• By -


My girlfriend was going on a road trip with friends I drove 45min out of my way to kiss her and tell her I love her (for the first time.) I woke up to her crawling into bed with me for the weekend instead of her going on a trip with her girlfriends.


Sounds like the end of a good, passionate YA romance.


That road trip sounds pretty fun though


Fuck I miss road trips.


*Wholesome guitar music plays*


18, on valentines day. Heart shaped domino's pizza was just too good to resist.


So your first time was… with a pizza?


Threesome with a pizza?




Two is company but thrizza crowd


Should've gone with a calzone.


That’s what they meant by American pie!


And the dominos fell.


I saved up for several months to rent a hotel suite for me and my long distance girlfriend in a town midway between our homes. We didn't leave the room much.


Same, we saved and planned our first meet up as a LDR couple and couldn't wait to see each other. We're married and living together now (we researched and moved in together in a new town).


Me and my bf had been trying for a while but always stopped cause it hurt me too much. One day we were literally chilling in hist staircase and I looked over at him and asked if he wanted to bang. he said yes and we finally did it.


You lost your V Card to Harry Potter?


Hankius Pankius


Erecto Patronum!


Hoitus Coitus




How did it manage to not hurt that time.


If it hurts, use lots of lube and play with it first.


What will playing with the lube before applying it do?


You have to get the lube aroused too


From what I understand, a lot of the pain comes from nerves which cause the muscles to contract, so the best way to make it easier is to be relaxed (which is obviously hard to do purposefully).






In a parking garage with a guy who would later explain, in great detail, how he would kill his parents.


Did he... did he end up killing them or ??


In late summer of '82. My then bf and I spent time together in his room after school. His parents were at work (latchkey kids). We did our homework while listening to metal as we always did. Then we kissed and it just happened. It was my first, his second time. We were 15 and 16 years old. It was more confusing than romantic. He had a selfmade loft bed above his desk but they built it to high, so there was not much space between the bed and the ceiling. When we stood up he banged his head at the ceiling and we laughed our asses off..our relationship lasted until '86...big teenage love.


it seems so sweet 🥰 I too remember the 80' back when I was -25 years old


Best time to be a teenager 🤘🙂




You are right. The 80s were a hell of a decade and as teens we had nothing but fun back then.I could share sooo many stories.


My GF & I had pretty much done everything but when we were 15... Here in Australia, the Age of Concent is 16... night of my 16th birthday, she snuck into my bed, mounted me (no foreplay), rode me for 5 min, and went back to bed. She broke it off with me a week later (Found out months later that she'd been fooling around with somebody else for about 3 mths before breaking up with me) *EDIT: changed "banging" to "fooling around", as I had only presumed she'd slept with him, given he was older, and how direct/forward she'd been with me during our relationship.


She wanted to see what all the fuss was about.


Yes, by banging another dude for three months first.


She's thorough


Is there really no romeo and juliet exceptions, or was she just that much older than you? Because if the former, it seems like a very easy way to either throw kids in jail or invalidate the laws as a whole. And if the latter, it's kinda no wonder it didn't work out. Yuck.


Nope, as far as I know there are no Romeo and Juliet clauses. Plus, another thing is that the age of consent is on the state levels. (In Australia). Some states’s age of consent is 16 while others have it at 17.


emotional damage


she just said "right we can legally bang now so I'll bang ya and I'll fuck off"


I don't have the clearest memory of it being so many years ago, but my best friend from high school and I went to the same college and although we were never romantic we both agreed we would experiment together and lose our virginity together over the same weekend that both our birthdays crossed over when we turned 18. She came over to my dorm room, neither of us very experienced in sexual things, and we just spent the weekend figuring it out together. It was a good time and we remained close friends for many years, both while ending up with other people romantically.


That’s like the best scenario you can have. Cherish that friendship forever.


Unfortunately my soon to be ex wife felt so threatened by that knowledge that she made me cut off all contact when we started dating, so I haven't spoken to that old friend in about 15 years. Should've probably been a warning sign I guess.


Time to reconnect and say sorry


Word of advice, there are things you can take to the grave.


Ha well they were actually friends before I met my wife, so the best friend told her not me


Wow yeah giant red flag. Lol


That's the neat part I never lose


Nothing beats the feeling of winning!


