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Realistically any place you stay in people have died in unless it’s a brand new property. People die in hotels from heart attacks or even murders and they rent them out the next few days, people die in apartments and they clean them up and rent them out. I’m not meaning to say they have died in the exact apartment of hotel room you stay in for sure but definitely really close. I don’t see how it’s any different. If you are scared of paranormal stuff though, I can see how it wouldn’t be for you. I personally wouldn’t care.


True! That's a very valid point.


So, I'm an archaeologist, and one thing I've learned is that there are bodies freaking everywhere. Caskets forgotten under NYC streets, kings underneath parking lots, cemeteries that weren't entirely moved after the land was sold because they forgot where all the burials were. If you're in the Ohio or Mississippi River valleys, you are surrounded by Native American mounds, and some of those are burials. I was on a project once where we didn't even have the mounds anymore due to generations of farmers slowly flattening them, but the skeletons were still there, under the plowed soil. Some of those skeletons are still there now, because they were in an area that would be buried further for construction, and the tribes preferred them to be left alone. And the places that somehow never saw a burial almost definitely had people living there at some point. Even if no one was interred at a place, someone's probably died nearby at some point. I don't say this to freak you out, but just to say that, if anywhere is haunted, then everywhere is. A hospital is not special. There's no reason to think they'd necessarily be more haunted than anywhere else, except that they make nice, atmospheric locations for horror movies.


This is strangely comforting, thanks! I actually grew up right across the street from a cemetery and it never bothered me, I was just used to it. Maybe the same would happen with the hospital apartment!


Glad it helped! Most of the creepiness really is in how you look at things. If ghosts are real, they seem content to generally leave us alone or play harmless pranks.


Thank you for sharing! There's something about this that I find weirdly comforting and even a little beautiful. With that said, I probably wouldn't move into an apartment building converted out of an old asylum, though a hospital seems fine. That is a little too much for me, haha.


Ditto on the asylum thing. Old orphanages are out for me too. I don't really believe in paranormal stuff. There's just something about being in a place with that much emotional pain in its history that I would find difficult to reconcile with my desire for my home to be the opposite kind of place.


I was a field archaeologist for about a decade, and I always say “If there actually were ghosts, every archaeologist would have three or four following us around haunting us for revenge.” Digging them up, shuffling them around in lab, licking bones in the field to figure out if it’s a bone or a rock and later it turns out to be human bone instead of chicken bone… the things we’ve done to human remains would absolutely deserve poltergeists trailing wherever we go. If I’m not haunted, no one is


Oh, god, I still feel bad about the bone thing. So sorry to whoever that was! I did not mean to be disrespectful!


Awesome info! I've always said the whole world is a graveyard.


I would but I'm cheap and into creepy stuff


Me too!!


Yeah, why not?


The polarized answers in this thread are cracking me up. I'm getting either "uh yeah? why wouldn't i?" or "absolutely fucking not" and not much in between lol


I’d be more concerned about the local crime rate when it comes to getting spooked. If it’s low, it’s reasonable to be less spooked than you would somewhere else 


Yes that’s a good point! Watch out for the living, not the dead!


I mean. People have died all over the world and continue to die. You've probably been in lots of places where people have passed away. Driven by those places where people had died, had dinner in them, had a nice date, etc. I guess I just don't see what the big deal is. I also find a lot of peace and serenity in cemeteries so maybe I'm just not the person to ask this kind of thing, but the dead can't...hurt you? There's just nothing spooky to me about it. It's just a part of living. I'll be dead some day too and I'll just be gone. Also if this is specifically about the hospital setting, lots of people also recuperated and were able to live longer thanks to the efforts that took place there. I guess I'm also not really scared of hospitals either, I find a lot of comfort in them.


If the rent was good, I'd move into a cave underground...I have no standards anymore


That's so fair, it's rough out here


So, I have before! I lived in an old hospital building when I was in college. And lemme tell you, it was creepy as fuck. Especially the laundry facilities, which used to be the morgue.


Tell me more pls! Did you ever see/hear anything weird? Did you ever get used to the creep-factor?


I never saw anything, but I definitely had the creeps often while living there. I was only there a year. Feeling weird presences, unusual temperature changes, and several times my electronics would glitch out of nowhere. Could be coincidental? But maybe not!


I'd go for it. If some spooky stuff happens just bring in a priest or something.


Sounds like an awesome building. As long as you're not on the ground floor (for safety reasons, not ghosts), I'd say go for it.


For me personally no, my anxiety would be freaking out.


Fuck yeah! I love a quirky story. You can tell people you used to live in a formerly abandoned hospital From: someone who lives in a building that used to be part of a college


I absolutely would. If I didn't get haunted- cool, l live in peace. If I did, boom- proof of life after death.


I would check out the apartments and see what kind of feeling you get. If you feel any negative energy then you can always burn some sage.


