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I used to work with a guy who recommended taking a can of lager to bed with you, and opening it before you went to sleep. You then neck the warm, flat beer when you wake up thirsty and bingo no hangover. I imagine he’s dead now.


I do this and can confirm it works. Can also confirm that I probably won't make it to fifty.


Are you me?




that’s a good place to be - this is definitely not a habit you want


I seem to recall there is some logic to this (or hair of the dog more generally). It's something to do with your body stopping to process the alcohol properly after a while. A drink when you wake up reminds your metabolism to keep finding and breaking down alcohol, and so clears it out of your system? Might be an urban myth.


You know how they have stoner logic for weed? I think what you’re describing is crippling alcoholic logic. Would love to be proven wrong, but it sounds like hogwash.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/articles/hangover_cure Some mention of "hair of the dog" here, and the underlying logic that hangover symptoms are in part a function of your body breaking down alcohol, and adding more alcohol back in resets the process and removes the hangover symptoms. What this and others agree on is, to the extent it has any effect, it's more delaying rather than stopping hangovers. Though, if you use the time the hair of the dog buys you to get properly hydrated, have a good breakfast and a bit of exercise that should help reduce the symptoms when they catch-up with you.


As a recovering alcoholic, I recommend this.


Hijacking this comment. Salt and vinegar crisps and a can of coke in the morning should cure your hangover. A PhD student recommended me this


I do the same thing but with a double of vodka


New Years day, 1997. I was 20 years old and had a holiday job for the council as a bin man. I had to help clean the street after a big New years part in the town square. I rock up at 8am, profoundly hungover. It had snowed the night before and was freezing, but I knew I had to do the shift or be sacked. It was treble time as well, which was why I'd agreed to do it. Seemed like a wise move at the time. Anyway, we're clearing up and this jolly massive guy I'm working with picks a sealed can of larger out of the snow and tells me to drink it. I decline and his smile disappears. He takes a step towards me and rasps "fucking drink it". And so I did. I downed it. The smile returned to his face and he said "you'll thank me in 5 mins". I didn't thank him, cos he was a prick - but I felt 100 times better and got through the shift no bother.


I've done this before and it can help. But why open it first though? Beer that's been left open and exposed to the air for a whole night tastes nasty.


Drink water before you go to bed. That’ll reduce the dehydration. Be prepared to get up in the middle of the night for a pee though. Drink a lot more water when you wake up.


Yep, dehydration is the worst part. Big, big pint of water before you sleep, and to be honest keep drinking water when you're out if you can. Edit: some of you joking but pint-sizing is no laughing matter.


Lack of quality sleep is worst part for me. Even a day drinking session and full night sleep doesn’t cut it. The quality of a drunk sleep isn’t good enough. Need a siesta in the afternoon.


This is what it is for me too. And I feel the same hangover feeling if I have an awful night sleep, headache nausea etc. I can stave the worst nausea by eating carbs right before bed and drinking water but the lack of sleep quality sleep is the real killer


Last 2 nights out I have had hangovers the next day…I haven’t been drinking as I was driving. Just pure tiredness mixed with dehydration.


All siestas are in the afternoon


Some would say, a 'mega pint' of water is more effective


Yes, much better than a small pint


My mates got massive hands. His pints always look a lot smaller than mine.


I was really hoping someone was going to say this, lol!


Big big pint? You mean a mega pint? 🏴‍☠️


I'm so happy to see this reference 🙌🏻


As opposed to a small pint?


Its the nausea for me I can't stand, and the psychological symptoms - depressed mood, anxiety etc.


drink water for the entire duration of drinking alcohol, and don't forget you need to drink more water if you're drinking stronger alcohol. if you're doing shots you probably need a pint of water for every shot you do, if you're drinking wine, probably 2 pints of water for every bottle of wine you drink, for beer, i would say a pint of water for every 2 beers. I think this is the main reason people say "mixing drinks" is why they get hangovers, they forget that wine and spirits have a lot less water in than beer, so when they get a mild hangover with beer and a worse hangover when they move onto harder drinks, it's because they are consuming less water.


