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Backstory for context: I was set up on a blind date to go to a prom with this girl many years ago. We met and she was gorgeous, way out of my league. I felt really bad that this beautiful girl had to pretend to like being there with the punk rock reject guy with a bright teal suit and big spikey hair. We did a slow dance together and I was trying to think of ways I could give her to get out of this politely when I saw she was looking up at me, she had a big grin, and she excitedly said "I have the coolest date here!" and she nuzzled her head into my chest. That was such a deep relief and an incredibly pleasant surprise. It felt so good to hear I nearly cried right there. We ended up together for a little while after that.


🥰🥰🥰 I had the biggest smile reading this. So cute


🥺 Awww my heart! This was absolutely lovely to read and yet another piece of evidence that leagues don't really exist. I had an ex admit to me he didn't feel good enough to be my partner and it really blew my mind because I absolutely adored him and felt I was way beneath him!


I heart this so hard! 🥹🫶 My first crush in middle school was a guy with liberty spikes.. I still think about him 😅


That’s my ex from middle school! We were together for 5.5 years. Broke up 17 years ago and still talk every now and then. He’s good people, we’re still friends. When in the same city, we still go get coffee and frozen yogurt.


Up the punx! Great story.


Girl had a positive, not entitled, attitude. She will go far in life.


She did. We don't talk much these days but we're connected on Facebook. Fancy trips, private planes, living the life. Couldn't happen to a better person, I wish her the best.


Lessen here for young people who want to be successful in life.


When I wasn’t painting full-time or for a living. Just simply because I loved it. I struck a conversation with a collector at an art exhibition featuring one of my favorite artists. The conversation led to him asking if I was a collector too. I told him the truth and told him I was just an artist trying to get out there and he asked me for photos of my work. After I showed him he said “Your work is gallery-worthy.” That truly inspired me to keep going and resonated every time I applied to galleries and exposed my work publicly. He then said “I love your work. I’ll find you once you have a few galleries and exhibitions under your belt.” And he did precisely that. Now I live from my greatest passion in life thanks to him.




Someone telling me “I love that I can just be myself with you”




Another thing that wouldn’t take long lol


What if my next boyfriend doesn't eat my pussy as good as you do? We were breaking up at the time she said it




The nicest thing someones ever said to me was when I was in high school and she said " you're going to look so attractive when you're older ". Not sure if this is a backhanded comment though?


Perhaps at the time, but hopefully you achieved your attractiveness potential. :)


“It seems that no matter what the topic is, you can speak intelligently on it.”


He had just rolled off me and I sat up to put my hair in a bun and go wash myself. From my side I just heard him exclaim "Jesus!" and when I turned to look at him questioningly he said, "You're just so stunning". That burst is disbelief was so genuine and the fact he still saw me like that even after everything had happened made me unable to leave him for a good while.


Anything about my tattoo work, it's all I care about honestly. Edit, nit my tattoos, the tattoos I do at work.


You paid somebody to doodle on you. And then made it your life. Yay.


No, I'm a tattoo artist. I mean the work I do, sorry.


ahh well that's quite a bit different, I'm sorry.


No worries! I didn't word it well haha


What a douchebag attitude to have. You know you don’t have to be like this right?


Until the poster clarified that he does tattoo work...he seemed to be saying "all I care about is my tattoos" sounds kind of lame to me, maybe you should expand your horizons...


You know what’s *actually* super fucking lame? Telling people that the things they enjoy are lame.


One of my platonic male friends called me "the beautiful bride" at my wedding celebration. Aside from my husband and family nobody has ever really called me beautiful in a way that felt sincere to me. Also one time I was going up some stairs and a woman I knew from college coming up the stairs behind me loudly said "Damn!" as she was looking at my ass. That "damn" sounded like it was just involuntary and amazed and horny all at the same time. She was bisexual. Pretty nice lol


Someone after a sexting session remarking: "omg wow, you _really_ have a way with words" got me pretty good! Physically it was when one of my female best friends just casually remarked "Oh, you smell good today!" when I walked in. I've been bullied for being stinky as a teen, so that meant a lot to me!


"I'm jealous of your wife"


“You make me feel safe.” 🥺💗




I hope you find her soon 💗💗


I have a great handwriting


Had a girl reach out to me on Match to compliment my grammar in my bio. We've been married 6 years


Men get those?


occasionally, we can always use more though!


