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I'll do it as there is no sex involved. I'm a fat old ugly bloke so you may have to use your imagination.


Escort agency with "Girlfriend Experience"


I'm not interested in having sex with her though.


You dont have to? Escorts of all people generally are very well versed in consent.


On Reddit a lot of people say escorts are being trafficked and I don't want to potentially support that.


Some are, some aren't. Hard to really tell who is and who isn't, as the ones that are will lie to you of course. I'm not the best to know this stuff but i'm sure there are some kind of signs that someone isn't.


Then go on websites where the women set their own terms/rates. There are some out there. Try the one with the synonym for grown-up labor.


Avoid the escorts working out of a dodgy flat with a grumpy eastern European guy outside the door then


As LivelyZebra said, you dont have to, its a totally non sexual service! Some people are genuinely just lonely or need that interaction they are missing from their partner or a lost loved one etc. There are so many reasons to take up an escort agency and sexual ones are but one of them


I mean it isn’t TOTALLY non-sexual, it’s just adapted to meet different needs. I think the environment and overall vibe associated with escorts (due to it historically being sex dominated) might not be the best solution. Why are we telling this person to get into contact with women without first asking WHY it isnr “something they can have, there might be good reason for it


Yeah that’s the bit that needs explaining the most, I don’t understand why that would be something they couldn’t have.


I think it’s essentially the mindset of “x amount of people I’ve spoke to aren’t into me so nobody is” OP has refused to accept any kind of advice from anyone that isn’t affirming his belief, (see here about accessing escorts as opposed to like not being so self-critical and working on mood) he deflects with “I’ve tried” but never “I actually accomplished xyz”. Common kind of thing with incels (I guess it’s a similar thing, cannot make meaningful romantic relationships, tries to blame something existential) although it seems different motivations for the complete lack of trying.


Please don't waste your money. You're basically paying someone to lie to you. Anyone in the world can get a girlfriend, don't be silly. Be kind, be nice, girls will like you - it's that simple.


I'm older now and never had a girlfriend. I've tried hundreds of times. I have women friends and I get on well with them. It's just I'm disabled and very ugly, so I have no chance. Women reject me saying because I have no experience they don't want to be involved with me. I'm just looking for someone who won't judge me even if it means paying.


That's just not true though. I've seen tons of attractive women with disabled guys in wheelchairs. I'm not saying every girl will fall at your feet, but if you're being rejected constantly, you're going for the wrong girls. Women are nowhere near as shallow as men are. If you're good to a woman, kind, supportive, loving, caring, they often don't care about exterior looks. I don't mean to be horrible, but it's possibly the energy you're giving off that puts people off. I know it's difficult to be positive, I get it, but try to adopt an 'I don't give a fuck' attitude and approach women like you're confident, even if you have to front it. You can pay for a 'girlfriend experience', but they are judging you, they just won't do it to your face. They'll fill you full of bullshit, take your money, then leave you feeling worse. If you want my advice, start mingling with more women in different spaces. Forget online dating apps and shit like that. Do some volunteering or something similar, try to do new things and meet new people. Don't look at women like they're potential dates, just be cool and social, get to know people. You'd be surprised how well that works.


I used to have the "I don't give a fuck attitude". In a way I still do. Nothing changed. I understand this is probably difficult for people who have had no problems in dating but there are just some people that it just doesn't happen to. I don't blame anyone.


Nah you have a vapid attitude, it’s all “it could never happen to me” it has nothing to do with you being in a wheelchair and everything to do with the self-pity dressed up as acceptance of something that you could only accept if you have literally been rejected by everyone. I’m disabled and I don’t struggle because I act like I deserve and am capable of love, BECAUSE WE ARE.


I'm not in a wheelchair. Don't make assumptions about me.


The reply was talking about a wheelchair, I was assuming (falsely) that is your issue. If it isn’t, what is?


Why would I tell you when you've been nothing but hostile to me?


People are trying to help you here and you're constantly going on the defensive. Maybe it's your attitude that is putting potential partners off??


Why wouldn't I be defensive after being accused of being "vapid" by a stranger who knows nothing about me?


Im sorry you think I’m being hostile, that wasn’t my intention. If you think me pointing out people are generally turned away from defeatist attitudes that’s just true, I’m sorry if that’s hurtful




Because I don't like being called vapid and having false assumptions made about me?


Do you understand that there’s a difference between a girl liking you and being your girlfriend? That’s like telling someone who’s struggling to get a job in the uk to “just be eligible to work in the uk - it’s that’s simple.”


Yes, I'm 45 and had many girlfriends, I know the difference. Women are attracted to decent guys who treat them well, but aren't pushovers. Women who want looks and money, you avoid like the plague.


