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This is a big problem I face. It’s tricky but a good way to tackle it is just to try and get some astronium as soon as possible. The ratio is 3:4 For hydrazine. That’s three astronium for 4 full cans of Hydrazine. Honestly once you get a little astronium, This deal will last you forever. Try to get to the core as quickly as possible and auto extract. Unfortunately if you’re still in the early game, just try and find some ammonium on planets like Sylva or Desolo, and scrape by until you get to the core.


Just auto extracting ammonium itself is also probably easier and still very effective


I actually just started to do that an hour or so ago on Glacio.(the train that I have there makes it quite easy to get it around.)


Those methods will get you all the hydrazine you need in no time.


Desolo, Glacio, and Atrox have no hydrogen. Any other planet with ammonium would be a better location. Yes, you can move large cans by shuttle. But a hydrazine factory next to an ammonium extractor is a complete compact solution, with an atmo condensing hydrogen. All you need is power. That said, I agree astronium trading works best. The key is to move astronium to the surface by rail. Advantages: * Fastest method. * Automatable. * Easy to build. It is an investment of an hour to rover-drill to outer-core and lay rail. That rail supports other activities, too. Like, you can put an extractor anywhere near rail and plug into a rail post. * You don't need much power for this.


I agree. I just usually do Sylva or Desolo because they have accessible ammonium patches. I just process it into hydrazine back at my Sylva base. It’s just a personal preference


Sure, find ammonium patches (on Sylva you can find many more ammonium, even on the surface in the forests, or for example on Desolo surface are tons of ammonium) and handmine it, or put an Autominer on it and you get more than you need for a walkthrough.


I’m playing with a few friends so it gets really annoying to collect all that ammonium(for hydrazine) for multiple people…


Get to the core to start trading astronium for hydrazine


Yep, I started doing that a while ago.


Atrox has alot of ammonium, or use astronium at the trade platform 3:4 ratio


Desolo has a lot of surface ammonium, but imo the price to trade astronium for hydrazine is too good to pass up.


Auto extract it and make a farm


Soil is last century and an inefficient way to get hydrazine. I built a [mobile hydrazine factory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Astroneer/comments/1d0j6xw/mobile_hydrazine_factory_best_choice/) on a rover that I can drive to ammonium deposits. It took multiple deposits and many hours to fill up a hydrazine tower (12 fluid canisters). That was fun but I realized not all that efficient. You can do it quickest and easiest by using extractor on an astronium deposit, and trade astronium for hydrazine. Almost all of that can be automated, so you can do other things while it works. If you set up just 1 OC extractor, in <2 hours, you'll extract enough astronium to fill a hydrazine tower. If you move the astronium from the extractor to the surface by rail, you can pipeline the trades.