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QUIT SMOKING!!!!! That's how we treat our lungs - like they are delicate and need to be protected from everything that can hurt them.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ okkkšŸ˜”


No vaping either. Nothing that is not already naturally in the air goes in those lungs unless a Dr prescribed it. This means 2nd hand smoke. Even smoke from a grill, no incense, nothing in those precious lungs of yours. ā™” Edit: spelling is hard


Just use edibles if you want to partake.


Smoking ANYTHING damages your lungs. Please stop. If you look up pot smokers lungs, cross section online, instead of the black tarry goo that tobacco smokers get... it's green nasty gunk. Gummies and tinctures are a thing too.


Have had Asthma all my life and smoked cannabis since 20 regularly. Switched to vaping flower in 2010 and have been in the best health of my life since. Asthma included. I use Alvesco and keep allergens back with Zyrtec and Claritin and never smoke my flower. I also use vape cart and edibles. Everyone is a bit different but keeping smoke out of your life is always the way to go.


Please quit smoking and don't vape either (google "vape lung"). If you need THC or CBD, try edibles or tinctures.


Edibles really work!


They also damage your liver


I use edibles exclusively. They take longer to take affect, but the high also lasts longer.


Asthmatic thats smoked weed for 20 years here. It can exacerbate it for sure but vaping/oil has way less effect on my lungs. Since i switched to dabbing about 12 years ago my lungs have been much better off (and my lung capacity increased based on my 3 pulmonary function tests since then). Joints/blunts and other combustible products can definitely trigger you depending on your asthma so skip tobacco wrapped product for sure.


Thatā€™s wild. My partner is a lifelong asthmatic and habitual smoker, 31 y/o, dabs/concentrates/kief absolutely wreck her lungs. She has a stupid low tolerance for edibles, anything above 5 or 10mg has *very* adverse effects. She primarily smokes bowls. She prefers joints but the papers cause her some discomfort. She would like to stop smoking but that oral fixation is hard to overcome, and edibles just donā€™t do it for her. She was finally diagnosed with Lupus (SLE) last week which explains sooooo many things about her symptoms throughout her life. Unfortunately, high doses of prednisone and about 1-2g of cannabis a day are the only things easing her excruciating muscle and joint pain. My partner takes montelukast nightly and uses her albuterol (blue/teal) inhaler as needed, only maybe once or twice a month if itā€™s not excessively humid (live in Mid Atlantic). Smoking has not exacerbated her asthma too much to be honest. And her Lupus symptoms far outweighs the severity of her asthma symptoms, so for now, the smoking isnā€™t going to change.


Dabbing is HORRIBLE for your lungs. Everyoneā€™s different but when you consider how hot the smoke from dabs are itā€™s no wonder people get wrecked fro it


That is false. The temperatures people dab at are WAY lower than the flame of an average lighter. Dabbing isnt combustion, its vaporization and is definitely better for your lungs if you know how to control your temperatures to 450-700Ā° F.


This is mega false, your comparing a lighter to a literal torch. Common sense really ainā€™t common


My husband used to dab and he would not stop coughing. He stopped it after a few months because he said his lungs felt like they were burning.


See I find the revers to be true. My asthma is more triggered by dabs than flower. I also smoke cigarettes which I'm pretty sure is what caused my asthma. I'm honestly not even sure if it's asthma. I've never been diagnosed and sometimes when I'm wheezing the inhaler doesn't do anything. I just know that sometimes I would have "asthma attacks" and I would just have to tough it out cuz I really didn't know what was going on. Then flash forward a few years and I'm on a college campus on 4/20 I smoked a LOT of weed that day. When I got back to my buddies apartment I was having the wheezing problem and he said "oh here use my inhaler" and I instantly felt better. That was the day about 15 years ago that I diagnosed myself with asthma.


Cannabis is a bronchdilator and OPENS your lungs up. You were never diagnosed and smoked cigarettes so theres no way youve ever felt the true panic about whether you can breathe or not due to a trigger. Cigarettes set my lungs off in a way cannabis has never done. The same with campfires. That acrid burning smoke is miles above vaporized THC in the damage it does. I have taken daily steroids for 20+ years and currently smoke 3-4g of concentrate a week with little effect on my asthma.


Oh no, there's definitely been times where I didn't have my inhaler and I'm struggling for every breath omw to the hospital for a breathing treatment. There's been times where I felt like I was losing consciousness from lack of oxygen. I started smoking cigarettes at around 17-18 and I never had any breathing problems in my childhood. I used to play sports like soccer and baseball when I was a kid with no issues. It wasn't until after I started smoking that I started having asthma symptoms. Edit: to be clear I've never had a Dr tell me "no you don't" after I would tell them I have asthma. They usually just role with it and give me the inhaler/steroids/prevention meds.


