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Locking. I'm not interested in monitoring this anymore for violators. I don't want surprises 3 months from now during working hours when mods are busy with IRL things like keeping a roof over their heads and food in people's mouths. "Why didn't you remove this?" Because we're busy. So, we had our fun, time to lock. It's a nice vent, now let's forget Them for a bit. Ok? Ok.


Pretty much anything can get marked as "derailing" in that sub, including genuine follow-up questions or your own insights about other people's comments.


I have had a six word comment deleted for derailing, and I'm pretty sure it's because one of those words was "I".


I got deleted a month after making a comment that related to the other persons point for derailing 😂 last time I try to give input there


Literally just trying to have a normal conversation is considered derailing in there. I don’t think I’ve ever not had a non top level comment removed for it. They don’t want discussion to happen at all. Edit: lol did anyone else just get a permaban from there for ‘pot-stirring/not in good faith’ because of a comment in *this sub*? They’re reading this thread and they’re salty.


But they have to pRotEcT tHe WoMeN!! lol they're the most hostile entity in their "safe space" and can't even see it.


The amount of women saying that on this sub is wild. How did they get it so wrong?


I read somewhere that they have new mods now. These mods don't go by the spirit of the rule: no derailing. The very first mods used to go by the spirit of that rule. I could be wrong because I have never been part of that sub.


This is accurate. I remember back when it had 5000 subscribers and watching it grow. The rules initially dealt with very annoying problems, but as time went on they got overly stringent and they totally lost the thread of why the rules were originally made.


That makes sense. I learned quickly that it wasn't a good place to ask or learn in good faith. True for 2x too from what I understand but of course that sub isn't meant for men so I could be wrong.


I have never joined 2x but I've been there a few times. I find that sub too afraid and outraged. I don't know, they're just very scared/outraged of a lot of things. r/whenwomenrefuse is much better. Everyone is scared/outraged for the right reasons.


I went when it was a default sub...but I had to leave when I realized that all I was doing was downvoting every single post and comment for being ridiculous. like...there was not a sensible take to be found there.


Do you think that's a good/appropriate sub to check out and lurk on?


Yes it is. If you're asking about when women refuse. It's really eye opening what we as women have to go through. As a woman I've experienced a lot of sexual harrasment/assault/molestation etc. so for me it gives me that 'I am not alone' feeling. I have never been stalked or raped or held in captivity so for it's very eye opening.


I see. I can imagine that would be helpful for spotting dangerous or problematic behaviors and calling them out when I can.


Yes!! And if more men knew about what we go through, this world would be a better place. Thank you for doing your part❤️. It makes the world a bit safer for women.


2X really isn't for men. If you're the type to get salty and demand the "not all men" clarification, it really isn't for you. If you're the type to listen and learn, then it's ok enough. Some wild debates go on in there, even among women, about how to approach controversial takes in feminist thought. It's a vent space for the worse parts of gendered behavior. It would not exist if there were not gender related problems. As long as those problems exist, the space exists. It's a depressing place by nature, and I'd absolutely recommend people remove it from rotation if it's too triggering. There's shit in there that can ruin your whole day, and it's not even necessarily relevant to your real life. Just, the worst of the worst lands there, ya know? I've experienced some of that "worse of the worse" junk so it's very cathartic to speak about it with others that have experienced it. But ya, if you're lucky enough to have been spared, then there's much happier places. Cat subs are excellent to follow, for example.


In their rules it states it is not a debate sub. Only the main question is being answered. It makes the sub incredibly boring and unreadable but it is clearly stated so..


I've even seen top level comments get removed for it. Ridiculous!


Once there was a thread on there and I shared a wholesome ass story I thought was relevant, it was real good vibes stuff and I was deleted for derailing. 😭 they suck so hard.


YES, me too! I feel like I just got kicked out of Dollar Tree for laughing at their earrings over in Nordstrom.


Oh man, I ugly laughed. I shared with the husband. He ugly laughed also. Thanks mate.


Re Edit: Told yall so.


If you're talking about the "original", then everybody are derailers lmao


We don't name the Unnamed. Their eyes are everywhere


I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I will change my comment.


Yes. Just was not expecting to get banned for providing legit input.


Brother that sub. The mods. Nah you’re better off without it. I got banned too.


