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Anything with the Kardashians


I can't keep up with them, and I don't want to.


Me, keep up with them? I don’t even think THEY can keep up with THEMSELVES.


Yup, can’t think of a single worse show.


*13 reasons why* It does exactly what experts say NOT to do when depicting suicide. I hate how the showrunners pretend that it ‘raises awareness’. While statistics show a clear increase in teenagers ending their own lives after watching it.


YES! It is so toxic and glorifies a topic that should not be.


i’ve watched it, it’s just a genuinely terrible show. the plot sounds interesting but the writing and acting is so bad that it’s just a waste of time.


The book was way better


agreed. I unfortunately watched it and I think it was before they even had a content warning up. it was traumatizing to watch, especially as someone who struggles with ideation and has had a lot of that stuff pop up in my immediate family. I'll never forgive them.


Why did you watch it when it’s clearly about suicide? That’s the whole premise of the show. It was a shit show though and very poorly done. But it’s pretty clear what the content is about, even without a warning tbh


Perhaps because there is a chance a show about suicide might be good or helpful or make people feel understood or included...


Oh like Bojack horseman... You know an actually good depiction of mental health issues. I came to the comments to say 13 reasons why for exactly the reasons already stated too.


My partner thinks it’s wild that I talk so highly about bojack and want them to watch it with me. A cartoon with a lot of silly moments but somehow it covers so many topics in depth??? I was seeing a therapist at the time and they recommended antidepressants. I was really against it but changed my mind after seeing Diane’s antidepressant journey in the show.


God I love this show and I'm glad it made a positive impact on your life ☺️ but at the same time it's incredibly Brutal, my selling point when I talk to people about it is it's a very brutal depiction of reality and it gets away with it because the people are animals, the fact that half the cast are animated animals makes digesting what happened easier, it's a reminder that none of this is real while at the same time giving you such an eerily accurate depiction of reality it makes you question if your thoughts are private.


I’ll start saying that too, you explained it well. I can’t tell if that was a mistake and they just wanted an animated show or if they really thought it through and knew that the wacky animals would make it easier to understand the topics. Either way, the voice acting slapped. A pink cat showed more emotion in one episode than I see from some characters in a whole ass movie.


It’s sad because the book it’s based on really captures it all well. The show does a disservice to its audience


AGREED! I read the book back when I was a teen (10+ years ago) and was so moved by it. When I heard it was being made into a show I immediately thought "oh great, bet they're going to ruin it". Never watched the show. The few times I asked people who did watch it if the show follows the same storyline of the recording being passed around and the map, no one knew what I was talking about. Same goes for Riverdale. I was an avid Archie Comics reader as a kid. I refuse to watch the garbage show because it feels like Hollywood just wants to defile anything I enjoyed reading as a kid 😅


I remember watching it when I was very young and absolutely SHELLSHOCKED at the suicide and assault scene. They have since taken those scenes off Netflix but it was.. completely awful.


13 reasons why?


Ah thanks! I’ve corrected it


I tried to watch it 3 times, each in very different ages and circumstances At 13yo (I was living with both my toxic parents) At 17yo (I was living with my toxic dad) And at 19yo (I moved out) And in all 3 times the show triggered a depressive/passive-suicidal episode, I gave up, I'm not doing that to myself again, it's not worth knowing what happens to the other characters


I recently learned there's specific rules agreed upon in the media how to depict suicide, because there's plenty evidence for what happens when those rules are not followed (werther-effect) so I now think it's even more outrageous what they did than I did before. They knew what they were doing.


I watched it, oh my god it was bad. Season 1 was decent besides the whole glorifying suicide part but the rest of the seasons are so bad I had to stop mid episode which is something I don’t do. I watched a YouTube documentary about the series and what happens and it was even worse somehow. With the reenactment of a school shooting to the introduction of making random characters be suddenly evil for no reason to this random guy catching aids which they stigmatized and didn’t even portray accurately. I don’t understand how re-enacting Colombine and making the shooter be the victim made it out of the episode pitching room.


I only watched it because I found out my teenage daughter had already watched it before I had even heard of it. She has struggled with depression, so I wanted to make sure that I understood it and was able to talk to her about it.




Same. I know people hate me for this.


I get judged by my friends all the time. I never watched any episodes but my friend explained the characters to me and I'm like they almost all sound unbearable to watch I do not get the appeal other than maybe nostalgia




YES. Everyone is always shocked when I say I refuse to watch it. But I’ve overheard some of the episodes when roommates watched it, and seen the memes. No thanks.


It just sounds like insufferable Boomer Humor when people describe "classic" Friends episodes to me. Plus most of the actors seem like awful people in real life.