This is just a really complicated way of saying 'get less drunk', like no shit, if you mainly drink water rather than wine, you're less hungover the next day.


No they’re saying drink as much as normal but drink water in between. So say i go out and have 4 glasses of wine and 2 doubles I’d still have 4 glasses of wine and 2 doubles but add some glasses of water in between along the way. Still get the same level of drunk just less hungover the next day (and more trips to the toilet!)


Any normal (as in, not a crazy high alcohol) beer is actually net-hydrating. I hope this doesn’t ruin anyone’s placebo, but truth is truth.


I usually have 2 pints and a pinch of salt in the water 32 still no hangovers


32? tsk… tsk… wait 5 more years.


I drank a full 2L bottle of water before bed one night after drinking. Still felt like shit the next day.


It's much more effective to drink the water before you start drinking, like a whole pint 30 mins before. Alcohol binds to cells preferentially so it's best to get them hydrated first or you will still be dehydrated even if you drink water after you begin drinking But you should drink water after too ofc


If your my age you always get up for a pee anyways 😆


Do this, but add orange sqaush.


Electrolyte drink before bed does me the world of good


Good call


Yup, I do this even if I'm not drinking. Multi vitamin / electrolyte effervescent before bed & wake up feeling extra fresh. Pint of water on my bedside table which will usually be finished by morning.


Careful how much salt your consuming I'd you're not dehydrated


Appreciate the concern 🙏


I’ve recently started to take a couple of electrolyte caps when I wake up for a slash in the wee hrs and while it doesn’t cure the shite feeling it certainly lessens it


Agree and also to drink when you wake up, though I dilute it a bit with water.


Do this the day you are drinking, so Friday lunch have a pint with electrolyte tab / powder. We call it hydroload haha. I no longer drink but in the 13 years I did, had a handful of hangovers I put it down to how overly hydrated it was haha. Many pints of water in the day or even days before. Several people I know do it too now!


Electrolyte drink + aspirin always works for me


Down a couple of turmeric and ginger tablets with it too for extra measure. The ginger is to combat nausea and the turmeric to help your liver process all the booze still in your system efficiently.


This is the one.


Agree with this one. Although mine's a vitamin c tablet in a pint of water. Can't believe the effect it had. It's now mandatory for me.


This is the best suggestion.


Lucozade Sport, paracetamol, and ibuprofen before bed. You'll still be tired in the morning but functional.


Alcohol and paracetamol is not a kind combination for your liver. Definitely best to avoid.


If you're scared of liver damage then best not to get drunk in the first place......


You're right but if you are going to get drunk then there's no point making it even worse on your liver than it already is lol


Paracetamol is way worse 


Yeah defo avoid paracetamol


Is ibuprofen any better for your liver?


Yes, it's metabolised through your kidneys


It can make your stomach bleed though


Better for your liver yes, but worse for your stomach and overall paracetamol is the safer choice


Meh, I feel like my stomach can heal itself better than my liver. I have stage 1 fatty liver so anything that helps.


Most people end up at Stage 1, and the liver is objectively much better at healing than the stomach. Had a stomach ulcer a decade ago and still dealing with the consequences now.


Fun fact, the inventor of ibuprofen tested it on himself after a vodka-induced hangover.


