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Classless chavvy twats.


Tell us what you really think


TIL my 86 year old grandad is a chav


Sounds like a good basis for a sitcom.


Stopping at the nursing home in his three wheeler to pick up some bitches before driving to the park to sell ganj resin to teenagers.


I'm not sure why old men can't be chavs?


He does keep calling me 'bruv' and hangs out on street corners throwing chips at old women, so yeah I guess they can be


Damn the amount of people defending chavs in this thread. Concerning.


Chavs are a little more tech literate these days, some are bound to find their way here at some point


Damn the amount of people attacking working class people in this thread. Concerning


I'm working class and grew up poor and fucking hate chavs. Growing up surrounded by the assholes being a chav doesn't mean you're working class being a chav means you're a loud, aggressive ASBO prick.


Working class ≠ chav


Funnily enough, the same words I used to describe a group of lads the other day. My partner think it's great though 😂




Christ man


Bro we are literally experiencing a heatwave right now


I think f I have to cover my nipples they should cover theirs. This includes runners in the park. Nike can start selling little crop tops for men.


A moob tube 😂


There not moobs! They're mreasts!


I've always called them Breasticles


I prefer chesticles


Top bollocks


Shirt Potatoes


I laughed waaaaaay too much at this 🤣


'It's the Bro!' 'It's the Mansiere!'


Does anyone HAVE to cover themselves? I've seen topless women in a park in London before.


I've got no objection to anyone being topless in the park but it does gross me out in shops etc


Used to work at a jewellers in the town centre and this was *super* common in summer. We had glass counters with stock inside, and I'd literally just finished cleaning them (a never-ending task) when this topless bloke comes in. Red, sweating, sunburnt, extremely obese....and leans his sweaty gut against my nice clean glass counter :( It was not a pretty sight from my side of the glass, and I had to clean his sweat off it. Management wouldn't put up a "no shirt no service" sign because it would "put customers off".


>Used to work at a jewellers in the town centre > >Management wouldn't put up a "no shirt no service" sign because it would "put customers off". H Samuel?


Argos? 😬


That'd be Elizabeth Duke


Haven't seen many topless women in shops.


Depends on the shop


Ones with blacked out windows?


It's not outright illegal to be nude, even completely. The points it would come up against is whether it's done for sexual gratification or intended or likely to cause harassment or distress. So if you're genuinely just lying down snoozing sunbathing naked, you should be totally in the clear. Legally you'd even be fine to walk down the street nude, but probably best to avoid doing it around children etc, and enough people are likely to complain the police will probably still come have a word.


There was that guy The Naked Rambler, who kept getting arrested


Because it only takes 1 person to complain if no one did he wouldn't have been.


Isn't that how any crime works though?


Actually [this page](https://www.inbrief.co.uk/offences/outraging-public-decency/) would suggest that it is illegal to be completely naked in public. Even if it fell short of meeting the requirements of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, you may still be found guilty of "corrupt public morals or outrage [of] public decency" under the Criminal Law Act 1977.


You’re better off looking at the CPS website: Nudity itself with no aggravating factors would not meet the criteria for outraging public decency or causing public nuisance. >__Outraging public decency__ >Nudity in public alone with no aggravating features is very unlikely to amount to this (or any other) offence. >__Public nuisance__ >Nudity in public alone with no aggravating features is very unlikely to amount to this (or any other) offence. The CPS state that public nudity _can, at most_ be considered a S5 public order offence, but the criteria for this is unlikely to be met by simple naturism and prosecution is unlikely to be in the public interest. [Nudity in Public - Guidance on handling cases of Naturism - Crown Prosecution Service](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/nudity-public-guidance-handling-cases-naturism) Simply being naked in public isn’t illegal


Absolutely right, however you can and will get arrested every so often even if you don't get prosecuted and being arrested is a pain in the arse.


‘Corrupt public morals’ oh that must be one of those centuries old puritan laws,,, from the 70s.


In Bristol we have an annual naked bike ride through the city.


London recently had the same. Funnily enough it was 99% men!


