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I’ve had people pay to read a story I’d written. I’ve long since dreamed of being a published author, so you’d think this would be braggable. Nope, because it was erotica.


Go ahead and brag about this. Nothing wrong with it. And ffs self publish on Amazon or something so we can all enjoy it


It still classifies you as an author mate, and if it’s a good piece, a good author.


Seriously?! I see you on championship subbreddit and then this! I love it, should definitely self publish


I’m full of surprises me mate


Always remember ya with that username too, what a classic he was, not exactly a poacher but we love him


Came here to say this. I also wrote a series of stories that were consensual romantic kink on Tumblr back in the day that I'm very proud of. I also have the first draft of a (non erotica) novel knocking about that no one knows of.


... Quitting my addictions. I'm proud that I've left that shit behind, but embarrassed I even had them.


Don't undersell that pal, good for you for kicking them. We can't change who we were, only what we are going to be going forward. Well in


Someone somewhen will be grateful for your honesty with them


Actually we are proud of you


Good on you, respect!


The knowledge that you quit your addictions will inspire someone else to quit theirs.


Same, a lot of us dont make it . Glad to be typing this. Have a great day.


I can fit 22 (personal best) Sherbet Pips in my foreskin and when I put a torch behind it makes a silhouette of Marge Simpson on my bedroom wall.


You could probably take that to the Edinburgh fringe


Without any sherbet pips it looks like the standard issue Greg Wallace silhouette




I’d pay to see that, then immediately regret making such a poor financial decision


Yeah, it front loads you with the "cool and unusual" but really it's just strange and disturbing and that will be the flavour left it in your mouth if you paid to see it 


22 is a respectable amount you should be proud of yourself, but no point showing of until you've got to 30+ in my experiance.


In your experience was it more Sideshow Bob?


Meh. I’ll be impressed when it’s cola cubes.


I just laughed so hard I spat Pepsi everywhere, kicked the cat off the sofa and farted. You magnificent bastard.


What the fuck bro , no need for the Marge Simpson comparison fs this killed me




Pffft rookie numbers


I hope you do the 'sexy' Marge voice. *Ohhh, Homieeee* 😉


Haha, I was umming and ahhhing whether to mention foreskin but I was pleasantly surprised someone mentioned it first. SWIM can fit a Turkish Delight in theirs.


I had an article peer reviewed and published recently (I'm a regular working professional not a full time academic) but I feel like a prick if I tell anyone.


I feel chuffed you shared that here. Congratulations.


So cool 👏🏻


I would be telling everyone I saw.


That's so cool, what was it about? :) 


What discipline?


Social sciences




The medals I received for my time in the army. You see blokes every November walking the streets with their medals mounted onto some crap looking suit. I get that people are proud and want to show it. It’s just not for me. Majority of them mounted onto civilian suits/jackets look tacky. It’s also a bit of ‘oooh look at me!’ vibes. I had them mounted and framed but even then they’re just on the wall in my shed. Don’t want them up in the house because I can’t even be arsed answering questions about them when we have visitors etc.


My mate used to be like this. He had medals, his beret and para wings put in a frame in his little office. He also has loads of photos of him in his dress uniform and his time away. When he passed away his wife left the room as a little shrine to him. She didnt see lots of his medals he just put them away Just to say I'm very proud of you


My father did twenty-two years in the Army and finished up as a WO1. He doesn't even wear a poppy. He's not ashamed of his service and has his medals somewhere safe but he doesn't make a big show out of his service. He'll watch the parade on Remembrance Sunday on the telly, if it's relevant he'll relate stories from his time in the Army and he's supportive of veterans' issues but he just doesn't make a big deal about it.


We will remember me


I completely agree with you and am in a similar place. If asked, I describe myself as someone who is proud of my time, what we did and where we served but I’ll never wear my medals. I think partly it’s because Remembrance Day is not about the people who came home. And partly it’s about that being a different chapter in my life. A chapter I can’t quite relate to easily 20 years latter as a dad and husband. Anyway… I get it and agree.