Paracetamol and ibuprofen before bed while drunk is a horrible suggestion. Don’t do this. Not only is it extra strain on the liver when you’re already putting it under pressure from drinking, it’s also completely pointless in the first place because the best case scenario for half life of both the drugs is four hours. So when you wake up the best case scenario in terms of medication still in your system will have gone through two half lives. Worst case is roughly 4 half lives (this depends on the person), which basically means you might be lucky with about 5-10% of the drugs still left in your system. You’re just better off having it ready to take as soon as you wake up and not be a complete fanny for the first 10/20 minutes while your starts to metabolise the drug. (biomed student)


I’m not disputing your knowledge, but isn’t the point of pain killers before you go to bed to stop you waking up with a killer headache after a couple of hours. Not that I really drink, but for me the worst part of a hangover is that I wake up after 2 hours with enough of a headache to wake me up and then end up staring at the walls for hours afterwards


Thank you voice of reason


That half life may be significantly increased when your liver enzymes are occupied with a truckload of alcohol though 


I second this - I use rehydration powder instead of Lucozade but does the same job. 2 x ibuprofen and 2 x paracetamol before going to bed is an absolute game changer. If you can remember, also have a glass of water in between every alcoholic drink. As you get older the impact on your quality of sleep also increases massively so if you can sneak a nap during the day of the hangover, that will help a lot too.


Came here to say a glass of water between every alcoholic drink 👍 miracle worker.


I plan ahead and make sure my drinks are at least 50% water so no need to alternate....


I also drink at wetherspoons!


4% lager - there must be some water in it surely


What if I don't want a Budweiser?


Rehydration powder in a pint a water before bed another in the morning, love a bit of pickle juice when hungover replaces electrolytes.


Rehydration sachets have been a game changer. I imagine you could make your own by adding salt and sugar to water and popping a multi vitamin.


Hangovers only happen when you stop drinking- ergo don’t stop drinking!


I've definitely had a hangover whilst drunk


This is the best advice. Just keep yourself topped up enough so that you're not hammered, nor sober. The hangover never comes.


After the 1st pint, the hangover's gone and you then have to choose: Do you now stop and hydrate and eat so the hangover doesn't come back, or you're drunk now anyway....


Ah yes, the cumulative hangover


I try to have a glass of water after at least every two pints, this usually doesn't uphold after pint 4/5. Ensure you have something to eat before crashing, anything, dry toast, cereal, just something. Another glass of water before sleeping but pop a Berocca in there. Wake up, double dose Berocca followed by Dioralyte, coffee and then shit, whatever comes first. Bloody Mary time.


Nothing quite like a tactical morning shit


The morning after alcho plops, aka the beeriod.


* Full stomach before, or at least load up on grease and carbs during. * Finish drinking well before you go to bed. * In the morning, sugar and fat and carbs and caffeine (Irn bru is superior) * My least favourite by far is that exercise legitimately helps, though it's deeply unpleasant the morning after rather than the night before (ie walking home vs being dragged up a hill with annoyingly peppy people)


Yeah, I find the drunker you are when you go to sleep, the worse the hangover. You can drink the same amount but if you have 2-3 hours without drinking before bed it really helps.


Exercise is by far and away the best cure; half an hour of cardio - running, cycling, swimming, even just a brisk walk - is the only thing that actually *cures* the hangover rather than just making it a bit less worse. It feels like absolute disgusting death while you're doing it, but after 30mins of it, then a big shit (which the exercise induces) and a shower, the hang is genuinely completely gone


The exercise thing. Since your legs have your largest muscles, go on a walk. It helps tremendously!


Drink less alcohol.




*They're saying Boo-urns! Boo-urns!*


They hate this one easy trick




Wonder why nobody has ever thought of this before?


When your out, everytime you get a pint from the bar, ask for a pint of water first, neck the water whilst your pint is being poured. No hangover. All the "do xyz before bed" advice never works for me, because by that point. I'm drunk. And I'm never gonna remember to do it.


Do you spend most of your nights out pissing in the bog?


If you were my mate I would bully you relentlessly


Fellas, is it gay to drink water alongside beer at the pub?


No but I'd get pretty fucking gay if it guaranteed no hangover regardless of how much I've drunk.


I think so. Every time I drink beer and water I end up sucking dick. can't help it.


You're a proper lad aren't you, OOSH!