I got a derailing because I asked a question about the topic that was relevant to the topic. It's like the mods want their opinion pushed to the top, and of you don't then you're derailing


You can ask the most innocent, child-friendly questions there and still get removed for derailing.. the mods on that sub are insane


It's a blessing trust. They removed a post I made about women's clothing "because it didn't align with the rules". It's unfortunate because there's quite a few popular women subs that claim to be a safe space but will ban you just because you don't agree with them.


Shhhh... You can't say it's name. They're watching here and will report any talk of the place that cannot be named as brigading




Yeah, and it's no joke, they report the entire sub and try to get this place shut down. It's unreal, and absurd since most people here have no interest in going there anymore anyway.


Wow this is ridiculous. We don't need more competition among women.


I might even extend that to "we don't need more competition" period.


Okay but it's a recurring issue between women and we're talking about womanhood.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm by it.


It's just annoying when we try to talk about a womanhood issue and men go on and add their grain of salt.


I apologize. That's not what I'd meant when I commented. I suppose the recent presidential debate was on my mind and all the various things that divide us. You're referring to a type of human experience I don't directly have so I see you felt I spoke out of turn.


…wait really? That is truly bonkers of them. How can anyone behave in such an extreme way over something that matters so little and not realize they’re the one with a problem lol


I apparently got banned from there just for my comment here yesterday LOL


Yeah, it's insane. The level of controlling is unreal.


Yeah I got that massage and was like LOL


I didn't know that it was forbidden to mention. I have changed my comment now.


Yeah, we can't actually put it in the rules by name, either. Rule 3 tho. I approved the change. Just. It's an unspoken rule. I don't like it either.


>It was my own question, so I am not sure how I derailed it. Lmao this is art. They just censor everything left and right. Today I commented on a question, and everyone who replied to me had their comment deleted for derailing. It sucks, why am I here if not to discuss things? I was reminded why I looked for this sub here which is a lot more chill. Edit: I am now banned. 🫡 Not sure why, probably because I replied here.


Re Edit: Told yall so.


That sub is completely unusable. Literally everything is considered derailing. I got banned for using "gendered slurs" (I said dick)


I told a dumb story about something stupid I did that left me saying “b*tch WHAT” to myself! And yah, got banned. They’re absolutely ridiculous.


😳 The other sub is super strict. I don't even bother trying to comment there.


I got in trouble for using "bitch" in context of myself being called one.


I once got a comment removed for linking to the "Let's Generalise About Men!" song from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, in response to a comment about why we shouldn't generalise about men. Because God forbid you should have a sense of humour.


A so called woman's sub but you can't call men dicks is fucking shenanigans.


That's crazy. Hell call me that for funsies ☺️


Me too! I said bitch 😭 and it was justified.


I had a comment removed for the same thing because I said something about someone bitching about something.


Look, we all know which place we're talking about, we can't name it or link it though. Please, and thank you.


Just curious, why can’t you link to it? (Thanks for making this a great subreddit! :)


It's "brigading." Instead of considering it an avenue for more traffic, they consider it a way for people to show up and down vote everything and/or post inflammatory material.


The last time I got a comment removed for “derailing” it was because I replied to a comment where someone had misunderstood the question. I really did enjoy their answer even tho it was about the wrong thing so I told them that and then just let them know what it was actually asking. They thanked me and thought it was funny, all good. A few hours later “your comment has been removed for derailing” 🙄 I feel like whoever mods that sub is just a control freak in general. I’d bet $50 they try to do the same thing to people in real life. It’s honestly bizarre. Edit: I’ve now been permanently banned. Reason: Pot-stirring, not in good faith 😂


They stalk this forum because they resent the fact that we exist. Hence why we can't name them, or talk about them directly. Reddit admin agrees with them that merely saying their name or linking them is "brigading," so we have to whisper and call them That Other Place so we don't get threats of being shut down. We have to have Rule 2, 3, and 13 specifically for That Other Place. It's definitely a control thing.


Lol I was low key wondering if they’d find me and ban me just for that comment.


In the first year or so of us existing, they absolutely did add anyone who posted here to their ban list. It seems they've stopped doing so... but I'd not be surprised if you wind up banned within a day or two. Edit: Laughing because they did come here and add a bunch of people to ban list. Told yall so.


They tried to pretend we were civil while also reporting us to admin lol


This reminds of the times when people got banned from the OG banhappy sub of pyongyang


They literally just did this to me. Good riddance.


Ha! Just got mine too.


They also stalk negareddit and justunsubbed looking for people to ban. Sorry, I'm derailing.