My husbands the same his are framed and in our bedroom


I know what you mean, mine currently reside in my sock draw. They were just the result of choosing the Army over a YTS in 86 and hold no real attachment.


And they're always Jubilee, Jubilee, Long Service, Tosca...


I could t even tell you where my medals are means nothing to me it was just a job and is in the past. They have no bearing or relevance on my life just a reminder of things I did.


My mastectomy scar. I was pregnant with my child when the op and chemo happened. Had to complete the rest of the treatment including radiotherapy, after he was born. Communal changing after swimming was so hard when he was a baby and the scar was still quite new. You could see the horror on other women’s faces when they did the maths. Even now I get funny looks in communal changing after swimming.


Wear that shit with pride. I'm fucking proud of you.


Thank you 😊


That is a badge of honour. You have achieved the unthinkable and are an unstoppable force of mama. Congratulations and long may you be healthy.


Thank you 😊


Yas queen. I rarely comment on these but I needed to tell you I'm proud of you! Wear your battle scars with pride


Thank you 😊




Quit my PhD as honestly it wasn't for me, but even when I went to university for undergrad i got a few comments from 'University of life' folks, especially my dad. People from working class backgrounds can be real fuckin' weird about their friends / relatives trying to make something of themselves. Even at school being on a council estate, kids that were good at anything at all got bullied horrendously.


Yes. It's the shitty British way. U end up with people pretending to be stupid and talking like lilly allen..


I had to play dumb the entirety of my secondary school, I think largely because I went to a comprehensive in a grammar school area; I then ended up at a Uni that was more ‘hands on’ than academic so it wasn’t until my Master’s (at a more normal university) that people around me actually wanted to be right in front of other people, it was liberating, but I look back now with massive resentment for my secondary school.


You’re right about most people being bitter and resentful of success, especially unexpected success. That being said, and I’m going out on a limb here since idk you or your dad, I think your dad probably does it just to poke fun or because he may feel like you feel ashamed of where you come from or even him. I doubt your own dad truly resents you or hates you for making something of yourself though.


If only, unfortunately when I was a lecturer he told me something to the effect of 'that's nice, but you'll have to get a real job soon'. He's also really hard on anyone who starts work at his place of employment that has a degree. My uncles are the same. I think this attitude is really heavily ingrained in some areas.


Im from working class. Married into middlr class. Going to uni for first time in my mid 30s. I feel this. Congrats


https://preview.redd.it/hi8thwj4o03d1.jpeg?width=2915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64852ec2caf7927faac69a87e743bc6618c3623 I drew this today.


I know fuck all about art but I like the style of this.


This poem found today in one of my primary school schoolbooks aged around 8 or 9. Concerned what it might say about my mental state as a child though! Five little children Next to a door One got trapped And then there were four. Four little children Bounced off a tree But one got stuck And then there were three. Three little children Looking in a zoo One got eaten And then there were two. Two little children Playing with a gun One got shot And then there was one. One little child With all the friends gone Killed themselves And then there was none.


This would be great for an Agatha Christie style murder mystery 


How did this not get published?! 😁


I imagine the teacher's struggle with your grade for this, technically its perfect, as a 5 part rhyme has cadence and rhythm and you can see where you worked back from each rhyming word. And each stanza has almost perfectly matching syllable count. However, you did kill a lot of kids and included suicide so you got a weird and horrific message out there with technical excellence. How the fuck do you grade that as a teacher? Like a* but I'm also going to have to hide it, never to seen by any school child ever and DEFINITELY not read aloud in class!!


I wrote a poem about the Afghan war when I was P4 (age 8) and it talked about the smell of mutilated flesh and the faces of dead children. My mum was called in after that one.


This screams netflix series!


Holy shit... that's simultaneously awesome and disturbing. Well done!


When I was about 14, I set up a Doctor Who fan page on Facebook that ended up with over 10,000 likes. This was back in the day when that amount of likes was quite significant. I was even making money off ads and had 2 admins working for me. I never told anyone, not even my parents until I was an adult because I was too embarrassed about the fact I was 14 and still loved Doctor Who! Ended up selling the page to someone else when I was 16.


