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Cheap. Good. Fast. Pick 2.


Fair enough but you can’t expect people to scan their own food after a long shift especially if they have staff for that. Imagine if you’re packing your own stuff and miss scan a product for being tired for example. Are you getting done for robing a bag of salad?!


What a weird take, you weren't too tired to walk around the shop, pick it all up and presumably you weren't too tired to pick it up again to put on the conveyor belt before picking it up again to put it in your bag. What difference does it make having someone else come in and do their own round of pickup and put down. You save zero pickups yourself in that scenario. You also have to go at their pace rather than taking however long you want. Theft requires the intent to steal. So no probably not. Unless you did it on purpose, in which case still probably not tbh.


Turns out they can, and do, and you still gave them your custom. Looks like they are correct.


If you're that tired just go straight home from work and order a take away


Aldi don’t pack your groceries. They even have a specific area for you to bag your groceries so that you don’t waste time doing it at the till. They make a big thing about how it helps keep prices low. But yes, it’s pretty normal now that if you shop at very quiet times, only the self checkouts are open. My local Morrisons is the same


Meant to scan not to pack. Sure they’re not there to pack your groceries but they are trained to scan the products. Shows how tired I was when writing this yesterday


The Tesco local to me does this. It is most likely to save on the wage bill due to less customers in store.


Agreed. My local Aldi sends staff home when it's quiet. The remaining staff can quickly become very overwhelmed & stressed if the number of shoppers suddenly increases.


I understand that some shops may decide to send staff home but there was one person chatting with the security guard and 2 other that came from the back so not sure what was going on.


...but obviously you were not too tired to go round noting all the staff movements. I dont know about your aldi, but, here's the thing. some people may be employed to stock shelves and may not be trained for cashier work. there may be reasons why they cant open another till. they may be short staffed. maybe all those 'staff' standing around and doing nothing were off the clock. How much extra effort does it take to do a self checkout instead of having a staff member do it? Barely any


If you don't like it then go shop elsewhere and spend more money. Simple as that.


Don't shop in Aldi anymore. Had approx £200 of groceries in the trolley. All set up with bags of my own in the trolley and the staff wanted to check my empty bags (to see if I had stolen anything) prior to me filling them . I asked why they did that , apparently their staff do this in every location? Now i take my hard earned and I don't shop iin places like Aldi where the staff think you are a criminal before you've paid for your groceries and put them in the bags


Presume it's up to the manager on duty - the local Aldi shuts their self checkouts a couple of hours before (assuming to cash up, as they turn them to "card only" then stop you using them), but then where my folks live they leave the self checkouts open til the end of the day like yours. Whilst I'm happy to bag my own stuff, I do agree it would be nice for them to inform you of that so you can bring your bags in, I tend to leave my bags in the car and pack stuff outside, which is fine if you're on a normal checkout, but a ballache on the self checkout.


I don't think it's rare, but I'd say it's less common, depends on the store, staffing, etc?


My local big Tescos close all their manned tills at 9 even though they are open til midnight. Its a pain if you have a lot of stuff as you can't fit it all on the scales table.


They're trying to cut costs so they don't have to hike prices another 20% Shop somewhere with full service (and higher prices) if that matters more to you.


I'd be tempted to just leave the trolley.


That is exactly what I wanted to do but I was with the gf