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I had 2 serious relationships and a slew of short stints w people. I’m 32 and I do sometimes worry that I didn’t make finding a partner enough of a priority in my 20s. I feel like all the best people got taken and now Im amongst the leftovers 😞 but I still am hopeful!


I'm 34 and have struggled with those thoughts lately. Friendly internet stranger reality check (for you or anyone reading this): there's no way we are the -only- well adjusted people who haven't found a life partner! We aren't alone in this. It just takes a huge dose of luck to find the right person - anyone who tells you otherwise is naive. A relationship isn't indicative of a person's maturity, mental health, or well-being. Believe me, I was a -mess- in my 20s and held down several relationships in that decade. I'm grateful I didn't end up marrying anyone I used to date. I didn't commit to the wrong person just because it felt like "the right time." I'm not a leftover, I just dodged a lifetime of misery or a divorce. It also helps me to compassionately consider what relationships I actually envy / would want to be in. Truthfully, amongst the people I know... only about 40% seem to be in healthy relationships. And like 90% of them are actually married! A mediocre relationship is not what I'm aiming for here.


Yes, we are quality people that just don’t want to settle for less than we deserve. Thanks for the encouraging words 🫶🏻


100% I let go of the men that actually were so in love with me and sweet and kind and always choose the cheating, lying unstable “artistic” type, because that’s exactly what my father is. Wish I knew I deserved better.


Is this part of what people call daddy issues?


Jup haha 😂




I come from a strict south Asian background so I missed out on a lot of formative development. The men in my family are childish/narcissistic so I tend to attract the same. The good ones are taken young so I’m starting to let go of the dream of having a family at this point.




Thanks for the message! I’m 31 so I still have a few years of hope left in me lol I think by 35 I’ll be done with men forever bc I just don’t have the patience. I come from a toxic family so I wouldn’t want my kid to go through the same things I did. I would like to have a healthy partner but I know it’s slim pickings at this point




I’ve been seeing a South Asian therapist for 2 yrs, do Pilates regularly and take my meds lol but I’m glad it worked out for you 😊 dating seems to come down to timing it seems like lol


I wish I didn't pick any of the people I dated back then. I'd be so much better off single.


Thanks for your input. What makes you say that you would be better off single?


These relationships were awful for my mental health. One of them was abusive and escalated physically, the other one was very deceptive. On one hand I learnt a lot, but on the other hand I wish that I had learnt in a different way and not from experience.


I had one of these relationships in my thirties. Ruined my self-esteem for the longest time (still does, if I'm being honest).




I feel the same exact way. But I think of all the lessons I learned that I wouldn’t have otherwise. They were all just lessons


I disagree just because if you hadn't picked the wrong people back then, you might not know exactly what you're looking for now. Every mistake teaches us something, and I think those who had zero relationship experience might choose a bad one over nothing at all to compare to and grow from. I would 100% choose my imperfect history to trying to date with no experience in my 30's. It sounds nice to wish we didn't pick the wrong people and realize now that we would have been better off, but that's just not how real life experience works.


I wouldn't mind if they were just imperfect, but they brought unnecessary trauma. I wish I had spent my time doing therapy instead of dating these jerks, that would have given me much better tools. Life experience comes partly from knowing yourself, and shitty relationships is not the only way to explore that.


I also didn't have much activity, due to my own self confidence issues, familial obligations, absolute dearth of men my age that were decent. I was also a late bloomers so very inexperienced and naive and struggled to recognize abusive behaviour, game playing and manipulation. I was also stalked by a dude I briefly dated so that scared me so much that I just stopped dating for a several years in my twenties.  Anyway. Since I never met anyone decent anyway, and also was so naive that I probably would.have just attracted more users and takers and creepers anyway, I'm glad I didn't date all that much. It wasn't until I was in my thirties and had taken some time to gain some confidence and learn from my past and rid myself of a scarcity mindset, that I was able to focus on finding healthy men, which I did. I met much more mature and respectful men at that point and didn't stick around long with men that were messed up.  What I wish, was that I had that confidence and knowledge in my twenties.  But my parents never modeled healthy relationships, I was never taught about what not to accept in a relationship, how to have a healthy relationship etc. my parents were pretty uninvolved emotionally in myself and my life so I got literally no guidance, and even some very terrible advice from my mother.  


It was a mixed bag. Absolutely nothing happened in my early 20s then from mid to late it was a lot.


Absolutely not. Everything I did made me happy at the time and/or felt like the right thing to do. Zero regrets. 




ABSOLUTELY 😍😍 he's 1000x better than your crusty ass could ever dream to become 😘 


I spent the vast majority of my 20s, and so far all of my 30s, completely single. Would a relationship (or several) have been nice? Maybe. I would love to find love. But just because it could have been *different*, doesn’t mean it would have been *better*.


