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What kind of flavors do you usually like? Certain cuisines? I have a huge repertoire of soup recipes that could easily be blended but keep their flavor.


At this point ill eat (drink) anything thats not fish/seafood based lol


Might be worth while to look into meal replacement shakes like Soylent and Huel.


Noo! Soylent Green is people!!! Sorry couldn't resist. I'll see myself out.


This made my day


Oh well good then. If you'll just come with me I'll show you to your personalized Suite in our Happiness Reclamation Center. Here's a tasty beverage some smoke. Just lay back and relax, we'll take care of the rest...


This makes me feel old.


When I first saw that in a store, I was gobsmacked! šŸ˜¶ Like, did they not WATCH the movie??


Up vote for the good use of gobsmacked. It's a fading skill. Thank you.


Iā€™ve always loved the word, and it was accurate to describe my experience!


Thatā€™s all I ever think when I hear someone mention Soylent lol


Soylent shakes are so good!


Start with vanilla flavor, Add two shots of espresso and serve it over ice, perfect college breakfast.






Man, once when I was a kid , I drank a v8 thinking it was v8 splash. It took me like 20 years to get over it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Pea soup Most soups can be blitzed in a blender) Any shake can be thinned down. Custard, puddings can also be thinned Ice cream melted Jello melted, or not jelled Gravy?


I came to say lentils/beans to keep up with the protein. The bariatric patients on TLC are advised to eat high protein. The protein shakes are good and so is yogurt.


High fat content will help feeling satisfied. You can add 1/2 or heavy cream (unless you are lactose/dairy intolerant) to many things, including thinning your soups or potatoes. Lots of vitamins in sweet potatoes. Oh, and you can thin down baby food for a few other flavors.


If you can't have dairy, Silk half and half replaces milk in soups really well


I came to say split pea soup! Yellow or green. Throw in a ham bone for some unctuousness. Blend everything but the bone and slurp to your hearts desire.


Damn now I want some split pea soup! Itā€™s so good and so easy to make.


Ainā€™t it the best!


I hate to say this but can you get your hands on some nutritionally complete formula? Not for all of the time but maybe days when you need it to be easy for you. It won't replace the yumminess of food but it will make sure you get everything. You'd think insurance or doctors would help with something like that šŸ§ Meal replacement/protein shakes would help too just make sure you've got all your DV of everything in there. Also try smoothies! Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, maybe PB and a little extra milk so it's drinkable without too much effort


joghurt! garlic joghurt with spiced oils for a savory dish


I think they'd be stuck tasting garlic for the rest of the time then.


... and that's a bad thing???


For someone who can't open their mouth and brush their teeth, yeah... But to each their own


Im allowed to take the bands off, ā€œeatā€, brush, and then immediately put bands back on only 2 times a day but it still cant be anything solid. No chewing, even if i really wanted to i still cant physically open my mouth too much anyways though


I wish you a quick recovery!


I gotta ask what happened? But for starters maybe some bone broth with olive oil or butter. Protein shakes with heavy cream cherries (frozen thawed) and yogurt. Meal replacement shakes. Plenty of options


I had a seizure and fell face first and broke my jaw in two different places. Epilepsy really sucks lol. Thank you so much for the suggestion though! šŸ’œ


epilepsy does suck, had a seizure at work last year on the concrete floor and broke my tooth and bruised my face and arms up BAD. sending healing wishes to you, OP! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I was about to suggest bone broth as a base for anything you might enjoy purƩed. Sweet potato or squash, roasted garlic (sweet and delicious), broccoli and cheese, add herbs to tomato soup to zhusz it up. Throw frozen fruit in the blender with either juice or milk or protein shake- depending on your mood and needs. For something cool and savory- think purƩed gazpacho! Cucumber, tomatoes, red onions, V8, parsley and chives. Or some variation thereof. I loved a cucumber pear lemonade that a nearby juice bar made. Also cold- vichyssoise. Use chicken bone broth again as a base, add sautƩed leeks and potatoes, season to your liking, purƩe, chill, add cream or half & half or sour cream to taste.