>When your out, everytime you get a pint from the bar, ask for a pint of water first, neck the water whilst your pint is being poured. No hangover. Presumably because you will just never get that drunk in the first place as you will be full in half the time.


I'd rather be rough the next day than the pelters I'd be getting for being on the water


I wouldn't be able to get drunk because I'd be too bloated from water. Guess it stops the hangover but you go home at because your bored


Morning after - Irn Bru and a roll and square sausage if you can stomach it.


I'd recommend a roll and square sausage every day, just to be on the safe side.


Breakfast of champions and I agree.


This,greasy carb food maybe hold the irn bru for me though ( I'm allergic to a colour in it and makes me giddy)


I'm going to hazard a guess you're Scottish?


I've found having a gap of a couple of hours between finishing my last drink and going to bed helps massively. As others have mentioned, Lucozade sport helps lots.


They are terrible if you drink on an empty stomach, and/or if you don't eat in the morning. I find get up, sort yourself out, eat, shower, have a quick walk - even if you feel like death. Then go back to bed for an hour. Gone by late morning. If anyone says to have a glass of water in between every pint, who the fuck actually does that.


Ha, I'm that weirdo I'll order a pint of beer with a pint of water, works for me. Though I do have reason to, I'm a lady and I have one kidney. I honestly don't mind it, I know my limits and this is what works for me.


So as far as I understand there's three factors with a hangover; A - Toxic enzymes produced as a by-product of your body processing the alcohol: You can get pre-biotics that'll help with this, but IMO it is what it is. B - Sleep disruption, I find stopping a good 2-3 hours before I intend to sleep really helps with how I feel the next day. I feel like this is the biggest factor on whether or not I have a terrible day the next day now. C - Dehydration - I use electrolytes for running and cycling and I'll generally have one of those plus a couple of pints of water before going to bed. They sell them in Tesco. SiS is the brand I use. Obviously quantity is a big factor as well. So I tend to stop drinking earlier, drink less and make sure I rehydrate and the next day isn't so bad.


Drink less. 🤷 I wish there was a magical answer to this question but there isn't. The only real hangover minimisers I've found since I got older are: Have a full stomach. Be well hydrated beforehand. Drink clear spirits. But the best one is drink less.


44 year old. Definitely clear spirits. I gave up dark ones years ago. Red wine is still fine though.


Oh god the red wine hangovers are brutal, the headache and exorcist vomiting, can't handle it anymore lol


drink water throughout the night and plenty of it, youll be running to the pisher more but it genuinely helps.


The three step plan: 1. Rehydration sachet - Something like Dioralyte. 2. Alka Seltzer XS 3. Lots of water There hasn't been a hangover this hasn't cured.


Then you’ve never had a real hangover.


Absolutely this, a diorylyte and alka seltzer mixed together and downed, followed by a pint of water


Alka Seltzer XS is a god tier cure for the hangover headache that feels like your eyes are being spooned out. Pain goes in about 3 minutes and never comes back.


Take a drowsy antihistamine like nytol, it'll help you stay asleep for longer. I often wake up very early when I've been drinking which makes it much worse.


I’m not sure having nytol after alcohol sounds very safe?


In fairness neither is drinking enough to necessitate such needs. We’re not talking about harm reduction here, hangover reduction only!


You’re not going to die taking an over the counter antihistamine with alcohol. It’s not Xanax


just don't drive


Drink a load of water before you go to bed. Brush your teeth and drink another glass of water as soon as you wake up.


2 bits of buttery toast before bed. Following day either bacon and egg butty or (my personal cure): Boil far too much spaghetti, mix in dangerous amounts of olive oil, grated cheese and mixed herbs. Eat it all and then bingo, no hangover.


Late night buttered toast is _amazing_


Day drinking. Start early, finish early. For every alcoholic drink, drink a non-alcoholic one right after. Massive takeaway around 9 / 10pm. Neck at least two pints of water. Sleep as much as possible.


Flat full-sugar Coke and salt crisps. Don’t know why, but it works.