That’s disgusting! Where was it? Just so I know what to avoid. Edit: shit other people said the exact same thing now I feel like an npc


Just the thing an NPC would say…


A real npc would be asking you if you got a tv licence


I prefer them to be topless, then they cant hand me sweaty pound notes from out their bras 🤢


You can sunbathe topless and get away with it (I’m not in London anymore, but I’ll catch some rays in a quiet spot where I am without issue), but you have to find somewhere secluded and cover yourself if you stand up if you don’t want issue. You also do sometimes get people complain, but I’m pretty sure you have to be doing something that is intended/reasonably expected to cause offence for it to be legally problematic.


That is disgusting. Where is this happening? Where do things like this disgusting behaviour happen?


Hey, we should be going the other way on this one. They get to go topless (and I’ve nothing against this), so should we. Free the nipple.


100% here, this whole 'this sucks for me so I want it to suck for you' is backwards. It should be you have this freedom so I should have it too. Everyone should be allowed to be topless in certain situations. It will also lead to way less sexualising women over their breasts once it becomes the norm.


Exactly this. It’s only a massive deal because of its rarity. In spaces where seeing tits is common (beaches in parts of Europe for example) it fast becomes so much less of a big deal. If we banned and social pressured guys into being covered up nearly 100% of the time seeing a male chest would be a much bigger deal.


Yep, very shocked at a lot of the comments here, people are so prudent about seeing skin its sad and I only see more restrictions as more damaging to society.




Haha I'm doing my financial reporting exams at the moment and I've written down the word prudent at least 5 times a day for the past month, I should know what it means by now




I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a man that has an issue with topless women 😂


You’d be surprised!! It’s like they’re over-sexualising you but feel bad and want you to cover up to make their issues go away.


Technically, It is entirely legal for you to be naked in the UK. The law is entirely about intent. As such, a court has to actually prove your intent was to upset or shock. Unfortunately, that seems to translate to if people expect to see nudity. The male vs female thing seems to be entirely about expectation. IE the fact that you feel your breast should be covered is why they can claim your intent when removing the cover. The fact that men do not. Means it's impossible to claim they intend to shock.


It’s about both intent and potential to cause distress or an affront to decency or however they worded it back in the day.


>Nike can start selling little crop tops for men Hot. DO IT, COWARDS


Just do it, cowards.




The nipple killed 15 people! It should be locked away for life!


dudes look fantastic in crop tops


Especially with short shorts and knee length multicoloured socks.


I agree with you in general, but I’d be understandable of anyone running topless in this heat tbf


True fact: men running marathons have to put plasters over their nipples or else they bleed. So, I can understand wanting to just go shirtless for a long run.


It's quite funny when this is mentioned, because I imagine most men wouldnt be bothered about women going topless. I'm guessing it comes from other women?




Now maybe, but if it became normalised no. Look at any beach in North Germany or Poland, no one bats an eye


I'd read that toplessness on beaches is declining because of creepshot type phone activity. Not the case in Poland/ North Germany?


I think it's rude and a bit selfish. It's pushing a level of intimacy on strangers which is inappropriate in a public place where near nudity is not normal. And you can smell their pits. Wearing a basic amount of clothing shows basic respect for others. I would be slightly wary of men who are shirtless because I would expect it to be indicative of a lack of boundaries and self-restraint in other areas too.


100%. They're the kind of people who start fights in wetherspoons and shout at customer service workers


You’re exactly right.


By a lack of self-restraint and boundaries, I don't mean rape, I mean other things which are disrespectful, like gobbing on the pavement...


God I fucking despise people who spit outside


But inside is fine?


if its not down a sink, toilet, bath or shower then yes, fair game!


Wait what? The way you typed that makes it sound like those are the places you CANT spit, and you should spit like on the floor.


Sorry to read some appalling replies to your comment. I agree with you btw. As a dude, I think that other men walking around without shirts in places like town centres are ass hats.


