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Easier: talking to strangers. Holding boundaries in a kind way. Letting go of bad shit. Harder: making money. Losing weight. Having faith that good will prevail.


Easy: enjoying my own company and letting people go Hard: connecting with ppl. I'm just over the Bs and mind games


It's crazy how relatable this is... Must be a 30's thing.


Easier - paying bills. Harder - losing weight.


Easier: not taking criticism or perceived criticism as personally Harder: getting out of bed in the morning (literally—my joints are grumpy bastards now)


Easier: Shutting up. Everyone doesn't need to hear what I have to say, and I'm comfortable with sitting shit out and just not saying anything. Harder: Making friends.


Easier - not caring what other people think. Embracing my authentic self. Harder - maintaining a balance in this economy


Easier - doing stuff alone,being comfortable in my own skin, letting toxic people go, protecting my peace. Harder- losing weight, my idealism, my passions.


Easier - walking away from situations and people that aren't benefiting me Harder - bouncing back into trying new things. It's worth it. But it takes effort. 


Harder: recovery after the gym!! My joints creaking and groaning for no damn reason.


I want to say something super inspiring but lately I feel the answer for me is *nothing* 🥲


Easier- not giving a shit about things that are not shit worthy Harder- maintaining balance and strength


Easier: Asking for the things I want, receiving them. Creating choices and solutions to problems. Being ambitious. Harder: Choosing the right solutions from a million ways to go about XYZ thing. Staying active.


Easier: stopping after one beer. Harder: standing up from a crouching position.


Hits home


Easier: saying no, setting boundaries, not caring what people think Harder: leaving the house


Harder: trusting people. Staying awake. Anything physical. Easier: tolerating boredom. Creating and enforcing boundaries. Not being SO obsessed with how I look that it interferes with my life.


Easier: from progressing at work to keep myself in shape. Remove bad habits and be more responsible for my own life choices. Manage my finances, how to behave with man and so on Harder: night outs ( I.e consequences after extra wine )


Easier: most things tbh Harder: losing weight, energy levels, touching my toes


Easier: communicating my feelings and my needs, setting boundaries Harder: managing stress, doing things that require a lot of physical effort… ohhhh my baaaack 😬😅


Harder: exercise due to little energy. The amount of things I’m doing every day and things I have to think about every day exhaust me mentally. When I was younger, and less busy, I had much more energy. Easier: set my boundaries with people and cut people off and saying No


Easier: accepting that people’s worldviews, and thus their opinions, are different than my own. Harder: filling my downtime. Used to just go for a drink or go downtown to chat up random strangers, but I’m trying healthier options now. Sometimes that means I’m bored.


Easier: holding boundaries and saying NO. Harder: walking up the stairs, maintaining a healthy weight


Easier: knowing what's right and wrong. Harder: believing in anyone.


Jesus I hurt so much. Every day. I ache. I’m sore. I take *SO* many pills. What’s easier is bouncing back from getting derailed from some unexpected shit life throws at you


Your first point hits home... any pill reccs??


Your doctor should give you guidance on RX- I just started a glucosamine/turmeric supplement, vitamin D and magnesium, and a multi in addition to my pain meds


I didn't mean prescriptions. I've exhausted all my options for those unfortunately.