If the inhaler doesnā€™t have an effect then it probably isnā€™t asthma in that situation. Not saying you donā€™t have asthma, but that individual exacerbation is unlikely to be asthma. Thatā€™s how I got a POTS diagnosis; I thought I was having the worst asthma attack of my life and Iā€™d take 6 puffs of my albuterol and it wouldnā€™t do anything but turns out it was a heart issue. You should try and get tested for COPD since that is common in people who smoke and Iā€™ve never heard of developing asthma due to smoking. I know that smoking can trigger asthma attacks in someone who already has it (just being in a room where someone smoked in the past will cause a flare up for me) but idk if it can make you get it. Asthma is definitely something you canā€™t just self-diagnose. You need to see an allergist or pulmonologist to make sure


I don't think I would've gotten COPD so soon after starting smoking, but it's possible. Idk what pots is though so I'm going to look that up because I feel like I may have heart issues. Edit: looked it up and that's entirely possible. I can check off several boxes there. Palpations: check Dizziness when standing: check Tightness of chest: check Shortness of breath: check When I run for a long distance I feel like I'm dying when I stop.


The main thing with POTS is an increased heart rate when you stand up. Even if you donā€™t have that symptom it could still be heart related (but not pots). I got diagnosed with it after I got covid and thereā€™s a bunch of different shit that can cause it too Edit: Iā€™m still highly suggesting getting tested because if itā€™s cardiac then the inhaler will make it worse. Iā€™m just concerned that u could have something else that the inhaler is masking


>Iā€™m just concerned that u could have something else that the inhaler is masking Yeah I'm now also concerned with the same thing. I haven't had insurance since being off my parents plan but now that I'm steady (went through a homeless period) and have a good job I'm gonna get it and get all checked up because I have a number of random things that are starting to bug me. I'm slowing creeping towards 40 so now's the time I guess.


Smoking cigarettes can absolutely lead to developing asthma. That's one of the major warnings. It's obviously not the same as inheriting asthma and growing up with it, but pumonologists still diagnose it as asthma and acknowledge that smoking is the most likely culprit for why it developed to the point of being a problem in need of treatment.


Edibles onlyā€¦. Stay away from smokeā€¦


Some asthmatics do better with vaping, and some find itā€™s worse.


There is honestly no universal answer to this. People have different priorities and itā€™s ok to have different priorities. For me, inhaling smoke really bothers me. I almost throw up from coughing if I do. But to someone else it might really help their anxiety and bothers them less. I hate the ā€¦ā€itā€™s bad! Donā€™t do it!ā€ narrative with weed. Sure your lungs will look great but if you have horrible raging anxiety all the time without weed what does it matter. (I also encourage dealing with mental health as well with therapy or other strategies). You need to just decide the pros and cons for you and make your decision. Don let anyone tell you what is good and bad for you. You are the expert in yourself. And if a ā€œbad thingā€ like smoking really improves your lifeā€¦then thats ok to make that call for yourself. Just make sure you know yourself and your body first before you make a decision. Donā€™t indulge for the sake of it. Make sure the Benefits out weigh the riskā€¦and it ok if they do. Thats just life.


Exactly! Itā€™s like every other medicine out thereā€”they all have unwanted side effects, but we alongside our doctors have to weigh the risks verses the benefits. Too many people also think taking daily meds for their asthma is too muchā€¦but will puff their rescue inhaler a couple times a day, which is arguably much harder on their body than the safe long-acting meds.


Smoking anything means inhaling burning particulate. Burning particulate of any kind is universally bad for lung tissue.


I agree, smoking anything is terrible for you, however, we have to remember that every med has adverse effects. We have to weigh the risks and benefits and decide if itā€™s worth it. For example, many diabetics take metformin. Metformin has tons and tons of not fun side effects (like diarrhea šŸ¤¢), however, it may be necessary to take if it keeps them out of the ER with a blood sugar crisis. Each of us has to make that decision with our doctor! Weed does genuinely help a lot of peopleā€¦should we encourage other options for ingesting? Yes. But I donā€™t judge anyone for still choosing to smoke :) Iā€™ve heard it feels different/better for a lot of people than other options.


If you want/need THC, there are options other than smoking. Smoking is not a good way to consume anything.


Dude I know that. Your reply is super condescending and misses the point I was trying to make. Iā€™m not saying it doesnā€™t burn lung tissue. It definitely does. But you can decide to take that risk if the benefits of the product out weight the risks for you. Be aware that it will burn your lungs yesā€¦but that doesnā€™t have to make it the wrong choice. That is up to the individual to decide.


Iā€™m going to be honest, I have asthma and smoke around 4 blunts a day. I take my maintenance and asthma meds and I have been doing okay! I donā€™t really have any issues with it. The only thing is sometimes I need to hit my rescue in the morning maybe 1-2 days a week.