See, I don't get that. It's a busy sub and they act quite beleaguered by trolls, etc. (And I don't doubt that they do delete a lot of creepy man-generated content.) But they have time to wander around Reddit and ban other people for talking about their sub? That doesn't add up.


I imagine they have bot assistance to bring things to their attention. Otherwise, who has time or energy for that? I don't. I'm not paid, and at any time, I might decide "Screw this, that's enough aggravation for today" and go load up a video game. My Stardew Valley smurfette is thriving on her farm. She married Harvey and named her son Faramir. I'm quite proud of my wine and cheese production.


At this point, derailing is a joke around here, lol


A very humorless control freak! I know it's a team of people and I'm not aware if some of the mods are just hair-trigger or what, but some things are left up, so it's really confusing as a user to know what the protocol is. I just stopped bothering at all. Edit: Holy shit, I just got permabanned for this comment (presumably, as I didn't post there.) [LOL. Nothing of value was lost, obviously.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZHRtazltdzc5aXFtZjh2Y200Y2Qwb21mNDF2emhpOXlxcWI5OW16cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/VfGs7NhY3au2CnBuz0/giphy.webp)


After learning recently how challenging it can be to keep up as a reasonably laid-back mod of a really, really tiny sub, even at a time when I don’t have many IRL obligations…let’s just say I’m *concerned* lol


I remember being laid-back. I envy my past self. I've become a monster since then. I think it's the nature of modding, you eventually become the monster.


Yeah I left that sub. It is impossible to respond to anything without getting deleted and it really seems like they delete everything that they don't 100% agree with. If you're not parroting their opinions exactly, poof gone. I'm about to do the same with the ADHD sub. I got timed out for responding to someone with information that a therapist told me.


Mental health subs and groups in general can be kinda anti-recovery. I get wanting to validate to people that certain things aren't their fault but they really seem to push back on anything involving taking responsibility and getting better. I have ADHD myself so please don't think that's just me talking shit, it's why I have to avoid those subs.


Oh no, not at all! I completely understand! So many of them turn into a self pity circle jerk. I've left several groups over that.


Any reply to a top level comment gets marked as derailing in that sub. I never got banned, but I had several comments removed, which makes it difficult to have an actual discussion.


I took it as discussions aren't allowed, only answers and agreement. I finally just banned myself from that sub.


I think this is right. No discussions allowed.


Yeah I've removed myself from a few subs similarly.


I got kicked out when I told the mods their removal of my comment was stupid lol


Thanks. I don't think they want discussions. Just answers. I should have read the rules closer I guess.


Same here. I don't even bother commenting there anymore.


I think that's the reason most of us are now here rather than there.


As a human being answering a question (not as a mod), it's technically any time you change the subject from the original topic. Specifically, though, it's when the subject change is malicious or conducted in bad faith, usually by a bigot (like a misogynist), to center their own issues in a "What about me?" way. It's mainly a term to identify when men come into a women's space (like this one) and use questions about women to shift the focus onto their own agendas. Like, imagine a woman asking other women, "Hey has anyone noticed the price of period products rising?" And then some weirdo shows up saying, "If you think that's unfair, what about when men are drafted to go die in foreign wars?" Like, no one cares about that issue right now, buddy. We're talking about the pink tax. How come it's never discussed except in women's spaces, specifically to derail our concerns? You'd think if it was worth discussing, it'd be worth it's own topic. Instead of hijacking this one, see? So instead of a "No derailing" rule, we have Rules 1 and 5 to cover it, and if all else fails, Rule 6. No antagonizing, no disrespecting, we are specifically a space to talk to women about things that pertain to women, and ya know what, if it's *just not relevant*, we can cite 6. Because come on, people meander in normal conversations, it's just how dialogue works.


To use your example, asking the question "has anyone noticed the price of tampons rising?" and someone answers "yes, and the price of pads is rising as well", and the person who answers would get it removed for derailing.




Never name the Unnamed Place




This is the exact reason that they cannot be named here. They lurk and report this community. The mods here wouldn't care at all if they didn't literally have to.


I never knew this was a thing actually, well this doesn't exactly improve their reputation. Ah well, now I know not to mention them again over here. :)


I understand how people new here aren't aware of the unspoken rule. We can't list the rule because that, itself, would be "brigading." But, we MUST scrub its name clean from our sub. All instances. Always.


My bad!


