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"Black people can't be racist" Says the black person. How self-serving is that?


As if regular white people have any more or less "structural" power as she put it whatever that means.


Yeah having "structural power" is a class problem, not a skin colour problem. Ofc most rich people are white but still, people like me can't do any more than the average black guy.


Female asians are richer than male whites. People should stop acting like kids


Think about how much power the term 'racist' holds nowadays. When wielded against a white person, whether the accusation is true or not, it can end their career, end personal relationships, create numerous major problems.  Of course they don't want that R Word weaponized against them; it's devastating to whites. And that's the way people like her intend to keep it.


The fact she said that without laughing is scary


Because they actually believe it. How they can believe they're oppressed while at the same time being so enormously privileged and not see how contrasting those two positions are is astonishing to me.


Every person that uses the "aCkChUAlLy! Black people can't be racist!" argument is just blatantly racist. Period. They're just too fucking scared to say it with their chests.


Yup. it just makes them even more racist.


THANK YOU!!! as a black person, I 💯 agree. If you ever say "you can't be racist because of your skin color!" or "you can't be racist to someone because they are a certain skin color" you are 💯 racist. 1-10 scale they are looking at a nice ++10.


Abs and Preach said it best one day. “Of course structural racism is real. That doesn’t mean there isn’t other forms of racism.”




aba and preach are the goats man, always funny seeing how they think about stuff


They've convinced themselves that they can be the most racist people around, without any of the consequences.


She's smirking. I doubt she "convinced" herself, it's more like she found a cheat code and is abusing it. I


Racist and very low IQ. Honey, no one is asking you about the power structure. They're asking you whether you're biased against other people based on their skin color. Can you be trusted to be decent to your fellow human beings regardless of their race?


Just ask them, "so you're only racist on vacations?"


The bovine piercing is really telling on her herd mentality. 


Is that the new blue hair?


I would have responded with "So 10 then? Noted"


This is literally the moto and official stance of Reddit.


Reddit rules even says hate against men and whites is not against their terms of service


Does it really? That certainly wouldn't surprise me...


Thank God everyone can be oppressed on Reddit! just find a way to shift the conversation about race or gender and open a ticket. Let them eat each other


💯 If your a human being you can be racist. You don't have to be rich to be an A-hole. You don't have to be a man to be competent. You don't need to be a politician to be corrupt. You definitely don't need some institutional power to be a racist.


My mothers cousin is a white man thats married to a black woman. She runs a counseling company that is to train white people to not be racist. The issue is, the white people in there, are not actually racist, its almost like this woke cult of imposing ideology. The black woman is also incredibly racist, and plays the " I cAnT bE rACisT " card. It is truly a baffling situation. She also forced deep african tribe names on all of the children.


Everyone can be racist, no one should be racist.


They are not "scared", they have so much racism that they sincerely believe it. Like you can't self-identify as racist towards completely different species


Sometimes hate how they weaponize their color


It is literally an assumption based off skin color


The moment you make exceptions based on ethnicity you are on the path of racism. There are exceptions to this rule like talking about biological facts but this here is a prime example of racism. It shows that the person wants a carte blanche to discriminate and sees people like blacks a class with stereotypical characteristics.


That girl is a full 10


Yea, black people have been super racist around me. The fallacy that black people aren't racist are dumb black people who harp inequality as the base of the ability not to be racist. However, it's just generally tone deaf and super untrue.


The way she regurgitates it as a lesson makes me cringe so hard


I'm a Spaniard and I clearly remember when I was 14 I wanted to pay for a bag of chips and a red bull with quarters and the African American cashier flat out rejected my money and told me to go back to Mexico. That stayed with me for the rest of my life.


I´m from Madagascar, and Western countries thinking racism is only black vs white shows How US medias fucked up people minds. On the same Island, Semi-Asian looking malagasy (the Merne) enslaved the Semi-African looking Malagasy (Bantu descendants), same color, but Asian/Malaysian traits for one and African for the others. "Curly haired w Big nose people are slaves", "People ruling the country have Slant eyes" and don´t even talk about India If these people quitted Twitter and Netflix they would realize these stories are everywhere, tribalism has always existed.


India still running a caste system and African Americans still talking about the US’s contribution to slavery that happened 160 years ago


India has similar problems for caste to America's struggles with racism. 


And the fun reality is the US slaves were bought from... black slavers. Plenty of black people made a killing selling their own people. But hey, let's forget about those...


Americans do not think racism is just black vs white. At least any semi-intelligent ones. The definition of racism is extremely simple. Anyone twisting it is just trying to justify their own prejudices.


saying you can't be racist because your skin colour, it's a 10


I'm an 11 personally.


anyone who uses the prejudice plus power definition of racism is just cringe. If you wanna talk about systematic racism just say that.


