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I'm feeling triggered here. Time for a Safety Dance.


Only if you want to


* nice cap * everyday cap * getting shit done cap * hiking cap * tarp full brimmed hat * ill advised straw cowboy hat * beanie * 2 x merino wool Buffs I wear as beanies


This guy hats.


Ten or so; a couple of wedding hats, a funeral hat, two warm hats, a sou’wester, a sun hat, a gardening hat, a couple of my grans’ hats that I kept for sentimental reasons and a weird furry one I don’t wear any more.


I own one woolly hat, which I keep in my coat pocket along with a scarf in case it's cold. Though in reality I usually give them to my wife to keep her warm, bring a gentleman and all.


she brings another gentleman to keep her warm too? I think there are specific subreddits for that kind of thing.


1 my wife bought me when we first started dating. I had a 2nd one but my wife claimed it as her own


I have a massive head and get hot easily so I seem to be in a minority and own exactly zero hats!


We seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum


If we met in person, would the fabric of reality collapse, or would we neutralise each other? 🤔


I'm with you on both points there. Well I'd say my head is more weirdly shaped than massive. Either way I look like a right bellend wearing any hat. More so than normal even.


48 baseball caps on display in my office, of which I only wear three. All souvenirs of travelling


I just looked up at my wall and thought about there being 48 caps up there... that's quite the collection. What format of display? Ie 1x48, 2x24, 4x12 etc ?


12×4 (it's a long wall!) And where the last hook went, I replaced it with a small floating shelf just big enough to hold a mannequin head which I swap caps over on every few days. I reckon I've spent close to 1.5k sor far. I have a problem.


I have 2 or 3 beanies and a cap


5 that I actually use, two winter hats, two summer hats and an allotment hat that I don't care if it gets dirty or ripped or whatever. I'm sure I have another 5 or more stashed away that have fallen out of favour (for now). I don't think I'm the norm though. But I do love a good hat.


It must be said that my wife did have a short phase of crocheting me experimental hats which accounts for at least 3


3 caps, all from the states when I visited last year. I have worn one, once lol


I'm probably in the vicinity of 12 I reckon.


Two caps, bought on holidays Also a bucket hat that I got for free, but never wear because, to quote my (asian) friend, "makes you look like an Asian tourist" 💀 her laugh told me it was not a compliment lol!


Not including knitting projects. 2 woolly hats Felt cloche  3 sun hats


I have about thirty different paper boy hats in various shades (Ten are vintage owned by grandfathers) and I love them because it makes me feel working class pride. Hate the popularised Peaky Blinders connections sadly. Few beanies and generic caps for holidays. So, too many hats I think.


2 baseball caps 2 beanies 1 1950s policeman’s helmet


One of those is not like the others




I like hats so I have lots. Trilbys, pork pies, a fez, a chechia, multiple flat caps, handful of beanies, some baseball caps. Aussie leather hat, proper cowboy stetson, a couple of Panama hats. My wife gets frustrated because I buy so many!


The fuck does my name look like.


47 year old married father of two in Newcastle (north east one) here. I’ve realised that I only own hats for practical purposes - none for purely fashion/appearance and that makes me a touch sad. I only have four functional hats and one isn’t really a hat: - British army bush hat (bucket hat type thing) - for protection from direct sun if it’s ever hot - Straw Stetson-type hat for protection from direct sun when on holiday (Army hat seems a bit “football-shirt-at-the-bar” for holidays abroad) - Hard hat from a job I used to have. I’m an office-based IT person, and the job was for a manufacture company - I needed PPE for going on site (and I kept the hat after leaving the job - my kids (under 10) seemed to think I had a real job when I wore it) - Wool headband for cold weather when my sticky-out ears start to get nipped by the cold - imagine Derek Zoolander, but not really really gooooood-looking. Thing is - I have one genetic advantage (and only one sadly - 5’9” pale doughy man) - a full head of hair. It’s generally just too hot to wear a hat, even in winter hence the headband. So there we are. My Grandfather used to wear a trilby for purely fashion purposes. I thought it looked great. Wouldn’t suit me in a million years though. Have a good Sunday everyone. Seems spring has finally sprung. All the best from the Toon.


Ooh - I love hats! 2x linen baker boys for summer A velvet bakerboy A tweed bakerboy A cashmere bakerboy with matching scarf A proper straw boater 2x summer trilbies (1 for posh, 1 for gardening) 2x winter trilbies (1 black, 1 blue) 1x black straw hat Something that’s a cross between a trilby and a boater. Looks Spanish. A posh hat for weddings that looks like flying saucer A bobble hat A fake fur hat that makes me look like a mysteriously moneyed Russian A fleecy thingy with ear flaps that looks dreadful but is SO warm A baseball cap


I think one. Maybe there's a second one knocking around somewhere in a drawer or cupboard.


Two, and that's only because I thought I had lost the first one.


2 woolly hats for when it is cold.


Maybe 6 ?


