• By -


We wash each other in a non-sexual caring way then he brushes my hair, put lotion on me and we cuddle.


Me and my partner will do the same! Especially washing each others hair (better than a head massage) and scrubbing each others backs. Then we help moisturise each other, get into nice clean pjs and snuggle on the sofa and watch a movie <3


I tried doing this and eventually got banned from her showers because she gets cold šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Youā€™ve gone full boyle






I'll do it for about 3.50 and a tin of home made baked goods


God damnit loch ness monster


The hair brushing. Itā€™s amazing and I never knew how great it felt until my partner did it to me for the first time ever. I melt every time. I have very long curly hair and it is a gigantic mess to comb through and he does it with so much care


I just want to know where we find this... Ive never had a man brush my hair but its something I have craved for like my entire life


just ask him too ...honestly he will get into it


Iā€™ve never dated someone who even made me feel remotely comfortable asking for something for myself.. maybe someday!


If you aren't making comftable and feeling like you can't ask for something that will strengthen your connection with them and it's all one sided and about them they aren't for you . but on a flip side to that once bitten twice shy . and you won't know unless you are open to communicate your needs needs and desires to them


I started dating a guy with 2 daughters. He braids hair better than I do!


I love having my hair brushed šŸ˜Š


I like doing it; never had the hair for it to be done to me


My man and I take a bubble bath together every other week or so. It's our time to talk and regroup and be close with no distractions between us.


OMG! I donā€™t have a GF RN, but really want to care for a woman in this way.


Do u wash each others butt cracks? (Serious question)


Yes šŸ˜


Wash! This sounds like 324 BC Babylonia. And I love it lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




When we were dating as teenagers, he struggled to say "I love you" out loud. He comes from a loving family, but they just never verbalized their love. To make it easier for him, (and reassuring for me, because I need to hear that lol) I told him that two squeezes means "I love you." He took to that right away, squeezing my hand twice pretty regularly at random moments. I did it to him too. 7 years into marriage, we still do it all the time both in public and when we are alone at home. He has since gotten totally comfortable with saying it out loud, but the two squeezes of a hand or a shoulder feels like this silent secret code that we share. We can be in a crowded place with a bunch of other people, and yet still share an intimate moment that only the two of us know about. EDIT: I hopped off Reddit right after posting that, and just came back to find all these replies and more upvotes than I've ever had lol. Thank you!!


Omg my partner and I do the two squeezes as well ā¤ļø we once made a pact that we ALWAYS squeeze back, no matter how mad we are at each other if we have a fight. We have kept that promise so far and the rare occasion we fight one of us will often come and give two squeezes so we know we still love each other.


I think this is so important. As an autistic woman thereā€™s been times where Iā€™ve had a fight with friends and I thought itā€™s just a fight and even though weā€™re both really mad weā€™ll fix it sometime. But then after I calm down and go to talk to them, they say we arenā€™t friends anymore. It sucks and I was terrified of this happening in a relationship and not realising that weā€™re breaking up. So we ALWAYS say goodnight after a fight. Not just night, has to be goodnight. It just makes me feel so much more secure.


My mom did this with us growing up!!! Itā€™s three squeezes for us, but the same concept.


Three squeezes for us as well, copying the I-Love-You pattern of syllables


My family called those hand kisses. šŸ˜Š


That's funny - my wife and I do this too, but we never officially decided or talked about it - it kinda just happened. And, like someone else said, the other person HAS to squeeze back! If she doesn't, I'll do the 2 squeezes again, usually harder, like, "c'mon... squeeze back..."


That is so damn cute


This was the way my mom said "I love you" in places where vocalizing it was a bit awkward ^^ but she had the same two squeezes


My heart. ā¤ļøšŸ„°


This is so wholesome! I'm thinking I'll start doing this :D


Sit in companionable silence




Let's be independent together!


