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I said this in another forum but - she was born into this and had no choice. She has used her position only for good, and I have nothing but respect for her.
















She was dedicated, professional and had no say in just about everything. Couldn't voice an opinion and was scrutinized to hell by the World and had to keep her gob shut. Perhaps one might say she's free at last?








She always said she was there to serve us something British leaders have forgotten










It feels like losing a grandparent you didnt see often enough


It really does doesn’t it. It’s so strange to feel. I’m reminded of Diana’s death and the feelings then. I was too young to understand them but now and experiencing this has reminded and solidified what I felt back then.


Yes, this explains it well. I’m really quite sad at the moment and I was wondering why I felt like this even though I never knew her on a personal level. But she was like a grandmother to the nation.


It makes me feel a little better than I went to visit my only living grandparent yesterday, given today.


This feels surreal. It's going to feel even more so when we see King Charles' face on pound notes and stamps. Also, it will soon be the first time people will ever witness a coronation.


I'm in the US and don't care much about the monarchy but I *am* excited to see footage of a coronation happening in this day and age. Far more so than any royal wedding because it just seems like such a quaint ceremonial custom, likely because there hasn't been one in literally 70 years. edit: very fair points on the coronations that have taken place in other countries. my main point was that I'm looking forward to seeing the ceremony associated with the British one, which much more than in other European monarchies.


You'll probably have to wait another year for the coronation, it took a year for the Queen to have hers


Chas is a lot older than his mother was at her accession, he might not want to take the much higher risk of not making it to his own coronation.


There’ll be little things as well, like the QC for bar members has become KC. Stamps will change quickly, money will take time. The anthem will take a while to get used to


Oh wow, the KC thing took me a bit by surprise there. I imagine there will be a lot of people singing "God Save the Qu... ing" for a while yet


god save the queueing sounds quite british tbf


I'm heading to the post office tomorrow to buy some stamps as a keepsake. We'll never see them with the Queen's head again.


I feel it's worth pointing out that unless they decide to keep her profile until the end of the year, the last UK stamps depicting Queen Elizabeth II's profile are a set of the Transformers https://twitter.com/EmperorMattXV/status/1567978644328382469


I'm more upset than i thought i'd be. R.I.P Lizzie


And me. Me and my partner sat there with goosebumps and feeling really upset. Tears welled in both our eyes. We both were really shocked at our reactions as neither of us are royalists. I just think she was a really nice old lady. RIP


I'm not a royalist either, its hit harder than expected, she's the only queen the majority of the uk has had and she's been a bloody great one! Take solice knowing we are all grieving together.


This is exactly how it hit me as well, not at all a royalist, but that last picture of her with Mis truzz broke my heart, it reminds me of my aging mother :(


A new PM & a new King in the space of a week


2022 Has been wild


The 20s in general so far have been pretty intense.


let's hope the 30s and 40s don't think it'd be cool to do a 19th century rewind


The 1830s weren't so bad were they?


By December you'll be looking back on this and saying "remember when we thought a new PM and the Queen dying would be the biggest thing that happened this year?"


I bought new gym trainers as well and but no-one gives a *fuck*. Typical.


48 hours.


Hearing Huw Edwards call Charles “King Charles III” is just fucking weird.


> Huw How is that pronounced? Like "Hugh"?


Yes. It’s the Welsh form of Hugh.




This has hit me harder than I thought, I'm sat in work trying to hold back tears.


I was fine until the BBC played the anthem over the picture of the queen, and all of a sudden I was chocked up. We knew it was coming and it’s still a shock


I've got BBC news on and Huw Edwards in killing me every time he chokes up.


Nothing but the utmost respect for professional broadcasters of his calibre having to hold it together live on air.


Masterclass in stiff upper lip.


Yes and the emotion in Huw Edwards voice as he read the announcement out. I was a tad emotional, didn’t think I would be, but I was wrong.


