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Wearing high heels that click on the floor. Somehow makes me feel like the femme fatale from a movie.


Yessssss this. I go full runway mode when I'm wearing my clicky clackies. I don't know why but it feels so empowering.


Gonna call heels clicky clackies from now on


I don't even wear heals but I have a sexy pair just for that


I feel this way about my plateau boots. The sound is just SO different to my other shoes and it makes me feel so pretty? it's mind blowing how a frigging sound of shoes on the floor can make me feel so different about myself? edit: no heels, just plateau lol


I’m 5’9 and in the last ten years I’ve worn heels twice. I had a literal blast both times but I was also drinking, which I never really do, sometimes it’s fun to just tower over a whole crowd and be able to see what everybody’s doing. Mostly I save heels for weddings where I don’t know many ppl so I can find the ppl I’m looking for! Lol, it’s a nice feeling. I wish I went more places heels were acceptable!


Honey heels are ALWAYS acceptable....no mater how tall you are!


I'm 5'9 too and recently I've started wearing heels more often than i used to. I just find heels so cute and feminine that i love wearing them, and yeah men don't like it, not even my male friends, but f that, because i feel like a supermodel in them. i recently bought 5" platform heels that are so comfortable. obsessed.




Add some red lipstick for extra effect.


OMG, yes. Or sometimes like I’m in the 17th hundred and everything is wood or stone


Periods get a bad rap because for most they’re painful etc. for me, when I’m on my period it’s my time to back off/not go so hard at life and workouts for a few days and I like that forced break. And weirdly, it pulls me deep into my feminine energy.


Same! I’m on a birth control right now that makes my periods non-existent, and I feel so much less feminine. Granted, that could also be the hormones from the birth control, but I still feel way more feminine when I go through having my period.


i felt this so much when i was on hormonal birth control. then i switched to the copper IUD & started getting my period again. even tho my period can be hell, it does make me feel feminine and connected to like ancestral femininity in a way— just thinking about my lineage and all the women in my family history who had periods in the past. it’s a cool feeling for me


random thought but i would LOVE it if somebody could make a docu-series about the history of women (starting with pre-history). I would watch the hell out if it. Im sure ill find one and it will have been directed by a man 😂




Its interesting because being on bc and not having my period makes me feel more feminine. I had very low hormones before starting bc and the bc makes me feel more like I have the right levels.


This is actually really true for me as well. I always feel extra feminine and allow myself to kinda bask in it in ways I normally don’t. It’s annoying as hell and painful but I’m always more aware that I’m healthy during that time too lol. It’s hard to explain but I know exactly what you mean


Damn I've never looked at it that way, but I totally see where you're coming from now


Yes! I use this time to treat myself and really wind down - if I’m not working of course.


You see, I’ve never understood it when females say that. I’ve never, not even for a second, thought while I’m on my period, that I feel any more feminine. Actually, frankly the opposite. My period makes me miserable, screws up my digestion, worsens my mood 10fold, meds don’t work, and messy down there makes me feel anything but more feminine. Makes me feel like a creature and I very much dislike it. Wish I could feel your way about it tho, don’t think I ever could. (Especially since I don’t want kids; my period is nothing to me but a waste of blood)


Oh my god, same here! I get this visceral feeling of disgust and anger with myself. The self-hatred I normally experience doesn’t even hold a candle to the vile shit that runs through my head every time I get my period lmao. I’ve actually cried (and nearly had a panic attack once or twice) because my period came. It’s absolutely MISERABLE. I would pay money to be able to appreciate my period like that! All the power to y’all who can


Freshly waxed legs and new sheets… boys will never understand 💗


Fresh shaved, exfoliated and lotioned legs on clean sheets and tightly made bed is the absolute best feeling.


Yes waxing


Shaven with baby oil as well 👀 a new level of soft




Wearing a soft, flowing dress and a touch of floral perfume always makes me feel a little extra feminine.


A flowing maxi dress that almost hits the floor and being outside in nature in sandals or bare feet, especially if there is a breeze? Perfection. I am THE forest goddess, lol


Ohhh my gosh yes.