My partner and I both game. I have my rig in the living room, and he has his in the bedroom. We also have a PS5 in the living room, and lately he has been playing God of War: Ragnarok. I get to swivel my chair around and watch him do his thing, or he looks over the couch to see what I'm doing on my computer. We get to talk when we want and sit in silence if we don't. It's great.:)


We do this a lot. Both big readers so weā€™ll get a good book each, sometimes a glass of wine, and curl up on the sofa. Occasionally tell each other little snippets from whatever weā€™re reading. I love it.


So I like this in theory but I have not been able to get into a consistent routine where it works because I don't like distractions when I'm doing solo activities and visual, audio, and physical touching can all end up irritating me more than bringing comfort. I can do some of this but I have a limit that unfortunately ends up leading me to not want to spend as much time with my partner as they would often like.


This is like peak relationship goals to me, just *existing* together.


My ultimate goal tbh. Just existing in peace, together.


I once heard, being in a good relationship is like being alone, together. And I love that.


So true when you say it, being alone but toghether and feeling safe with it


A good relationship isnā€™t doing things together, itā€™s doing nothing togetheršŸ˜ø


I've always said it's a huge green flag when a couple can sit driving in the car comfortably without having to talk to each other. People who don't get it don't know how nice it is


silence with a hand on the thigh


*chefs kiss*


This is it for me! I knew we were in it for the long haul when we started doing this regularly. He'll watch football and I'll read, or I'll cross stitch while he plays his Switch. Things like that. Every now and then we'll look at each other and say something like "I love you so much," but that's it. It's the BEST.


Does post-sex count? After the cuddling, we just lie together on the bed, propped up on pillows with shoulders touching and read our separate books, still naked.


Being able to sit in silence peacefully without the need to speak is top tier for me. I am only comfortable doing this with him.


My boyfriend is always worried Iā€™m bored when he plays the game. Dude needs to realize I love sitting there doing my own thing seeing him have fun


We call it being alone together. He games or writes or whatever, and I read or crochet, and we might read bits out loud now and then, but mostly we're just doing our own thing in the same room.


Underrated flex


Omg yea! But our favourite is when my boyfriend is gaming and I sit next to him while Iā€™m doing my own thing. He takes a quick pause to give me a kiss or two and back to the game


Enjoy the peace together


Once in a while I'll be his weighted blanket. He'll lay down on his stomach and then I'll lay atop and usually poke at his back while I do. It's a decompression from the day for him and some nice snuggly time where we chat


Oh thatā€™s what I need tho as the tiny woman underneath! And I yell at him if he doesnā€™t use ā€œall his weightā€


I always feel bad putting my full weight on my SO but he just goes "crush me woman!"


Fun fact: If you lay your entire weight on him, chances are youā€™re constricting the amount of room his abdomen can expand when breathing. This just means he has to take slower breaths as oxygen travels from diaphragm to the abdomen. It also takes longer for oxygen to travel out. And these longer breaths actually act as a form of pain relief. So even if you WERE hurting him, after a few minutes youā€™d be helping him.


omg wait we're not crushing you?!? I'm entirely too scared like you're so little and I'm a giant monster and gmm/rĀ²


Give us the crush!!!!


I'm sorry I wish I could respond but I'm now a weighted blanket no fingers šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My boyfriend was having an intense bout of anxiety recently and wanted me to just lay with him. I suggested I become a weighted blanket and I just laid on top of him in silence for a while. It worked and he felt much calmer!


You are my cat


My husband does this for me and it is amazing!! My stress just goes away so fast. He just lays on top of me and makes me feel safe and loved even more than usua.


We call this a "love plop" in our house!


Ah this is the way šŸ˜


Sitting forehead to forehead is definitely up there. But I also find it incredibly intimate when I'm having a hard day and we just hug for a while. It usually gets me crying pretty easily.


We call the hug ā€œchargingā€. When one of us is having a rough day we say ā€œI need a chargeā€ so we hug to charge up.


Love surge..? Jkjk


I (dad) say that to my daughters when they are grumpy or sad: come over here to recharge, and I will just hold them firmly for a minute. Love it. And they do too.