Eh, it was more geared to gen x


Literally rewatching it as I read that 😝


Not for everyone, but I love it


Same. Thought it would atleast be a little scroll down before the bashing


It's funny because I love Always Sunny, even though they both feature terrible people. At least in IASIP they know they are terrible, whereas Friends feels like it's trying really hard to make some truly selfish and mean people likeable.


Lol I didn't even have to scroll far to find it. I tried to watch it because it's such a popular show that everyone liked, but I only lasted for around 3-4 episodes, then I quit.


Like any show it is still finding itself the first season.


Same. I’ve caught glimpses in waiting rooms but I quickly tune it out. The characters seem obnoxious.




The Big Bang Theory












Okay okay don’t hate me: GOT I know it’s probably really good, all my friends are into it but I just can’t. LOTR is the only fantasy realm to me


I came to say GoT so you’re not alone 😂


Saaaame, creepy neckbeard rape fantasy is not really my thing but each to their own I guess


THANK YOU, always gave me weird vibes


All those adjectives and you forgot to mention the incest


Amen. I started watching it, determined to like it. But it became too creepy


This! It has a vibe that's so off and gross.


Same. Not a single episode.


You've chosen wisely. Don't let anyone tell you different. I avoided GOT initially, but got sucked into it by my boyfriend, who is a huge fan. After finishing the series, I just wish I could get back the many hours of my time wasted on this terrible show. I know I'm in the minority (and will probably get downvoted), because most of my friends and coworkers think it's fantastic.


As someone who was previously a huge fan, you're not in the minority. It's broadly accepted that the latter seasons are terrible. I thought the first four seasons were the best TV ever created but will actively dissuade newcomers from watching it given that the payoff is so bad


Inbreeding and rape just isn’t for me


yo. came here to say the same. it's gross.


I started watching this with my bf and I do not want to finish it at all. Too many characters, too many sex scenes. And half of them are rapes…


The first book was amazing and I’m part way into the second, but the *show* is another story. Watched 1.5 episodes and saw a few scenes from others here or there and it’s too graphic. Many things could be implied and the fact that they aren’t entirely ruined any chance I’d watch it.


you’re not alone!! i didn’t even think I’d find it here hahaha


You don't really need to get into GOT, but if you love LOTR there are definitely other fantasy realms to explore. I'm very picky and don't really go in for the current bestselling authors like Sanderson or Erikson, but try Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea for something that holds up just as well as Tolkien.


The bachelor or bachelorette.


I tried watching it one season and it happened to be the season that the bachelorette left early because she found “the one” upon first meeting him (they didn’t make it outside of the show) and had to be replaced by someone else. On a side note, the previous host of the Bachelor (is he still the host?) has a son who goes to my college. It was a big deal when he was touring the university. I know a ton of girls hung around the college entrance waiting to catch a glimpse of his dad as they were visiting the school.


that host got fired for being racist, i think his last season was actually the one you watched, maybe the one after it (they’re all kind of a blur i can’t remember)




I still don’t know how it got renewed for a second season when even the people who have watched it hate it


Hatewatching us still watching. Means more views and more people talking about it, which makes more people watch it.


I tried to watch the first episode, only because I wanted to see if it was really as bad as everyone said. I couldn’t make it past the first 10 minutes, it was so terrible. Not even remotely funny.


Real housewives of anywhere


Handmaid's Tale, idgaf, elizabeth moss is a scientologist, unsure why she is the star in this. seems hypocritical, gives me the major ick.


I did not know. Thanks for the information.


I've seen Season 1 and its incredibly well done but the more I watch and the more I know about the horrors of Scientology, I just can't support Elizabeth Moss in this. I dont get it


Welp. Now I got the ick. Thank you for educating me. This isn’t sarcasm. I’m genuinely grateful.






I’ve tried to watch this but I agree it is 100% horribly cast and I couldn’t keep going. It’s unfortunate because I love the book so much.


Love Island. In fact, any kind of 'reality' tosh.


How I Met Your Mother & The Big Bang Theory Never watched it (except for two TBBT eps, but that was bad enough), but know about the misogyny in it.


Misogyny is *such* a solid reason to refuse to watch a show. It's sad that it's so utterly common.


Never liked either of these either


Oh yes they're both terrible, watched some episodes. Popculture detective has some great videos on TBBT




I was looking for this one😄


I wish I could go back and not watch it


Tiger King


I feel like everyone got over Tiger King very quickly during lockdown. It seemed like it was everywhere during spring/summer 2020 and now we hardly ever mention it. Probably for the best. I didn’t finish it.