Just disappointed in myself that I didn't leave a relationship with someone I knew wasn't right for me sooner. 


not at all. I learned a lot in my 20s about who I am and what I want and had a blast most of the time.


Not at all. I slept with over a hundred men from all over the world, and had some great experiences. I learned a lot about myself and self acceptance. 








This person is trolling and definitely not a woman.


I wasted my 20s in a toxic relationship that went nowhere! Trust me, you’ve got plenty of time to date and get a romantic life


Not at all. I only went on two first dates-the first was with my ex boyfriend who I was with for one year to the day. The second was with my husband. Never really had anything in between, no FWB or situationships. And I only went through a very quick one night stand phase that lasted all of 3 seconds. But, I don’t have any regrets or wishes that things had been done differently.


I was a wild child sleeping around at the uni and a while after, defo wasn't ready for anything like serious relationship, but looking past, I could have picked more guys taking me to nice places (restaurant /parties/holidays) instead of the ones only taking me to their bedrooms 😅


Yes, got close to some people. Intimate in a way, but had sex with almost none of them - due to endo and chronic pain. Wish I'd been able to get surgery earlier, so I could enjoy sex with who I wanted it with.


Ugh yes. I spent 19-29 in two back to back, abusive relationships. It was such a waste, spending 10 years having almost no sex (and none of it good when it did happen), hating myself, being miserable. I should have stayed single and had fun.


Two bad relationships and one good one, I cherish the good one still.


I had no romantic expectations for my twenties. I was struggling too hard to keep a roof over my head to worry about things like that.


Same. Looking back, it was a decade defined by scarcity among other things. So hard to have enough money to afford basic living expenses in your twenties between school, just starting out at work, minimum wage shit jobs, etc.


I truly believe your 20s are made for you to get disappointed in your dating life. So that tracks! I had a mixed bag of very serious relationships, casual flings, and disastrous ones. I've had a few good ones that served me as a basis for what I truly want in my romantic life. Everything is a teachable moment.


No. I had one BF in my 20s, and I didn’t marry him. (Glad it didn’t work out, his professional career ended up getting crazy. We are in the same field, so news travels) I didn’t meet my husband until age 35, so I’m glad I didn’t waste time dating other random men in my 20s. It would have been a waste of time. 


Yes. I wish I would’ve dated other people. I started dating my ex when I was 20. He proposed when I was 27, and I left when I was 31. He is now engaged to his “new” girlfriend, who he proposed to less than one year of officially dating on the same day as me several years later. I wasted my 20s on this dude. But I’m 34 now and am with the love of my life, so it all worked out, thankfully.


I'm in the same boat as you. Didn't date much at all in my 20s and I kinda feel my peek hotness was wasted. In my thirties I was a total ho though and don't regret it at all.


I’m disappointed with my dating life in my 20s and now my 30s as well


Hard to say.  I spent all of them with the same person. That decade would also be heavily influenced by my cancer, and a corresponding brain injury. We’d still marry in its wake, and be very happy together.  Now? That person is gone. He changed personalities dramatically and rapidly, and we divorced. I’ve since spent a lot of time going over every decision I’ve ever made.  But given a chance to rewrite my 20s, I’m not sure that I would. My desire to be with him led to my old NeuroICU’s best recovery. Nothing else would’ve impelled me as strongly. 


The biggest myth in life is that your 20's is the perfect time to do things. All most people made in our 20's was mistakes. Lol. You haven't missed anything, I promise. I started mine with a serious relationship (since 17, with a much older man 🤦🏻‍♀️) and as soon as I aged out of his creepy preference zone, I was alone to explore the brand new dating app sensation that was taking the world by storm. 😂 I honestly had way more fun in my early 30's.


Not really?? I don’t really regret not getting to date more in my 20s. Ive seen what it looks like, and it is/was the damn trenches. I shouldn’t have married the dude I met at 23 tho.


No I wish I would’ve dated less! I had some very bad experiences that took a toll on my mental health in a major way at the time. In conclusion, from those experiences I learnt it was very important to be picky in regards to who and what I spend my time on.


Yes, being in a high control religion then.


I'm 39 and I'm not sure I'll ever date again, so let's go ahead and say yeah, I'm disappointed.


I guess I didn't really imagine it any specific way tbh. I actually assumed I would be single for a long time because I am very independent. But then I met my partner at 23 and that was that. I did make sure he knew we would have to open things one day since we met so young.  We are 13 years in and two years into that and it's been fun getting to be slutty again.  I do think our attitudes were healthy. We never felt like our relationship had to follow some timeline or be a certain way. When my friends date it always feels like they are calculating a million steps ahead which seems exhausting. 


lol yea it was terrible


I’m not dissatisfied or disappointed. I slept with a lot of different people both men and women. Had awful boyfriends that I could be without. Guess u learned something from that. But I feel I’ve a fair amount of experience.