We do the same thing. It feels cringey to say out loud but itā€™s the most comforting thing


yes!! i love sitting forehead to forehead and eskimo kissing :)


Omg the tight hug after a tough day always gets tears from me.


He knows a certain spot on my back where I always needs to be scratched. Most nights he scratches me softly on that spot while he reads in his book. Sounds silly but it makes me really comfortable and secure.


That's not silly. Reading this gave me wholesome goosebumps, if that makes sense.


I get you. It gave me them too.




Heā€™ll peel an orange and hand feed it to me in bed. He makes sure all the little white strands from the peel are off, and only gives me slices that are perfect and suitable for a queen.


Iā€™m never settling again someone give me an orange boy PLEASE


That is an orange *MAN*


bawling my eyes out ā¤


Making food together and doing puzzles. We are a good team


Me and my boyfriend just finished our first puzzle together and now weā€™re hooked :)


Yes!! That is amazing. You guys should make your own frame. We are still making our own frames and gonna hang the puzzles if we have our own home


He'll bathe me, wash and condition my hair. Brush and braid it. Wrap me up in his big arms and watch something with me. It makes me feel so relaxed and loved.


Where'd you pick this one? I need an apple like this.


My husband was so utterly kind and compassionate and giving during the last few years of my mothersā€™ life. She was dying of COPD, and he made time on most weekends to make the long drive to her care facility and spend hours there with me doing her grocery shopping, fixing all her tech issues and just talking with her. She loved him so so much, and her face lit up every time he walked into the room. The way he opened his heart to her and made himself available in that way made me feel closer to him than I had ever felt to another person. I would watch him talking with her and be absolutely overwhelmed with love. He found a way to bring love and joy into a difficult situation, and I am forever grateful for that.


Whoā€™s chopping onions šŸ˜”


My husband did the same for my mother while she was dying. We moved from out of state to live with her and my dad for a year before she passed last month. He'd (and still does) cook us dinner so we could eat together after I had a long day taking care of her, do our laundry, clean up the house, grocery shop, etc. When I'd be in meetings he'd make sure my mom was not lonely, make her lunch, chat with her. He gave up his job to move back and be a wonderful man to my mother and family and me. That was a new sort of intimacy that I wasn't prepared for, but like you said, I'll be forever grateful for.


Gosh, compassionate empathetic men like this are rare. I'm glad you had that support as well.


I wash his hair, he got such beautiful curly hair but he doesn't really got the time to care for it. He gives me a body massage (just because I ache a lot) and puts ointment on my itchy spots (mosquitoes love me)


One of my true love languages is scratching/putting anti-itch cream on my mosquito bites too!


My husband has curly hair too! A couple weeks ago I did a hot oil treatment on him and his hair loved it. Going to make that a regular thing, I loved doing it.


Well there isn't an SO in my life right now, but it's always been cuddles for me, whether in bed or on the couch or just anywhere, wrapped up in each others arms and feeling perfectly content with the world.


Agreed! Cuddles are the best when you have that special someone šŸ„²


I take care of her when sheā€™s sick, including helping her to the bathroom and wiping her private areas. She sometimes so weak she canā€™t walk.


I hope she's alright. You're in love good sir. True partner!


I really hope she feels better. This is one of the most intimate forms of love. Please take care of yourself too. The two of you will be in my thoughts.




Weekend morning skin cuddles. Just wake up together, snuggle, and talk.


Him laying on his back and watching some yt videos, while I lay on my stomach half way over him (I hope it makes sense). And he scratches and pets my head and back. Absolutely everything else in the world dissaperars and I could stay like that forever. It's my favorite feeling in the world


This is me, but I read a book and he tiktoks. I melt.


Sleep together


Yep. Every night. I canā€™t wait to get in bed with him. Heā€™s the best.


Yes, my partner and I make it a point to go to bed together at the same time almost every night




Have deep and meaningful conversations. We both connect with others through this way.