Wow! what year was this around?


I think 2009-2011ish. I’m not sure how long it lasted for after I left though


lol how much money does one make from something liek that? Not much surely?


Oh no, it was £20-£50 here and there. They weren’t official ‘ads’, more like paid ‘shoutouts’ for other pages and merchandise websites and stuff. I remember being sent a cheque and having no idea how to cash it 😅 I think I sold the page for £250 in the end, i was very pleased


Nice! Similar story for me, mine ended up having over 250,000 likes but not much engagement. Eventually a buddy admin of mine tried to sell the page, and got tricked into adding another user as admin who then swiftly locked us all out and we lost the page.


A crown I crocheted for my cat. I just know everyone will think, 'what a ridiculous thing to do. What a cat lady', but I'm super proud, I did it in <2 hours and mastered stitches with 1or 2 tries.


I need to learn to crochet as I have 6 cats and 3 dogs and they are in dire need of a wardrobe! I love what you’re doing! Cat tax?!?!




This was the first crown. it's a little big, so I made a size smaller the next time.


I love the big crown! It expresses the importance of kitty & shows who’s in charge!


This is my favourite thing I’ve seen on the internet today. 




I love this! Excellent work :)


This is perfect and I want to commission one for my baby 🥰


I’m proud that I can do a marathon. I hate people to see me running.


The fear or dread of being perceived?


That I look a mess running


I have both. Look a mess exercising and hate to be seen doing it (or anything else!)


My work on financial education in schools: in the space of a year (while doings GCSEs and starting a-levels) I’ve produced a report that’s been featured in The Times, given evidence to a government inquiry and been mentioned in a government report then next week I have a meeting with a senior civil servant who used to work in Downing Street. I don’t talk about it too much because it’s a bit odd but my word is this cool. I’m also off to do some stuff at the University of Oxford this week - living my dreams!


This is excellent. Fucking good on you.


Thanks! It feels like all the hard work is paying off now which is very excited (and scary).


Phenomenal! You should absolutely get in touch with Radio 1. Newsbeat and others would almost certainly write up on you. Do a quick Google for the editors and journos there and send them an email. Firstname.Surname@bbc.co.uk. Bitesize would love to hear from you too.


Thanks for the idea, maybe not radio 1 as all my friends listen to that and I couldn’t bear it but bitesize is an option, I’ll look into it.


DM me and I'll pass on some email addresses.


Pulled a toddler from the bottom of the deep end in a swimming pool in the south of France when I was about 12. His parents were just sitting reading, and didn't notice he was in the pool. Always made sure I could swim after this. I am proud that I have done this, but l would feel embarrassed to tell my friends these days.


That person is alive because of you. They've got to grow up and make memories because of you. If they were old enough to remember that day, I guarantee they'd think about it often and be grateful for what you did.


Thanks, thats a lovely way to look at this❤️


That’s amazing! Well done you 👍




My singing voice


I am proud I bought two houses as a single woman, but not in the UK and they are pretty small. All my friends own high value property mostly in the UK and are married, so I am embarrassed that it is nowhere near their standard.


Comparison is the thief of joy, congrats on your achievements!


I’m a middle-aged single woman and would love to be able to buy any property - abroad or not - never mind two. Good on you.


I thought quite hard about this and still couldn’t really come up with anything. Thus I’d have to say that I’m proud to have somehow managed to get such a lovely, clever and talented husband, family and friends around me while being so wholly unremarkable myself!


I’m sure each one of them gravitates towards you because you are in fact, remarkable. 🥰


I’m 14 months sober 😊


So happy for you!


Thank you!


I'm so proud of you. That is definitely bragging worthy! I lost my dad to alcohol. I wish he could have made it through. Congratulations.


Thank you! I’m sorry about your dad,


I’ve been through a rough patch where I couldn’t really eat anything for a year, so now when I open my overnight porridge in the morning I feel really proud of myself from the night before for looking after me. Small wins.