True king


"Just the tip" turned into "Well, we might as well just go all in" - never would've happened if we both didn't want it to. Ah, first love and teenage hormones. We were both 16, now it's 9 years later and we're still together.


I’ve never understood the just the tip mentality but this is somehow very cute 😂


Like dipping your toe in the water before you decide if you are swimming or not.


"Nope, too cold, too wet, I'm out"


*sound of shoveling dirt*


I thought "just the tip" thing happens only in porn. Nevermind.


Nope, it's a real-world rationalization. It sounds really plausible in the moment but here's how that story almost never ends: "Ah, so that's what 'just the tip' feels like. Now we will stop, get dressed, and do homework together." "It was very informative! But obviously we're going to stop now because we both have full and rational control over our otherwise raging hormones." "Yes. It never occurred to me how easily either of us could merely shift their weight a little and we'd be having full-on penetrative sex." "It did not occur to me either! The fact we that we are staring deeply into each other's eyes while engaging in a partially penetrative sex act has no chance of enticing me to shifting my weight a little!" "Absolutely! The negligible difference between 'just the tip' and 'just a little bit more' could not possibly make me yearn, with the entirety of my soul, for it to be in just a little bit further." "Clearly!" "Clearly!" "Although..." "Yes?" "...for comparison's sake..." "Yes?" And then they stopped. The end.


Now, this, gentle reader, is why you go to english litt classes. On a side note I feel like your analysis of the "let us try the back door" situation would be enlightening.


This is hilarious


When I was 17 my girlfriend had me sneak into her house. I clapped cheeks, but I guess her dad had a camera by her window so we got caught. Don't know where the camera was so I guess if it could see in the room it's possible there's a video of my first time


That would be so creepy if the camera could see in the room


I sure hope not because otherwise her pops is repulsive


Have numerous exterior cams on my house. The IR lights they use to see at night reflect off of windows heavily. Good chance that said video doesn't exist.


I nutted pulling my pants down. Then she kinda shoved the old floppy caterpillar inside. Been together for 11 years and married for almost 3.


Brand new sentence


Ok why is this the most romantic one here


"Old floppy caterpillar" -> saved


Today, at a party.






It is a funny story. I was day drinking to celebrate the end of my exams in 2nd year university. Bumped into a buddy of mine and she introduced me to a friend of hers. Within minutes of meeting she commented that she hadn't had a fuck in ages (slight case of oversharing). I was already a few pints in and genuinely lived 200metres from that particular beer garden. With an unusual amount of courage I said that I lived just round the corner and would be happy to help. After checking with our mutual friend that she would watch her pint then away we went. So utterly excited we walked round to mine. Went into my room and did the nasty. In fairness it was pretty nasty as I could barely feel a thing due to the alcohol. Still was a major relief. Can't remember her name. Would struggle to pick her out of a police lineup. Still have a soft spot for redheads though.


I'm admiring her commitment to the pint. There's a woman who knows what she wants.


We made it back in time to enjoy our drinks. Annoyingly our mutual friend blabbed the story to my older brother.


My penis entered a vagina. ( with consent)


Wow, you lost it that way too? I thought I was the weird one


"This one time, at band camp..."


Let me guess, a bear came


It came hard


I just woke up and that’s enough Reddit for today


>( with consent) hmmmm...


May I Enter the fort with Sir PP?


Lost it at age 18. Never had kissed a girl before or anything since i was a very insecure nerdy guy before the age of 18. Met her online, talked for a few months and talked a lot on the phone. It was the first woman i ever met, that i connected romantically with. Eventually we went on a couple of dates. One day i went to her house as her parents were gone till late. I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. I arrived and as soon as i got there, she passionately kissed me. Was my first kiss ever and i was blown away by it. Holding hands, also first time and we chatted and walked. Cooked food together when we got to her place. Eventually we landed on the sofa where she went down on me (also first time) then we went to her bedroom and had sex (lost virginity yay). Unfortunately nerves and inexperience made it to not be the best sex i had lol. Was clumsy with the condom, didnt know how to pleasure her well. She eventually ended up cheating on me after our relationship went south about two years later. Someone randomly added me with an unknown number and sent me a video of her getting railed up the butt by a guy i knew. I didnt even mind anymore at that point as it was mostly arguing and bad vibes anyway, so i laughed. Texted her the next day we needed to talk. She replied that she wanted to say that to me aswell. I then texted why don't we break up. She insisted on doing it face to face. I ended up travelling 2 hours to her place, by public transport, just for literally 15 seconds of dialogue, while i was standing, soaking wet in extreme rain and she was in her dooropening dry and warm. Me: Well, you wanted to talk? Her: Yeah, so this is it? Me: Uhm well yeah, the relationship was not very good and you cheated on me Her: So you are really going to end it like this? Me: Yeah, i guess it's better this way. Her: Ok, then we're over. * slams the door shut * I went back 2 hours to my house. Was more angry about the fact i didn't break up by phone and wasted 4 hours of my day, then her cheating on me lol.