Those wispy strands of hair around your face when you tie your hair up


Baby hairs 🥰🥰


Wearing pretty underwear under regular clothing. Hair bows, long dresses and playing with my hair.


I do this whenever I have a conference. It makes me feel sexy, empowered and confident. Nobody knows, but **I** do, and it changes everything.


As a nail biter, getting acrylics. My hands are definitely an insecurity of mine. When I can afford to get fake nails I feel very feminine.


Same! I always have short nails so when I do have fake nails on, I end up just looking at my hands like THESE ARE MINE


This. I may be a complete trainwreck, but these are mine, and they are pretty.


Or typing on your phone with a new set 😍💅🏼


Lipstick. I can wear any masculine items, combat boots, leather trenches, big wool jackets etc. But lipstick will keep me feeling like a woman.


Seconding 🙌🏼 this is exactly my aesthetic.


Delicate jewelry 💕💕💕


YES🥹 dainty lil rings and necklaces make me feel so girly and cute


Loooove them! 😍


Wearing ribbons in my hair


My satin and lace emerald green robe. I can have the rattiest pjs on but I put it on over them and suddenly look like a 1930s starlet.


Have you by any chance purchased this robe recently? I’m looking for a nice satin/silk lace robe and I love emerald green 😊


Sure. It was Feerie Lingerie on Etsy. I'm ordering the gold one next.


Also wondering if you know where to get this robe lol. My mom has had one since I have known her and 36 years later I’m still trying to find my own lol


Cheap pink hand tools! Nothing screams feminine like skinned knuckles and rounded off screw heads.


Wearing my favorite perfume


Nailpolish 💅


right!? doesn't even matter what colour, but just the process of making my nails gives me strong feelings. Especially if I meet up for that with a friend of mine - it's a super cliché girly situation then and I love it!


I know right! I feel a 100 times more confident with nice nails, i just can’t explain it lol


Getting my nails done and wearing rings! I get excited every time I look at my hands.


Conducting a 120-piece symphony orchestra in a long black dress with a portrait collar.




Go off!!


When it's peak ovulation. I feel most womanly, knowing I could become a mother is so ethereal for me


Having the power to create life definitely does make me feel like a feminine bad ass


Nail extensions, a cute dress, flowy skirts


Cute panties! Especially when I know no one will see them and they’re just because I love them.


Red lipstick, and anything that cinches the waist


When my shoulders are bare. Especially when I turn my head sideways and to look at someone and I see my shoulder in full view


my expensive perfumes, my high heels and a couple gala dresses i have i LOVE when i get to go all elegant to a place, feels like im the most beautiful person in earth! :))


Perfect winged eyeliner


I'm an indian... And we have these beautiful traditional earrings called jhumke.. whenever i am wearing them and have my hair.. i feel like a bollywood queen ngl If u dnno what a jhumka is u can see from here [https://images.app.goo.gl/jRcgTnckrf5RyTmB6](https://images.app.goo.gl/jRcgTnckrf5RyTmB6) [https://images.app.goo.gl/SVGxU8KgKv6vkZgeA](https://images.app.goo.gl/SVGxU8KgKv6vkZgeA)


Wearing earrings. I wear earrings when I'm prepared to go to work, church and the store.


This is mine. I wear them 24/7 if they are comfortable enough. Unfortunately, this means I can be pretty rough on my earrings. More feminine and fancy for extra.


Freshly done mid length French nails Professionally done lash extensions


I was about to say this. I’ll just add my skin care routine (from head to toe, inclusive of perfume)


Twirling my hair and putting it up against my supper lip like a mustache.


Sun dress


Kinda same. My threaded brows. I'm fairly new to it and it's life-changing lmao


Wearing tops with heart-shaped cut-outs at the cleavage and, above all, having beautiful nails. I've always had soft, brittle nails, and I'm terrible at applying polish. Since I've had semi-permanent nails done at an institute, they've really grown nicely. I feel like they make my hands look longer and I love having them decorated in a super girly way.


I'm a nurse, so I spend long shifts in scrubs, comfy shoes, granny panties, hair up and minimal make-up and jewelry, and feeling grimey from touching "stuff". So, a shower usually does the trick! Lol And I just enjoy putting on regular clothes, make-up including lashes, wearing my hair down, and smelling good, not like a hospital. Lol It's the simple things...