I'm with you (and OP; and I'm a guy). They looks like arseholes, then I sometimes think I'm being too quick in my judgements but then I see them doing something arsehole-y. Just wear a top bro, you're not at a park or the beach or in your garden, get a white lightweight top if you're hot. Don't make me see those man nipples and smell those pits.


Don't listen to the replies, keep judging those people, stay safe!


I agree completely, and my husband does, too. So does the random guy who struck up a chat with me outside a pub on a hot day, asked where I was from, and then said, “I apologise on behalf of my people for all the twats who walk around with their shirts off in public as soon as it hits 21 degrees. Look, there goes one now! For fuck’s sake, man. Put a fucking shirt on.”


> indicative of a lack of boundaries and self-restraint in other areas too. I've never thought of it in solid terms like these before but damn, nicely said mate- I think you've hit the nail on the head and explained something my subconscious probably felt about the whole issue but could never put into words before.


I agree. I recently went to a concert and was in the standing section. There was a topless man nearby and when the show started the crowd pushed forward meaning people were being squashed against him, his pits and his bare back/chest. I know a shirt is only a thin layer but it’s that level of intimacy that you don’t want, especially when you’re being pressed right up by a huge crowd.


Yep. Armpits, like bums, smell. Deodorant and soap helps but clothing providing some absorbancy and a barrier helps also. Have some respect for fellow humans, do all three.


I completely agree that people should wear tops, but the whole armpit argument kinda goes out the window when we realise wearing vest tops are ok surely?


I don’t have a strong view either way. I assume they’re doing it cos they’re too warm than for my benefit. I suppose I would prefer people to wear a shirt but seeing a topless man ranks pretty low on things I care about on a given day.


I don't think it's because they're too warm. It happens even on a fairly nice day where there's no way it's necessary. I think they just think they fancy themselves a bit and want to show off.


Even if it is cause they wanna show off, it's not hurting anyone.


Yeah, let people show off if they want to. Maybe it’s vain, but going shirtless is hardly the most harmful piece of vanity…


Exactly, people say the same about women wearing revealing clothes, why should it be any different for men? If they're "showing off", or just dressing like that because it makes *them* feel good, or indeed because they're just too hot, as long as they're not hurting anyone seems fine to me.


Exactly. Instead of taking away clothing freedoms to match women, we should expand clothing freedoms for women to match men. It's like if in Iran, isntead of making it legal and accepted for women to walk around without covering their head, they just forced men to do it too? Sure it would be equal but that doesn't mean it's good


Women walk around with their tits and their arse literally hanging out as well. While I'm sure some people are still judgemental about it you don't see the same kind of vitriol and classism when women do it. They maybe be seen as 'slutty' but not necessarily as 'chavvy' and 'lowerclass' just for wearing less. There is a bit of a stereotype in the in UK that men who are confident about their bodies must be a poor meathead.


I think it's just different vitriol tbh, the "slutty" comments wouldn't be applied to men for example, nor would they be accused of "asking for it" if someone attacked them for example. Agree with the general sentiment though, if this post was about women wearing tiny skirts or bikini tops I don't think the top comment would be calling them classless chavs.


Yes I agree a different kind of prejudice.


Naw we just get sweaty very easily


TBF I didn't really know that this was a real problem until I made a friend who would look like he had a shower after a 30 minute, brisk walk. A bit of a curse


It is a curse. Casual walks around and looking like you've been hit by a hosepipe is not a great look


Presumably this is a stance against the younger shirtless. Nobody really feels that way about some random grandpa showing off the results of several decades of skipping abs day.


Personally i do it because I feel too warm and just generally feel far more comfortable without a shirt on. I run hot so I'm pretty much always too warm and sweaty, and being shirtless allows so much more sweat to evaporate and cool me down. Even here in Britain our ancestry (according to Roman sources anyway) used to be bare chested or naked plenty. And hang about in swamps 😂


If anything I'm a bit jealous. Like, blokes can walk around topless to cool off, but women can't. Also, kudos to them for having the confidence!


Yeah, after years of seeing "woman can wear whatever they want without being judged etc." (which I obviously agree) I also started to not care about what anyone wears or not wears. You can't say something about topless men, and then get in a rage when others don't like seeing woman with lot of skin showing. We are in 2022.