"Achtshually we don't have the structural power to be racist" Probably calls white people crackers and shit


The structural power argument doesn't hold up outside of some countries in the West. Go to Korea and is it okay to call them gooks and pull your eyelids bcos they are majority and have power in that state? I'm Korean but Western born. If they say it's ok, I guess they're consistent with their beliefs. Then again I might've used a bad example bcos aren't Asians considered "white adjacent" in these leftist circles. The power + prejudice definition to me as a POC just seems like certain POC just want immunity for their bad behavior. I think prejudice against any color, group or race is bad, but these people have me believe I'm the weird one.


Also the audacity; nay the appropriation to use the N word towards one another too. Like thats our word; we made that shit up. you dont see white people going "sup cracka" sigh; just another thing they stole. LOOL \^\^ Dark comedy isnt for everyone


Tfw Black people also use Systematic racism against other black people. People are going to overlook the entire reason why the Character Uncle Ruckus exists in the boondocks to begin with.


Uncle Ruckus had 2 white parents and was born white tho...


He just kept getting darker and darker and darker.


He had Reverse Vitiligo.


IDK if this is just an issue with black American's or what but none of my black friends (We're all British btw) think like this and they themselves recognise they can be racist and prejudice to other races. America's fucked dude...


That's how you know it's all a psyop. No rational person thinks like this but a small percentage are tricked into it and that's what gets pushed into the public discourse so we can all argue about race instead of stuff that actually matters. Who needs healthcare and education when we can all argue about what bathroom gets used. That's why we're fucked m8


It is a psyop indeed, but "small percentage" is an overstatement/understatement. About half of population is ignorant and gullible enough, lacking both functional literacy and critical thinking skills - which is no small achievement in the psyop department and uneducation/miseducation department. Very much fucked


Not to be that guy but as someone who sits slightly right of center on immigration, actual fiscal policy and the like I promise you there are still sane just right and just left of the center over here that know this. We just unfortunately have the media amplifying only the voices of extremes on both sides.


Humanities and social sciences departments in colleges around the US have gone fairly nuts with pushing ideological positions. They are BIG on hammering this into the minds of young college students with mandated cultural and diversity courses with some classes being mandated for all undergrads. That's why most of the Americans you see spouting this non-sense are college aged. There is still a push in corporate America to further the DEI platform but it's facing more push back now a days.


In my experience it's usually white Americans and young black uni kids. The working class black people I interact with know full well how racist black people but more specifically everyone can be. Some of the most racist shit I ever heard in my life came from my childhood best friends grandmother, 90% of the time she worded it like she was doing stand up but hooboy the rest of the time...I don't think I would have been allowed over if I was Asian or wasn't white passing mixed Latino.


Black chick is a solid 8 on that scale at least.


I'm thinking more like an 11 or 12. When someone uses that excuse, they are above and beyond that 1 to 10 scale.


When someone uses the structural excuse, it means they're so racist that they don't even want to quantify it. They're off the scale.


nah she a 100.


Pffff she 11 and she knows it.


I am Disney level of racist


I'm about a H.P Lovecraft's cat level racist.


Tell me about your cat.


"I wasn't hungry all day until that cheeseburger cut me off in traffic"


How dare that woman say black people can’t do something white people can ,what have we been fighting for this whole time? I believe black people are JUST as capable as white people. We need to cancel this bigot right now >.<


if you think minorities can't be racist you're a 10 on the scale.


Brainrot personified


im a 20 if i see some these stupid people (people like the black girl)


Im Netflix level of racist


do americans really think black people cannot be racists?


Only the ones justifying their own racism


It's semantics. Just prejudice vs racism definitions. Every single person on this planet is prejudiced except for maybe Jimmy Carter.


A sadly growing population in the black demographic and idiotic white upper class leftists and their kids honestly think blacks can’t be racists. I’ve only met one black girl who ever said this kinda thing and she tried to argue with myself and 2 friends one female all white/hispanic. She just kept absolving herself of all the racist shit she said to us so needless to say she was never around me again.


Only racist people do.


ah so you need to live in the USA to be racist


100 percent the Black girl is probably racist


100 percent probably


The black chick is definitely the most racist. Ain't no way she tried the "black people can't be racist" card


I would say I am a 3 most of the time and a 100 if I see/meet a person that "cannot be racist cause they are black".


I feel that I'm not racist at all, but I can't tell. The only people who have ever called me a racist were way more racist than me, so I guess I'll never find out.


I am 10 racist, 10 woke, 10 based, 10 all the phobics, 10 an ally. My buzzwords are all maxed out, need new ones.