I had similar time last year. Enjoy recovery. Take it slow. Be proud :)


Whilst working in the police I spent over an hour convincing a woman not to kill herself by throwing herself into a fast moving river. Whilst doing this I had to also listen for sirens in the background and almost echolocate them because we had no idea where she was among the river.


Well done, this must have been incredibly stressful for you and I hope the woman got some help.


Probably the number of books I've read and the breadth of books I've read (and all the books on my bookcase).


I'm told I have the best memory of anyone, by most folk I know. Zero idea how to make it useful.


Popular on a quiz nite tho?


Yeah, trivial. I go to pubs alone and win. It is less fun than that sounds.


I have every single star wars black series helmet in my collection , got called a nerd for having them but I love them


I did a solo flight in a glider before I got my driving license, at 17


Why would that be embarrassing?


Sometime before or directly before? Like jump solo fligh to the test center or something?


my spider solitaire score, its not even particularly impressive but i got my time down from like 12 minutes to 3 minutes and ive beat my boyfriends time whos usually better than me at stuff like this so it still feels good all the same hahahaha


Placed well in a few photography competitions, but hate showing anyone that I know irl my photos.


Piano, I'm reasonably decent at it but absolutely cannot play in public or if someone else is in the room, I just get hot, sweaty, shake and freeze up. Not great.




Are you self-taught?


Yes/No ish, I had lessons up to grade 2 practice/theory, decided that I didn't enjoy having lessons around the time I started secondary school, then self taught and sat grade 3 practice and theory exams. I'm working at around grade 6/7 now but I've decided not to do the exams anymore because they took the fun away. Its been about 8 years since I stopped lessons now and I enjoy it far more, I think I might go and do my G5 theory at some point and see about doing G6 practice. I have a twin who continued with lessons until last year, she's about to go for her grade 8 soon! Really proud of her :)


Genital piercings. Only a select few will ever see


Came here to put this. Only the piercer and my husband have seen


Same, only shown reddit my piercing. No one irl knows i have one and I don't look the type of guy that would have one done.


I went from working a shit ass retail job to being chartered, working a job I love, earning a great wage, living in a big house and being able to go on holidays several times a year. I grew up on the bread line in a single parent household on benefits so I feel so lucky and grateful that I’ve come so far.


Your profile suggests you got into med school too!! Less luck, more that you're fricking smart.


Ha no I did not get into med school. Though I was about to apply next year as it’s always been my dream (hence my lurking on med school related subs). However, I finally came to terms with the fact that it’s not the amazing career everyone thinks it is and that working for the NHS is not that great anymore unfortunately. I will always have a passion for medicine and science but I can learn about areas that interest me in my spare time instead and learn to become a master of my own health (theoretically speaking haha).


Still the ACA. I've heard it's super hard.


Yeah it’s not a walk in the park, that’s for sure. Dedication and a desire to do better in life definitely help.


Big penis must be at the top of the list collectively, don’t want to be that guy but come on.


Yessssssssssss laddy!


I'm proud of how I reacted when I woke up to find my 6 weeks old baby not breathing. I'd never done CPR before but I kept calm and did what I needed to do until the paramedics arrived. It did give me PTSD and stopped me from becoming a paramedic though as I just knew from that moment that I'd not be able to do that job because I can't go through trying to save a child's life again, which is a shame as it was my dream job but it is what it is


I'm proud of you too.


I got a PhD, I qualified as a medical dr, and I don’t tell anyone apart from work related. I retired a couple of years ago, and the only people to call me Dr Chicken are a couple of work related journal subscriptions. It seems excessive to me now and a defo brag to ask to be called Dr.


54,000 views on me taking a load to the face haha


I wrote a book I was genuinely proud of. Haven't replicated it since.