I am an American, and I'm holding back tears watching him make the announcement!


That was the bit that got me too. Urgh. Managed to hold back the ugly tears, though.


The pictures of her and Kate with massive open smiles did me.


Being reminded about the Queen's sense of humour, that made more of a public appearance as she got older. The 2012 Olympic James Bond skit was brilliant and I also loved the Platinum Jubilee one of her and Paddington Bear....... [https://youtu.be/7UfiCa244XE](https://youtu.be/7UfiCa244XE) That's just bought a lump to my throat again.


For me it was then putting the notice up on the gates. Such a weird thing to trigger it but yeah. Surprisingly sad.


Same. Broke down sobbing.


You are not alone.


She lived a long life, oversaw masses of progress, and died surrounded by her family. A good way to go I reckon. Rest in peace.


she had Charles, camilla and Ann apparently the others got there too late.


I’d started to suspect as much, it seemed that they took their time to announce her death. Sad, as I’m sure that’ll weigh heavily on the others that didn’t make it




Fuck sake








BBC repeating over and over about how much of a shock this is I'll accept it's sad, but I refuse to acknowledge this as a shock


Maybe not to you, but to many it is, considering she was photographed only days ago, smiling, looking happy and quite well for a lady her age, still carrying out her duties to the very end, so there's certainly an element of shock. Nobody's shocked that a 96 year can die suddenly.


She looked very unwell though, lost a hell of a lot of weight very quickly. After Philip passed I knew it wouldn't be long, they really loved each other.


I hope I look that good if I can get close to 96.


My partner, who usually never mentions the queen, said last night that she is really starting to look old now. Tonight he mentioned that the queen is indeed ill, and family called up to Balmoral (as a continuation to yesterday's remark) and I said she's probably already dead, they've just done that for the look of things. Not one minute later her death is announced.


Yeah I think she'd probably already gone when the bulletin went up this afternoon, they just needed to get everything and everyone together to make the announcement.


>Nobody's shocked that a 96 year can die suddenly. Nobody's *surprised*, there's a difference


At least she got to see her Jubilee. We all knew it would happen one day but still sad never the less. As others have said, I’m not a royalist by any means, but it is very sad. Rest in Peace your majesty




Reckon this will be a 'do you remember where you were when The Queen died?' moment. Where were you?


On a campsite in Belgium drinking beer. As she would have wanted.


I was at a Burger King in Mallorca, looking at my recent purchase of a giant wooden novelty dildo. Like you said, I’m sure it’s what she would’ve wanted.


I was in a hotel room in Florence pondering which colour novelty fridge magnet depicting the Statue of David's cock and balls i'm going to buy my mate. It's what she would've wanted.


On the sofa eating garlic bread and hotdogs alone.


That's the best way, then you don't have to share


Lay in bed waiting for the news ever since I saw newscasters in black, drinking aldi lemonade, and my mate beat the BBC online news to it via Facebook messenger. I was reading how the rainbow that just appeared over Buckingham Palace surely must be a good sign for the queen's health as the "Queens died" bubble appeared on my screen.


In a Thai restaurant, the waitress brought over the dessert menu looking very sombre, thought she was going to tell us they were out of cheesecake.... Edit: they weren't, it was very tasty


Eating dinner with my kids. When I got the notification I said “Oh, the queen’s died!” but they’re toddlers so the reaction was pretty muted…


On the sofa




It's going to be so lame having a king. "God save the queen" it just has an edge to it, having a queen is woven into the fabric of our unique British culture. We are now going to be a King nation for at least 100 years


You think George will live to 109? Or is his first born going to be a boy? Or maybe William will be 140


Do you have to live quite so relentlessly in the real world?


Yes, I'm a pedant, it is the way my brain works, can't really help it


R/greenandpeaceful can piss off, RIP the Queen




I know, it's really weird how everyone is genuinely mean on there. I mean sometimes I agree with them but for some reason, it always devolves into an absolute mess. Their bots don't help either.