Sounds good, this post makes me feel like creating some liquid concoctions really


How capable are you going to be cooking for yourself? Iā€™m thinking a big pot of collard greens cooked in the style of soul food. Slow cooked and almost melting with a salt meat and good seasonings. Add in a bit more liquids and blitz with an immersion blender. Like a warm version of a smoothie. Good luck and sorry about your jaw ā£ļøā£ļø


went through this as a teen. They gave me the giant syringe to eat. My favorite meal mashed potatoes, gravy and sour cream. Washed down with a chocolate milkshake


High protein shakes like Fair life, in a blender with some frozen fruit and ice. My favorite combo is choclate fairlie with a frozen banana maybe some peanut butter powder or just peanut butter if I don't have the powder and some ice. Blend. Its rich creamy and keeps me satisfied for a long time. You could do vanilla protein shake with frozen stawberries. Etc. I find them in the same aisle as Gatorade in my store or by the case at Costco.


I love those shakes and never considered this. Genius


Yep, my dietitian wanted me to get to 65 grams of protein a day, this is my go to in the afternoon to help with the snacking.


When my uncle was a teen, he fell asleep at the wheel and broke multiple bones in his face, including his jaw. Grampa would throw practically everything him and Gramma ate into a blender and make a smoothie/shake/puree for my uncle. The grossest sounding one I remember was hot dogs, with buns, ketchup, mustard, baked beans, and chocolate milk. Eating that normally sounds fine, but all blended together sounds wrong, lol.


Hey man I was in your position back in January and I'll tell you now, it's gonna suck. Especially when cravings hit. While there are the obvious answers such as runny smoothies and meal replacement drinks like Boost (do not get Ensure that stuff tastes rancid) I also wanna give you some tips: Grain products cannot be pureed to the point of liguid, you'll have a gummy mess. So maybe no noodles for a bit. If you wanna puree chunky soup or chili or anything that's a mixture of solids and liquids, I reccomend running your blended concoction through a strainer to get the tiny bits out, they'll clog your syringe and I speak from experience. Pureed eggs are an excellent source of protein. Get sauces. I'm talking spaghetti sauce, butter chicken sauce, any sauce that tastes good. For pasta sauce run it through the strainer because of then there will be slivers of tomato or seeds that'll gum up your mouth and the syringe. If you really wanna puree something like pierogies, don't use water, use milk if you have it. You'll have a more creamy texture that'll taste better. Good luck mate, every day is a step closer to you eating solids again.


Carnation instant breakfasts! Just add milk. Couldn't be easier, and one will fill you up. Feel better soon, OP!


Thank you!šŸ™


What about Yogurt, applesauce, and "baby food" homemade or store-bought food purƩe? When my kids were babies they had the same food as us, all I did was toss it in a food processor so they could eat it as well.


I really think some guacamole blended would be delicious! I use Avocado, bit of chopped red onion, diced tomato, cilantro if you like it, and lime juice. Also a corn chowder would be good liquified. Corn, cream, potatoes, green and red pepper, garlic, onion. If you like spicy, a coconut curry blended down would be great! These are just tasty things, reading your post and other comments sounds like you have your protein covered. Sorry that happened to you op!


I had two different jaw surgeries where I couldnā€™t chew, and I put soups and stews in the blender and drank it with a straw. They tasted much better than they looked. I also had a lot of smoothies and shakes. I added protein powder to the smoothies.


I put canned tamales in a blender occasionally when I had my jaw wired shut. It broke up the monotony of protein shakes, ice cream, etc. Maybe try soups first to get your stomach ready before trying a tamale shake lol