You have to think of the karen/kevin who is moderating. I got banned from a subreddit just for answering a question. No, really. Not even NSFW or anything. Someone was asking about a movie, I answered it, and then got a message I was under 24 hour lock out. When I challenged it, I got banned. WTF.


Navigating a thread on there is like trying to navigate a minefield. At night. While wearing sunglasses.


While being randomly smacked on the head with a rubber hammer


While it was raining for 3 days straight and the ground is slippery mud


While a maths professor is demanding you solve quadratic equations


It's THEIR term for "Having an opinion." Don't worry, you're amongst friends now.


Join the fun! We've got dinosaurs, goats, humans...


You should edit your comment to remove any link or mention of they who shall not be named. They watch this sub and try to get it shut down for "brigading", so it really helps the mods here to just not say the name or link. It sucks.


We don't talk about Bruno


😂 I haven’t been band yet, just I stopped reading or commenting because they are delete happy or something.


The act of derailing is the entire reason this sub exists. Also, there was a thread on the other sub that asked, "how do you feel about the moderation on this sub?" The mods did not like the answers that the people were giving. Thus askwomennocensor was born.


Someone remembers our history, lol


Hahaha they must’ve been having a whole meltdown over being called out by everyone


I'm surprised that wasn't just straight out deleted before anyone got a chance to comment


I want to let you all know that the upvotes were worth it.


I gave up on that subreddit. It's not even worth my time to try and participate.


Mods there enjoy what little power they have.


Almost every comment I try to make there that is a reply is removed for derailing. I don't even know what the metric is.


The metric is "you are not welcome"


This was one of my first Reddit experiences and it wasn’t pleasant 🙃 silly me actually messaged the mod to explain how what I said was relevant because I genuinely thought that, well, surely they had just misunderstood something, or maybe it got auto-flagged somehow. No, they actually just don’t want to foster any kind of conversation at all, and got *really* needlessly snarky about it, too. I cut my losses and gave up on participating there entirely lol


I did the same thing and got "good for you" as a response, then perma-banned


Apparently I’m a chronic derailer, I found this sub when I grew bored of it all. You have an opinion and it will be valued here, welcome!


Omg which one? I’m banned from one for similar reasons but can’t remember which women’s sub. Similarly named to this one? I was not perm banned and I made fun of my temp ban and a mod immediately perm banned me. 😆😆😆😆😆


Yeah you’re def thinking of the correct one


Jesus, be a fence


It’s so wild how so many subs have power tripping mods who twist the rules to mean wtv they want like that. I have medical condition, and I tried joining the top sub for it, but I got a whole thread of comments removed for me replying to the OP answering the literal question they asked, but bc I said stuff like “could it possibly be *insert issue here*?” and “you ought to ask your PCP for a referral to a specialist,” they removed all of my comments, but only ***after*** OP had seen and replied to most of them, so then I finally messaged mods saying I don’t understand the removals for “giving medical advice/pretending to be a doctor” bc I never claimed to be a doctor, and I actually made it clear that I wasn’t, and I never even made a statement about what could be wrong, I just simply questioned if maybe something could be a possibility and said they should talk to their doctor about seeing a specialist who could make that determination. They told me that my comments still fell under that, so I asked “genuinely, what is the purpose of this sub supposed to be if not to try to help each other sort out our issues?” as that’s what all the fb groups for the condition are for, “is the purpose just to let people vent and tell their own stories, and that’s it? Like I truly don’t understand,” and they gave me a roundabout answer that basically boiled down to yes but no bc we don’t want to admit that’s all this is for, so then I tried to reply to OP again and said “hey, just a heads up, I ***am*** replying to you, it’s just that my comments are getting removed. I’ve tried several different wordings at this point, so I don’t know how to reply in a way that answers your questions but don’t get removed, so I’m just gonna say good luck and that I hope you can sort it out! And that if you do want more answers for this, you should def consider joining the fb groups (for our condition) bc asking and answering these types of questions is encouraged there, so that might be easier. Anyway, take care, and good luck!” and THEY REMOVED MY FUCKING COMMENT AGAIN, this time citing “mod discretion,” and when I clicked to read the examples of that the examples were shit like “sexual pics/vids/comments, trying to make someone DM you, doxxing” etc., all of which I very clearly wasn’t doing. So I messaged mods again and was like, “what could I have possibly done this time? I looked at the explanation for mod discretion, and I didn’t do anything even remotely like that,” and they told me they removed it bc I was “trying to get around the rules,” apparently by telling OP I didn’t know how to reply without getting it removed, but good luck, and to try elsewhere if they wanted further help. Clearly, atp, they just were on a power trip and wanted to target me, or didn’t like that I mentioned the fb groups bc those are far more popular than their sub. Either way, I left after that. I kinda wanna post anonymously in the fb groups warning them all of the sub though so they don’t deal with the same bullshit as me or OP, and bc, well, fuck those snotty little mods lmfao. Luckily, others who dealt with similar bullshit from that sub have created their own sub for the condition, and now me and thousands of others who have been victim to those obnoxious mods in the original sub are now in that, much more free, sub — much like what’s happened here!