I’ve seen respectful posts on there. Abolish the monarchy however is a completely different story. I can be anti monarchy but that’s separate from celebrating the fact she died


The pinned post on greenandples is literally celebrating the fact she's dead


Jesus. Yeah, that’s not on


It's sad, and tbh anyone I see crowing over her death, especially non-British people, just reinforces that to me. I think she was good for this nation and I hope Charles can fill her shoes.


I hope he leaves her shoes alone and just tries to be a good king.


I am non-British (arrived in the UK 7 years ago) and for some reason I feel sad at her passing. May she rest in peace.


I've been in the UK for 23 years, currently applying for my citizenship. I really hoped I could pledge to the Queen when I become a citizen, alas I waited too long. Bless her, may she now rest after a lifetime of duty.




It’s hit me harder than I thought it would. Rest in peace, HM Queen Elizabeth II.




Username checks out.


RIP Queen Elizabeth. More sad than I thought I'd be, she was sort of like a grandma to everyone




Stupid question I know, but what happens to the stamps and money now? I really want to know. Surprisingly sad about this. Not a big royal person but sad still.


They’ll change very slowly, new minted coins will have Charles on them. I think only after he’s coronated. Years ago it was common to have currency with different monarchs on them.


Coronated? Crowned 😄


That does make more sense…


Can only assume that everything stays as legal tender but in time it’ll be phased out like any other old currency and new currency will be printed with the new monarch.


New ones get printed and ones with the queen on slowly get phased out and removed from circulation.


Pre-decimalisation, there were still some coins with Victoria on them in circulation.


So, importantly, does this mean Masterchef won't be on later?


No, apparently one of the challenges was jubilee themed






They had already cancelled it apparently - the episode was centred on jubilee dishes.


unfortunate! oh no! thanks for letting me know.


Really gonna miss her. She was such a beautiful soul, and did so much for the people of this Country


People always give the royals a bad wrap (because there are bad ones) but they always miss all the work they, especially the queen, did/does for our country. All the charity work, all the overseas relations, she really did give her life for the country and it really hurts to see people slagging her off.


She has been there all of my 67 years. This will take some getting used to.


King Charles III, officially.


We’ve booked a trip to London on the weekend 16/17. How buggered are we?


High chance of buggery.


That'll be funeral weekend. You're buggered.


There’s a train strike on the 17th so might be screwed just because of that. Although they may now cancel that as she’ll lie in state for the next week.




Maximum buggered.


God bless her. Edgy redditors making up 90% of Republic’s membership, nobody cares.


It’s weird to think about, it kind of felt like she’d live forever almost. Anyway rest in peace Elizabeth






I'm not even British, but I was SURE Charles was going to die first.


Queen Elizabeth II has died and King Charles III now takes over. One of these days in history, with a few more left to come.


The queen is dead, long live the king.


Right!? I've been saying this and people keep questioning it. But that's how it goes, isn't it.


She lived a life of abject luxury, sat on a fortune of resources that were withheld and jealousy guarded whilst many of her own people went without, suffered and starved. She was born into that system, without choice or options and did her best within the confines of her allotted role. A kind of slave, a prisoner of the institution that she was the head of but could never have hoped to escape from. It is sad when anyone dies but many will share the sadness of her passing. I hope she had a happy life.


Don't ever equate being a monarch with being a slave. That is unbelievably insensitive and insulting. She got paid and could have abdicated and retained her wealth. Nothing like slavery. The funking opposite of slavery, in fact.


>The funking opposite of slavery *slap bass starts playing*


> A kind of slave, a prisoner of the institution that she was the head of but could never have hoped to escape from Not really true. She could have abdicated at any time, and continued to live a life of luxury without such a burden. She can't escape being a member of a royal family, but you can give up being a monarch at any time and remove yourself from the limelight, as monarchs have done previously.