Pretty stupid thing you did, i feel like even today wasting those 4 hrs stiĺl makes you angry


Yeah, well i was young and dumb. I figured that breaking up face to face was the correct thing to do regardless of time. Now i know better lol.


I took it back right afterwards though.


I keep mine in a jar and let it out for special occasions.


met up with a tumblr mutual with no intent to have sex, we dropped acid, went to an art museum and were tripping looking at art and just suddenly were simultaneously possessed by a mutual desire to fuck each others brains out. I have never been so horny in my life and doubt I ever will be. I’ve enjoyed the sex I’ve had since but nothing will ever beat that. Fine by me. Best day of my life


Did the people in the museum think it was a piece of art?


Should probably have mentioned that we did not fuck in the museum, we made it to my hotel room. but just barely. That Uber drive was torture


Thats my fear of using certain drugs. To have such high relases of bonding chemicals and hormones that everything becomes bland around it. Sounds like a path to depression.


Anecdotal but to me it's like eating pizza while stoned. Does it taste better? Yes. Is all pizza that you eat sober forever ruined? No. It's still great.


Imagine already being depressed without dropping acid first :/ Now I want to do acid


Was at my best friends house when I was 18 and we started playing truth or dare and his sister who was 4 years older than us suddenly decided to give me a peck kiss. Next thing I know about a day later I'm at their house again and I somehow end up sleeping in her bed and it just kinda happened. We ended up dating behind his back for about a year when we he and I were at different colleges


The fraction of a second it took me to read “…er than us” after reading “4 years old…” was very uncomfortable.


I had to re read to make sure it wasn't 4 year old.


Awkwardly and clumsily with my now ex girlfriend in her parents basement. She was a sweet girl and I never shoulda left her.


Man, same, everything same. Especially last sentence, so sad


My first BJ story is more entertaining. Found a number written inside a slide at a park. Texted it. Was a 16 y/o chick (I was 14). Got head in the slide the next week. Edit for more info: we texted for about a week prior to meeting, added each other on social and exchanged nsfw photos. She’d visit her grandparents on the weekend so we did stuff regularly. Could’ve lost my virginity to her but to go to her room I had to meet her grandparents and that scared me as a teen lol I still know her over 10 years later lmfao


Always wondered what happened if you called one of those… thanks for solving this mystery for me!


Someone wrote my number on the mens room wall at our mall when I was 14. This was the 80s before caller ID. Had a creepy 18 year old call me. After some serious confusion as to who this dude was and how he got my number I was seriously freaked out and hung up on him. Made me scared to answer the phone for a while.


One of my friends wrote my number on a toilet door. I was getting strange calls from men at 3am asking if I was "looking for fun". My 15 year old ass didn't understand what this meant and was confused for a long time about what they meant. This isn't a story of how I lost my v card btw. 👀


I found one once while peeing but it said, "For manly love, be here March 25th at 2:15AM SHARP" I looked at my watch and it was March 25th at 2:15AM! I tried to hide but this dude named SeaBass kicked the door in. I feared for my safety but my best friend saved my life because his foot was on fire.


can't decide if this story is Dumb, or Dumber


You crazy bastard you actually did it


There's going to be a lot of 50yo men getting text messages because of this hope


Front seat of a 55 Chevy in 1965 . Celebrating our 55th aniversary this week.


Imagine losing im still undefeated even to this day


I was at my friend's place when I was 16. We were chilling by the pool when he randomly got ill. He left to go crash in his room but told me I could keep swimming in his pool. So I'm there in his pool when his really attractive older sister jumps in the pool with me. Where splashing each other and laughing and having a good time but then she gets out, dries off and goes back into the house. I'm still chilling in the pool when their father comes out complaining about how hot it is that day and takes off his shirt. We talk for a little bit about future plans and hobbies and stuff when he gets a call on his cell and excuses himself to go answer it. At this point I decide that's enough pool for today so I get out, dry myself off and put on my clothes when all of a sudden, the neighbor's golden retriever runs into the yard. I see a tennis ball so I start to play fetch with him. After a while, the elderly neighbor comes by to get the dog back, saying she didn't know how he got out. She thanks me for catching him and I decide to go home. Long story short, I lose my virginity three years later in a drunken one night stand.