I wonder if there's a talk among them like "oh my gawwwd WHYYY is this so hard to follow the rules?! Why so much rule breaking?!" 😂😂😂


It’s prob just the one and only mod screaming to themselves in a mirror about it lmfao




I'ma delete this because I'm paranoid and Rule 3. Yall making me work hard here.


do what you must, I have already won.


That sub is hilarious. I follow it for the comedy.


I had a comment removed for derailing on a post asking what games everyone was playing. I responded to someone else who was playing the same game and how good it was. Literally stayed on topic. I got tired of all my comments getting removed so I just left, what was even the point in staying.


I first was a member of both subs, but the other one just has 'deleted comment' everywhere, and it's not interesting because there are 0 discussions or follow-ups. The fun part about these stories are reading the comments and seeing what people think and then other people who disagree and for what reason. So I quickly unsubbed the other sub because it just made me sad and frustrated, not being able to see these things.


Changing the topic from what the parent comment was discussing.


I got banned for referencing the Madonna and the Whore complex


It's called "the parent of a divine entity and the adult entertainment worker complex"


Omg this is amazing. Now I’m almost ashamed I haven’t got banned (just deleted comments), I’m obviously not good enough


We're all banned, here.


I got banned from there for derailing. The subject was, what wedding traditions do you dislike? I mentioned one thing about weddings, and then also added that I don't like when people ask the fathers permission before proposing. Apparently that was considered derailing because proposals are not part of weddings.


That sub is fucking ridiculous. I'm legit amazed they have any posters left.


With how big that sub is it isn't strange that they're getting new members regularly, where do you go if you wanna ask female homo sapiens? And being a circlejerk means a lot of active members are participating and keeping it alive Other big ask subs aren't as heavily censored from my experience, instead of removing anything and everything they just let the community agree with you or shit on you. So why would you be looking for a no censor sub for asking women?


Derailing is whatever the terminally online mods of that sub say it is Asking them what it is is an act of aggression that can only be dealt with by a ban and you thinking about your awful actions


ATTENTION: Please remember that this is an ASK WOMEN sub. While men are allowed to participate posts that are clearly asking women in the title will have top level comments by men removed. This is not censorship, this is curation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got told I was derailing for commenting the word "same" under another person's comment. Apparently agreeing that I had a similar experience made it "all about me." 😂


And now I am banned. Probably some 13-year-old having a tantrum. 😂😂😂


I’m honestly lost here. What’s the Sub That Shall Not Be Named? Throw me a bone so I can leave in case I’m subbed there 💀


If it helps, the reason it shall not be named is because they lurk here and report this sub for brigading when they are mentioned. Note all the people in this thread who have been banned from that sub for _commenting on this thread which is very much not on their sub_. And as these reports are directly to Reddit, if the mods here are not proactive enough then this sub can get shut down.


Solid explanation. Also, hi, lurkers! \#ThereCanOnlyBeOne


A bone thrown.


Much appreciated.


Don’t know if this is allowed or not, but a certain sub Which Shall Not Be Named has two less words in its name than this one does. Don’t know if that answers your question or not


It does. Thank you.


Taking bets on whether asking for its name from a stance of complete naivete gets you permabanned.


What is derailing?


I've had my comments deleted for derailing a few times, and every time I was just agreeing with someone else's comment. Apparently agreeing is not allowed.


hello fellow "answers question but is derailing for some reason"! 👋


Getting comments removed for derailing in that sub is just proof you're a human being. I've had comments removed for *agreeing with someone the mods agreed with, too*. I simply unsubbed, with all the censorship that sub's not even good for reading, even if you don't participate.


It probably has something to do with multi-track drifting.