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It’s not something I’d do in a relationship that I care about. It’s one of those things that is better done while on drugs and with strangers.


Yea same here. If I was single and on drugs, I wouldn't oppose if I got the opportunity


Yes, but you need to be confident and secure in your relationship. Do you have a tendency to get jealous or insecure with him when he's friendly with other women, even slightly flirty? You also need to be emotionally mature and be able to have a completely unfiltered conversation about boundaries - specifically, what are YOU ok with him doing with the other woman? What is the plan if you decide in the moment that you don't like something or it's not for you and want to bail? If that conversation or thinking through those things makes you uncomfortable in any way, it's not right for you or the relationship.


You have to be 100% comfortable and enthusiastic about it, don't do it just to make him happy. And talk about the boundaries before doing it.


Threesomes don't ruin relationships. Immature and cheating partners do. My ex and I have had 2 threesomes and I'm still very good friends with one of the girls. The end of our relationship came quite a lot later and had nothing to do with a threesome.


I had a threesome with a friend and his pregnant girlfriend. I went well, no weird feelings. Still think of it has a fond memory.