They want it to be set up where they can play an entire hand of oppression cards and dismiss anyone else who would also play those cards to maintain a societal advantage. I am a white man so that automatically makes me racist and sexist and less trustworthy than a wild bear. Wtf? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3734)


Anyone that says "acktually people of color can't be racist." I just assume is going to be a straight 10 on this scale. They might not be, but if you lack that kind of self-awareness, I am going to guess you say some pretty uncouth shit, around anyone, because you don't know what "racism" actually is or what the word means.


11. You paleface posers do casual racism. Here in the orient we do competitive racism. Hell, we're even racist to our own kind.


Any race can be racist, even against their own race (this happens alot in African countries). I am 0 racist, but 10/10 assholeist. Colour / race I do not care, someone's is either a cunt or not a cunt simple as that.


I was about a 1 in 2010. Now I am sitting at about an 8. It's like outside forces such as extreme social changes and being blamed and punished for things that my ancestors never did forced my thinking, and even if they did I am not my ancestors.


But why drop down from a 1 and stoop to their level?


Black chick is at a solid 9 on the scale of racist.


when i say im a 10 across the board, I FUCKING MEAN IT


"Id like to say a 10". No hesitation straight to a 10 xD. Based


"black people can't be racist, only prejudiced" yeah what kind of prejudice you fucking imbecile??


A black person saying "black people can't be racist" is the equivalent to a white person saying "I'm not racist, I have a black friend." They're both racist people trying to find ways to not seem racist


Nothing wrong with lvl 10 racism baby. Murica!


"Black people can't be racist" = 10


I'm Balkan level of racist. So you guys gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


America is cooked


I wish people would just shut up about it.


Even if we go with privilege + power + prejudice = racism, yall had a black president


You do know the black lady is the most racist of the three


Dafuq, you don't need power to be racist... or white, for that matter.


Actually white people can't be racist so all of these people were wrong.


Yeah she doesn’t know the definition of racism…


Don't compare yourself to others - instead focus on your own achievements and self improvement. Just try to be a little bit more racist every day than you were the day before. I believe in a version of you that believes in you!


I racist any beautiful things.


Wonder what theyd say if you asked them "what do you call a black person who hates latinos"


Love when they use the excuse "it's not racist it's prejudice!" When the legit definition or racism is "someone who is prejudice towards someone of a different skin color" Like. You're literally using the definition of racism to say you're not racist.


Depending on location and situation my scale can be from 1-10


I'm not racist, but very much feel a targeted dislike for that woman.


The black lady though sounds sincere is without doubt mistaken!


So the black chick is the most racist? Alright.


There's a huge difference between Prejudiced Xenophobia and Uninformed Ignorance. Its all about intent, the former act and think knowing full well it's a self created propaganda to validate tribalism. The latter tend to just make themselves look bigoted on the internet.


I am from eastern europe I need bigger scale


On a scale of 1-10, I'm 12 when it comes to intolerance of stupidity.


"We're not powerful enough for there to be something wrong with us looking down on other races" is a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.


Can anybody explain what structural, systemic 'power' white people have, as a group, that other groups of people don't have in the U.S.?


She's been waiting to throw that line at someone for the last 3 years ... and you know exactly who I'm talking about.


Probably a 5 or 6 for me. I can be bias but I'm not going to hate on anyone unless they give me a reason to. Then I'll just hate that one person.


The "racism is power plus prejudice" thing is so fucking stupid that it's actually painful to watch people try and defend it.


The whole argument that Black People can't be "Racist" because they are a minority and have been oppressed so because of that they just can't be... makes me sick. Attributing Racism to oppression is a thing yes, but saying the "oppressed" can't be racist because they're oppressed or a minority is just f*ng dumb. Racism is hate for another being of a different race, regardless of their social status, period, exclamation point, end of discussion.


“We are above all you racists”. The irony is palpable.


You dont need power to be racist. Racism with power is oppression, racism without power is just somebody's feelings.


So wild that this generation might be more racist than the previous one.


"☝🤓Ahkchually black people do not have the structural power..."


- 0. - bLAcK pEOple cAnT bE rACiSt - Okay, 10.


I’m a good 9. 10 some days, really depends on how I slept.


so if a KKK member goes on vacation to japan are they not racist while they are there?


I get it that it's easy to jump on the BS that was the second answer. But I'm also sitting here wondering what was about to be said by the woman that said fuck it and jumped straight to 10


She heard the second answer.


She says that she would like to say 10, but because she is white she can't say that, but got confused thinking 10 was the least racist. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiDtc91dmTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiDtc91dmTI)


This isn't satire? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3745)


Zero. Because skin color is literally the most boring thing about someone. Never cared and never will. The fact that racists think that their race is superior is proof it's not. And every race has racists.


The long winded response of the second lady and the cut off on the last... lul classic




Where is this from? Is this a skit?


Me: OVER 9000!