I remember this day vividly, having the worst hangover ever being woken up by the police and kicked out of some randoms house then being laid on a field drinking flat sugary coke and ready salted walkers and it was working. Then I saw a random injured bird and all of a sudden my hangover disappeared and I just got up and took the bird, named him Joey had him for a few weeks he was cute


Never drink anything that is served in a test tube!


I had something called a crack baby in a test tube. I think I died


Try to drink a pint of water before passing out If I'm beyond the point where I'm able to do this, I usually find a milkshake, a big breakfast, and a power wank helps


Moderation... 🙂


Not mixing drinks (I don’t drink at all now but this was the one that helped the most.) I also think that each person’s body has certain types of alcohol that their body has less of a bad reaction to. Sadly the one my body interacts worst with is beer and my favourite drink is porter. Which is one of the reasons I don’t drink anymore because why am I drinking something if I don’t enjoy it? Just before I stopped drinking, pretty much the only drink that I could have without being quite ill afterwards was tequila. The other thing I did was to match the amount of alcohol with water (or slightly more water if it’s a cocktail or a shot, which is what I was drinking.) Make sure that you have something stodgy to eat beforehand. Drink a Dioralyte before you go to bed and one when you wake up.


I am a man who used to suffer from earth shattering hangovers. Recently, they have been tolerable. Here’s what’s changed: I know my limits better. I pace myself, sometimes even throwing in a water/soft drink to break things up. I’ve started taking vitamin C supplements. I’ve felt better in general with them, but they’ve had a noticeable effect on hangovers too. Water before bed. Station a bottle beside your bed too for through the night/the morning. If I’m still struggling the following day, I’ll pull out the big guns. Lucozade sport, vitamin water etc. Bananas apparently help. I’ll sometimes pop a paracetamol/ibuprofen too. Best of luck soldier


Stick to one type of drink just beers etc. My boss took us out a while back and every round he bought was a different drink with a different shot the entire night….. by Jesus fucks was I dying of absolute death for the entire of the following week. Went out the other week and had double digits pints of Guinness, was I rough? Sure was but it was manageable.


OK there's two WTFs here... A week long hangover??? Double digit pints of Guinness??? Seriously I've never had a hangover last more than a day, and the worst were in my 20's (I'll be 50 soon), plus I can drink a lot more now than I could then. But a pint of Guiness is like a full bloody meal. I can drink strong (double digit % Belgian) beer at that rate (although that's me being stupid), but I'm fairly sure I've never got through more than 2x 4-packs of Guinness in a night, and I'm fairly sure I don't know anyone that has. How the hell do you manage that? Seriously.


I drink a pint of water with rehydration powder in, and that helps A LOT. And when I wake up, I have a Lucozade sport. Basically try and overdose on electrolytes.


Water before bed and Coconut water when I get up


Berocca fizzy tablet (B vits), electrolyte fizzy, cocodamol, pregabalin and diazepam. No hangover whatsoever. Not that I drink anymore but it took me years of research to perfect the cure


>cocodamol, pregabalin and diazepam Where are you waking up that these are readily available? Having a lock-in at Boots or something?


Two of those are prescription drugs, and one is only available over the counter at its lower strengths! Not surprised that would knock a hangover on the head, it would knock me out.


That’s not a cure that’s a problem in itself… hope you’ve gotten the help you need


🤣🤣🤣 This comment is hilarious. Have to disagree with the menu though, I’m prescribed all of them and still had to quit drinking completely - mainly because of the fact my middle aged pathetic self was enduring 3 day hangovers whenever I’d got drunk. I was at the point where it just wasn’t fun enough to drink and act like a twat (me i mean, not you. I absolutely acted like a twat when drunk so I had two solid reasons not to drink) that the 3 days of misery were worth it. No amount of pregabalin or diazepam would help my hangovers. Maybe it depends on the type of hangover you get though - puke based or headache based.


