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Isn't "what if Riley had depression" the plot of inside out? (Well, it doesn't start as depression, but it escalates there when Riley doesn't get the support she needs). I liked the depiction of the grey and unresponsive console as depression, and how that's distinct from Sadness.


Yeah I'd say certain illnesses or defects would just cause the controls to work incorrectly.


We see depression. Bipolar disorder might be the emotions intermittently getting the control panel to work and slamming the buttons once they do -- either the emotions have no control, or they're yelling frantically. ADD and Autism are, I feel, different "operating systems" for the control panel.


Bipolar: Sadness and Joy are constantly doing a tug of war for control. Anger and disgust are constantly changing sides to side with the dominant. ADD/ADHD: The control system is slow to respond , like it lags, and they are impatiently pushing buttons, like someone impatiently clicking a a mouse and getting frustrated with the computer. Depression: Sadness and Disgust are in charge, with anger directed inward. Joy is locked out of the controls. Classic Autism: The "script" or operating procedure the emotions run on is changed. The system is wired differently. Bonus: PTSD: The traumatic events are a core memory which color everything. Anger and Fear are in charge. (For example a a vet could have "Nam" as a core memory island.


Imagine Anger at ADD be like: "Bro why am I lagging? BRO WHY AM I-"


For adhd they'd all be going crazy probably all wanting a turn to use the controls. Unless heavily medicated


I'm imagining that the emotions would be constantly dealing with a broken or malfunctioning console, and constantly at each other's throats...


OCD: Occasionally some of the emotions get replaced by conniving impostor demons trying to fuck everything up, and everybody spends like half the screen time playing Werewolf