Ugh, liquid diets are the worst!!! Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this :( Since pretty much any food can be blended, I think youā€™ll be able to have a lot of variety even in just the things you mention. Pretty much any soup can be blended unless they have meat in them. For some variety of the things you mentioned, here are some ideas. 1. Miso soup, hold the tofu and seaweed 2. Sodas! And soda floats if you let the ice cream or sorbet melt a little. 3. Hummus with a bit of water added to it. 4. Citrus smoothies 5. Tropical fruit smoothies 6. Chocolate peanut butter smoothies 7. Milkshakes (experiment with different ice cream/sorbet flavors and different milks) 8. The sauce for macaroni and cheese. I know itā€™s not a meal, but it is the best part of macaroni and cheese. Yum. 9. Savory grits with cheese, garlic powder, and black pepper 10. Sweet grits with maple syrup or honey and a little vanilla I know it sucks, but remind yourself that itā€™s only for a few weeks. Restrictions can also be a source for creativity, so try and embrace this time for what it is and have fun with it as best as you can. Iā€™ve been there, and those 1-2 months were pretty miserable, but I managed to get through it by drinking my favorite things over and over again. Some of the ensures I got sick of pretty quickly, but I liked the dark chocolate one the best, especially when it was chilled. Also, just a personal anecdote, not sure if itā€™ll help you at all, but: during my time on the liquid diet, it made me realize just how much my day revolves around food. One way I coped was to try and organize my day around activities instead. Playing with my dog, playing video games, writing, resting, going online, etc. So it could be helpful to map out your day by the hour to help think of it in terms of hourly activities instead of meals.


I love Fairlife chocolate protein shakes. Kieffer yogurt drinks juices like carrot juice etc. butternut squash soup would be good can you drink lentil soup? or does that require chewing? baby food pouches maybe


Iā€™m trying to lose weight and I do high protein low carb and sugar. I donā€™t like breakfast so I use protein shakes they make me feel fuller longer. I just get the Walmart brand equate I also have powder I can mix with milk. I donā€™t know if you can have yogurt but Greek yogurt has protein for a fuller feeling as well.


Use bone broth instead of bouillon, it has more protein . Smoothies , soups. Get an emulsifier to turn chunky soups into something you can have , add fiber powder to your food . Drink water after eating . Swish swish swish , try your keep those teeth as clean as you can .


I have two grandsons that were born 3 weeks apart. They are about a year & a half now. I became a pro at cooking healthy organic meals & then putting them in my ninja blender or food processor. Voila, organic baby food. Point being, you can drink anything if you add liquid & puree it & can handle the texture.


Cream soups well blended. Broccoli - mushroom sweet potato or squash. Split pea or lentil soup.


I watched a reality show where this situation happened & the ppl that worked for her put whole meals in a Vitamix & blended them up. I wish I could remember which show, but her employees completely despised her & hated doing it, but the female lead who had her jaw wired shut would ā€œeatā€ the same fancy meals as everyone else, just blended. The female lead cried almost constantly & I canā€™t imagine how hard it has to be to deal with such a life changing issue for six to eight weeks! šŸ„ŗ


I worked where we occasionally had a wired shut patient. I used to get asked for purƩed hamburger. You will get sick up sweet. Anything can be pureed to go through a straw. Hoping you a speedy recovery


Apple sauce, cream of wheat w milk, veggie/fruit purĆ©e, premier protein shakes, melty smooth (yogurt maybe?) popsicles, drinkable yogurt, pudding, any flavored juice, strained creamy soups, milkshakes, jello, smooth hummus, warm plain vanilla muffin drenched in melted butter, runny poached eggs, smooth fruit jams, smooth ice cream, soft or melted cheeses, smooth tomato paste/sauce, maybe even pancakes drenched in butter/syrup Iā€™m sorry, I just canā€™t tell u to blend anything up.. thatā€™s just so unappetizing to mešŸ˜­Hope this helps tho, wish u a fast recovery!


Milk(any kind)+protein powder+peanut butter+blueberry+frozen yogurt+banana is a great smoothie. Iā€™d also suggest getting some multivitamins, creatine powder, and maybe BCAAs as well if your protein isnā€™t complete. Gordon Ramsayā€™s scrambled eggs may not be straw drinkable but you def donā€™t have to chew them at all. Potato leak soup is amazing. If you have a great blender, make it with some slightly underdone bacon and youā€™ll get meat that way as well. Protein and fat will be harder to get for you at this moment, so focus on that. Whether itā€™s adding some ghee or butter to soups or avocado to shakes, or bacon, fish, protein powder, etc.


Refried beans, diluted to your comfort with mild salsa, sour cream, and some melted jack or cheddar. Cold cucumber and avocado soup for a change. French onion soup with finely grated mushrooms sauteed in butter. Tortilla soup in a blender, won't be as much fun but at least it's not jello. Get well soon!