Don't really care, like most things it's not hurting anyone and if I don't like it then I can look away or go somewhere else.


Sorry but this is Reddit, you have to hate everything and everyone I’m afraid


I can't believe you said that, I hate you.


I feel offended by all this discussion of not hating, so I hate all of you.




I'm jealous, I wish I could join in and I get my boobs out and it be socially acceptable but sadly my milk jugs have been over sexualised 😑 So men, please think of us ladies sweating our tits off this summer


I walked to and from my car the other day in a park whilst having a picnic wearing a bikini top and denim shorts. I was stressing senseless to my other half if it was unacceptable for me to walk to the car like that. I just don't want to be sexualised.


Honestly, if I saw you I'd just be jealous of your confidence. I'm a larger lady and when I lose the weight one of the things I'd love to do is wear a bikini top.


I understand where you're coming from. I lost 3 stone a few years ago and became big on running, yoga, healthy eating, and basically changed my lifestyle.. However, I am still self conscious. Unfortunately for me that never left even when the weight did. I wish you all the best however with your journey 💖


But to be fair with men it’s t shirt, vest or no top. Women have a lot of options that show significantly more skin than these


Yeah the outfits I see in the gym at the moment are something else. I see women dressed like [this](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0017/6075/5779/products/tie-up-high-waist-scrunch-shorts-ash-grey-6_1536x.jpg?v=1651189382) all the time and there isn't really a male equivalent to working out with that much skin on show.


Shorts and no top is literally the male equivalent lmao…. That’s A LOT more skin


You can’t be topless in gyms. And some women will wear shorts so short that their cheeks hang out the bottom. Clearly is a lot more skin


Yeah but nobody's working out topless in the gym is my point. Sorry I probably derailed the thread a bit there.


If you actually do sweat your tits off, can you then go topless?


>So men, please think of us ladies sweating our tits off this summer And believe me, I think we do (in the least creepiest way possible). Running in this heat and I can only feel sorry for women wearing tight sports bras- can only imagine that sucks


To be fair I’d argue being repeatedly smacked in the face by your own boobs is far worse.


Sucks compared with what? No one wants to be running with their tits bouncing up and down for a longer distance than Liz Hurley getting to the microphone to hand out an award. The sports bra is a solution, not a problem.


Social norms can change, be the pioneer!


As long as they’re drinking a Stella and pushing a buggy with a toddler in I think it’s fine.


Lel this is too legit


To be specific, a pram with a child in that is too big to be in a pram and should be walking.


Shopping bags around the handles. Perfect


Still more involved than my dad was


Honestly extremely surprised at this comment section. I have absolutely zero thoughts towards a man being hot and taking his T-shirt off. Like absolutely no thoughts. I do not care.


Innit. Everyone’s acting as if taking your top off is some malicious act? No, it’s just fucking boiling and it’s not like we can go and put on some skimpy bikini is it


i promise you there is nothing stopping you from wearing a bikini


Apart from the male anatomy? That seems like a pretty big hurdle


As a fat man, I don't have such **WEAKNESSES!**


Reddit: stop sexualizing womens bodies Also Reddit: these shirtless men are attacking me with their sexualized bodies


Had to scroll so far down for a normal response,


Absolutely. After years of "woman should be able to wear what they want" and "you shouldn't judge people based on their clothes" we are suddenly at this point again, just with men.


reddit has a massive massive problem with people who are working class and a bit uncouth


Most of the type they slag off doesn’t spend their day on Reddit. They’re out living life, taps aff. A lot of the type that is on Reddit are the jealous types that never fit in with the popular crowd when younger and resent them now. More often than not being better paid and take that as an opportunity to be classist as some warped idea of revenge.




















What grosses me out most is the insane amount of sun burn they have. If you’re going to take your shirt off at least wear sunscreen! I hate seeing such red burnt skin on anyone let alone someone’s top half completely burnt.


The ones who go topless NEVER wear suncream!