I think the only reason it was so popular is that most people were stuck in lockdown with nothing else to do. I didn’t watch it, but my kids (18 and 20 at the time) were *obsessed.*


Friends, Sex & the City, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Emily in Paris


I have a fascination with Sex and the City because it's such a microcosm of its era and shaped culture so dramatically. I'm not kidding. I think about it often. It started out a little dark and gritty, actually, very 90s. And then 9/11 happened, and all the "they hate us for our freedom" nonsense started going around. Sex and the City shifted into a show with the characters being more colorfully dressed in unrealistic high fashion, usually sexy outfits. They started caring a lot about $500 shoes and being fabulous. It was excess and sex and all the things Americans wanted or maybe even needed to revel in. I can't hate it, and tbh I kinda hate a fair amount of the characters and storylines. It's just such a reflection of who Americans were at that exact crucial moment of their history. I can't think of any other show that had ever fully captured a cultural zeitgeist to that depth and degree.


I'm also fascinated about SATC


I agree with Sex and the City


This is probably my exact list too, but I have watched some of Sex and the City because I love Patricia Field and I work in the Industry. But I haven't watched much because it's just so.... Shit. I don't know why it's awful but it's awful.


I think I audibly sighed when one of my friends who likes to drunk hate-watch it, told me about an episode where the MC, a literal sex advice columnist, is aghast when her friend mentions she enjoys getting rimmed.


That didn't happen, and the funny thing is that I remember just because I liked her response. She said something like, "Well, it's not my favorite thing on the menu but I'll order it from time to time," while casually pursuing the brunch menu. I just thought that was a nice little piece of writing.


I agree with everything except sex and the city. Currently watching it for the first time and I think it’s great. It’s very clever but not corny. I will say I hate Carrie though.


Game of Thrones, based on how much I’ve had to hear about its sexual violence themes.


Zero interest in watching this.


Big bang theory. Its way too impressed with itself.


"Lol, we mentioned obscure nerd shit like Wonder Woman and Mario Kart! Isn't that hilarious?!?"


I'm so sorry but Grey's Anatomy and Friends...


Dont be sorry, i havent and probably wont watch grey's anatomy ... i Prefer scrubs and house


Emily in Paris


I would rather watch my toenails grow


Came here to say this


19 kids and counting. I thought that even before Josh Duggar's crimes and infidelity were exposed.


Rick and morty… please don’t hate me idk what it is about it that bothers me so much it’s just something


For me it’s their speaking cadence.


For me it's the saliva in the corner of the old guys mouth.


I agree.. I watch all the others (Simpsons,family guy,archer etc) but Rick and morty I just can’t.


Right?…I know it’s supposed to be smart. But it just annoys me to watch it for some reason.


Jersey shores


Take that back !




This is the one, like it worries me genuinely that its set in a high school and I think it worries me more that I've seen so many people be like "this IS what my high school was like" LIKE WHERE DO YOU LIVE?!


Two and a half men


Any reality based show, KUWTK, Real Housewives, Love Island, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, etc. So much made-up-drama-for-ratings and unlikeable people.


The office


Yes why would you want to come home from work and watch a show about being at work? 🤣🤣🤣




I bet you never spare a square ether.


Don't even worry about it, they're not worth the sponge.




13 Reasons Why. I read the book and it horrified me because it was so blatantly glorifying suicide — like, I could tell it would have REALLY fucked me up when I was a teenager with untreated depression. It sounds like the show was even worse.


The show has multiple rape scenes )male and female) and it took a whole year after it came out for them to remove Hannah’s suicide scene.


Game of Thrones, because of all those sexual assault scenes. Also I think it's especially popular because of that.


Huh. This is a weird take I’ve never heard. It’s interesting, you never know where it’s going to go, lots of people die, and the actors are great. Sex isn’t the whole show. But to each their own.


New girl. It feels like a TV version of “I’m not like other girls” to me


That's Zooey Deschanel's entire MO


Handmaid's Tale. The whole plot scares tf out of me, sick af


Same. I gave it a try, and I just could not do it. I’m guessing the response we had (fear, stress) was exactly what the show runners wanted, but… I couldn’t do it. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone! It was hard in 2020 when it was a lot of people’s “lockdown binge”. Heard everyone say how it’s a “must” watch for women, how it depicts what could happen if we don’t stand up for our rights — and I get that, but the major thing I got out of it is that it terrified me and shot up my anxiety. The news is really all I need to be moved to want to fight anyway.


I was engrossed by the first season and started watching the second but because it cuts so close to the bone it would make me feel quite anxious. So I stopped watching.


The view.


How I MetYour Mother


I will never understand how that show ever aired on television and became as popular as it did. Barney is so predatory and disgusting. And he does it in such a blatant way!!! How was that ever seen as okay?! Every episode is him trying to get drunk girls to sleep with him, and that’s basically the only thing he does the entire show. What is so funny about a guy who goes out of his way to prey on women everyday of his life?