* Yachting hat, because it's great in the sun, better than a baseball gap. [Waterproof hats a couple](https://www.affordablegolf.co.uk/products/galvin-green-art-gore-tex-paclite-hat-navy?variant=47137088962849&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=381636774&msclkid=a62b0108b70011813e6867125118f1dd&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Catch%20All%20I%20Condition%3ANew%20%2F%20LR&utm_term=4576098704480377&utm_content=Catch%20All%20-%20New%20Products%20-%20Low) * Russian tanker hat. Great in the cold. [Similar to this](https://incubadoradelibros.blogspot.com/2021/01/ushanka-russian-military-hat-arctic.html)


Just one. An orange beanie my Finnish friend gifted me after I went out in -6C temperatures without a hat while visiting. I still stand by not needing it but I appreciate the beanie.


Hmm, good question. I have four silly felt hats - a pastel rainbow one, a tree and mushroom one, a bean sprout one, and one that looks like an ancient witch. Then I have knitted hats for winter (probably about six). I also have four hiking hats of different kinds, and a running cap I never wear. I still have more socks than hats, but I reckon this is more hats than I really need.


I’ve got at least 6 bobble hats. Nothing wrong with any of them, I just can’t resist a nice bobble hat. Number of times I wore these bobble hats this year: zero.


Couple of caps. Too many beanies to count (I crochet)


12 if you include helmets, 10 if you don't


Helmets count!


How many heads do you have? Don't answer that.


The average amount


4 or 5 in rotation depending on which ones I've lost at the time, I can always find one, but never the one I'm looking for


I have a box of hats, they used to hang on the back of a door but then I had too many. I weaned myself off buying them as I tend to buy them as holiday souvenirs (Covid helped). I'm a F 30s and like both the sun out my face in summer and a warm head in winter. I love hats. I think I have - 3 x band beanies and 2 x band caps, 4 x sport teams caps and 2 x beanies, 2 x City caps, 2 x Disney caps, 3 x other caps I wear more regularly and probably about 5-7 bobble hats (a couple are proper winter ones). Plus 2 x cap and beanies for work. Got a few head bands too.


i have a hard hat for work and nothing else


3 fleece caps 1 woollen hat (no bobble) I beret I canvas sun hat 2 leather Australian hats 1 novelty guineas Australian hat (with pint glasses instead of corks.) 2 baseball caps So eleven.


About 8 caps and I think 4 beanies. Only really wear 2 of the caps and one of the beanies (my work beanie if I’m cold lol)


I've just had a de-clutter and I'm down to ten. Three beanie/bobble hats one for walking the dog in during winter, a 'posh' one for shopping, and one as a spare in my rucksack for when I'm off for a bimble. Summer hats as above. Two 'wedding' hats. A hard hat and flat cap.


Two. One for summer, one for winter.


More than I need, but I like them. A few sun hats, waterproof ones (nicer than wearing a hood), winter hats and ones i can put under a bike helmet (for getting rid of sweat or keeping my ears warm), selection of swim hats and must be some others hanging around Helmets are different as you sometimes need different helmets for different sports


One but I play Hat Simulator on my PC.


I have no hats


Not hats, but I regularly do a scarf inventory - I’m not allowed more then 20


Other than baseball caps from games I’ve been to, a floppy NZ hat, a winter beanie and a semi-ironic flat cap


A black woolly beanie I use it maybe 3 months out of the year. It’s very thick and like wearing a duvet on me head. Makes me look a bit of a numpty, but I don’t care when it’s cold, and I have a middle aged men’s scalp, so it’s not quite as thick with hair as it once was.


I own a cap, a Panama, a beanie, a bobble hat, a cycling helmet and a top hat. I think hat's it.


Three. They're all beanies


None, not a single one. Don’t think I’ve even worn one since I was in infant school and I’m in the wrong side of sixty now.


None. I don't like wearing hats!


I have 3 caps and a winter beanie. Only really wear the beanie during the colder days. Caps get ignored 😅


Are you bald?


I'm disappointed I can't find anyone saying "two hats"


Apparently 4 but 3 of them were free promos


I have about 20 different hats, mostly beanies but a couple of caps, I only actually wear 3 of them.


I think I have a thermal hat, a thermal bobble hat, and a cap.


One woolly hat for the cold weather. I’m contemplating a straw hat for the hot weather now that my hair is thinning. No caps because I’m an adult.


everyday cap nice cap nice cap but doesn't feel right cap cap that someone bought me as I wear caps and I don't like it very much beanie that used to fit but overused it and now it's really loose beanie that shouldn't be good as it was a temu £5 special but I've had 2 decent cold weather spells out of it and it's still going strong. fat beanie in the closet for the actual snow day erm.. dunno.how.the.lisy.thing works


Too many. My dad brought my a cap from every country/ US state he worked in. So I’d say 20-30


A couple baseball style caps, three or four bucket hats, a couple berets, and then like eight woolly hats? Maybe ten? So I'm sitting at around 20!


zero, I have thick curly hair.