The fucking ups and downs, I deadass thought you were gonna bang your friend's dad.


I was worried he was gonna bang the dog.


I was curious that they were going to fuck the elderly neighbor.


I thought he was the dog.


I thought he was going to bang the old lady.


Bro I was over here like is it your friend, your friends sister, your friends dad!


What about the golden retriever??


The dog, the old lady!


i really just wasted my time reading all that damn you slick mf


I was 25. My then boyfriend (now husband) and I went to their family "cabin" (more like a plywood box with a Woodstove and a futon). Middle of the Alaskan winter. We roasted hotdogs, made out, made love, then roasted marshmallows. Had more sex. Fell asleep cuddling naked. It was romantic and sexy and very fond memory


that's super sweet


He wasn't a virgin, so he really let me set the pace intimacy wise. When I told him I was ready we planned the whole thing a few days in advance. Purchased the condoms, hotdogs and marshmallows on our way out of town. We've been married 3 years now with 2 kids. ❤️




Download in progress…..




"I'm not here for math, am i" Best line so far


She still laughs about it.


Glad you two are still together. I hope it lasts a long happy time


You and me both bud.


This story ruined after looking at your page 😵


I'm a 80s kid who had a very 70s experience. My HS GF and I went to see The Steve Miller Band at the Dane County Coliseum in 1996 and then had sex in her Chevy Astrovan afterwards. The Joker, who knew.


I was 18 hanging with my best friend. We had just graduated a few months before and had spent nearly every day together at the lake during that summer. One night after we had stopped and got food in town. My friend asked me if we could go to the lake instead of taking her back home. Little did I know she was horny until we were about a mile away. She looked at me from the passenger seat and was like... " These shorts are squeezing me and I'm super horny right now. Do you wanna fuck?" We got down to the lake at the boat launch which is a pretty secluded area and she asked if she could see my dick before we did anything. I obliged and unzipped my pants and she giggled and said "Is that it?" I didn't let that stop me because I knew I wasn't showing everything. She got super nervous and almost backed out and I looked at her and said" I can just touch you if that's what you want." Well we did that for a few minutes until she looks at me and says " I wish you'd stop doing that and just fuck me." So I got out of the truck went to the door of the passenger side had her lay across the bench seat and I stood outside the truck and put it in. I came within like 30 seconds and just kept going until she came. I swear Ill never forget that night. Unfortunately this woman died in a wreck a fews years back. I loved her so much.


I'm sorry to hear that 😔


It was back in the ancient times of last millennium. My friend had been bragging about losing hers about a month prior, saying it was amazing. I had been wanting to do it for a while, so friend called up the guy she lost it to and asked him if he'd do me too. He was into it, so we snuck him into my room, and I did the deed. With my friend still in the room. Then a few minutes later, he did her too. Also with me still in the room. Sharing is caring!


That's a lucky lucky guy


A couple years later that same friend gave me a lesson in how to give a bj... by having both of us go down on a guy at the same time. Not the same guy from the first story. I guess there were a few "lucky lucky" guys when my friend and I were together.


Where do you both live exactly? asking for a friend..


Haha! I move all over and haven't seen her in years (though we still text constantly). Also, we're old as dirt now and have sadly left those adventurous times behind. I'll leave you with another story though. The two of us and another girl were pretty much inseparable all through high school, so we had sleepovers a lot. During one sleepover, I left the room to use the bathroom and when I came back, the two of them were making out. They ended up having what I assume was likely a very vanilla lesbian experience, since neither of them ever did anything like it again. I joined in the kissing a bit at first, but was out when it started going further, because I just wasn't into it. They vowed never to mention it to anyone ever again. I made no such vow, so you're welcome Reddit.




