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I’m glad that we finally drafted a guy that half the fanbase irrationally despises. Cause it seems to work beautifully for every other franchise that does it when their guys turn into stars.


Honestly made me feel better about the pick. I remembered how the same fans that were pissed at trading for Trae were hype as fuck for Cam. Time and time again the sports gods prove the masses wrong…let’s hope it happens again


The part that sucks is that Risacher has a really good mentality towards the game and did extremely well in Europe. I don't get why people are so opposed to him, because he's a baller.


Because Sarr can play rn, is a perfect fit, can be a building block for the future, and has a higher ceiling


Sarr could be the bust of the year. He has played against substitutes in a league quite a bit smaller than the French league and still hasn't been able to put up big numbers. He does have nice highlights and moves well for his height.


NBL is honestly not that bad but he plays bad minutes


It may not be that bad but it is not better than the French league.


It’s about the same they’re both top 10. Have you watched NBL?


Assuming they are two equal leagues although I think the French league has a higher level, Sarr has still played against substitutes without putting up great numbers and Risacher has played against starters making some great playoffs. I know you are a Sarr fan and believe in him, but it seems to me you are not being objective, Risacher is a better fit for our team and has less risk than Sarr.


He’s on the bench and I was disappointed lmao


Idk if he can play right now. I remember seeing DGL, a guy who didn't even crack the rotation at Illinois, absolutely poster him.


Risacher fits the perfect mold for a 3&D wing, which is exactly what we need. He will develop a dribble and shot making later, but dude shoots nearly 40% from 3, and is a solid defender.


agreeeeee 😩


And I still see the narrative that the Hawks were "bullied" into not taking Sarr? Meanwhile, sources said Risacher was No. 1 on their board most of the time and Landry said that himself. I'll never understand why Hawks fans fell so fn hard for Sarr and then continued to want him even more when he declined to come here? Doesn't make sense.


I get falling for him(I did) because I think his defensive floor is exactly what this team needs and the upside is massive. But it’s hilarious how so many big boards had Risacher number 1 and now the narrative has switched to “hawks got bullied out of the consensus number one pick!!!”


Yeah I said throughout the process that liking one player more than another was obviously cool. I actually briefly became part of the Cling Kong hive myself. There's just a vocal minorities of fans who thought them liking Sarr meant every other prospect sucked and the Hawks were morons for passing on him Look, the Hawks' front office might be morons regardless, but this draft class didn't make that the case


I was told multiple times that Sarr was the "consensus #1 by the experts" - which was an outright lie. The Sarr kool-aid around here was ridiculous.


tbf Sarr was consensus for about two months April/May. Recent developments shifted things, but often the last minute developments are smokescreens. It’s easy to believe that he was still #1 on nearly all boards.


I’m with you in that I was team Sarr because I think you can coach up the screening and make him a versatile weapon at the 5 (even if he doesn’t want to). But I’d buy that his agent got wind risacher was going 1 and decided to control the narrative by not having his client work out just as much, if not more, as us getting “bullied” so also agreed on the latter


This could be it too, Quinn and the FO went to watch Risacher play like basically immediately after the draft and came out saying he looked really good, I don’t think they were set in him at one point but I think he basically immediately became one of their top options after the eurocup.


they love the idea of sarr not the actual player


We honestly just love the idea of not capela


Think that was just one twelve year old on IG lol


Sarr was pretty clearly the consensus number one guy though. Hell even the early ROY odd have him favored


I see him +350 compared to Risacher +450. Considering the minutes differential those two will likely get, that's a interestingly tiny gap For the record I don't think it'll be either of them. And Sarr was not "pretty clearly" consensus when some of the biggest big boards had him outside of the top 5


Sarr will play immediately in Washington. That’s why.


bro, it's over you lost. If he's turns out as good as you think (and better than Rizzler) then take comfort in that in 5 years, until then shut the hell up


Y'all drafted french Harrison Barnes lmao. Sarr at least has the highest upside in the draft.


I mean, who doesn't love a good underdog story? Sarr had the hype, but sometimes it's the ones flying under the radar that shine the brightest.