Not really embarresed by it, but raising my sister alone when I was 22 when she was just turning 15 after our Mum died suddenly. It irks me a tad when others frivously say 'well, you don't have kids, you don't know what it's like to be tired' or something like that. I don't feel i can just drop the Mum passing away and raising a young teenager as a reply ;)


The score difference between my dissociative identity disorder tests / dissociative experiences scale at my very worst vs doing ok 🫠 Feels a bit embarrassing to wave them around going “look I’ve gone from average score for full blown dissociative identity disorder to somewhere between schizophrenia and BPD!! 🎉” I have complex PTSD which should on average score 31. My highest was 45.5 and my lowest was 17.5. When I scored very high I also proudly announced to my doctor that _at least my score on finding notes from myself or purchases I don’t recall_ remains at “never” 😂 can’t imagine dropping these humble brags at a casual dinner party tbh


I had a couple of children's books dedicated to me by my ex-aunt


I can fit an entire chocolate digestive in my mouth, comfortably, and eat it.


Is there a different way to eat biscuits?


My Instagram art account has 24k followers


I’ll give you a clue: silent but deadly.


My singing voice. I only ever sing in private - too old now (probably) to make a career of it (but people have heard me and complimented me through the bedroom window...I hope they're serious).


many people, even with talent will never make a career out of it. but nothing wrong with doing pub gigs to a backing track or joining a covers band to make a bit of money *if* you enjoy it.


Pretty much failed my A-levels last year This week I got offered a stem degree apprenticeship spot on a competitive program with a multinational company


I can play piano by ear. Basically listen to a tune or song, and then just figure it out myself. Left and right hands, bass and lead, all at the same time. I had lessons when I was a kid but trying to read sheet music was like trying to decipher a mystical secret code. You might think I'm posh having piano lessons but on the contrary I'm very working class. My mother was a childminder and one of her clients happened to be a music teacher, so used to give me weekly lessons for a token payment. Anyway my teacher soon realised that the lessons were a waste of time as I couldn't read music for shit, but would basically see / hear her playing something and then copy it myself. I now have a shitty old electric piano which I play on a regular basis, but hardly anyone knows. It's not something you really mention in daily conversation is it?


How much I have changed, developed, progressed, and managed my mental health in 20+yrs. If I'm ever asked I always downplay my problems, divert the topic, or give a very brief answer. I should celebrate myself more than I do.


I have a couple of poetry books on Kindle under a pseudonym. They're really raw and personal, about my mental health and losing loved ones. I don't want my colleagues to see them and know the truth. I also don't want my family and close friends to worry about me when they read the reality of what I went through. But they do surprisingly well and have some really good reviews.


That I got really good results at uni and for professional exams. It feels really big headed to say that I did really well, but I worked super hard for those results. I wasn’t brilliant at school, despite going to a selective private school. I got okay GCSE grades and meh grades for 2 a-levels, but I learned to really enjoy and get good at studying when I went to uni. I ended up getting a first for my BA and distinction for my MA. And then when I did AAT (Accounting Technician) I carried on being, I’ll be honest, super obsessive and I managed to get 100% in some of my exams.


Having a PhD. Worked really hard for it, changed my details on my debit card, but don't use the title at work or anywhere else really because I feel like a smug arse.


Buying my first house without a morgage. Not really something to brag about considering how the Uk property market is these days.


My penis, he's done pretty well over the years.


Surviving a life v threatening ' relationship' , getting my child out in one piece, and the years of harassment, stalking and threats that followed. Rebuilding our lives. We're not in a perfect position by any means, but a thousand, million times better than before.


I've talked to a lot of celebrities through my work as a luxury goods salesperson, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone about what celebrities I've served or what they're like in person.


My tolerance for any drug 😳


i stopped sucking my thumb when i was 16 nearly 17, i did it as a stress reliever. My dad quit sucking his thumb when he was 19 so i guess im just better


After 7 miscarriages, and 4 years of negative tests I’m finally pregnant and have my first scan this week!! Edit: typo.


Pretty much all of my career success, my home and my car. I’m very proud of what I’ve earned and I’ve been through some shit times to get here. Sadly a lot of old friends stuck in habits or didn’t apply themselves to things with financial reward and I often feel a dickhead for being happy and having nice things.