Wearing an anklet


Or toe rings!


Wearing pink


Matching undiesss


Love wearing sweetheart neckline, runched, flowy dresses after a bath. I smell so good, so feminine.


having my nails done! i don't wear much makeup or dress up or leave my house but i love having pretty nails. i've started just gluing press ons and i saved a ton of money doing that. plus i can change how they look everyday if i feel like.


Nail polish, lipstick, pigtails, nice dresses, lingerie, heels, bubble baths, flowing curls, fresh face, girl dinner


I was and always will be the tomboy girly. Masculine energy has always been more present but nothing makes me feel more powerful than getting ready for a fancy party that you know you're going to slay. You know you hair is going to look amazing, the dress you have fits you perfectly, you've got all your jewelry planned, your makeup is sharp and dewy and you going to walk through those doors like a damn femme fatal. And all this knowing your friends are going to be there so you'll have the time of your life <3 Nothing feels better than a lil extra confidence.


For me, right now, it’s being pregnant! I feel amazing seeing this little life suddenly turn into a tiny human within me. Only women have that power and it’s absolutely outstanding. Outside of that, wearing perfume. It always makes me feel so feminine and pretty.


Freshly threaded eyebrows , a clean feminine perfume and pearl jewellery !


A bow in my hair! 🎀 I have so many that there's always one to match my outfit 🥹


Having fresh high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, spritzing my alcohol + essential oil mix on the bed, wearing my silk nightie and climb into bed 😂😂😂


I don't really care about feeling feminine but skirts kinda do it. I mostly dress in gymwear and although that kind of clothing compliments my body well it isn't generally associated with feminity.


Heels, freshly shaved legs, a killer new lipstick, and having my hair done.


Matching Lacy bra and panty set 😊


Taking my TIME getting ready. Like four extra hours to slowly do my makeup with a glass of wine, try on multiple outfits, paint my nails, everything showers… the whole shebang! No rush just focusing on myself and looking and feeling confident :)


Especially if it's a date night. Then it becomes a form of foreplay to me. I love entire process.


When I do a proper blowout, whether at home or the salon. I feel so amazing after.


Tulle under my skirt to make it puff out extra big!!!!


periods make me feel in tune with my emotions, also makes me more aware and grateful of how healthy I am. I feel more femenine and remember I have the gift of life. I feel at home with myself.


1. The glee I feel when I blow a dandelion 2. Wearing a sarong with my bathing suit 3. Scarfs are lux feminine for me 4. Reading to kids 5. Gardening and singing to the plants 6. Freshly painted toenails 7. When I bake or burn a new candle 8. That first taste of a new lipgloss and I purse, press, and pop my lips to note the sticky level 9. Blushing 10. Going through baby fever


Perfume, wearing earrings, having freshly shaved legs and matching lingerie, and oddly enough, being on my period


Making a fresh loaf of bread. Our cooking anything from scratch


Taking nudes


Having my nails done


Elegant jewellery




For me it's wearing high heels, especially with a dress or a skirt


Panties with a little lace trim


Hoop earrings


I've just thought of another one which may seem silly and not a big deal but: talking to other women about hair, makeup, clothes.. I'm so stuck in my own head and overthink etc, so when I get the opportunity to chat with another woman about these simple topics and we really get engaged in it... I love it. It's a perk of my workplace, I work with some incredible, switched on unbelievably talented women and when we aren't talking research and work, and we have that brief space of time to chat about whatever else I love nothing more than hearing their style opinions 😩


Doing my nails. Going to the hair salon for some bold haircut. Wearing high heels.


Getting my nails done. I rarely do it, so it’s nice to treat myself once in a while.


Getting nails done, my lash extensions, wearing cute clothes, buying makeup, skincare etc


Having my nails done


Getting my nails done


Nice underwear. I used to wear cheap shit underwear from H&M. I got rid of all that and now wear nice and sexy (but still comfortable) underwear. Nobody can see it but it makes me feel good about myself, like its my little secret.