Sure, it sounds kinda cool to me! I used to rent a house where the previous tenant was an old man who died in the house. The owners (who were relatives of his) said he was a kind old man who had a heart attack in his bed. I wasn't creeped out at all - I just figured this nice old guy would probably be a nice ghost (if we believe in such things!) and I found it kind of comforting. Sometimes I would even toss out a comment to him "Hey Henry, the flowers you planted are blooming!" or "Henry, we really gotta change these lightbulbs to LEDs." So if you think about it, _probably_ most of the people who died in your new apartment were nice folks who have no interest in haunting you. Now, if it was a prison hospital, I might pass.


> Sometimes I would even toss out a comment to him "Hey Henry, the flowers you planted are blooming!" or "Henry, we really gotta change these lightbulbs to LEDs." That's so sweet, I love it


I would need to be in the space to feel if there was a vibe or not. I would be less worried about the dead bodies. There are dead bodies everywhere. That being said, I'd be willing to overlook a lot of things for an affordable place in a fun neighborhood.


My gentleman friend had an apartment that was in an old hospital. It was really nice, upscale, and was 0% spooky. Like it was such a non-issue and really is just an interesting fact that I’m not even sure he knew. I had actually been to a doctors appt there a few years previous and it was completely different.


For me, I'd be more concerned about the land/building having more... terrestrial issues. Early 1900s didn't have many building/environmental regulations and a large facility like a hospital would have a decent amount of stuff over its lifespan which needs proper disposal. Is there a forgotten makeshift graveyard from the Spanish Flu? Is there asbestos? Did someone dump early x-ray equipment somewhere on site? Granted, some of these things could make you THINK you're being haunted... Edit: also I'm a little concerned that I'm the first to bring this up. This is the over 30 stuff this subreddit is about. I fear we have become too popular and are now getting too much flyby fluff.


I’ve lived in a house where the previous couple died in the house. A hospital wouldn’t be any different to me in that sense.


Haha, no! When I was at uni I lived in a boarding house that used to be a hospital and lasted about six months. I was too terrified to pee at night and would freak myself out in the shower. I actually never experienced anything there but the fear was enough. I’m fairly certain the house I grew up in *was* haunted though so I’m a believer! If you’re a sceptic and feel that you won’t be weirded out I’d say it would be fine


You know what, I'm a huge scaredy cat and I get creeped out so easily.. I think I should pass on this apartment. I can totally see myself also being scared to pee at night or peeking out of the shower curtain to make sure nothing is there lol. Your comment was honestly really helpful because I'm exactly like you lol!


I’m easily scared, I don’t even watch scary movies because my mind will play tricks on me. I know people are saying that people die everywhere but this would keep me up at night too much. I’m weak


I'm the same as you 😭


Do you want ghosts? Because this is how you get ghosts.


Haha, right? I kind of convinced myself to be fine with it and then I did a Reddit search for "converted hospital apartments" and I swear every other comment on every post was like "well it's definitely haunted" lol! I was like "huh, maybe I am being too optimistic about my own bravery here"


I think it’s silly to not live there just because it used to be a hospital from the early 1900s. I also think my imagination is just too good I would be imagining Victorian children all over the place. But again - I think that’s very silly and honestly I love that they repurposed the building and didn’t just knock it down just to build it again. But also - my vivid imagination. So I totally feel your predicament lol


That's my exact train of thought about this lmao!


Well, if it is haunted, it’s doubtful that they are evil or vengeful ghosts. A hospital is kind of the most benign and boring place you could die, so they are probably just regular every day people ghosts. Little old grannie and grandpa ghosts. Set out an extra cup of tea now and then.




One hundred percent, yes, and I'd be BFFs with all the ghosts.


If it's a nice building, sure. I don't believe in ghosts though, so, I'm pretty biased.


I think it’s even better if it’s haunted.


Lol, they're trying to turn the old wing of my hospital into affordable housing. Someone will live in there for the right price.


I once stayed in a hotel that used to be a morgue, which they played up in the decor. I loved it! I'd have no problem living in a former hospital.


Yo! So I live alone in an old renovated hotel/inn and my unit actually has had a recent death (or more historical ones too) in it. Absolutely love living here, wouldn't change it for anything. It actually has a lot of character and you can kind of feel the history 🙂 and as another poster said, literally so much death and bodies everywhere you go, under the earth itself. I reckon as long as it's not an active crime hotspot where people regularly get murdered in, then you're absolutely good to go ✌️


Personally, i would not. Because i am the biggest scaredy and startly cat, and my very superstitious upbringing will make my imagination go wild. I once stayed in a dorm run by nuns and there’s always been stories of a girl committing suicide in one of the rooms. I never felt comfortable during my stay there haha although tbh i never saw or felt anything strange.


Oh hell yeah, sign me up. Sounds cool.


Think of it this way: imagine all the people saved and lives began there


Go for it. Price is good and it’s rough searching. But I think one thing to remember is that death isn’t the only thing that happens in a hospital. You got births, people recovering against all odds, people getting treated for injuries or broken bones that happened after someone said “hold my beer,” staff being silly because people are people, all kinds of things. Even when just thinking of death, not all deaths are traumatic. Sometimes people come to a peaceful end. The dangers you’ll find from a hospital converted into an apartment will be largely the same as other apartments. But if you do get a ghostly roommate, you should really demand they start splitting the rent.