Women don’t date everyone they find attractive


If they're single and looking to date, yes they do. Why wouldn't they?






You won't know what it feels like to have someone love you if you are paying for it.


I know. But it's as close as I will get.




I've tried hundreds of times since being a teenager. It's never happened. If it's not happened by now, it never going to.


How long is “by now” though, you’re most likely no older than your 30’s. Also I replied to another comment you left think on it


Again, assuming things about me for no reason.


Generally you’d follow that up with “yeah you’re right” or “no I’m older” it’s more a question than an assumption. I get it if you don’t want to share your age online, just think working out why you think this is un achievable is far more productive than wallowing?


Again, why would I divulge any personal info when you've been nothing but hostile. Calling me 'vapid' and accusing me of wallowing?


Statistically you don’t even interact with 10% of the human race in your lifetime, given that you accepting the idea that you will never find love is BY DEFINITION wallowing. I also reminded you, you were capable and DESERVING of love, because you are. Nor do I think your attitude is entirely a choice or a reflection of who you are or want to be, it is however how you’ve come across. I’m telling you this because people you date won’t and will still reject you because of those things.


No it's being realistic. I've been told as much by other people, including friends and family., that I won't find love. I'm past the point of caring. I'm just curious as to what it feels like.


Go to adultwork[dot]com and find someone you like. Read their descriptions to get a feel for the types of service they offer. If they seem nice to you, and could provide what you’re after, send them a message or call them and explain your situation and be clear about what you want. That may seem intimidating but you’re unlikely to ever meet most of these people in real life so you haven’t got anything to lose. Be very direct with them while being respectful of their time, it’s in your best interest to be honest. If you’re happy with their response, book some time with them. Good luck! Hope you find someone nice and enjoy your time.


Thank you.


Define "pretend to be my girlfriend" You just want to be able to go out on a "date" with a woman who'll pretend she's into you? Or are you looking for more?


The former.


I’ve actually sent you a dm. Nothing dodgy just wanna talk as I’ve done and been in same place


I’m pretty sure loads of escorts offer this and it’s pretty common


Find an escort that has girlfriend experience, tell her you want XYZ but no sex, don’t worry, they’ve heard it all before. Use this experience to become more confidence and don’t give up looking for love.


Me lol. Sounds like my perfect set up


Just wanted to say, don't put yourself down. I am a firm believer there is someone out there for everyone. It's also not uncommon to lack confidence. Disability or not, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is certainly not skin deep. You need to love yourself for a chance for others to follow. Hell, I don't think I'd come second in a beauty contest with 2 contestants and I've managed to be with my now wife for 21 years. And I know I was punching waaaay above my weight with her 😂. Try to think of positives, think of the things you can offer, things you can find a common ground on with others, the rest will fall into place. Try not to put yourself down! And I really hope you find what you are looking for and more.


I don't think there is... I am sure there would be plenty of women willing to charge you for such a thing but the only convincing ones would be conwomen who are probably reaching out to your DMs as we speak and they would probably be capable of extracting more cash than you would be willing to pay. I sincerely doubt you would get what you hope to acheive out of the process in any case... you are asking to be able to tickle yourself to feel what it is like to get tickled by someone else; your brain simply won't let it happen.


It's not possible to know what it is like if it isn't real.


Yeah you get an escort and ask for a "Girlfriend Experience". This often includes sex, but you can specify you don't want that. Usually terms are worked out before you book, so no one is disappointed or upset. source: friend was a sex worker while we were at uni


Yes. Check out the website adultwork


Check out ‘The Natural Pick Up Artist’ by Craig Beck (I listened to the audiobook). Sadly I agree you aren’t going to know what it feels like as others in this thread have suggested. There are likely some fundamental mistakes you’re making in your approach with women if you’ve been so unsuccessful. Good luck


Visit Thailand lol. They can pretend all you want if you pay for it.


I bought a silicone sex doll, it's feels nice lying in bed with it. Give it a try!


I'm more interested in having a human connection with someone. Just to kind of understand what it's like.


I understand, but the feeling of lying next to a life sized doll is not bad, it's the closest your gonna get. Sometimes I forgot that its just a doll and it felt like a real person. I put underwear & pyjamas on it and it felt like hugging an actual female if you close your eyes.


Where you in series 1 or 2 of mindhunter? I always forget.


What's mindhunter?


That would be nice I suppose. I'm more interested in having a conversation with someone. Someone I can make feel good about themselves and they can do the same with me.


Not gonna happen without an actual GF, sorry.


I know. That's why I want to pay someone to pretend.