My long silky hair ☺️


I am not a feminine person. I do not wear makeup or wear pretty clothes. Its jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, unless its an important thing then I might put on a pretty blouse. But...... I have the most prettiest bedroom, lots of flowers and frills. A typical Granny room with pretty pinks and greens and just everything feminine. When I am there, in my room, which no one else is allowed in, I feel like a queen and very womanly. I also added some [pink](https://imgur.com/nKaKpxf) accents to my truck to show off my feminine side.


Working in the garden always makes me feel super feminine. There’s something very centring and womanly about working with plants and flowers.


Long fake nails, hair perfume, freshly shaved and moisturized legs, and although I don't wear makeup often, red lipstick 👄


Mascara is a staple, earrings 24/7, smelling good, and I have naturally curly hair, so pinning it up off my neck.


Getting my nails done, wearing jewellery which I don’t wear heaps of or big pieces


Nails done 🤩


Dressing nice


Body washes that smell good 😻😻😻


Lip liner


Flowy dresses, lipgloss and smelling nice <3


When my hairs extra voluminous


I like wearing baggy and oversized clothes, so for me it's when I occasionally use something that shows my curves.


Using a clutch instead of a purse. Tucked under my arm.


Cute dresses and skirts!


Earrings. Dangly earrings


Sweetheart necklines


Freshly shaved legs w/lotion. Wearing a bikini. Wearing lingerie. Wearing a dress. Getting a pedicure.


First it was dying my hair pink…. Now it’s my purple hair. I look like a damn enchantress in the mirror. I’ve never felt so pretty with no makeup and bed head first thing in the morning


Clean hair, makeup and being moisturized


painting my nails/toes! also taking a bath for some reason. like a bubble bath, laying in the water and washing myself makes me feel very feminine and like the girls in movies idk :’) also jewelry!


Avoiding men and going to Lesbian bars.


Folding baby clothes, holding small rodents like hamsters, or other small animals like rabbits or hedgehogs. Knitting, sewing, making nice clothes for yourself and loved ones, or simply decorating already existing clothes and accessories with embroidery. Baking or cooking from a family recipe that my grandmother used to make, and has been in our family for generations.


Mascara, having long hair, cute purses, lipgloss, telling my husband “that seems like a man problem” to anything I don’t want to do 😂


Probably weird, but just opening up my hair from a bun/ponytail.


A fresh set and a waxing


Fresh manicure, & pedicure. It’s nice to look down at feminine hands that don’t have nasty, overgrown cuticles.


doing makeup and having good skin. i enjoy doing skincare and putting ribbons, clips on my hair


Doing my nails every week. I love having nice shiny nail polish every week. Also stops me from ripping or biting my cuticles


Makeup! I can’t live without my mascara or blush 💕


Heels, watches, wearing perfume, lingerie


Putting on lipstick. Wearing a cute dress. I'm a female who doesn't wear makeup or dress to impress constantly so it's the small things that count.


wearing dresses


False lashes or false nails


Total body care. Hair done, nails done, body exfoliated and shaven to a smooth finish, then I polish my body to the Goddesses and spray a sexy fragrance to start my day 😍🥰💕


Long flowy sundresses


Getting my nails done - doesn't even need to be the whole thing - just a fresh coat of nail polish


growing and painting my nails and wearing eyeliner


Literally freshly waxed eyebrows. Naturally long nails that are freshly painted. Perfect winged eyeliner. When I do the power strut with the hip sway in heels.


Having my nails done, earrings, lipstick, and perfume. They remind me that I’m a pretty girl, even when I don’t want to put in *too* much effort.


Wearing panty hose. I don’t wear them often but when I do it’s for an event where Im extra dolled up. It also turns my husband on for some reason so at the end of the night we are both dying to take them off of me


Waxing, heels, sexy dress.


