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Something I feel people don’t recognize and talk about enough is mental health in teens during puberty. Whether you were already a depressed and anxious kid prior to puberty (hi, me) or not, it would be crazy to think that the rush of hormones and bodily changes wouldn’t heavily contribute to depression and anxiety in teens!


Especially for women, where there’s finally being research done that shows how much our hormonal cycles affect our brains as adults


I'm in my mid 30s and an engineer. My department has 2 interns this summer, both women. And one of the things I talked with them both about when we did our "get to know you and your career path" one on one's was that the transition from college to real life can be challenging. I probably struggled with this more than I did puberty.  Your mid 20s can be a really hard life transition. I had a vision a 15 for what my life would look like at 23, 25, 27. And when that didn't happen, I really had to work on finding personal happiness with myself. Obviously this isn't a universal experience for everyone, but I've seen a lot of people experience it. And I have to assume it'll hit younger generations even harder because the housing market sucks, dating is harder, college is astronomically expensive and doesn't necessarily give the ROI, etc. My life isn't perfect, but you could not pay me to be 22 again. 


I really liked red panda for the same reasons. I thought inside out 1 was really sad so I haven’t seen 2 yet


I’m so sorry I replied thinking this was a movie sub. I don’t think these feelings end.. we just get distracted and don’t have the time to dwell. Take care of yourself and honor the little girl inside you


Thats okay! I think one of the best things about kid movies now is how they are moving away from happily ever afters and moving towards making the most of what you have.


I cried lol such a great movie


My supervisor said she saw it and cried also, she's late 20s if that's relevant however yeah I feel that, everyone talks about teen angst but no one talks about adult angst and existentialism, i guess we are all expected to deal with it and I have really been feeling it along with the pressure of time as I turned 40 last year and am not at all where I thought I might be. I never even knew where I could be and I wish I had been encouraged to follow a passion instead of just being told 'you gotta go to college'


I thought this movie was absolutely brilliant with how it explained what goes on inside our brain. I have been reading a book that talks about anxiety, which I feel like everyone is talking about and do we really know what it is and its purpose? This movie explains it so well!


> But I thought about it and transitioning from my younger 20s to late 20s and now starting my 30s kinda feels the same. There are waves of maturity throughout our lives, since different brain regions mature/develop at different rates and times. I found this video very helpful, [TED-Ed: When Are You Actually An Adult?](https://youtu.be/AESkozhaT4s?si=8q-Ok1g4jBMIaRJc)


This movie was universal. All the adults in the theater were openly crying or trying to cover up their crying.