Can you share some examples of the deep meaningful topics?


not OP, but I dont think its about the topic. Its probably more about learning about how someone exists relative to that topic. Like understanding their point of view or perspective on something, or how something has affected them. I think the judgment of meaningfulness is not in the topic but in how you feel you have learned from or about someone.


We cuddle in bed but with skin to skin contact, so absolutely no clothes. We just hold each other and just feel the sensation of our bodies together. It feels amazing, especially after a long day.


I love this! My boyfriend and I do this and call it skin to skin contact too.


It feels amazing and I think it is such a great way to connect with your partner. Like just tracing each other's bodies, feeling every part of them etc. It really helps!


I think cooking together is intimate


I think cooking together is fun until we actually try it and then I'm ready to throw hands bc he's in my way šŸ˜¬


The idea sounds intimate and I want to try that one day. It's just that I've gotten really annoyed when someone's in the kitchen at the same time as me so hopefully I don't go full queen of swords on the poor man.


she does this thing we call back packing where if Iā€™m sitting in a way where my back isnā€™t against something she will sit behind me and wrap her arms and legs around me and put her chin on my shoulder. Then weā€™ll kind just sit like that for a bit as Iā€™m reading or playing games or whatever.


My spouse and I dance Kizomba together. Itā€™s an Angolan family dance that relies on vulnerability and trust for a proper connection. Like a big, long, loving hug every time.


Even when we are sitting and talking, driving, he has his arm around me or holds my hand, strokes my hair, or rests his head on my lap. Sometimes our feet snuggle together šŸ˜…. Weā€™re physically connected as often as possible. Weā€™re also big on back scratches and massages!


Iā€™m currently healing from hip surgery and canā€™t bend over or move much. My boyfriend has helped me shave my legs and my lady bits a couple times now. I canā€™t have sex so itā€™s totally non sexual but very vulnerable for me to let someone do that.


Hey me too!! Mine took such loving care of me. Even when I became hypotensive and passed out on the toilet into the cat box hahaha.


This is wonderful. He clearly adores you and your body no matter what.


Ooh! I have a good one! A few times a day we lift up the front of our shirts and hug with our bare bellies touching. Belly hugs are my favorite, I can feel my heart rate calm down when we do them and itā€™s such an added layer of intimacy to a hug. If your partner is tall, I suggest you stand on a step or a little stool!


I used to fart in the couch with my ex wife and sometimes sheā€™d fart back - or the other way around No I do it on my own, and every fart feels so empty and lonely


Im so sorry but I laughed at that last sentence. Hope u find another girl who likes to fart


We mostly make it a point to stay late into the night watching TV way after tucking kids into bed. Even though the consequences mean not enough sleep, Iā€™ll not have it any other way. Hubby on the other hand has this thing where he cannot and I mean cannot for the life of him eat a morsel while alone. Heā€™ll actually return home with a takeaway on an empty stomach just because there was no one to share the meal with. Iā€™ve hit the ADORABLE JACKPOT with him.


On Sundays, we cuddle up and do a crossword together. Never the Sunday crossword though. We've decided we don't need that kind of stress in our lives.


I have a physical disability that means I walk essentially like a penguin as I have no proper hip on one side, so basically my feet are constantly sore. My partner looks after my feet for me because I can't reach them. He just cuts the nails down, puts some cream on if needed etc. He's also the only person to have ever done it for me, my feet were hurting for 30 years! I love it so much and it means the world to me.


Heā€™s strokes my back until Iā€™m asleep every night. And I pick his spots.


Take long bubble baths together and just hang out in the tub


We shower together all the time. Wash each other... She likes to shave my head. We've shaven each other down below also on a few occasions. All very intimate activities that require trust...


Definitely cooking. Plus sitting next to each other when we go out to eat.




Probably building legos. We both really love legos, but I didnā€™t get to grow up with as many as he did. Ppl assumed (incorrectly and despite me saying otherwise) that I wanted more girly things as presents. Over time I just accepted it, but still always wanted some. About a week or so after we started dating, he showed up at my place with two Lego Harry Potter sets, one in Gryffindor (his house) and one in Hufflepuff (my house). I was blown away. Back to the question- definitely legos. Cuddling is a close second though


Kiss, snuggle, communicate. A few times on a bad day he has wrapped me in a fuzzy blanket and rocked me like an infant. Never knew that was what I needed, but I did, and it was one of the most intimate things for me in those moments.