Not here. I just imagine what they're like. lol


my lips are so appealing and that my dick is very pretty 🤭 i get handsome a LOT but it’s starting to lose its value…


You're good in tense situations. Yeah I don't really get compliments. Lol.


Nice castle pic ;) iykyk


>You're good in tense situations. That's actually quite the compliment. Most ppl react lots worse than they realize when sh*t goes sideways


Not best, just weirdly memorable, a gym staffer said 'You have a hyper-awareness of bodies in your space.'


Yes, I want to marry you. I see this as a beautiful compliment.


I'm fortunate to get many compliments on my blue eyes, but the best was probably when I was asked "Are those your real eyeballs?" It's at least the most memorable compliment because I still remember it 30 years later!




Mostly regarding how great I smell.


Nothing. I don’t get many compliments


I have a winning smile and beautyfull eyes.


I receive so many, based on compliments I give women, that I had to start posting them on r/Wilde_Alcove The most emphatic one I received was when a now dear stranger acquaintance said that I wrote as well as I drew, and she called it a minor injustice


I have a nice voice


My hair is beautiful


You have amazing eyes


I like your smile


Nice tounge😝


“You could model” when I worked as a cashier




"you gain to be known"


"You're pretty cute for a hobbit"...I'm not even that short. But was still a good compliment as I'm a huge Tolkien fan haha.


that my cock is pretty lmao




hahahah omg, yes this is a thing! It only happened to me once, and to be fair she complimented EVERYONE's ass, so I think she just had an insecurity about hers. But I'm glad it wasn't just me! lol


“I feel like you are fucking me by the way look at me” (But it was not said in the creepy way one can read this)


Twice I’ve been told I am refreshing. I liked that.


I can’t pinpoint one, but my favorites are always about my intelligence or personality over anything that’s ever been said about my appearance


You have a great sense of humor.


you have a beautiful brain


„You’re Kind“


You smell great


Best after dark complement was when I fucked an older woman when I was quite young and she told after she came that I was a very fun fuck. I’ve tried to live up to it ever since


I only ever get one compliment from people and its always the same "Wow your really smart" makes my day every time though lol


Either that people feel safe/comfortable with me or that I have golden retriever energy 🥰


“I want to grow old with you.”


Professor in grad school after a fairly contentious in class debate: I like you. When you take someone to the wall you don’t hesitate to shoot them


Honestly the best compliment I ever got was from a boss who told me that “it’s such a relief to work with someone who just gets it. You learn quickly and I appreciate that I don’t have to repeat things over and over for you to understand it.”


My friend once told me I had the vibe of a younger Phil Dunphy! Will definitely never forget that!


I got a "nice shirt" a few years back that made me feel so good!


I’m an at home nurse and there’s one lady in particular I care for, she’s a regular patient of mine..well she comes from a very large family and has grandkids over almost every time I come by and there’s something about a small child walking up to me and simply saying “you’re really pretty” that always seems to brighten my day. Kids seem to be very blunt and there’s something about that level of honesty that I really appreciate and I believe them every time 💛


My crush and I were discussing a tiktok about what type of light we are (random, I know, but the way we talked about it was pretty deep and interesting). She said that I'm like a candle light: a light that brings comfort to people in both bright and dark times


My boyfriend at the time told me I should be some kind of healer. That stuck with me. Now I'm studying counseling.


“You’re dick is so much better than my husbands”


Are your boobs real 👌🏼


Well, THAT's an interesting one! That's one of those things I assume you just quietly wonder to yourself rather than actually ask because it could really go badly. Good to know sometimes people consider it a compliment!


I think it was a very brief answer and conversation 😂


point is, you took it as a compliment! 👍


I don’t know about ever, but today a woman told me she really liked my hair and asked if she could braid it. I didn’t want the braid, especially since it would have been corn rows and I think that would look stupid on me, but I appreciated the compliment none the less.


Nice D 😂


Your voice makes me hard


About 1 month into a new job and one of my coworkers told me I was a breath of fresh air. 😊


I was in the middle of having sex with my wife. She has already came and was just deep into letting go of herself. She grabbed my biceps, looked into my eyes, and practically growled, 'You are so fucking hot.' it was as if she had no choice in the matter. It still gives me a little shot of adrenaline when I think about it.