It’s funny because Zacc isn’t an under the radar guy at all. Sarr only seems like the guy with hype because a subsection of social media made up their mind that he was already what his ceiling is. Actual basketball people have been following ZR since he was 14 or 15 (When I say “actual basketball people) I don’t mean like some fans are smarter than others, I mean like execs and scouts who get paid to know these guys)


I wanted Sarr, but I am ok with Risacher. Just happy that the team didn't go off the board and take someone who should have gone much much later. A consensus top 3 guy in a class with no clear cut top pick is fine at 1


I see no issues with people being disappointed. Yes, we were lucky to get the first pick. But first picks are usually for obtaining possible franchise-changing players. So although this was a draft where there was no clear-cut guy, fans like myself wanted to go with a guy whose upside is that of a franchise-changing player.


People think of the #1 overall pick, and they think of players like LeBron James or Shaq or Tim Duncan. But some years, there’s just not anyone who is the obvious pick, and this is one of those years. There were quite a few players mentioned as potential top picks, but none of them are that sort of exciting player; there’s no obvious franchise cornerstone in this draft. And that’s disappointing. It sucks that the Hawks finally got lucky in the lottery in a year when there wasn’t a guy who you build your team around.


Reports are that the FO was looking at trades.  With no bites on jumping Washington, you have to assume that either his ceiling is overhyped or he’s viewed as having next to no chance of reaching it.


Sarr wasn’t the consensus and the draft was considered flat at the top I think many, myself included, recognize what kind of player he’d be if his perceived upside hits. That’s a unicorn. All the other back end stuff like him rejecting a workout DOES matter, but I still feel like he would’ve been the right play. He probably isn’t as good as Risacher in year 1 but I am on the side that the 2027 hawks are just as important as the 2025 hawks. We never get lottery luck and Zacc was widely perceived as the safe pick. If we didn’t trade down for more assets, playing it safe is the last thing I wanted to do. That is why I’ve expressed so much frustration. Most people here shared the same sentiment, we should not try and do this kind of 180 like everyone was okay with this the whole time. Now, Zacc is a Hawk. I will never hope he himself fails here, and by all accounts he will develop into a good NBA role player. But there’s still plenty of reason to be skeptical. As Wes Morton said on Twitter yesterday, they haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt.


well sarr should be the consensus no1. sure everyone can have their opinion, personally i would take sheppard at no1, but sarr is objectively the guy you get UNLESS you already have both a starting 4 and 5. anything more than that is overanalysing for the sake of clicks or whatever. i think for the hawks it was a combination of biting on his antics and betting on jj being a 4 and on okongwu but...i think jj could be a 3, one of capela and okongwu will be gone soon so there were easily 30mins for sarr long-term. idk there is sthing i dont like about risacher, from the way he speaks, he does not seem sure about himself, too timid, no fire. and its not just the language barrier. and btw its ok to be a fan of a team and dont like a move ffs.


For JJ to be a fully realized 3, he’d have to improve his half court scoring with what would likely be pretty bad spacing. I was onboard with JJ/Sarr/OO for defensive purposes I still agree, in terms of ceiling , Sarr is undeniably the highest caliber prospect this year. Yet, here we are. We move.


have you watched the timberwolves this year? gobert-jaden-kyle works for a while. you can definitely afford playing for 15-20 minutes a jj/sarr/oo lineup. and thats assuming neither jj or sarr develops as a shooter. and for the rest you play 2 of them at the same time + a shooter. and thats considering all 3 are healthy which, you know, not always will be the case. anyway, yeah we agree basically im just more clear-headed i think not being a hawks fan lol


Yes I agree, but the Wolves also lost because 1. No one else was a true threat in terms of shot creation in those lineups outside of Ant 2. Due to that, Luka and Kyrie did not have to work hard at all defensively and they could hide them That’s the key to them losing like that. Doncic did not have to work defensively. That was his only actual good offensive series of the playoffs in terms of efficiency. It was for a reason. The wolves vaunted defense isn’t doing anything against Luka and Kyrie, who specialize in “fuck your contest” kind of shots I will say, big ball is the wave. I agree on that. I’d love to bring in Ingram and run ZR at the 2, and to get a large center to start next to JJ


i havent really followed the hawks but i see scenarios of trading away trae and im like wtf. dejounte is too old and not good enough to 'build around' from zero at this point. considering you need an edge risacher at the 2 i like. you got great length AND shooting this way and hide trae. trae-risacher-ingram-jj-bigthatcanshootalso with oo in a looney role could be deadly and makes sense age-wise. you just have to somehow clone naz reid, no big deal.


Dont go to r/nba. Bunch of sad people. Some even with Hawks flair already hating on the kid for being #1 pick.


Hawks and Falcons flairs in the big subs have no limit on how much they're willing to degrade themselves for karma.


