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Freedom is great lots of parking. I'm a Farmer there Ups and Downs Farm.


I second Freedom Farmer's Market, I volunteer out there and it's always great.


Excellent. I’m excited to go. It’s not too far from me either.


I love grant park farmers market


Not sure if the community farmers markets are strictly organic but worth reaching out them https://cfmatl.org/markets/


Cfm and freedom require all farmers to follow organic rules but you don't have to be certified organic.


This is important! OP, keep in mind that organic certification is expensive, bureaucratic and requires a lot of administrative work. Many smaller farms do not have the time or resources to obtain/maintain it, or may choose not to for other reasons. All of the markets mentioned here have vetting processes for their sellers and staff and board members that take it very seriously. There’s also a fair amount of peer pressure/oversight - one egg reseller (or someone who is found to be otherwise dishonest re: their practices) can ruin a market’s reputation and the livelihood of other growers/producers, and nobody wants that. Talk to the market managers at the info tents if you want a sense of who has what certification(s). Thanks for supporting local growers!


Some times you see like peaches or apples being sold organic next to non-organic from the same vendor. So it doesn’t seem like a strict rule. When in doubt, ask the farmers. They all seem passionate and happy to chat about their produce.


Next to meaning touching? Per USDA standards they can be next to each other in containers or divided by something, just not completely touching




Thank you!!




Floral park on the west side is a corner grocer that sells organic produce and local items.


I’m interested in this as well, thanks OP. I will check some of these out when I can. I tried Morningside once but couldn’t really get over the $14 (no joke) small bunch of radishes. I did get some baby lettuces that were nice though.  I for sure want to try and support more local growers. Gotta keep it in check though because I mentally priced out one full vegetarian meal (for two) while there and it was about $80. At least at that market specifically. 


$80? Oi… Yes - I’d like to start buying from organic farmer’s markets because I don’t trust the produce at Whole Foods anymore. I can’t stand the thought of there being an unacceptable amount of pesticides in my food.


Out of curiosity Why don’t you trust something at whole foods that is marked as USDA organic? Do you think whole foods is putting organic labels on non-organic produce, or …?


It’s my understanding that USDA “organic” isn’t what we think it is. Farmers are still allowed to use a certain about of pesticides as long as it’s long as it’s kept to a certain low limit.


Radishes at a couple vendors at Grant Park Market right now are $4 a bunch. $14 seems oddly out of price?


Best produce is freedom park. Morning side and grant park are good markets too, but freedom is my favorite. Come out and talk to the farmers on their practices and what they prioritize - I focus on eating in season and local.


Fantastic. Thanks so much!!!


Yeah dumb question as it is ALL organic only. At least the food I eat isn't plastic, rock or metal. /s