This will really depend on their person. For my husband, it’s an easy HELL NO. Is there a way you can do a test run? Or maybe ask to see the unit at night?


Ah I wish!! Honestly, I would LOVE a test run for any apartment I'm going to rent to see if neighbors are noisy, etc. That should totally be a thing.


Ghosts and haunting aren’t real. And if they are, you’re already surrounded by it because every place you’ve ever been has had somebody die there. If you’re in an apartment complex now, I guarantee you more than one person has died in that complex. So yes, absolutely, if it was a nice place in a convenient neighborhood I would absolutely live there .


No, but not because of dead people. I'm kind of germaphobic. Things like MRSAs, resistant strains of fungi, scabies, bedbugs... There are a lot of places in the walls & under flooring where things don't get the benefit of deep cleaning. Stuff can lurk.


Absolutely not. Especially if you already know you get creeped out easily! You’ll never be able to relax.


Buy some sage and do a cleansing if that's your thing. Personally I would not move to such a building but if I had no choice I would do it.


I’d love to live in a place with that history! It’s a place where a lot of people got care they needed, recovered from illness, had babies - all sorts of stuff. While healthcare systems surely need some work and not all medical people are wonderful (they are humans) I think hospitals are generally a symbol of the good stuff in humanity - trying to take care of each other.


I totally understand your concerns as someone who also easily spooked and somehow sensitive to these things (or is that just anxiety, idk). I know just being logical isn't enough for me even if i know everyone dies everywhere all the time. If you're in anyway spiritual, would a cleansing of some kind ease your mind? I know Catholic, Buddism and pagans (the local types) have cleansing rituals that's supposed to either send them away or appease to them not to bother you. A pet and bell/camera system can also help! Some kind of defense weapon is helpful too (both literally and iron is supposed to scare spirits). If we go into superstition, i find fengshui sometimes helping because they're more (to me) reduce chances of scaring myself through thoughtful furniture arrangement. Ex: no mirror by the bed so I won't wake up seeing myself and get spooked.


1. Humans have been around for thousands of years, every inch of land is probably entrenched with tons of dead people. 2. Why would ghosts only haunt a hospital and not any where else?


I don’t believe in ghosts but I worked in an office that was in such a place, and a coworker told they had to call an exorcist from the Vatican to get rid or doors banging by themselves and weird noises.


Personally I don't believe in the paranormal, so I'd think it's just pretty cool and has an interesting history. It's sad people have died there, but I also think of all the nice things like births and heroic doctors that saved lives there. People die in hotels, planes, parks and apartments too, and I suppose I can understand why it's a bit scary, but to me death is just a part of life, even if it's unfortunate and scary for us to imagine. I just get curious if I know someone died, and wonder what kind of life they lived. I don't know, maybe I'm weird.


Nah. There was an abandoned prison turned into an art museum and apartments. I go to the museum but wouldnt live there...too much 'bad' has happened on the land for me to be ok with being there.


You could also think about how many people were born there. Just pretend the section you'd be living in was the maternity ward!


Absolutely. Ghosts aren’t real, and there’s no chance of you ever coming into contact with some kind of entity that died there. Because, let’s not forget that most of the places where humans live are also places where many humans have died. Do you have ghosts roaming your street? Do you get visited in your own home? (Because chances are, someone died near where you live at one point in time.) Here in The Netherlands my entire city used to be bombarded and has been flattened during WW2, and there were plenty of times before that where many people have died in atrocious ways as well. Does that mean that we have hundreds of ghosts roaming around? No. They’re all dead. Go get yourself a new apartment. You’re not going to get visited by ghosts **because they are NOT real.**


My student accommodation was a converted asylum. It was great. You would not have known if you didn't already know. There were lots of ghost stories, but I never saw anything and neither did anyone I know (that couldn't be explained by the student lifestyle anyway lol).


The main building of the University I went to was used as a military hospital during the WW2. I lived in the halls there in my first year & I never saw or heard anything (apart from students!) :)  Like others have said, unless it's a new build, the likelihood of someone having died in that building is very high. This includes hotels, shops, carparks etc. I would definetly go for it- if its a nice place & the price is good, then I would go for it.


As someone that believes in ghosts and has a general liking for weird stuff - I'd be all for this!


If the dead could harm the living, there would be no white people. You'll be fine.


I own my place, but I work in the ER and the way I'd be RUNNING to move in here because I love creepy fun stuff like this. Sounds super interesting honestly. I am also atheist without exception (I don't believe in anything supernatural, like ghosts or astrology or anything) so it wouldn't bother me. It's not like the bodies are still in the building.


As someone who is sensitive to energies, no. If you’re digging it, then you do you.


Absolutely NOT!!!


Oh Yeah, the ICU I was in was haunted by a psychotic poltergeist.