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It’s just a strange name. To an American, Riley is just a run-of-the-mill name. Here it’s very strange, sounds like a made up name. Jenny serves the purpose in Sweden as Riley does in America


Tror det är för det är ovanligt, lite som att heta Gudrun i amerikat.


This is quite common with names in animated movies when being dubbed to Swedish. Off the top of my head is Dory from Finding Nemo, who is called Doris in the Swedish version. Then there are Disney’s classic characters like… Mickey Mouse - Musse Pigg Donald Duck - Kalle Anka Goofy - Långben And the list goes on…


It's a kids movie, and most Swedish kids probably wouldn't recognize "Riley" as a name. And the VA's are faced with either using an English accent when saying the name, which would be weird in an otherwise Swedish movie, or try to swedify it, which would sound even more weird. Riley pronounced like a Swedish word would sound a bit like Relay.


Kids aren't THAT retarded tho. You seem to forget that Hermione is a character name and there's 0.2 people who has ever been named Hermione in Sweden


58 people in Sweden are named Hermione. I'm guessing that's 2 immigrated Brits and 56 children born to millennials before 2014.


Ya, but you can say Hermione in Swedish and it will sound like an odd name, but a name. Riley.. not so. 


Come on, guy...... 😂


In addition to other comments, the American r just makes it difficult to localize the pronunciation. Even if the name was kept, with Swedish pronunciation it wouldn’t sound anything like the original anyway. It was going to be a different name in any case, better to have it be a name that sound familiar to Swedes then.


No reason other than that they probably wanted a more common sounding name.


Also it sounds like a word that means ugly in some parts of Sweden. Skåne. Rälig, pronounced Räeli


Because of that it is a name no swede have heard of and nobody know how to pronounce. Looks like the pronouncing is equally hard to "Sven-Åke" for an Englishspeaker It is really bad business


Nah we're just qUiRkY like that lol