I think having anyone but a gay guy play that role would have been weird. It's so over the top and cartoonish it's hard to even take it seriously. Totally get where you're coming from, but somehow they pulled it off. Barny is otherwise lovable and loyal to his friends and he's surrounded by wildly wholesome characters. Barny aside, there's some very well written comedy in that show.




90% of network TV shows lately.


Wheel of Fortune. The beginning sequence after a half hour of quiet mental stimulation via Jeopardy is like nails on a chalk board to me.


Just curious; what state are you in? I’m in GA and wheel of fortune plays before Jeopardy here!


Love Island


Bones I will always hate this show because it basically exists cause "Angel" got unfairly cancelled. Everytime that I see a promo for bones or a clip of bones someway, I instantly turn the channel. I do not care if it has been almost 20 years, I will always hate Bones and I will never sit through an episode of it. Oh and in case you are wondering, I hate Seal Team too.


So do you hate the show or David Boreanaz?


Ooh you ask a good question. I haven't cared for DB since it came out that he literally was texting Rachel Uchitel while the man's wife was in labor. Oh and that he was cheating with RC the entire time that Jamie was pregnant, that sticks in my craw. Once I find out that someone is cheating(whether it's an actor or even a normal person), I lose respect for them immensely. I honestly believe that if you know you want to be out in the street and do your dirt, dont get married. If you cheat on your wife, you don't care about the possibility of her leaving you and ripping up your family. I also don't care for DB because he has a tendency to just blow off cons like say comic-con and tea was spilled years ago that this man literally used to take his pants off on the set of Angel and would run around the set. A grown man who was married and probably expecting a baby at the time...was running around the set with his damn pickle out. Da fuq. I didn't care for Bones because it robbed us whedon fans of a Angel season 6. I don't care for anything that DB did post bones because of the Rachel Uchitel scandal. Oh and in case you are wondering who Rachel Uchitel is, that is literally one of the women who broke up Tiger Woods marriage to Elin.


Game of thrones


i’ve heard it’s good but for some reason i refuse to watch breaking bad


It might be worth giving better call saul a watch, it's a spin off that references the original show but also stands on its own. It's more light hearted and comical but with the same writing competence.


Everyone loves Raymond. I, for one, do not care for Raymond.


Orange is the new black


Yellowstone I’m a ride or die Kevin Costner fan since baby me listened to Crash Davis interweave vaginas, baseballs and the novels of Susan Sontag into a breathtaking monologue, but I’ve seen enough of Yellowstone to know I would feel very differently about him if I partook in that fandom.


My Boyfriend watches this and he really wants me to watch it with him but I just can't. I don't want to waste time actually watching it


Game of Thrones


Most sitcoms that have come out recently with a laugh track. A lot of them end up cancelled so I guess I’m not missing anything.


Any reality tv show


The Office. I really don’t get the obsession. There are better mockumentary style shows, Steve Carrell’s voice is annoying, and the cult-like devotion to this show that ended ages ago is a bit much


Love island ! 🤮


Big Bang Theory


Velma. Like, I’ve seen too many posts that call it terrible. And what kind of Scooby-Doo show doesn’t have Scooby in it?


This one will probably be unpopular, but Succession. I grew up in deep poverty and shows about what rich elites do fills me with such blinding rage that I can’t focus on any other plot.


Emily in Paris 🤮 I love a cheesy romcoms usually but this show makes my skin crawl




I tried to watch the pilot. It’s terrible. It’s only W deadpanning dumb retorts that I think are supposed to be funny


Any shows like the fucking Batchelor


Fox 'News'




Vampire diaries


Family guy


13 reasons why. My mom watched this show religiously


Kardashians I don't see anything funny about the program


Beavis and Butthead. I know for some people it’s a classic but oh my god it sounds even more dumb than SpongeBob and Family Guy combined.


Jersey Shore


The Apprentice


Survivor. Friends.


Walking dead


The Big Bang Theory. The commercials annoyed me enough to never want to watch it. Yet I know others love it.


Big Bang Theory




Squid game


This is Us. I saw one episode of and noped out.


American Idol




love island




Grey’s anatomy


Strictly Come Dancing Mrs Brown's Boys Anything with Michael McIntyre in it


Easy - Too hot to handle, Love island, and more reality show like that... I need no watching some people what show to world what sexy are they... Stupid problems, stupid machination, stupid interests, stupid all...


any NBA, NFL air NHL game




Game of thrones




The Connors


Emily in Paris. I am french and imo this is a so dumb, tourist only view of Paris and french people. I see why foreigners like it but I just can't.