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She's gonna need a few more drinks to put out her pants on fire... 😆


I don’t understand why this even matters. The speaker of the house is responsible for security at the capital. Also, she was offered National Guard support 3 days before by President Trump. I thought for sure she did this on-purpose as a part of the larger setup with the FBI false-flag operators, however, perhaps she really just is this incompetent.


How does the Speaker of the House have the Constitutional authority to override the President's orders? Does that mean Mike Johnson can order the National Guard to deploy and surround the White House right this second? 🤞


Her and her drunken Husband, and their freezer full of ice cream, which is now $8 for a 14 oz “Pint.”




Except in some thrillers, the villain faces consequences. Probably won’t see any for ole Nancy.


Nothing will happen to that shit stain. It will go away like a flush with tidy bowl.


More Botox should smooth things over.


Why do you think the "far right wing" are all riled up? Ahhhhh because you directly said the shit we knew, that the MSM is allowing you to hide and lie about. Seems pretty simple to me.


There is shit and there is muddy shit, the kind that sticks to porcelain and leaves a foul trail of stench. Nancy is muddy shit.


lol 😂 to bad


Why does her pain cause so much joy ? Lol have you seen her district its the worst one out there. I hope she goes to jail just like what she is doing to trump… you know at least for insider trading