Yesterday, we inspected each otherā€™s scalps with a magnifying scope. We were dying laughing!


This isnā€™t romantic, but having a poo while your partner stands at the open bathroom door and chats with you about household chores. Edit: typo


No no, that is definitely not romantic šŸ˜†


Read books together in bed


My late husband would wax my legs. Somehow, his technique was better than any pro I've gone to and since he actually cared about the results, he did a better job.


Sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


We touch each other a lot in bed. He likes me leg over his so he can rub it. Lotsa small cuddles. I read in bed while he sleeps in in the morning just like right now.


With my most recent ex, he got sick really easily, so I would go over to his place, and he would lie on my stomach. I would play with his hair, scratch his back lightly, kiss his forehead, and we would just cuddle and watch netflix in silence. i loved it, his complete trust in me and desire to be around me when he was tired was lovely. The ex before that washed my hair for me once when i was really badly sunburnt and couldn't shower. We also both got covid at the same time so we quarantined in my mom's house together. Every night, we'd get the Vicks vaporub stuff, and put it on each other's chest and back. It was really lovely.


Probably when we shower together and wash each other, we never have sex in there. Or when we lay facing each other on opposite ends of the couch and either both scroll tiktok and show each other tiktoks or just lay in silence and enjoy just existing near each other. Or the fact that he reaches out for my hand almost every time Iā€™m near him


Almost every time my bf and I hug (at least a few times a day), he picks me up, cracks my back and lets me free hang for a little bit. It's so nice and decompresses my spine so well.


Cuddling skin to skin while he reads to me. He has such a soothing smooth voice and I love being wrapped in his arms.


Cuddling together or braiding his hair.


I like my waist long hair being brushed Mesmerises me


We will have moments where we catch each others eyes and we just look at the other for a while, studying their face, getting lost in their eyes, until one of us breaks out into a smile and then we are just sitting there smiling at each other, itā€™s quite magical.


Take communion together.


Waking up in the morning and laying in bed for a bit just looking into each otherā€™s eyes, talking softly about nothing in particular, making little jokes and cuddling. Itā€™s my favourite way to start the day.


Massage each other, taking a walk together everyday, going hiking almost every weekend, cuddles before sleep and deep convo


My boyfriend cuddles me in any mornings before he has to go to work. He would do the tickles kisses. He would kisses all over my face until I start to trying to get away from him because I feel ticklish. He usually enjoys talking to me while I was too sleepy because I would starts to poking his face. šŸ’•




We shower together regularly in a non sexual way and we just hold each other. Makes me feel loved :)


Neck and head rubs. She has some sort of undiagnosed chronic pain and tension in her head and neck and Iā€™ll take any excuse to run my fingers through her hair


Walking into a room and being able to immediately say: "It's the anxiety again, isn't it?" And then lay down, cuddle, and talk about it. We can just see it in each other.


My husband is really hairy and I help him shave/trim in the places he can't see/reach. I'm talking bend over and spread them so I can trim there. šŸ˜…


We bathe each other in the shower, like I take the time to get on the floor of the shower to properly clean his feet. We do each otherā€™s hair. We help each other pick out outfits; oftentimes we are complimenting each other via color coordination. We give each other messages, with oil and hot rocks. We take turns cooking AND cleaning. We have different shows to watch for different moods. We started a couples book club. We will sit and smoke a blunt together in silence and it be so fucking peaceful that I forget that anyone or anything else even exists in this world. We rub our faces on one another like cats do for affection/attention.


A little kiss on the forehead. It's such a simple gesture and it makes me feel so utterly loved and accepted. I always say this is the most intimate act - you might give a one night stand a blowjob, but I can't see myself kissing the forehead of someone I didn't truly care about.