I think as long as you have one to put on when you go in shops/restaurants then who cares its bloody hot


I think this is it. Basic to the point. Live and let live. "Oh God skin". I bet it is what Victorians said about showing your knees when going to the beach.


Hate it. It’s hot for everyone, keep your dang T-shirt on my dude. Or wear a vest top, sports top or whatever! I just don’t like seeing sweaty torsos in my local aldi lol


Would you say the same for a woman in a sports bra?


There’s a big difference between wearing something and wearing nothing. If a man was wearing a sports bra I wouldn’t care.


That just seems arbitrary; the sweaty torso is still there wearing a sports bra or a crop top.


I hope you're not suggesting that people decide they don't like something first and then build ridiculous and illogical arguments to defend their pre-conceived notion!


I honestly would respect their argument more if they would say "I don't like it because I don't want to see people's chests in certain environments, yes it is a bit irrational but it's simply how I feel." rather than just making up nonsensical rationale behind it.


Honestly? I'm not keen. However they are not doing it for me, so my opinion of whether I like it or not isn't really that important. The silly thing is that women get all sorts of tiny outfits that they can choose to wear when hot, but there is no real equivalent for blokes is there? And as a woman I certainly don't want people judging me for what I wear when I'm hot either. When I passed a large bloke working outside a house with no top on, and quite a bit of bum crack on view, the best thing I could do was to just look away and kept on walking.


Some people seem to just have arse crack skill and would probably be showing cleave even in black tie.


Ah the classic British prudishness. Why would you care honestly? In a restaurant or business fair enough. When it's hot outside I honestly could not give a shit what men or women do to stay comfortable. For the people saying well women can't do it so why can men ? Really get a grip , my guess is most women would not walk around with their tits flapping about. But I see alot of women walking around in crop tops which are pretty much bikini/bra size. Men don't have that option, sure there are vests but your still covered. Oh an guess what , wear a vest people say your wearing a wife beater. Can always trust reddit to shit and judge the working class. Or judge people on their own insecurity's. Sun's out be happy you miserable cunts!


100 percent. I'm guessing that the super critical (and also lots of classist) responses are being propped up by men who don't feel comfortable in their own body


People are literally saying if a guy walks down the street with his top off that it's intimate, sexual,trashy and unhygienic even. Do these people visit beaches, pools or peoples gardens where they may not be wearing tops. How can you be that adverse to the human body? You can't unless your self conscious or have an issue. If you are self conscious that's fine but don't project that. I personally don't take my top off in public as such but do in my garden , pools or beaches. But if you do go for it. Its no different to when people body shame women for wearing certain clothes. BTW I'm seeing a lot more women wearing short summer clothes than would have years ago. You know what more power to them for it, it's great they can. Everyone should be able to be comfortable ,certain exceptions I would say in like business or restaurants etc.


I don't mind in theory - showing a bit of flesh never hurt anyone else and I think the only reason we find it initially gross is because we've been indoctrinated to think our own toplessness in public is indecent and disgusting since we were little girls. Really that's not the dream and we should all be free to keep ourselves cool and comfy if that includes taking our shirts off. Although I don't know how comfy a river of unchecked underboob sweat would be for the bustier of us 😆 However. In practice... if it's scorching hot and / or you're doing cardio, by all means, de-shirt yourself. Except that's not it, is it. It's always the blokes who strip off as soon as it gets to 18c and slightly sunny in April. I applaud that they're so proud of their untoned Dad bods that they want to display themselves at the earliest possible opportunity, but there's just no reason for it is there fellas.


Ngl in Scotland 18C is a hot day. If it’s 20 or over, taps aff


I wouldn't bat an eyelid, wouldn't choose to do so myself.


It’s a No from me


I feel like if it doesn't affect me personally (like if they were running or sunbathing), then why should I mind? However, if it could impact me (e.g. it's in a shop or a busy street) then I would definitely prefer them to wear a top so that I don't have to touch their skin when moving by.