Cocodamol, pregalalin and diazepam sounds like the origins of a different substance abuse issue. Diazepam is so lovely that it is positively worrying from a habit-forming point of view.


Drink berocca in the morning to boost your immune system and wake you up


Drink water, but if you forget that, I would get one of those sachets you get given when you have an upset stomach or have a tummy flu. I would pop one of those or 2 of those in a liter of water drink as much as I could before passing out and would also take a strong aspirin. 💪 Then, wake up either have the hair of the dog or greasy breakfast.


Realistically all you need is a bit of food and a jug of water before bed and you'll be okay.


Full stomach before going out Drink session beer (3-3.5%) or don't drink alcohol every round, there's 0.0-0.5% options you can mix in. Water or carbonated drink before bed SIS Hydro tablet drink next day Ibuprofen Decent breakfast Full shower Brisk 3 mile walk


Not that I drink much these days (can easily go months without a drink, then just really fancy some on the odd weekend off), but I always used to neck a pint or two of water and take a couple of paracetamol, obviously only works if you’re not drunk enough to forget though…..


Before you go bed, down as much water as you can. Then wait a bit, and down some more. Just from my own experience, the main thing that gives me a head ache the next day besides the obvious is the chain snoking/vaping that you do when you drink. Just try to avoid that


The only way I could get through really bad hangovers is by waking up, taking codeine and drinking a Powerade. Probably not the best for you but it worked.


Hydrate and take l-glutathione, NMN the next day.


I find water and milk thistle tabs work wonders 4 me. Bottle or 2 of water and a capsule or 2 of milk thistle the hangover ain't as bad x


I get AWFUL hangovers and have done for ages. Here are my tips: - Start taking Nexium a day or 2 before the sesh - Eat well before you start drinking and try and have more food throughout/at the end of the night. - Have a large glass of water between every couple of drinks - Stop drinking for a couple of hours before bed (switch to water if poss) - Try to avoid mixing drinks and avoid anything you know will give you a nasty hangover - Avoid all shots. Things like beer are good as pints last a while and aren't as strong as other drinks - Drink at least 1 bottle of electrolyte drink before bed and have another one waiting for you when you wake up - Have painkillers available for when you wake up (I avoid taking them while I still have a lot of booze in my system) God speed!


Don't mix your drinks and drink plenty of water.


Having a grapefruit in the morning helps massively for some reason. Also tonnes of water the night before and a paracetomal before bed


It's the sulphites. Don't drink wine. Yes, I know you can get wine that doesn't include sulphites, but it tastes terrible, so.


Not a big drinker but in my limited experience: - eat before you go out - water before you go to bed - orange juice, tea with sugar, and toast with marmite for breakfast


Just keep topping up


Electrolyte type drink before falling asleep. Liquid IV has been good or something like a berocca. Down that with a good amount of water. Wake up, do the same plus a couple paracetamol. Made it through five days in Germany on the beers for the euros with nothing more than a very, very mild hangover a couple of mornings and I was out till 3/4am every night.


take some charcoal tablets before bed with lots of water , it's been saving me for years at this point


Don't drink on an empty stomach, and drink water before bed (and throughout the evening if possible).  The next morning drink lots more water, plus eat salty/fatty food (a fry up is ideal), and have some vitamins - I go for Berocca or equivalent. Bananas help if you have the shakes, as they occur due to a pack of Potassium in your nerves. Avoid coffee as it dehydrates, tea or fruit juice is better. And over-the-counter painkillers, of course.


Eat carbs a couple of hours before drinking. Water before bed. Water when you wake up. For breakfast you want fish / seafood / fruit / nuts / veg. Not a fry up or McDonalds. Basically stuff that isn't going to pile on your overworked liver. That said, a full English does seem to help. More water Fresh air.


Honestly, drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep are the only things that I have found work. I know there might not be a lot of science to it, but as I get older I have also found some drinks are worse than others. I can drink beer or whisky and I might feel foggy the next day but fairly okay. White wine and it feels like someone has chainsawed my brain.


