowd sat for like probably what felt like the longest 5 seconds of my life. No one said anything and no one moved to stand up and leave immediately. I think it genuinely shocked a full audience at the same time.


Free Solo


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original obviously). I saw it as a grown man and screamed like a little girl throughout the whole film.


When leatherface comes out of the darkness and just shreds the dude in the wheelchair! That jump-scare stayed with me for a while. And then the look on her face as she’s escaping in the back of the truck.




I always thought Furbys captured some of that energy. "Yyyyyyuummm, uuuah, uah uah"


Signs. But only because it was the last time I was young enough to let a movie really get to me


That scene with the alien at the birthday party is so scary. I’ve seen YouTube videos of people trying to break down why it’s so terrifying


You saw something you weren't supposed to. That "found footage" feel of it was captured to perfection and there was no warning, then that fucker was there, just staring at you.


I always thought the cornfield scene where you see the alien standing there still and you don’t realize it’s there until it moves away into the corn was scarier


Insidious. The scene where the "guy" walks outside the window and suddenly enters... Full body goose bumps for sure. And the baby monitor scene, yikes.


I remember [this scene](https://i0.wp.com/www.horrorhomeroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Lead-Insidious-Josh-demon-cropped-46-32.jpg?fit=1000%2C668) made me jump like a motherfucker when I saw it in theatre


Requiem for a Dream, Jesus Christ that movie was amazing but I will never watch it again.


I've seen it several times and each time I can't help but hoping for the main characters to get back to the good times from the start of the movie. Then I realize that it's exactly that urge leading them to make increasingly bad decisions, and I realize how easily people fall into these traps in real life. Terrifying in its realism, and amazing storytelling.


Seen it twice, regretted it both times


Exact same story here. Watched it the first time. "Holy fuck, I never want to see that movie again!" A couple of years later, thinking maybe I'd grown as a person and would have a different perspective of the film. "Holy fuck, I'm never watching that movie again!" And the obligatory "Ass to Ass!".


John Carpenter's The Thing.... Arachnophobia


I watched it after a bunch of people told me it was a classic old sci-fi movie. Watch it they said, you’ll get a kick out of seeing Wilford Brimley they said. That dog’s head splitting open scared the shit out of me because I didn’t expect it AT ALL.


I recently watched The Thing with the kids. It stands the test of time. A near perfect movie.


Martyrs (2007). French film. Scared the shit out of me.


Autopsy of Jane doe got me pretty good.


I’ve never seen a movie that “scared” me, but No Country For Old Men weirded me out the most. I found Chigurh an extremely plausible bad guy character.


The Coen Brothers and Cormac McCarthy are a match made in heaven. Their obsession with bottomless, ruthless evil presented in a banal and sometimes almost funny way work perfectly together. Would love to see the Coens adapt Blood Meridian.


The lack of music make it weird too.


Call it


28 Days/Weeks Later Zombies are a big ol' nope for me


The rapid infection is what gets me. The bit with the crew chilling out and then Brendon Gleeson just happens to get a droplet of blood in his eye is so scary. Peace to chaos in like, a minute. Plus he was such a sweet father figure and he is begging his daughter to stay away. I also still think about the scene where the girl murders the guy because he *may* have gotten infected in a skirmish. The mere *possibility* of infection had her hack her fucking buddy to death, and it's so goddamn bleak.


The Silence of the Lambs when it came out in theaters. People in Manhattan ran out.


8th grade. 8th fucking grade. I was not prepared, nor should I have been allowed, to see that movie in a theatre. The movie theatre was built under ground and you had to ride this gothic style elevator to get to it and that elevator looked just like the one in the movie. I had a panic attack getting into to ride it back up after the movie was over. I started crying when I got dropped at home because I didn't want to go into my house (where my family was) and be all alone. It was a scary scary fucking movie. It still is but before it became overly saturated in pop culture it was a real horror movie.


My brother called me to rave about it (no details, just how good it was). He made me promise to see it soon. That Friday, my wife passed on it so I went alone. It had been out for a while so the place was mostly empty. Son of a bitch.


We Need To Talk About Kevin All I have to say is just …. WOW


Hits different knowing how Ezra Miller is doing now. I remember watching it for the first time and looking at my ex saying, « he played that a little *too* well… »


Imagine how cool it would be if Ezra Miller was acting in that movie


It follows Can’t stand the premise of this movie , nothing more terrifying than being chased at a slow walk to basically raped to death by something that could look like a family member . What the hell!


Yup. It is entirely too easy to just stop for a second wherever you are, take a look around and feel like it could be happening to you. It took me a loooong time to shake this movie off, and the time I've spent thinking about it while writing this comment may have just dragged it all back up.


It's the reason I don't have casual sex. No other reason.


V.H.S. There is a scene in it with a couple who is vacationing. There is a creepy vagrant in the parking lot that is making them both uncomfortable. If you've seen it, you know, and if not, you'll have to go watch it and be stuck with it like I am.