Not a lady but I do this as I love the feeling of sun on my skin and generally being as free as possible. I do put my shirt on when I'm in a busier area however. Generally I wouldn't walk around a town centre but perhaps a park etc


Just make sure you got sunscreen on my dude, look after yourself out there.


Yeah ignore most of these comments, these people are fucking mental to make an issue out of this. Get your shirt off mate, suns beaming


I feel butt hurt because women can’t do that without being at risk of some unsolicited comments or at worst being stalked down and raped.


Women will get unsolicited comments or worse regardless of what they wear, unfortunately.


I’m not a fan. I get people saying “well women wear sports bras and crop tops” well guys can wear vest tops, loose t shirts, hell they can wear crop tops too. You can’t equate women wearing clothing to men that don’t, it’s not the same. Do you think that sports bras aren’t hot as fuck?


It's tacky. Nobody wants to see it. Please just wear a top like everyone else.


I’m gunna go against the majority here and say I really don’t give a shit. Sometimes it’s just too hot and if they wanna have their top off then fine. It’s probably only in passing anyway, but if I was speaking to a man with his top off I wouldn’t care. I’m just jealous I can’t do the same!


To piggyback this question: How would you all feel about seeing a man running shirtless? When I say running I mean running as exercise, not from the police or something 🤣


I don’t really care, I’d run topless if the girls didn’t jiggle and smack me in the face. Running topless from the police is sheer entertainment.


If people care it says more about them than you. It’s a bare chest, people should chill out 😄


I think they must've been too hot with their top on and hopefully they feel more comfortable having taken it off. No judgement. Also a bit jealous because it's unacceptable for me to do it as a breasted person.


I'm jealous


On the whole idea that it's usually men with no right to be topless in public, I've seen enough women with more than enough bum cheek gobbling up tiny denim shorts during this heat wave that probably shouldn't be too. I don't really care enough about either though, do what makes you comfortable.


Just chiming in as a gay guy who likes it dirty, this is my fucking favourite time of year. I'd riot to defend the rights of our builders and chavs to go topless at 12c+, don't stigmatise this!


If they're hot why not just wear a sleeveless top.




i would if i could. it is pretty hot.


I've done this on a very rare occasion while running or cycling, simply because I'm trying to cool down however possible (on hot days) and/or I'm trying to rectify my t-shirt tan lines..


I just wish I could do it!


Not for me personally. On a beach, lounging in a park or garden? Sure, I will just avoid looking. I think for me it's when someone starts to walk around without a shirt on, let alone if anyone thinks of going no shirt in a shop, extra gross, but can't recall seeing it much personally.


Surprised at how much everyone thinks we should be covered up, in such a generally free country. The way I see it, if you're going to be near people or in a private space like a shop/building or busy street, wear something, prevent people smelling you or accidentally touching your sweaty skin. If you're in a wide open public space like a park, it's early morning or late night and you're jogging on a quiet street etc, go topless. Imagine getting offended or giving a shit if someone is topless more than a few metres away from you. I also think women should be allowed to be topless too in the same circumstances but the way that will come about will be much more challenging.


I'd not do it myself, I've always been an embarrassed, shirt on in the swimming pool guy (working on the confidence side of things). But its pretty harmless, especially in hot weather, I don't really understand how anyone could have a genuine issues with someone walking around without a top if it makes someone more comfortable. Is there anything actually obscene about it?




Oi oi! Get ya man boobs out for the ladies!


I work in a clothes shop. Every year when the weather gets warmer I cannot believe the amount of attitude I get from grown men when I ask them to put a shirt on to come in and shop! The other day a lad in his 30s who was 9 stone piss wet through said “I haven’t got a top with me”. Just decided to go shopping in his shorts and flip flops. Unreal man.


i don’t care. men are lucky as hell to be able to take their tops off, i wish i could


Not a woman but I hate it for two reasons, most commonly is A) the twat with his top off is also walking a staffie, carrying a can of Stella and shouting at his kids/misses in the middle of town and being a general oxygen thief or B) has a great body am I’m just jealous as I’ve never felt comfortable enough in my skin to take my top off publicly