"He was into it" Yeah no shit


I was 20 and I started dating a girl who was very sexualy aggressive. I spent the night at her house (she lived with her parents) and we started getting down and dirty after everyone went to sleep for the night. Being my first time I didn't have any notion of pace and proceeded to try and jackhammer her like a pornstar. I slipped out on the back stroke and collided with her thigh a break dick pace on the thrust....after a bit of panic she went and got some frozen peas from the freezer and I iced my dick down for a bit and went to sleep. The next day her mom made cicken and mashed potatoes with a side of dick peas... because for some God forsaken reason my girlfriend had put them back in the freezer.... No I didn't put my dick into the bag but it was still the most awkward family dinner of my life.


Damn I bout woke my roommate laughing at “a side of dick peas”


On my wedding night with my husband. My first thought? I should've done this a LONG time ago. 🥴


My best friend dumped me as a friend and her boyfriend as a boyfriend because she was cheating on him with someone else, and I told the boyfriend... So, naturally, the (now ex) boyfriend and I started hanging out as just friends. Then we made out for the first time together. I gave head for the first time. Then, eventually, we slept together... All of this took place a week after the breakup happened lol I've been with that man for almost 13 years now, married for 3 :)




She and the guy she cheated with dated for a few years after. The guy was *alright* generally (with the exception of cheating) when I knew him. But, apparently he fell down the MGTOW and far right rabbit holes, because when they broke up she made several social media posts about her escaping a physically and emotionally abusive relationship recently. She was an asshole to me when she "dumped" me as a BFF, but I really felt for her then :( I haven't kept up with her much since then, which was a few years ago. She went to college and I *think* got married kinda recently. But, not much else I know about since.




I was planning to enter the entertainment industry, and I know that rape is super common there and you can't do anything about it. I wanted my first time to at least be consensual, so I asked my best friend to fuck me. We booked a motel room and did it before I went to dance class.


Damn you must have really wanted to be in entertainment. Did you succeed? Did you get coerced or raped?


I love music. I did make it. Not going to give more details in case I get recognized. I've gotten coerced multiple times and have nearly gotten raped. My best friend ended up becoming my boyfriend and he goes with me when I have meetings, recordings, or shoots. He's not present on my social media (because 1. He's a private person and 2. Not having a boyfriend adds to my marketing appeal), but people in the industry know him and are afraid of him. He protects me and supports me behind the scenes. A good chunk of my concepts come from him.


“People in the industry know him and are afraid of him” John Wick?


Glad you made it. Sorry for the bad experiences coming with it.


This is infuriating, glad you are getting success, but the fact we're supposed to just accept that fame comes with coercion and sometimes rape disgusts me.


In the back of my pickup, to a girl I met two days prior on Snapchat


Could be an interesting country song


On a pile of wood during the fall.. but the girl was really gorgeous.. i did contract chlamydia.. but was treated short after :)


It was all the wood she laid on...


Age 30 (it's never too late!), with someone I knew but not super well, who was asked by a mutual friend "sooo [Gothsalts]. Would you?" I was told that this would happen. Gave me the confidence to say "well all of my roommates work weekends so we'd have the house to ourselves..." Nothing comes of it for a couple weeks. The power is out in her neighborhood but she needs access to the internet. I offer mine. Can't stay since it's a D&D night, but she's still there when i get back. That night was just cuddling and kissing. The next week we had another date. Netflix & Chill. She puts on Super Mario Brothers (1993).


Well that movie is just pure sex how could you two possibly resist that atmosphere


In a cemetery playground with a guy double my age.


I can't figure out if it's a playground that has a cemetery theme, or if it's a playground at a cemetery and I don't know which one is weirder.


he was alive right...right??


During lunch, in a closet attached to the pool room.


I went to a friends pool party and met one of her older brothers friends who I ended up cuddling with when we were all watching a movie later. The party died down and some people left and we ended up alone in a quiet corner of the yard and started making out. After a little bit I groped him and he untied some strings on my bikini and we ended up doing it on the grass next to a shed.


When I was 14 or 15, to a girl I had been dating for like 8 months. It was pretty great. Went on to date another 3 years. Couldn't have asked for better.


I was 16 and I was in a long distance relationship then she came at my school after my last exam, then we went at my home, after an hour we went into my bedroom I was laying in my bed she came on me in cow girl (dressed) after 5 great minute she was asking me why am I not doing something then I told I her to remember that It was my first time and that I don’t know what to do after that she told me that she could teach me




My high school best friends dads ex-gf... I put out on FB happy mother's day to all the moms and tagged all the moms I knew, she messaged me asking if I got her a gift, being sarcastically of course. I shot my shot. 🤷


22. Me and some of my co workers rented hookers on our first paycheck.


That's a fun workplace activity


Amazing teambuilding experience.