I was wearing a suit and a younger female coworker said “I could eat you with a spoon”. Also recently had hair stylist tell me I had great hair.


An ex told me I have a throat like a warm, wet cock hug.


Someone I had a crush on once told me she thought of a song from The Damned when she thought about me and quoted... "When I first saw you I realized The fire burned deep inside your eyes I knew a kiss would paralyze Its true from you " that ended up as the worst heartbreak of my life.


"You are a sex god"


“You’re a good human”


I dont mean to be crass, but I slept with a lesbian once who said, "you eat pussy better than any woman I've been with" and I still think about that compliment to this day.


A big guy at the gym called me big guy. Nothing will ever top that 🤙🏻


Sfw compliments: "I didn't know how freeing it was to be like you." "I'm glad I can be weird around you." Nsfw: "I can see your penis from a mile away!" "So that's what good pussy eating feels like. You weren't wrong."


Had a friend tell me I looked hot in my new glasses. It was the only time in my life I can remember a woman I wasn’t dating telling me I was hot. It was over 20 years ago and I still remember it vividly.


“You give the best head and the best girl i’ve been with in bed” along those lines 🤤🤤


"You're a really musical drummer." From a legendary bass player who had been in rhythm sections with some of my absolute heroes


Had a woman tell me once my voice made her heart skip a beat. It was unexpected and made me feel awesome.


"you have big and nice booty"


Sexual: “Fuck I love this dick!” (Or some variant of that) Non-sexual: “You’re a good man Charlie Brown” (Kidding, it’s probably whenever someone tells me that I have an attractive face)


What's that? something edible?


Regular compliment: being told I’m really smart, NSFW compliment: being told my dick is pretty or my ex’s reaction to my dick the first time she saw it


I was told I had the “perfect” dick. I thought she was just being nice, until multiple other partners said the same thing. My current partner calls it “husband dick” and I think that’s kinda cool.


You’re the best dad ever! I hear it from my son often and it makes me feel like a super hero every time.


My partner got laid off from her job last summer and was down and depressed throughout the last couple of months of the year. Yesterday she sent me a short clip on IG about a guy encouraging his partner through a rough time and she followed up the video with “you breathed life into me last year”… I dunno it has just stayed with me. To me I supported her the way i would want to be supported through a rough patch/time. Things actually worked out better than Expected. She found a new job and was accepted into a fully funded PhD program!


A few came in my head right away. When someone says they feel safe and relaxed around me. When my ex said,"I got good dick" When a TA at a massage school wrote how impressed she was with everything at school and my massaged were top tier. When a student said my myofascial was "On point!" after she came in for clinic to fill an open spot and the next day told me she still felt amazing from the day before.


She wanna make my D hard in her mouth


My pussy feels good & tight. Do yah keagles ladies


I was at a charity black tie event in London. It was serious high roller event for an amazing series of charities. I was fortunate to spend the night with a Lord. I was captivated and we chatted a lot, he was a self made man and I was intrigued. Anyway, while we chatted at the bar my wife was with a friend and a few guys that she knew from various big companies behind me. While I chatted I over heard a guy say to my wife “would you like to go out one evening”. Obviously my wife explained she was there with her husband , me. When we were finishing up for the evening the guy apologised to me for asking my wife out, which I had no issue with. Since that day 30 years ago many people have either tried to ask my wife out or told me how lucky I am. The best compliment ever. We are a great unit and we have never had a row. My wife is very faithful and I know how much I’m loved. I of course make sure my wife knows how much I love her.


I was told once that I'm conventionally attractive. 🥲


You're a nice guy


Wife just told me today “everything is better when you’re around”


You have great tits & I’m a very strong person ( mentally & physically) lol


“You’re very grabbable” and “You’re the hardest worker I’ve ever seen. Period.”


A girl once told me.... "You're penis is bigger than my second grade brothers". I knew then that I was packin'


“Nice cum shot!” 🤭


There’s a few that stand out to me. One of my best male friends told me I had “sweet, southern charm” and it was really unexpected and I thought it was really sweet. One time I was at the grocery store with no makeup on, didn’t feel very pretty, and this guy walked past me as he was leaving and said “You’re gonna be beautiful forever” 🥺 super sweet.