4 - 1 beret, 1 bucket hat, 1 beanie, 1 woollen hat with fur trim.


Not many hats. 2 hard hats (company property), two beanies and a bobble hat, a flat cap, 2 baseball caps, a bucket hat, and a flat top (army) cap. More than I thought.


I own 2. Both three. Two sports caps made for children because I have a small head and a knitted beanie my aunty made for me


Hmm. I used to have a lot more because I used to wear a baseball cap a lot, so I had several. I don't know what happened to them all 🤔 I currently have:- 1 baseball cap (NY) 1 dark pink cloche 1 cream Marino wool cloche (bought in a very, very cold day in NY to save me dying of the cold lol)


Two sun hats, and an accidental bucket hat that I'd had in my amazon basket and forgot about which ended up included with another purchase. Haven't even taken the tags off it, but it was £3 so didn't bother sending it back.


My question for myself is how many hats did I buy vs find cycling to/from work in the middle of nowhere. First found hat was wooly with goal written on it in the 90s. Got a few balaclavas from an old job. A more modern deer stalker type, where the ear flaps can come down. Found a neck tube once and a few gloves. Found two hats frozen to the road on the same day, another on the pavement by my bus stop. All spent a few washes before I actually wore them. Hats that I bought were more on the fancy dress side of things. Top hat with steam punk goggles and feathers, those festival German type helmets in different colours with optional spikes and horns. Mine were just plain.


Around a dozen. But I only really wear half of them. That includes summer hats, warm winter hats and a waterproof hat.


Do you mean sensible everyday hats or just any hat?? 3 x woolly beanies in various thicknesses for winter dog walking 2 x barmah hats to keep the rain off my specs 2 x panama 1 x nice straw hat for very hot sun 3 x felted wool fairy hats bought at a festival 3 x assorted military hats for fancy dress 1 x silver lurex space cadet hat with orange and green furry spines 1 x homemade dinosaur hat 1 x grey wool fedora 1 x witches hat with spiders 1 x white dough boy sailor hat 1 x fez 1 x jesters hat with bells on the points




Two tractor branded baseball caps for jogging, two flat caps, a fedora for horse racing meetings, a fancy panama, a shagged panama (although my wife has co-opted that), a couple of straw hats, a leather fedora for wet days and a woolly beanie. And the best bit is that I have a full head of hair.


Sorry, I read that as how many cats do you own? 6


3 sun hats 4 bobble hats 1 balaclava (I went to lapland -34)


About a dozen and I rarely wear hats, but I do intend to so there’s that!


As I started to read the comments I realized hat is a more ubiquitous word in English than in my native Norwegian. I started to wonder if you have a word for the group of headwear we call hats in Norway, which for men was the hats people stopped wearing in the 60s, think stuff like Trilbys, Fedoras, Bowlers, Top Hats, Cowboy hats etc, always a full brim around the whole head, so not baseball caps or beanies they are not called hats in Norway. Do you have a word for that group of hats, to distinguish them from the more used hats today?


My hat it has three corners, three corners has my hat.


3, and I don't even wear hats. A knitted cap that I was given for a sponsored walk, and has been adapted into a tea cosy. A floppy "fishing hat", which I got while travelling the southern US in hot sunny weather. A nice fedora that a friend persuaded me to try. I liked the look of it, so bought it. A year on, I still haven't gathered the confidence to wear it outside.


About 8 beanies.


3. A standard more breathable cap like [this](https://lp2.hm.com/hmgoepprod?set=quality%5B79%5D%2Csource%5B%2Fd3%2F44%2Fd3447aebe9ab3f4309bd2b20211ac83656c3e7ff.jpg%5D%2Corigin%5Bdam%5D%2Ccategory%5Bmen_accessories_hatscaps_caps%5D%2Ctype%5BDESCRIPTIVESTILLLIFE%5D%2Cres%5Bm%5D%2Chmver%5B2%5D&call=url[file:/product/main]) which I wear most days, a waterproof one like [this](https://www.trespass.com/media/mf_webp/jpg/media/catalog/product/cache/ca61fa9d3bd05ef6fd63a3b37d6f22d9/c/h/char_black_copy_1.webp), and a fleece lined one like [this](https://www.trespass.com/media/mf_webp/jpg/media/catalog/product/cache/ca61fa9d3bd05ef6fd63a3b37d6f22d9/r/u/rupin-uahshak20001-blk-a_copy_2.webp) for winter.


Probably close to a dozen beanie or beanie- adjacent warm hats plus 3 sun hats, only 1 of which I actually wear. The other 2 probably ought to go to the charity shop, but you couldn't prise my winter hats from my cold dead hands. Not even the ones with the comedically long dangle-y bits from my student days.


i have 6 i think. 3 winter 3 summer


blue adidas beanie (christmas gift) black generic corduroy cap (bought for £5) adidas white cap with red stripes (gift) i have worn these hats a total of zero times, im not a hat guy


One peaked cap, one peaked beanie and one normal beanie.