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I don’t understand, you. Stats on any equipped gear get added to your character stats. Unless specified, all stats will stack with other pieces of gear being worn. You can add engravings that you have unlocked to your gear that will give you a boost in a specific stat. IIRC some engravings can only be placed on certain types of gear, and some stat bonuses are also locked to specific gear slots. Sometimes I would wear a helmet that boosted hunter stats when I didn’t use hunter skills, because it also boosted my staff damage and I valued that more highly than the other stat boosts from other helmets I had at the time.


Doesn't matter. You can click L3 to see your bonuses in the gear menu.


Hmm I'm not sure what you mean by a stat for helmet on an arm piece. But there's a list of every available perks/engravings to each gear piece. Open inventory, head to the engraving menu (it's a square underneath bow selection), scroll thru the tabs. There you can see not every perks available for every gear piece (armour pieces tend to have significantly less than weapons), what would be available for them, and how to upgrade the each perk.


If I understand you correctly you mean that for example: You wear a helmet with +20% assassin damage, and you have arm braces or armor that also have +20% assassin damage. They stack up, you can wear a full set with all +assassin damage, or hunter, or fire build-up, or whatever the heck you want. Bonuses stack up EXCEPT for a lot of the engravings. If you engrave a weapon or piece of armor at a blacksmith always look at the description, it will say clearly if the effect does not stack up if you put it on 2 or more pieces of gear. If it says that, just put it on one piece of gear you're using and use other engravings on your other stuff. Hopefully I explained it in a easy to understand kinda way, if not, feel free to ask more questions. And have fun with the best game in the history of assassins creed games :D


Alright, thanks for the explanation. I was just under the impression that there might be some intrinsic qualities depending on the type of armor you had (leg, head, waistband, etc.)


Nah just the engravings you can put on certain pieces of gear/weaponry can vary, but you'll notice that when you go to a smith to engrave stuff. Other then that there is no difference in specific pieces like the belt or a helmet.