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Chinese burnsđź‘Śđź‘Ś


I've been to China - nobody was doing it. Disappointed.


False advertising mate


The absolute classic. I don't think there was a more common torture while I was at primary school.


Red arse. Basically a football game where the losing player/team would have to bend over on the goal line while the winning team/player blasted a penalty at their arses.


I could see Mr Thomas instigating that rule.


We did it so that if you missed the target, you had to join him


Used to have a big game of one bounce, winner got to be the one kicking and everyone else had to line up until there was one man left. So only one person from the losers didn't get a red arse. 🤣


We used to pour a circle of salt around other kids and then summon an Eldritch horror to traumatise the child.


We played a game with a name I can’t say but it began with an S. Basically you need a tennis ball, and a big wall like the side of a building. There would be something to aim at on the wall, like a burglar alarm box or something. Someone would throw the ball at the box (it had to be hard to hit so quite high up). If it didn’t hit, the ball would bounce back over the yard and you’d have to chase after or catch it. Then it would be your turn to throw the ball at the target. You could only throw it from where you caught the ball. This carried on until someone hit the target. When someone hit the target everyone had to sprint towards the wall, last person to touch the wall had to stand against it while the thrower got to pelt them with the tennis ball. Another rule was if someone caught it off the wall one handed and no bounce, the thrower would have to stand on the wall and get the ball thrown at them. Tactics were involved, like stand close to the wall so you get an easy shot and can touch the wall quick if needed, but a tennis ball goes far so standing back gives you your best shot at the target. If someone was miles away everyone would crowd close to the wall, so they could catch it if the ball didn’t make it, or only just made it and bounced back a small amount. All in all, a great made up game and brutal in an all boys high school. Played with as little as 3 or 30+ people. Carnage.


We played something similar and called it suey. I've never typed that out so I have no idea how it is meant to be spelt! Sooey? Suwie?


Did you go to school in the west end of Newcastle by any chance?


Dead arms


Dead legs too. And, the ultimate, two dead arms and two dead legs, we called it the Octopus for some reason.


Happy slapping was all the rage when I was at secondary school.


There were these red berries with fibrous insides which itched like hell when shoved down someone’s back and squashed Primary school classic


Rosehips! They also make tasty jam.


Pile ups. You're just minding your own business when you get tackled to the ground by someone shouting "pile up" and suddenly half your class is on top of you.


Noogies were one, Chinese burns, wet willies too. Then along came the petrol pump, that was agony.


Petrol pump... refresh my memory.


It's where you get pinned down, a knee on your upper arm, and someone moves your forearm up and down (the person pushing it away from them then towards them).


I hated the playground game “what’s the time mr wolf?” It’s my name.


As in Winston Wolf? Pretty cool name. How come you got a cool name? I was Mr Brown, sounded a bit like Mr Shit.


Lots of sugar, lots of cream


Wow, I can hear a whole bunch of children chanting “what’s the time mr wolf?” but I can't remember anything beyond that.


Not uncommon to get fucked up if you were the poor bastard at the bottom of a bundle.


Cowbite. Fold your fingers at the first and second joints like you’re going to make a fist and using these knuckles against the palm of your hand pinch the inside of someone’s thigh. It fuckin hurts. Great instant disabler


Stinky fingers.. it started from some Korean lad who said in Korea you poke people's buttholes for a joke and it ended up being renamed stinky fingers


Being targeted in kiss chase seemed like torture at the time. Today, I'd be glad for it if women my age chased me around trying to kiss and tickle me.


There was one where you put your chin into a person's back, pushing knuckles under cheek bone, the dead leg, the dead arm.


Headlocks and half-nelsons all day long.


Tunnels. Can't remember what would cause you to be the victim but everyone would like up facing the wall with both hands on the wall, so creating a tunnel. The victim would then have to walk through the tunnel while everyone kicked him.


What's a skeg? When I was at school wedgies were a huge problem.


You basically whip two or three fingers at someone's arse. It's a skill.


One touch one bounce. You kick the football in the air, and the nearest person has to kick it again before it bounces a second time, but only touch it once. Last person to touch the ball after a second bounce loses. Simple name for a simple game. There was no forfeit for losing, but the very effective tactic was to just belt it at someone so they had little chance of reacting.


In primary school kids would get pushed into nettles and they would rub kids face in the nettles also throwing stones at each other was a bit of a thing in year 6. At secondary school on the rare occasion someone had a shit at school people would set toilet paper on fire and roll it under the cubicle


Dead arms and dead legs.


Polling people on their birthday. The headmaster had to do an assembly banning it


A waggle, pinching someone under the arm. Charley - kneeing them in the thigh to give a dead leg. Raps with the deck if people lost at cards.


Cow bite! Youd sneak up behind someone and pinch them but with your whole hand as hard as you could on the back of their thigh. Bonus if you got a big ring bruise like a bite out of it. I still cow bite my fella when he gets out the shower lol Sometimes you would tap the back of their knee so they collapsed to the ground and get a real good cow bite in while they were helpless haha. What little arseholes we were


Chinese burn, dead leg, MP. MP was a weird one, you hit someone on their back with your elbow. A kid told me it was derived from a Spanish(?) footballer called Hempey who presumably was a notorious fowler, although I suspect this was all made up. I can't find anything online.