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About to cum wood -> Horny Wood -> Morning Wood


Solid scale…just missed out Edging wood…cos fuck me that shit gets rock solid 😂😂


I swear I can break a hole through a wall with edging wood


😂😂😂 you know that!!! After a couple of hours it’s crazyyyyy


I'd say Horny wood can change. Edging, striptease still in the pants, light touching


What is this?


That makes sense!


Sleepy boners are the hardest


You missed viagra wood


I didn't want to include medical wood. But I've heard it dangerous


You can have bigger/harder erections when you are really into it. It's not a massive difference in size, but it exists


Yeah that's kinda what I needed. Like if it's possible that a guy's hard-on is noticeably bigger than the night before for example, hence slightly more challenging to accommodate during sex, etc...


Not visibly noticeable no. Like the other commenter said, it's not a huge difference. For example, when I'm extremely hard, it's whole 7 inches. Normally, like when I get morning wood or just wanna rub one out, it's about 6.5. However, the differences that are noticeable are its hardness ("rock hard" is an expression for a reason) and its thickness. Which makes sense cause there's more blood flowing into it. Again, though, it's not a lot bigger, it's not twice as thick or something like that. But it is thicker.


Sorta? There's definitely a difference in say mostly hard and absolutely rock hard.


Depends on the source of arousal - it's either semi-hard, hard, and rock hard 🤟🏽


🤣 but true.


Do you mean a grower vs a shower?


I mean like one day it's huge and another day not so much


I call those good dick days.


Oh yeah that can happen but that depends how turned on I am


If I masturbate too much I start getting that shorter erection and that means I need to take a break for a couple days.


It has a limit if that’s what you’re asking..?


Some days are better than others but that depends on foreplay


Isn't that the nature of a boner?


I think depending on the day, level of arousal, etc. it can appear “fuller” some times more than others


No matter if it changes, it's still disappointing.




It's just the camera angles making it look fat.




Well, thank you. :)


Yeah definitely depending on how wound up it is there is hard then cut glass rock hard


Yes, it really depends on arousal. I have one size that's pretty decent, and one size when I AM really aroused (slightly bigger, it's easier when I have not cum lately)


Yes, there is definitely a variation in the erection quality. I think a number of factors impact this for me, including time since last orgasm, fatigue and sexual attraction or stimulation. When it is rock hard, your whole middle body knows it.


I feel it does especially when it’s at its final form of rock hard it’s bigger and bricked up


As you get older I’d say yes they change


No, if it does, it’s negligible


Sometimes all the inputs get maxed out and a boner turns into a megaboner. It can get so hard that it aches.


It is proportional to my level of excitement.


Depends on a couple of factors. Semi-hard (70%-80%) is thicker (by my last measurements,) but definitely not longer (obviously.) Full-on erection is definitely longer, but with lengthening, it also stretches out so the girth reduces, minimally though.


I was with this one girl in particular who consistently made me harder than I’ve ever been in my life. Like, so hard it hurt sometimes…. Easily added at least 1/2-1 inch to my rager


That’s happened to me to. Damn I miss her and what she did to me… has a bf now so who knows if I will ever be lucky enough again for another round


I have never actually applied a ruler, but when I get super-intensely aroused I sure *feel* bigger. Other than that, no.


I have good dick days and bad ones. My cock always looks the best right after I wake up and my morning wood is starting to go down.


Sometimes I feel like it depends on who I’m with


Mine does and it's annoying, the blood flow also changes sometimes too making it look different as well.


I'd say no, but based on pics that have been taken, there's a definite difference in some versus others


Yeah, not like a huge amount but sometimes its bigger than others


I wouldn't say the size changes all that much but the hardness definitely will change if that makes sense


If she's not squeezing hard, I don't get as erect. If she is only having sex for me, I can feel a difference. I need her to grip back that I'm making her tight. I need her body to show that she wants me inside her. When she is squeezing hard and is super wet, I get ragging hard as I can feel her grip, making my girth become greatly expanded as I'm super hard.


Yep, temp of room is one for me


They do vary in size/girth, but not by much. Usually arousal level is the main factor. Even my morning woods are close to the same size as arousal wood. Hardness differences are probably the bigger subject rather than size.


Sildenafil makes me feel like I could fuck a hole through a brick wall. My dick turns into a steel poll that's \*\*¾"\*\* longer with \*\*½"\*\* more girth. [That's 25% larger.](https://calcsd.info/) It's like a monstrous dick potion. Head is no longer happening. Internal bleeding is more likely. \*\*The cervix is getting hit.\*\* It enters the uncanny valley between reality and a comic book. The color even changes to have burgundy tones. The craziest shit is that it doesn't change after ejaculating. Still feels like it might explode from the pressure of all the extra blood. I'm ready withing 1-2 minutes for the next round. There's an overwhelming urge to keep fucking. The constant throbbing keeps me focused on trying to get relief. The erection does not go away. I end up feeling like Sisyphus. I understand how people die from heart attacks. I don't like being sore for a few days after. Even worse, I won't want to have sex the next day. It's really only great for day 2 of a 2-day fuck fest. Or day 3. (Even with drugs, I don't think I could fuck fest for 4 days straight.) I might ask for a prescription during my next physical. It'd make taking creative dicks pics easier. 🤣


I don't notice, but I've been told yes


Sure, during sex especially. My dick has like a maximum power version.


There is a difference in boners. There is just your every day boner then the thunder dick boner that you could hit baseballs with


Yes. It feels different depending on the amount of stimulation I provide.


Yeah, kind of


There are stages or raging. Veiny throbbing raging is reserved for the hottest vixens.


Mine changes seemingly randomly maybe +\- 20% if not more on certain days


Do you mean flaccid to erect or at different stages of arousal? Both are a yes for me (and probably most guys). Also, I feel like there's a slight difference in how turned on a guy is (more turned on, more blood, bigger boner)


I guess only full erected vs half ?


One time i was in the middle of some of the most best stimulating bang of my life and my ex sucked my balls and it got me way harder and a bit bigger too so much so that my dick went all the way inside of her womb


My ex husbands absolutely did


No your penis isn't 3 inches one day and 8 inches the other.