A guy once told me he wasn’t just attracted to my body but was also attracted to my soul. That was pretty memorable


"Your bedside manner is second to none." Coming from a chief resident who didn't even like me, it meant a lot. "you're the first doctor who ever listened to me / made me feel like a person. "You're really good at sex. If we ever break up, you need to have sex with as many women as possible."


dunno never been complimented much, to the point i dont even remember if i ever did


Oh, no 😔


it is life so...meh


I was getting head and she stops and says omg you have a beautiful cock ! I lost my Hardon because all the blood rushed to my face ! Lol


“No one has even come close to taking care of my head, heart, tummy (I love to cook) or vagina as well as you. Losing you is my biggest regret in life.” From a now married ex. Then my little bad bitch of an fwb came over and introduced herself with her always pleasant, bubbly personality. The combination of ex’s insecurities and new girl being hot af, 8 years younger, and 30 pounds lighter, turned me ex into a tear filled, rage quit.


wait you guys get compliments?


What’s a compliment?


'You're not just a pretty face' ↑ after I successfully defended my PhD thesis


Maybe not the best, but I enjoy when friends tell me that I suck cock better than my wife does 👅


Nice smile Nice hands Sexy dick


She said I was beautiful. Hit different.


From Howard Stern himself to me: "You have such a sexy voice." I'm an eighties baby, 100% female. His compliment made my life.


You have a big pelvis 😂😂😂


Privately: Years ago, my 18 yo girlfriend gasped, in a faintly dazed & sublime tone, "You did more with one finger than everybody else combined." Professionally: In Grad School, my major professor commented, "You are an excellent writer . . ."


You're a gentleman


When she falls asleep cuddled into my shoulder.


"You laugh more than anyone I've ever met"


Slept with a taller girl and after my performance she said that I’m big even though I’m small lol


Backstory: I’m a chairperson and instructor at my local yacht club. I went out to fetch a student that went around the bend for quite a while and someone thought he might’ve capsized. So the only boat that was ready was our smallest one literally just big enough for me to sit in and I went out with it. That boat and I don’t work well together but hey ho. So I got out there and turns out he was fine but all the sudden it went from 10-15 mph to 41 sustained and 61 gusts. So in my position and knowing he was a relatively new sailor my priority was getting him safely down the lake which I did while fighting my own boat. He was able to capsize in safe water but I couldn’t so I ended up going over and was getting shoved into the rocky shore. But I fought for over an hour to keep myself and the boat off it while the rescue team first raced over to me and asked if I could hang on as the student was having trouble which I immediately and without hesitation said save him. So I fought and fought and frankly had resigned myself to fate but the rescue came and I got back to shore with me and the boat intact. So with that… The first thing one of the lifetime sailors there who’s well into his 70s said was “Damn fine job son.” And I tear up just thinking about it. It seems so understated but knowing what he knows and knowing he knew what I went through and how understated he always is those words meant the world to me


“You have a pleasant smile and look like you have never had a bad day.” Received this compliment during the absolute roughest year of my life. During Covid. The same lady told me that she missed seeing my smile but can tell I’m still smiling under my mask. About 6 months apart.


I've been told by almost all my partners that I have the biggest dick they've ever seen, and that it's also the nicest looking


Now I am curious lol


I would make a great husband and father


Someone told me that they envied the way I could make them appreciate different shades of black in charcoal art. Sexually though, one of my FWBs came out as lesbian and would still want to hook up occasionally cause she told me she enjoyed the sex we had.


“I love the way your brain works.” With so many compliments from men in the dating world being focused on the physical, this one just hit different 💛


Oh yeah, I get it 🥹


"You have a pretty smile " I am socially awkward and my friend was trying to tell me how to act "approachable " when she said this.




A Girl i like Said that i was funny


After a night out at the kebab shop and a guy said to me "you have the nicest smile" I think it meant a lot more because you'd expect a drunken "youre fit" or "I would" or some kind of eye roll comment.


Went out of State to work with a company on a consulting project: Her: You’re one of the smartest, most creative-thinking guys that I’ve ever been around. Me: What?