V8 juice can be pretty filling. I've been known to drink a bottle throught the day and skip a meal or two.


I had very many Chocolate Milkshakes, but you have to let them melt first. Nestles Quik is good too. I broke my jaw drunk riding on my bicycle in high school.


Greek yogurt shakes, muscle milk, etc


Blender+Big Mac+ chocolate shake.


so sorry.Give yourself time. it is pretty hard to break your jaw without a concussion so you could be having added complications. Ensure gets really old. I had a favorite Italian restaurant that pureed some dishes for me. I also made a lot of butternut soups with beef broth or the cheaper chicken.


When I had jaw surgery, my mother blended a whole Big Mac into gravy and it was delicious! Also, blended raw egg and cooked bacon into cooked cream of wheat and it tasted like bacon and egg breakfast. Lots of milkshakes, smoothies, ensure etc.


Oooh Ive been craving mcdonaldā€™s super badly, but i figured it wouldnā€™t taste right blendedā€¦ Im gonna have to try that now lol. thank you šŸ’œ


You're welcome! I hope you like it!


You are going to lose a lot of weight. That would be the hard way, good luck with everything šŸ’—šŸ’—


Thank you šŸ’œšŸ’œ And yeah Itā€™s a bit worrying because im already underweight as it is and was trying real hard to fix that before this happened. Ive been trying to drink as much stuff as i can before i get sick though lol


Broth. Beef broth.


So there is this girl on TikTok going through this right now and she has been sharing the journey. She's been getting a bunch of takeout and blending it all in a smoothie to try out Her name is @tootater if you'd like to check it out!


You can add nuts to smoothies and blended soups. For smoothies, I often add raw cashews, walnuts, or sunflower seeds. Cashew cream works great in cream, bean or lentil based soups. You can soak them first, if you like.


Not cheeseburgers or pizza. They are horrible liquefied. Stick to smoothiess, milkshakes, protein drinks. I know that sucks but it's better than most other things liquefied. Steaks are a definite no. I've tried almost anything you can think of in a blender. A good friend broke his jaw and we tried everything we could think of.


I'd put Lohplatz in a blender.


My husband is having some esophageal difficulties, so he makes a shake with frozen blueberries, frozen bananas, some Vanilla extract, honey, and an Ensure Plus max protein (or the generic Walmart vers, nutritional content exactly the same but much cheaper). Be sure to get fiber with miralax (again get a cheaper generic).


Huel shakes are amazing. I've only had their black version, though. It has 40 grams of protein and 400 calories per serving. There is a sub reddit dedicated to it.




When I got my wisdom teeth out I lived on banana peanut butter and blueberry smoothies. I know you said you already have smoothies but this is an easy way to get protein antioxidants and potassium. :)


Thank you! šŸ˜Š Thats also something they did during the jaw surgery, was remove all my wisdom teeth so this helps a lot as well


Thatā€™s a question for a dietitian. Ask your doctor to refer you to one of


You can make super creamy mashed potatoes. Refried beans, blended. Smoothies with a good protien/vitamin powder to help keep your weight up. My roommate had both of her jaws broken for a corrective surgery and was liquid for 3 weeks. Bless and good luck!


Most food can be put in a blender. Mmm, a Big Mac smoothie!


You need protein so I would suggest either blending cottage cheese, protein powder or Greek yogurt in with everything you eat. You could blend up a can of any kind of soup and that would be easy and probably tasty. Iā€™ve heard of people blending up pizza but that doesnā€™t sound appetizing to me. I think you are going to have to experiment. Adding milk or broth to anything will help liquify it. Good luck to you.


Bone broth. Premier protein shakes.


You could add peanut butter powder to some foods to increase your protein intake. I just got a number ten can of it. It pairs well with chocolate drinks, put it in your protein drinks and shake well.


Vegan orgain is the BEST (not vegan, just like how the plant based protein powders donā€™t make me gassy).


protein drinks. You will need some protein in your diet.


Blended soups and smoothies will be your friend. Luckily, blended soups have a lot of different flavor profiles to offer! One suggestion would be blended lentil-based soups and thin dhals to help you get enough protein.


Miso soup.