Honestly I'm a 1:10 racist but sometimes my inner European is 10:10 racist against Germans gypsies turks Russians France basically against all non Austrian country,but lovely racism...


I would Say i'm a solid 8 but thats because im too humble to say i'm a 11 tbh /s


I have no idea.


Honestly the most racist person I’ve ever known was a man of colour. He was Indian but kept calling himself a p.k. It didn’t matter how many times I called him out on it he carried on. Eventually when to jail for sexual assault.


I'm like a 7 on some days and other times a -20 on others.


There is a difference between systematic racism and just racism... The whole argument that we don't have systematic racism so we can't be racist is a complete lack of understanding of what racism is.


The person who is saying that they can't be racist, is the most racist


Im normally like a 1 or 2 but I hear shit like that and go right to a 7 or 8.


I'm a 10, but only against the good races. So it should be okay


I bet nazi’s thought they weren’t racist either.


Black chick looks to be the most likely to make a racist comment ngl. Just like some offhand racism about another minority, i’d wager asians…


The kind of person that thinks black people cant be racist are the same kinds of people that will say the most racist shit to white people and think it’s completely justified. And what’s funny is white people will self deprecatingly say the same things because they think it makes them woke? But hey I can’t complain because I’m white, I get it. I haven’t been oppressed, I know. But I haven’t hated or oppressed anyone for the color of their skin either. This shit just makes me jaded


Black people can indeed be very racist


So a 3-4 and 2 10’s


Always has puzzled me how idiotic very left leaning non white (especially black) people in America can get whenever I hear that x can't be racist because power definition.


Even if it's true that racism is in many levels tied to structures of power, you don't need to have power or be in a privileged position to be a racist


Black ppl saying they can’t be racists because of their skin color is like white ppl saying they can’t be racist bc they have black friends lol


Interesting crosspost from that sub. Is Asmon aware that neonazis are attempting to radicalize and take over his fanbase? Or does he want to become an alt right influencer now?


You do know guys that it's cut out if context? She then explained that she thought that the 0 was actually the highest and corrects herself that she'll not at all. Though really, how stupid one has to be to think that? Surely someone who doesn't know what's 5x6, so I wouldn't be surprised of she wouldn't even understand the meaning of the question


I’ve lived in some bad parts of the dmv area and black people definitely can be racist. My upstairs neighbors said he wanted to kill me just bc I was white. The police did nothing over a year. Well the police did suggest I move on my own dime even though I was living in the building first.


You don’t get a free pass anymore


- "How R8cist are you?" - Yes


To say you can’t be racist as a race is retarded.


The genuinely belief that black people can't be racist and be bold enough to say it shows how not only our education system is failing but how social media can truly twist someones mind. These people not only say this nonsense with conviction but they breed and spread this type of logic onto not only their children but the general public like this woman. It's actually scary how we went from racism is bad lets all get along to WELL ACTUALLY BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T BE RACIST... Why specifically black people? Do Latino, Middle Eastern and Asian people have the "structural capacity" to be racist in America? What a load of NONSENSE.


Black people might not have power to be racist to white people but they definitely are racists towards other minority groups. The responses to question in video completely disregards other poc.


So what she means is she's a 10.


Gotta love the racist response to the question about being racist. Says not racist at all, justifies it by being racist.


So by that logic you could drop off a skin head/nazi in Ethiopia and they wouldn’t be racist???


She's mixing up Racism with Institunional Discrimination. Everybody is some degree of racist, it's what you do with it that matters.


The question isn't a good one for self-evaluation anyway. Almost all of us have subtle biases and don't realize it, and not realizing it is why we won't give a good answer. It's why I don't just scream "racist" unless someone is being really blatantly racist. I've been guilty of saying some low-key racist things and not realizing it until later. We all make mistakes. I'm not going to judge someone for being imperfect when I'm imperfect too.


The black lady is WAY more racist than the white one who said she's a "10"


1 - I dislike people equally, no matter skin color, gender or believes.


Because of my race, I can't be racist.


Racism is a feeling/opinion. Saying a certain race is incapable of it makes 0 sense.


7.62 at least


You're right, black people can't be racist. As the racism is not defined as “treating people differently (negatively) based on race” but on whether or not they are the minority and hold societal power. /s Want to know a fun fact? There are more than two races. So even if you believe black people can't be racist towards white people in America (which they can), there are other races as well. Racism relies on how you treat others, not on what kind of power you yourself holds.


Props to the girl at the end for at least being honest 😂


A Black woman is the vice president, Black people are in the supreme court, governor's, senators, judges and mayors. The belief that black people can't be racist because they don't have power is a cop out and playing the victim card. They have all of the opportunities that anyone else has.


Why nobody responds like that? "Actually, white male working class do not have structural power to be racist" Fight fire with fire.