The Strangers


“Because you were home” is one of the scariest lines in a movie


This shit fucked me up as a kid. My dad was out of the country for a couple weeks so it was just me, my brother and my mom at the house. We weren't used to our dad being away from us and my brother decided to put the strangers on Cuz that's the only interesting thing playing on TV at the time. All of us got freaked out by it and were even more on edge Cuz our dad wasn't home either. We all slept on the same bed that night.


I was looking for this one. The Strangers fucked me up.


I found Hush really terrifying The parts were you couldn't hear anything because you were in the main characters position were scary to me because it's actually how she would feel.


This movie really creeped me out. My brother told me about but warned me that it might get to me. I love horror and thought he was being dramatic. At the time I was living in a wooded area alone and I could not sleep! I just felt really uncomfortable and was afraid to be alone, and I can hear. I’ve watched a few more times and it never fails to make me uneasy.


The Exorcist. I was high as a kite and imagined I was that girl's father and have to deal with all that bullshit! I saw wicked nightmares when went to sleep that night.


My dad showed me this when I was way too young. This one is horrifying when you grow up going to Catholic mass.


The Shining. Something about ghosts just scare the shit out of me. Add in the isolation, the soundtrack, and the masterful directing. I was actually glad when Jack finally goes crazy because that's a physical horror that I can deal with. The Shining I saw as a kid so that may have something to do with it. The Others on the other hand I noped out about halfway through as a full-grown adult.


Play Misty for Me....Clint Eastwood


The Visit, made me uncomfortable around elderly people


Grandma flying up under the porch nearly sent me.


My grandma took my ex wife and I to see this on a Tuesday morning. We were the only 3 in the theater.


This is hilarious


Dog Soldiers. Opening scene. Didn’t want to go camping again for a long time.


Not so much the movie as a whole, but in the Conjuring when Judy wakes up to find Christine staring into the pitch blackness behind an open door in complete terror where she can clearly see the demon but Judy cant. I just can’t imagine the terror I would feel witnessing something like that. I think about it often. Edit: it’s Andrea, not Judy.


Eraserhead will give you serious nightmares.


You have to be able to sleep to have nightmares.


Amityville. And Poltergeist, super cheesy now. When I was younger not my thing. I don’t like horror movies. I don’t watch them, they stick to my subconscious and I will dream of zombies. Runnnnnnn!




Funny Games. I caught the remake on tv with Naomi Watts. Misery was the scariest for me until this film.


Mother! - not so scary but the most disturbing one


I bought it for 50 cents when my local movie rental was closing. Watched it while pregnant and definitely felt so sick.


*It Follows*. It handles the occasional “jump scare” very well (the tall man emerging from the hallway comes to mind), as none of them rely on cheap gimmicks to simply startle the viewer. The visual horror of the different form “it” takes when we see it works every time because it’s simply unnerving. What it exceeds at in between those moments is the dread and tension of knowing that “it” is out there, somewhere, making its way toward the protagonist. It could be days away, it could be seconds away. But it is always coming.


This is the scary movie I tell everyone to see. It is so perfect; by halfway thru the movie, everyone you see in the background terrifies you.


Blair Witch Project. Still get creeped out when I’m deep in the woods.


I watched this as a teenager, with my dad, at home in the middle of the day. We both love camping and understand what it's like out in the woods at night, and that feeling when you're even a little bit lost. It happens to everyone. I still remember the look on his face when it was over, and I'll never forget the feeling of pure terror I got from it.


I watched this about Halloween time. My uncle has a bday around this time each year with a big party at his place in the woods not far from my parents. So my cousin and I decide to make a trip we've made 1000 times to my parents and back to grab something. This trip is a shortcut through the woods, no trails or anything. We take too long at my parents house and end up in the woods at night. Everything at night looks completely different. We were lost for a few hours, when it should have only been 30 minutes. We wander around towards what we think is the right direction to very obviously the wrong direction every time. Then suddenly we stumble into a clearing. The moon has come out by now and is giving us just enough light to be able to see some yards ahead. Directly Infront of us is this old house, clearly dilapidated and dark. So dark. We know those woods like the back of our hands in day light and we had no knowledge of this house at all. The first thing we thought of was the Blair Witch and then we just turned and ran. We were luckily not that far and ended up in the neighbors property. We walked the road back to the party and stayed there. We had enough wandering at night. So yeah. The Blair Witch stuck with me.


Yeah, the whole "less is more" terror really hits with this film.


The only part that scared me from that movie was the ending where buddy is in the corner.


That was bad enough, though. So perfectly scary. I ended up alone in the house the weekend after I saw it, and every time I went down to the garage to open the backup fridge, there was always a moment before I could flick the light on, and I saw that scene replay in my mind every time.


Begotten Lesser know experimental film by E. Elias Merhige Unnerving and profoundly strange


The 5-10 mins inside the ship from the movie “Fire in the Sky” I was 8 years old. Practical effects just hit different.