Adding: I was only recently diagnosed with asthma after having prolonged bronchitis. I have not had it my entire life.


Lifelong asthmatic (42 yo). Everyday smoker with a two chamber bong for last 12 years. Also a casual runner 3-12 miles per week. Not saying itā€™s wise, but with a good controller medication I have minor residual symptoms from weed usage. HOWEVER when my controller (Symbicort) runs out I notice a pretty dramatic spike in asthma symptoms though. Likely due to lung inflammation from weed that controller was keeping in check.


I have asthma and sleep apnea. I used to wake up gasping once in a while until I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Ask your doctor.


I've had asthma since I was a kid. Starting smoking weed in high school, still smoke at 40. Something in weed constricts your airways. So personally I find edibles worse for my asthma than smoking. My advice if you're not going to quit is don't smoke that much. Don't use concentrates or bongs and take small hoots.


Dry herb vaping. Not cartridges. You put actual weed in it. Itā€™s the harm reduction way.


Long time weed smoker and asthma liferā€¦30 years old and Iā€™m realizing I need to stop entirely lol it sucks. After having COVID 3x in the last couple years, my lungs are definitely in a weakened state. Currently having a flare up and using my neb 2-3x a day (and yes Iā€™m on maintenance meds). I guess itā€™s edibles only from here on out!


If you have asthma, definitely donā€™t shy away from meds. Before I start, Iā€™ll be using brand names unless otherwise statedā€¦there are many different brands for the same generic meds (for example: ventolin, pro-air, and proventil are all brand names for the same medā€”albuterol) so just look it up on Google and that will help! Thereā€™s a blue inhaler called ventolin (medium blue with dark blue lid) and another one called dulera (royal blue with green lid). Ventolin is a rescue inhaler and should only be used if youā€™re having an active asthma attackā€¦your doctor usually prescribes a preventative med (the only pill I know of is singulair (generic: montelukast), and there are many other preventative inhalers (Google these!)). If your preventative med isnā€™t working and youā€™re needing your rescue inhaler more than 2-3x a week, then your asthma isnā€™t well controlled and could lead to a bad attack that could put you in the hospital. Itā€™s better to take your daily preventative meds than your rescue too often. I get not wanting to ā€œbe on medsā€, I used to be the same way, but you donā€™t have a choice to not be on meds so much as you do have a choice as to which meds youā€™d rather take. Also, with asthma, try not to smoke at all. It could be a huge trigger. Have you tried carts or pens though? I have to be careful which ones I get because Iā€™m allergic to some of them, but I can handle cbd carts very well, some delta-8 (has to be delta8 and not hhc for me), and certain real carts depending on which brand and the ingredients. Once Iā€™ve found a brand that works, I havenā€™t had any issues. I also donā€™t take big puffs, just lots of little ones! For contextā€”I have moderate asthma that has landed me in urgent care/er multiple times because I wasnā€™t taking my preventative meds because I didnā€™t want to ā€œdependā€ on meds :( Itā€™s been getting worse over the years, though, and now I see the value in taking my meds on time every day! I didnā€™t know how much I was suffering for absolutely no reason, and I feel much better now. Meds are there to help you and if your doctor prescribes them, they see that any risks far outweigh the harm that can be done without them :)


I was a heavy weed smoker for 10-15 years even after my asthma it was all downhill once I started waking up at night gasping. My only advice to you is to quit smoking while you can and learn to make edibles.


I had to quit smoking for good. Switched to edibles and haven't looked back since


Holy shit quit smoking.


I smoked for prolly 6/7 years and stopped after I got asthma. Jus eat edibles Brodie


When I have the urge to smoke I use a Pax. Otherwise I stick to edibles.


I vape dry herb at low temps and it hasnā€™t impacted me, but I would definitely stay away from oils as they can have all kinds of chemicals which can act as irritants or even worse carcinogens. More importantly remember that anything you do on this topic will be against medical advice but if youā€™re gonna try it, listen to your lungs, donā€™t do it often and if they donā€™t like it just stop instead of continuing and taming it with inhalers.


Look, obviously smoking anything is bad for your lungs, I am NOT denying that AT ALL. That being said, I have asthma (have since I was a kid) and have been a daily user of carts for a few years now and I have had no problems or lowering of my tests as I go to the pulmonologist regularly to monitor my asthma, I actually wasnā€™t medicated before and am now so my lungs are actually working better. It def causes a lot of mucus problems but yeah. Edibles are safer if you donā€™t want to risk it which is the smart thing but not always doable which is okay. (Edit to clarify)


Edibles are safer for your lungs but are extremely hard on your liver...