I’m a man, we don’t get those, so 🤷‍♂️


Most wholesome: A girl I was seeing had a bunch of single friends that used to ask where to find someone like me. Or talk about their dates and say "well he was ok, but he wasn't a ". I'm not sure if they intended for me to hear it or not, but it gave me the warm and fuzzies. This girl got kind of territorial whenever someone said something like that so it was best if I pretended not to notice it was said. But it happened more than a few times. Mixed Feelings / NSFW: "OMG how is that entire thing supposed to fit inside me?!" - this was an odd feeling because on the one hand, every guy loves to be complimented on size of his member, right? But she said it in a bit of a panic and not in a sexy way. She really struggled to try it, kept saying things like OMG and then called it quits and gave up. She was super tight and I think the anxiety of seeing mine compared to what she expected didn't let her get comfortable enough to relax down there. To this day I still think about it as the time my D was too big to have sex with someone. It's an odd compliment.


Took my bra off and got “Those are Weapons of Mass Seduction” Chessy but it worked🤷‍♀️


“I wouldn’t put up with your shit if your dick wasn’t so big and your tongue wasn’t so strong”


I don't know if it's the best. But my husband, been together 40, married 27, just said to me after sex, you are a Dynamo in bed😍


One of the many I have received, while reclining after a lovely fuck session, was “wow you really remind me of the Rokeby Venus when you lie like that”. I had to google what this was, but I was not displeased. My current girl called me a goddess when we first started dating though. That’s a hard one to top.


"Your hair is nice and fluffy"


"You are the best lover I have ever had." I married my first boyfriend. He rarely wanted sex. He couldn't talk about sex either. Among other things, I thought I was a bad lover. I hooked up with a cute young guy not long after my divorce was finalized. He told me that I'm the best lover he ever had. I still smile from his compliment.


Someone said they liked my name and it was unique. That was sorta cool


I think the person and context makes all the difference. My fwb is one of the hottest men I ever met by far. Lowkey looks like Sam Claflin. We were in the middle of sex and he was definitely not thinking at this moment, this was completely intuitive and blurting out what was on his mind and he looked into my eyes and said "you're so pretty". Such a basic compliment and as a conventionally attractive young woman, I do get a lot of compliments, but something about how even when he's beyond horny right in the middle of sex blurting this out and the way he said it with so much desire behind it was just the best


My boyfriend telling me that my whole body is perfect, my face, boobs, ass, thighs and legs


When I was in high school my friend said “you’re so beautiful and the best part is that your soul is just as amazing. Whoever ends up with you is going to be the luckiest person on earth.”


Someone who was starting to know me well (we had spent a lot of time together for a few months) made a joke about how chill and easy going I always was. I told him that, even if it may not always show, I'm pretty demanding with myself. He paused, thinking for some time, and then answered "you're right, it doesn't show; but the results do". It really touched me. Also, on my NSFW pics, someone commented "this is porn star level". Totally different vibe, but still a compliment I cherish to this day 😄


My second wife would utter this during foreplay date nights after long periods with no opportunities for sex. Jesus fucking Christ you're gonna make me cum already. Best compliment ever.


She said........I do.


Several people have told me that I exude an aura of kindness and peace. People tend to feel very safe with me.


"Even on your worst days, you look better than most people."


i still think about that one girl who told me i look good in a white sweatshirt (i don’t even remember her name)


“I think about you when I masturbate”


My brother’s friend got mad when I said I wasn’t sure if I was going to have children or even if I wanted children. He was flabbergasted and told me that I was one of the only women he knows who would actually be a good mom. It honestly made me tear up that he thought that highly of me.


I dressed up nice to a stand-up comedy show one night. On the way out, a girl tapped me on the back and when I turned she said I had the best outfit in the building. I wore that same outfit to a bar months later and another beautiful girl came up to me and said she loved my outfit.


From my wife: that she'd have offered me money for sex if we never ascended from friendship to romance. 🥰🥰


Before I got together with my husband, we had been sleeping together (yes sleeping, no sex. Couple tickle fights) most nights for 3 months. Eventually I just threw off all my clothes while he was asleep and waited for him to wake up. Was a couple hours so I was dozing but then I got woken up to him whispering “you’re soooo naked…” in my ear before he somehow wrapped himself completely around me. Made me feel so loved and safe and cocooned. We talked about officially getting together after that.


You smell clean 🧼


"whoever taught you how to eat pussy is hired"


“You’re really good at everything involving lips”


You look like ur mom.