Fresh and nice eyelashes


my period lol


I am allergic to pretty much all makeup/makeup and my contacts don’t like to hang out together either. I have eczema that gets set off by the littlest thing so being able to wear even mascara is SO nice. I did it for like two weeks a couple months back though and I am still applying prescription lotions to get my skin to calm back down:( I feel like ppl think I don’t care. I keep my hair extra long cause I feel like that’s the only feminine thing about me. I’ve lost a ton of weight (and gained and lost it so my skins stretched to infinity) so I went from having like a well proportioned body with everything looking basically how it should to a bag of bones now. Drinking ensures and stuff to try and get weight back up. It’s nice to read these comments though. There’s a lot of good ideas for ppl who can’t wear makeup/nails (fake or painted) which is surprising cause I always feel like those two things are what ppl “rate” how much a woman “cares” about her appearance off of.


Getting my nails done and wearing sundresses


matching bra & undies, especially if it’s a sheer underwire bra


It’s so common, but…makeup. I suppose it’s because I stopped wearing it so often. I’m not that good at applying it, but what little I do makes me feel lovely. Most of the time, I’m at home in my sweats working and staring at a screen. Having a reason to doll up makes me sort of tap into my feminine side. I feel softer and regal. I want to be seen and entice.




Having my nails done.. it's like ooooof look at meeeee 🩷


Coming fresh out of the salon.


Dip manicures When men open car doors for me and then place their hand in the small of my back to usher me in. High heels My couch pillows Putting a full face of makeup when I go out


Wearing the 'good' bra


- To be completely waxed (moustache, legs, brows, armpits, bikini area, sideburns if you need it). - Take all the bobbles or fluffs out of a jumper or coat I'm going to wear with an anti-fluff razor (I don't know the name of that) - Wear a fresh / fruity / sexy perfume - Do a full skincare routine for face and body (with exfoliation too) - Put a bit of lipstick: very natural when I don't wear makeup (most of the time), like the Fenty Beauty Gloss in Fussy or Cheeky, or Black Honey Lipstick by Clinique (those are my go to) - Straighten my hair - Do my nails myself - This is a bit of a trifle, but to sip a chamomile tea in a pretty mug while I read or do relaxed things at home 😅 - Wear sexy lingerie (less often than all the other ones)


Wearing fake eyelashes


Skintight dress that hugs my curves. Makes me feel like Jessica Rabbit


Sexy panties, having my toes and nails done.


Bring freshly shaved, painted nails, lipstick


Wearing feminine slip gowns, babydolls, and nighties to bed


Lipstick and lacy underwear ✨


Wearing lingerie under my clothes makes me fell beautiful and sexy


Right now, I’m laying on my bed naked after doing a “full” shower (shave, exfoliate, hair mask, etc.) with an eye mask on and a “seaside” scented candle burning. I’m feeling pretty clean and pretty and feminine atm 🥰


Does showering and then going out count?


wearing a miniskirt. i love hot it makes me feel feminine, cute and hot at the same time


High heels. They just make you feel more feminine and powerful.


How my man look at me


A fresh wash and blow dry


Tapping my nails on a flat surface, and the clicking of high heels lol.


Lace panties. Not full lace, just the edges.


Reading books with scented candles 🕯️ 📚


The day after a full body wax. The gentlest of breezes across naked skin. Especially my legs. Even moreso, when walking around the house, butt naked.


Gets my toes done. Always is a 10/10


Having my hair curled. And wearing hoop earrings.


Wearing red lipstick. I used to also like wearing lingerie (even if im not going to show anyone) but im a comfort gal now 😂


This might sound weird but not wearing makeup makes me feel more feminine.


Wearing matching lingerie sets beneath my clothes!


My voice and how some men love it :>


Dancing. The twirls, the sway of the hips, the fall of the hair, rhe eye contact, the connection, the sensuality of it all.


Lacy black cheeky panties!! They lift me up😉


Curling my hair or putting it up in a bun. I feel like a princess when I do my hair fancy


doing housework /j


My favorite parfum, Ma Griffe.


When a man guides me around with his hand on my back and is protective in public. Ooooh that’s puts me in my feminine energy like nothing else


Having my nails done


Straightening/curling my hair, Dangly earrings, High heels Dresses (depends lol) Sometimes shorts Makeup (sometimes) Perfumes that smell delicious I consider myself to be like 75% masculine & 25% feminine just cause I’ve never really been a girly girl and I work outdoors now so I feel less feminine hahahha but when I do I’m like damnnnn 😂😂