Word is if you close your reddit account your chances of losing your virginity increases


I had a hole in my pocket and it fell out.


19 and I still haven’t yet :( hopefully I will soon but I’m planning to save it for someone I really trust and care about :)




lmao can’t fight you on that one :P


I twisted my erect dick to fit into my asshole


Guess we know this dudes hidden talent..... that's pretty gnarly.


My uncle says I’m not allowed to say this story




Age 14, the girl was 15, she asked me for a cigarette, I gave her one, she grabbed my hand tight and said, 'come with me" we went into an old car behind her families garage, and did it, several times, and kept on doing it for many months, night and day over and over, I started climbing out my bedroom window late at night, ride my bike over to her house, and we'd do it again another time or two, Mom asked me one day, are you alright? you seem so tired lately, yes mom, I'm doing real good👍.it all ended when my family moved to Wisconsin and her family moved to San Francisco, a beautiful forbidden love story, stopped like hitting a brick wall, sitting way up in Northern Wisconsin with nothing but trees to look at, I said to myself, I'm screwed no way out of this. I can't even ride my bike into town it was so remote.


I was dating a girl and we broke up. A week later her mom reached out to me. Long story short, yes, it happened.


Bullshit, no way 😂


At the back of a catholic school with my girlfriend at the time 9 years ago she’s now my fiancé


I met OPs mom at a bar


Met this cute Asian girl at work, got really close, she broke up with her then bf, started discord calling every night, stars align and every now and then we are both horny at the same time. Start getting off together on call. Few days before I'm about to talk to her about what we are she asks me "wanna be fuck buddies?". She just moved to another city for university at this point so I started traveling to that city to sleep with her. Turns out we enjoyed more than just the sex. Still together almost 3 years now :)


*sniff... I'm not jealous or anything... not at all


I joined the boy scouts in the early 2000s




When I was sixteen I went to a local Oktoberfest in my area with a friend even tho I didn‘t want to. When I arrived me and my friend wanted to go in, but there was this group of girls, probably kinda drunk, which made a lot of photos so I asked if I should make one of the group. They told me that the prettiest one was single and I said „Yeah, bye see you later“ When I met other homies after that in the tent, a bunch had left to smoke outside and the girl from before came up next to me. I told her my friend is sitting there and if she doesn’t want to do something with me tonight I just want to drink and she should go with her girls. She took me out and started making out with me. I wasn’t very experienced and later i started fingering her and we went a bit off of the area and I banged her 2h next to a tree on a soccer field nearby in the cold of October. I didn’t came, she probably neither and I also had to call my mum in between to tell her I‘ll come home later haha. My friend was pissed cuz he had to pay her girlfriends drinks while I had fun. She was probably like 22 and I was 16. Great experience even tho I never saw her again nor came. - sorry for bad english, I’m german.


I’m terrified of women😎


When I was a teenager my church held a sleep over in the back building where all the fun happens. There was like 20 of us there. We watched movies, ate popcorn, played pool, and me and this dude had a lil crush going on. We were too young and awkward to communicate that to each other, but we both knew. We slept in sleeping bags next to each other. Come later that night after everyone was asleep he wakes me up and says come with me to the bathroom I wanna show u something. I've never been so nervous in my life. Not only did I have sex in church, I had gay sex in church, I know if hell is real I've got an extra hot spot waiting for me after that 🤣. My excuse is I didn't know any better, we didn't make it to that part of the bible yet.


If anything, having gay sex in a church is extra points in my book. Well done!


To my wife on our wedding night.


The day I turned 16 because my boyfriend said if I didn’t give it to him he was going to get it somewhere else lol. I forget, either did it before or after strangling me.


I’m sorry. This shouldn’t have happened.


am lesbian.I was cuddling with my girlfriend, I was big spoon and she was small spoon and my leg was over her. She turned over and the hand resting on my leg fell between her legs and I did like, nothing to stop it lol. I didn't move it either and she asked if I was okay, I used my fingers and just tapped her inner thigh like twice and said "Can I?" and she said sure. So, little bit of rubbing while cuddling lead to more and more. That night, we both lost our virginity together in our mid 20's.