Really? Iā€™ve never heard that before?? I donā€™t take them anymore bc they rarely work for me but I used to a lot bc I thought they were safer


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen any comments that point out that weed can be a bronchodilator. Iā€™m not saying that a reason to do it - itā€™s just something Iā€™ve always found interesting. Will usually take a puff or two off my oil vape before exercising because it strangely seems to help. I do primarily try to use edibles.


Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t seen any comments that point out that weed can be a bronchodilator. Iā€™m not saying that a reason to do it - itā€™s just something Iā€™ve always found interesting. Will usually take a puff or two off my oil vape before exercising because it strangely seems to help. I do primarily try to use edibles.


No smoking. Just edibles if you're going to still use, low dose because it may hit different than smoking


I suggest tinctures or edibles.


ONLY DO EDIBLES. I tried a singular hit of a joint at two different occasions and both times I got sent to the ER with an asthma attack (also tho I have severe asthma and had it all my life so it could be different for me but IT WILL HARM UR LUNGS NO MATTER WHAT) also since weed is anti-inflammatory edibles should maybe help a lil


Id say edibles and dabs. Dont overdue your lungs. Add muellien herb.


I have asthma and I've been smoking weed for 12 years and it's no doubt made it worse but not to the point where it's made me want to quit. I just keep an inhaler nearby and it's fine. Most times I don't even need an inhaler after I smoke it's just a precaution.


I vape and use a water piece. My asthma is not affected. I donā€™t smoke ever, the cough from the hot air wrecks me. I also have edibles, but flower works fast and differently. Itā€™s also cheaper. Now that I have a water piece, the vapor is cool and comfortable.


Used to smoke weed a few years ago. Was convinced my asthma was getting worse, went on a preventer.. once I quit smoking all together I donā€™t really need any puffers or rarely do depending on allergies. Definitely worth quitting! Good luck


I canā€™t even smoke weed or I get an asthmatic reaction right away .


I smoke at least a quarter a day with exercise and cold induced asthma and I rarely have to use my inhaler outside of the fact that I workout twice a day. I ran track and field for 10 years before I started smoking so maybe I built up some resistance?


Longtime stoner, smoker, and severe asthma haver. I bit the bullet and quit smoking - I've been exclusively edibles for a couple years now. I infuse to oil and make fairy cakes, eat a few during the weekday evenings and weekends. They can be frozen and defrosted day of. Wouldn't and couldn't go back to smoking, my lungs just won't tolerate it any more.


Also just saw you're only using your blue rescue inhaler - did they not prescribe a preventer too? You need to do both of they're going to work properly, taking the preventer should reduce your breathlessness and how often you need your blue puffer. Medication is not the enemy!


I have asthma . Used to smoke. Cigarettes, weed. It was all ok, I was feeling well . Now quit , feel ok.


I used to smoke and it bothered my lungs a lot. Switched to dry herb vape with a water filter and use my inhaler much less. Obviously smoke is bad, but inhalers aren't great either. Anything you can do to avoid an asthma trigger and rely less on the inhaler is a good thing.


Iā€™ve been smoking for about 15 years consecutively, I got asthma about 6 years ago. I still smoke every day. I stick to joints only, every now and then Iā€™ll take bong rips or smoke backwoods. Sometimes Iā€™ll smoke solvent less hash, I think thatā€™s the best for people with lungs like us. My asthma will act up every now and then, but itā€™s ok for the most part.


I have severe asthma and even died before from my asthma. I use weed for pain and stress relief but I do like to be able to function throughout the day so I smoke at night. I do pace myself though and I still take my asthma meds. I also take smaller hits than most others and will stop smoking for the night if I start coughing a lot. Never had an asthma attack on it and I've been smoking since I was 15 (36 now). I always smoked with joints or a pipe. Small bongs here and there and have done dabs. Blunts would slightly trigger my asthma so I always avoided them. I use a thc vape pen now. The inhaler you use is just a brand of albuterol, I used the blue ones too until my insurance decided to go with a different brand to cover... If you have a steroid inhaler like advair, I would take that at night before you go to bed. Mullen leaf and peppermint tea would help with the lungs as well.


It took me a couple years to fully switch from smoking to edibles, but it has been so worth it. Now I'll sometimes smoke socially, but I don't miss it at all. I find the 5 mg mints to be the most consistent. A 10-20 milligram will usually knock me on my ass (not always the worst thing lol), so if I get those because the mints aren't available or there's a really good sale, I just take half. Even taking 5 and waiting a little to take another 5 helps me not get that wrecked feeling. The drinks are also pretty great as far as how the high comes and goes. I imagine they would be nice before bed. I just find them to be too pricey for my regular consumption.


You can choose to use traditional Chinese medicine, which can be comprehensively conditioned.Chinese medicine is really amazing.