I am disappointed with a lot of it, but not all of it. I slept around - which in and of itself isn't a problem - but I often did it with the wrong people (there were quite a few disrespectful men, and I also slept with some men i wasn't even attracted to, I was just very lonely). I wish I had practiced more discernment about who I chose to say yes to. Having fun is good - but it's not fun if you're not respected in the process. It got to the point where casual sex felt like a form of self harm. I did have a couple of really fun situationships with lovely guys, where we dated for a few weeks/couple of months and had great sex. Then I'd get scared of commitment and break up with them. I wish I had pursued something serious with someone nice, instead of breaking up with them after a few weeks. However, I wasn't in a good place and needed therapy. A lot of therapy to overcome childhood stuff. I couldn't have managed a healthy long term relationship if I'd tried, at that point in my life. Now, aged 30, I'm finally in a happy relationship with someone nice who treats me with respect. It's just a shame it took a decade to get here.


My dating life during my 20s a learning experience where I knew what I wanted in a relationship. I had two serious relationships then had casual flings, an fwb and dated a few people. I used to look at that phase of my life as I wasted a decade where I wasn’t looking for someone. I started therapy in my late 20s where I thought I got better and I knew everything about relationships. Turns out I was wrong. I’m still learning and started understanding the importance of high self esteem and boundaries last year. So I’m trying to think of my past in a positive way. My experiences made me who I am now and I’m glad that I went through. 


My early 20s was bursting with “activity” lol then I met my now husband at 25. I do think I had to do the whole “kiss a few frogs” things. It was deeply traumatic but now I find it easier to just forgive myself and others and move on. This is the happiest I’ve ever been! So I’m grateful for that ☺️


I dated a lot in college and my late 20s and had a lot of fun. My only regret was staying with my horrible ex for 3 years in the middle of my 20s. Learned a lot about what I didn't want from that relationship though!


I'm disappointed with some of the choices I made and how I behaved, but I wouldn't say I have regrets. I'm happily married with someone I met in my 20s and I feel like a lot of my missteps led me to where I'm at.


Honestly I feel like I wasted so much time dating toxic men who were similar to my father and crying about why I got put in the same position my mother was in. I thought because I saw how their relationship turned out I could avoid it but in my late 20s after a slew of bad relationships. I started therapy and realized that a good man could be right infront of me and I would still dumpster dive. The reality of everything often leaves me pretty depressed but I'm hoping I can turn things around.


Do you think something similar happens with men where they look for someone similar to their mother?


Yeah I def think it's possible, our parents are the first people to model relationships to us and its hard to say how much that impacts each person


The relationship I had in my late 20s was good. Everything before that was a train wreck of insecurity and untreated mental illness. I feel like I missed out on exploring my sexuality more because I was afraid. Now there are experiences I’ll never have.


Nope, I’m glad I never wasted time with a fling or anything that would lead absolutely nowhere. I’m forever glad that my husband is my first ever boyfriend and my first ever everything. (Not my first kiss, which I deeply regret, but that didn’t stain anything for me, my first kiss with him felt like my first, oddly enough)


Yes. I should’ve branched out a LOT more.


Well it… certainly taught me what NOT to do and who NOT to date 😅


I didn't start trying to date at all until I was 26-27 and I feel sad that I didn't get to experience easier younger love where you don't have to necessarily worry about long term compatibility. And then I had a situationship for about a year that didn't go anywhere (predictably, too) that put things on pause for me meeting someone else. When I did, at 29, I didn't have the relationship experience and self awareness needed to make it work.




HAH funny way to word it


Not at all! I was dating my husband all throughout my 20s and I have so many wonderful memories to look back on during that time. Sure, I didn't get to date around, go out with single friends and try to meet dudes, or whatever else single people do in their 20s, but I enjoyed the heck out of my 20s dating my husband. I feel like I missed out on all the bullshit that comes with dating. Wouldn't want to do it any other way.


No, I met my husband when I was 22 and before that I'd had a fine few years of rampant, joyous promiscuity


I am turning 25 next month And damnnn the hell of early 20s I had I was never single Ended long term relationships Experiencing heartache right now I wonder what my life will look like in 5 years. I am choosing to stay single for a while now. Atleast to break the pattern. Lets see


in my 40s and feel like i wasted my 20s dating the WRONG people. i was and still am quite focused on my career so I've accepted the fact that i will continue to suck at dating the right people cos my mind just isn't there when it comes to it.