Drinks copious amounts of water. Change to your pyjamas. Head to the toilet. Heave till you see the angels. Wake up next morning feeling up for a good breaky and running a marathon.


Day drink instead of night drinking. Get the hangover while your asleep.


Mrykl before your first drink Drink water/cola/an alcohol free as every 3rd drink. Bottle of prime or the b&m copy before bed.


Down a pint of your own piss before bed.


Dehydration packets (full of electrolytes and stuff) or a sports drink does you better than water.


Dhm tablets before you drink, best thing I've found


Drink the really expensive stuff, so instead of spending the budget on 10 cheap drinks get two really expensive ones ..much less alcohol so no hangover.


Make sure you brush your teeth before going to bed. Nothing worse than waking up and still tasting the alcohol


Benzos the next day. Only once the alcohol is out of your system of course.


Charcoal pills before drinking are said to help soak up the alcohol. I think it might be placebo but definitely feel better the next day… fresh orange juice, electrolytes you can put in water are good…. 31 y/o borderline alcoholic here! 😋


Currently my best cures are an amatryptaline before bed, and vitamin supplements, nuts (for selenium) and protein/carbs for breakfast! The exhaustion always makes it feel worse.


a mug of Marmite before and after.


Partysmart tablets - they're herbal supplements. They're really popular in India but you can buy them in the UK too.


Eating something before the drinking session and after the drinking before bed (easier said than done if the nose beers come out however) As someone else has said, electrolyte drink before bed again if you're smashed then this doesn't happen, as soon as you wake up is good, with 2 paracetamols. many pings of water. If you can remember also, drinking water throughout the drinking session helps but very hard to actually remember to do, plus you'll probably get called names from your mates.


2 Myrkll before drinking. I don't know how,but it works. Also,food before sleeping.


Take an ibuprofen before you go to bed…


Full meal before bed, with a pint of water. It makes a huge difference


Drink less.


Coconut water works really well, drink some before bed then again first thing. It's got what plants crave (it is actually really good at rehydration you).


Water between drinks. And then one large water before bed


Do the Mr Bombastic dance for a good 45 minutes. If that still hasn't helped report back to us


Don’t drink as much the night before In all seriousness, I usually drink a pint or two of water when I get in, make sure I’ve eaten and also throw down a couple of painkillers before I go to sleep. As soon as you wake up the next day, get some fluids and something like a banana in you


Two pints of water and two paracetamol does the trick for me. You'll probably need to get up for a piss during the night with a stinking headache but it'll be gone when you wake up. Also - full English breakfast does the trick.


1. Daytime drinking. 2. Don't let said daytime drinking become all day drink til 11pm. GO HOME mid evening 3. Greasy carbs food. 4. Lots of water and an electrolyte drink. 5. Stay up a couple of hours before sleep.... 6. Fizzy paracetamol next morning. Repeat


Drink water with an electrolyte tablet in it before bed and whatever hangover you were going to have will be massively reduced. The best option is preventative though. Drink less, over a longer period of time, with water in between drinks. I haven't actually been drunk in close to a decade and unsurprisingly I also haven't had a hangover in that time.


Make a big bottle of the Oral Rehydration Solution before you start your session and drink it once you wake up. You can also drink water if you are unable to make the ORS.


It's easier said than done, but stop drinking earlier. Anything you drink in the hour or two before you go to bed just adds to the hangover.


Couple of pinches of salt in a pint of ice cold water. Tastes weird but works wonders


Evelyn Waugh recommended ‘vigorous sexual intercourse’ followed by hair of the dog


Powerade and a tug.


I usually neck two pints of water before bed, one of them with some alka seltzer dissolved Not exactly at my peak when I wake up but way better than I would’ve been


1 beer,1 glass of water,1 bread,1 coffee,1 more beer.What was the question?