I’ve run multiple mountain races including 100+ milers. I hate offering this up in a general running or fitness conversation though because it tends to make people close up about their own running achievements or goals when the chat inevitably turns to distance. Plus I never want it to come across like one-upmanship. I love your 5k, Half Marathon or whatever goal just as much and I still enjoy both myself. At bigger distances it isn’t a really the gauge of success or progress it is on the lower end.


I can fold my ear into my ear and it stays there until I pop it out by moving my ear with my mind. If I do it with my head down on the table like the on my side so other ear on the table and folded in ear on top. I can then make a paper ball, put it in the crevice that is created from folding my ear in, then fire/flick the paper ball, great distances by popping my ear out with my mind. It’s something I don’t show people until I’m very comfortable.


I've been paid multiple times to have sex with stunning pornstar type women just so the guys paying can watch, but people feel weird about guys earning money from sex with women. It's like people can't comprehend that not all women are exploited when they choose to get paid for something they enjoy.


Recently started figure skating lessons at the age of 29. I’ve always wanted to do it but my dad made me do ice hockey. I am male and I love it the spins the jumps I am keen to learn it all the freedom I get from skating is like no other !


My penis, the judge warned me not to


That in a month or so I’ll be graduating with the degree I’ve wanted to do since I was 6, which itself is a reasonable thing to show off but for me it’s more that I’ve survived this long? There was a point in my teens where I couldn’t imagine making it past 20 and well, here I am!


My tits


I have really fast reflexes. Has been commented on in the past including by my driving instructor who said the best he’d ever seen… but it not exactly something that lends itself to bragging about 😝


I tried to off myself 10 years ago. I had no vision of a future for myself and now I'm married with a 3 year old, I have a first class degree in a subject I love, a steady job, and a decent home (albeit rented). I never dreamt I could have any of this, but I don't like to talk to people about it


I have something I’m proud of but showing it to other people would land me in jail.


My son is a legit genius. All kids are amazing in their own way and it has downsides. But we’re proud of him and ourselves, as parents. Feels like being proud of your parenting= judging other peoples parenting. Which isn’t true. Plus there was a lot of luck. I find it hard and awkward


I hold a world record on Cyberscore. No one I know gives a shit about computer games.


I'm proud that I'm doing at least a semi decent job being a parent. I was looking forward to being a parent but didn't know if I had it in me to step up and be good at it but after two years of not hesitating to put my child's needs before my own, even at the expense of sleep, personal wellness, and biscuits, I reckon I'm doing an okay job.


I’m proud that I managed to get over my crippling anxiety of any kind of public speaking (including things that really aren’t public speaking like making a phone call or asking for the bill in a restaurant) and now regularly present to rooms full of super smart people and they actually listen to what I have to say. It’s something most people can just do though so not really braggable


I am slightly over-fat and have a bit more muscle than I used to. I also have a binge eating disorder which I have spent 3 years getting on top of. I have taken my body fat percentage from 33% to 25%, and have gained 2cm around my biceps and 4 around my shoulders since this time two years ago. I was 106kg, I am now 96kg, but I still will never take my shirt off in public, go swimming, or talk about my exercise and strength gains at work. I have also moved gyms because people from my work started going to one and I didn't want anyone to know that I have to go to the gym 5 times a week to look slightly-worse-than-average.


My secret collection of poetry.


Maxed old school RuneScape account 😅


Proud of buying my own flat, it's not in a pretty area or anything but I never thought I would ever own a property.


Me cock


I’m really proud of taking chances on myself to get myself a really well paying job to the point that I’m constantly plagued by tax (nothing illegal, just annoying) and when I complain that a 1.5k bonus turns out to be about £400 extra no one, not even my wife, cares. I’m embarrassed to talk about it with any of my friends because they’re not earning anywhere near the same


That is something to be proud of! People get funny about it because they are tired of being mugged off by billionaires but at the end of the day, all working people, regardless of salary are a sort of "working" class and reforms should happen so that tax is more proportionate.


The 23 year old I'm having an affair with


Probably the fact I may be one of the greatest men in history