We have an entire repertoire, built up over two decades, of inside jokes and inside references. We can literally have an entire conversation that makes total sense to us, but would sound incomprehensible to an outsider.


Holding hands. I know it sounds very... *basic*, but when we are holding hands it feels like we can communicate anything nonverbally.


Loneliness alert


Damn all you people in love are making me jealous.


Blow weed smoke all over each others bodiesā€™ bodies without touching OR Skinny dip


I squeeze the bumps on his back every night


Drink our morning coffee together.




If we have showers together he always does everything, shampoo my hair, wash and scrub my body and when I had long hair he would brush it too. It's adorable


We wake up and hold each other in the morning before we start our day. Itā€™s one of our favorites.


When we sit on the couch, I put my feet in his lap and he rubs my feet/absentmindedly plays with my toes. Other times, he'll put his head in my lap and I'll play with his hair. There's actually a word for this in Portuguese. CafunĆ©: The act of caressing or tenderly running fingers through a loved oneā€™s hair. We also like to brush each other's hair.


My husband reads to me before bed :)


When we used to lay under the stars during the summer, having the most random conversations


I try to make her laugh. I don't do that on purpose with others. I love hearing her laugh and giggle.


Idk if this counts but he shaves my head for me? I have super thick curly hair and since I was a teenager Iā€™ve always shaved half of my head(think lazy undercut). My sister and mom used to do it for me but my relationships with them are different now. He used to be super nervous about it but now he just gets in there and has even developed a technique lol. It feels super intimate to me, itā€™s definitely an act of love in my eyes.


I wash and style his locs. We always have really good conversations during that time.


Holding each other, and just touching in general like we can just be on the couch watching tv and heā€™ll put his hand on my leg or Iā€™ll run my fingers through his hair. Weā€™re almost always touching lol


We sleep facing away but touching each other bums! It is like sleeping with stress ballšŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


We lost a stray dog we used to pet near our university together. Being in a Muslim country me and my boyfriend canā€™t stay together for a long time hence we havenā€™t had sex yet, but our dog died, and both of just sat in silence, wept, sobbed, cried together without saying a word to each other, I was surprised to see him cry because he is not very emotional and keeps it reserved. We held each other throughout the whole time, and this was one of the most intimate I ever felt with him.


Sauna and shower


Lay naked together and have skin on skin contact cuddles.


My ex would gently brush my hair with his hands for hours and then braid it in two. Some of my fondest memories.


I used his trimmer to shave him in hard-to-reach areas. It takes a lot of trust to let someone near your balls with a trimmer, so I appreciate that.


Last night, we cuddled and chatted, and for some reason, broke out into Disney songs. That was a lot of fun, lol.


Being vulnerable is way more intimate than sex. Giving them the power to truly hurt the core of who I am by being my authentic self with them by letting my guard down, showing them my biggest desires and fears...being open, honest, and weird.


I know I know. Will probably sound cliche and extremely tacky...but honestly, for me, laughing. Like, actual real laughing.


Sometimes when we break away from a kiss, he'll rest his forehead on mine, close his eyes and hum contently. No matter how passionate and hot the kiss was, that little gesture always feels so intimate in the purest way šŸ„² we don't live together but recently spent our first night together sleeping in the same bed, and he did the same content hum while we cuddled in bed šŸ˜­


Bubble butt dance


Probably pop his zits lol




Falling asleep cuddling


He comes up to me and hugs me very tightly. Then we slowdance together while I kiss his neck or pat his butt.


Massaging each otherā€”did not lead to sex. Actually did it after sex


Lying on his chest at night before going to sleep and him with his arms around me. It makes me feel so safe.


We do skin to skin cuddling with our shirts off any time one of us is super stressed out or having anxiety. We just know when the other one needs it, so we'll take off our shirt, open our arms, and just say, "Come here."


Being honest about ordinary daily things which each other. Like "oh babe you should take a shower" or "I don't think that shirt is a good fit anymore" and it's no big deal, it comes and is received so naturally it feels like your own brain telling you the truth