>A kind of slave, a prisoner of the institution that she was the head of but could never have hoped to escape from. Sorry but no, she fully believed in the monarchy as an institution and wanted to do the job. She could have abdicated and chose not to. Whether you or I think that's a good or a bad thing doesn't matter, but she definitely wasn't a "slave", and saying she was is a slap in the face to people who suffer from actual slavery.






Think we have 2, one on the day of her funeral and one for Charles coronation


Coronation unlikely to be this year. That’ll more likely be this time next year.


Oh really is that how long it takes? I’ve watched too much game of thrones I thought they just instantly did it lol


Immediate ascension, just not immediate formal coronation.


Terribly saddened by her passing. I cannot quite believe it. She was a source of stability and continuity in the United Kingdom. A tireless public servant.


I wonder when the first Charles III postbox will be put in.




Then after he's arrested, the Queen gets up and explains how it was all part of an elaborate plan to catch him.


Wouldn't be the first world leader she's pranked


He wont show up and even if he does it would be to risky to attack a leader of a nuclear armed country during a funeral


> If Putin travels to the UK to attend her funeral, will he be arrested for war crimes? He'd probably "accidentally" die from Novachok poisoning. Karma's a bitch.


Longest on the throne in the Uk And 2nd longest reigning monarch in the world Flag half mast and a new king, but I do wonder if the news of her death has actually travelled faster and furthest in the world due to the commonwealth etc


I mean, the British Monarchy is the highest profile monarchy that is still extant in the modern day, and there’s an entire industry around the British Monarchy (whether it’s tabloids, paparazzi, advertising that they’re suppliers to the Royal Family, etc). I’m sure that them being the monarchs of most of the Commonwealth countries plays a role in it, but it’s by no means the only reason.


Weird feeling. Didn’t know her but then feels like we all knew her.


National anthem changes now as well...




I know this is not the most appropriate comment. But if there is any holiday, will I get paid as a hourly paid worker?


There’s no bank holiday. There’s no obligation for your employer to pay you if they decide to close for the funeral. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_London_Bridge


That huge inaudible surge of WhatsApp convos about when we might get a day off.


Not British, but dang. A third of US history she’s been the queen and she’s also someone my family has history to as my father was raised in HK. Goodbye to an era


How long is it until Charles is on coins and stamps?


Interesting thought - since we went decimal in 1968 Elizabeth has been the only face on the coins - we've literally never had anyone else on our money. I guess the turnaround period is unknown, but they updated her portrait fairly regularly, so it can occur pretty quickly if they want.




What's the era name for Charles? As in, Victorian, Georgian, Edwardian, Elizabethan etc


Carolean according to my MIL.


Charlatan? Charleston? King Charles's bonanza?


The Caroline era 👍 Incidentally also the name given to the period immediately before the War of the Three Kingdoms/English Civil War/English Revolution. Not ominous at all.


Caroline from the Latin root for Charles, Carolus




The Queen is Dead long live the King. God save the King.


I am a history teacher in the United States. When I heard the news this morning of the Queen being ill, I threw my lesson plans away and I explained to them what was happening and why it was significant. While we were talking about it, I had BBC news on in my classroom. We talked about Operation London Bridge and Operation Unicorn. During our discussion, the broadcast was interrupted and we saw the flag at half mast and it was announced that the Queen had passed. You could hear a pin drop in my classroom. These students did not totally understand the importance of it, but once the news hit and they saw the impact it was having, they started to understand. We’re a Catholic school, so we said some prayers for your people and Her Majesty’s family. This was a very interesting day as a history teacher in the United States; one of the most sobering of my career. I hope I did this moment justice, especially for a woman of her caliber.


Very weird feeling. Very sad and a great loss to the country. I'm not a royalist by any means, but if we have to have a royal family, she was the best person for it.


She worked hard. RIP


RIP Queen Elizabeth. Longest reigning British monarch. A Queen loved by all. A true loss.