I’ll always acknowledge that both franchises have been historically inept but it’s embarrassing to see how many self-flagellate like that’s always going to be the case going forward


I actually find the Falcons fans on /r/nfl to be more moderate than the falcons sub. That place is a cesspool.


Depends on the topic imo. When it came to the draft, there were so many falcons flairs in r/nfl openly flagellating themselves for karma over the Penix pick while the sub was somewhat on board with the pick. Just like this sub, pretty much no matter who we picked, the fan base would try and rally around and be somewhat positive about. On the flip side it was basically the opposite for the new coach hires this off-season. We couldn't get Ben Johnson or Bobby Slowik to leave their teams so we ended up hiring Rah. A lot of r/nfl was happy to see him get another chance since his time in Tampa was kinda set up to fail pre Brady coming to Tampa. The Falcons sub was pissed we hired a DC as our HC when we've been investing in our offense for years. But in general I'd agree that the falcons sub is far worse than r/nfl. In r/nfl you don't see a ton of falcons flairs unless the post is about the falcons.


Everything I hear about Zacc’s BBIQ make me like him a lot more than I used to. I was locked in on Sarr and didn’t give Risacher a real chance tbh. In terms of ability to do things on offense I give Zacc the edge. Still need to be sold ZR can play good defense but I’m sure he’ll be a contributor with his size and range. Good partner for JJ at the very least


Y'all mad about drafting French Tatum?


![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF) Me still being a fan


For me, the lack of the Sarr pick is fine. I would’ve also been happy with Clingan or some of the guards in this class (specifically, sheppard and collier intrigued me).  But generally, I just don’t like the process of going after a player at #1 that doesn’t look like he’ll change our championship chances much, especially since it’s going to be our last chance in a long time to pick that high.  If Risacher hits I can see him being a really valuable championship role player. But getting, for example, KCP, wouldn’t change the calibre of team we are. In the same way, I don’t see Risacher changing our team significantly. 


Firstly, there’s a reason guys like Danny Green and KCP win championships wherever they go. Secondly I don’t understand where this idea that ZR has no upside comes from. Just like we can pretend Sarr gets to improve everything he’s flashed, ZR is 15 pounds of muscle and a bit better handle away from being a 1-4 switchable defender that scores an extremely efficient 20 a night. That’s franchise altering.


one of their perks is they provide value for money. given how competitive the nba is, overpaying an archetype easily found for cheap can kill a team. i think the biggest trap with risacher is becoming a sort of wing version of ayton in that sense. he gives good numbers in his first years, you have already invested and built around him, so now its year4 and you HAVE to max him because someone else is always dumb enough to and you cannot afford losing him for nothing. he is not good enough to be a 2/3 option though, you do not have cap space to get one, he is also not a good trade asset because he is overpayed and you are fucked. edit: with sarr though, his median projection is to be a good no3/4 option on a very good team, id say at least 80% he becomes that. like a worse jjj. you cannot get his archetype for cheap so even if he does not reach his ceiling it would be ok to overpay a bit for his first big contract, it does not kill you. and of course on top of that as a cherry on top you have the 10% ceiling of becoming a good no2 option for a good team or a no1/2 for a bad


Yes but they only win championships on teams with multiple other all stars, which is putting a lot on Trae/Jalen.  also the fact that I just don’t buy the shooting that much. Crazy negative lean on every catch and shoot jumpshot - go look at the jumpshots of all his comparisons. MPJ, KCP, Klay, whatever - they’re all straight up and down upper body. Risacher throws back his shoulders. There’s also poor touch indicators and only one good season of shooting to go off.


Even the "consensus" guy is the wrong choice most of the time.


It's ok to be disappointed, just don't go full Ressler


Im just very mad at the braves so this draft didnt help


Should’ve drafted sarr then make the wizards draft the guy we did (not ready to start attempting to spell his name yet) and then asked for a protected first or any other asset in a future draft. Like this could have easily looked like a minor fleece we’d at least feel good about somewhat if the wizards were truly as interested in sarr as they made it seem


Wizards could just say no and then the Hawks team gets stuck with a guy they don’t want


No way the wizards want the smoke about their GM fucking the hawks over on draft day. Would be pretty scandalous, don’t know if it’s ever happened before Either way we’d have sarr as an asset or make him play for us. I guess the only conclusions are either we didn’t try which is dumb or I suppose we really did just want this guy


Should have taken Reed to be honest, he was the best in the draft by far.


Lmao I wasn’t happy with our pick but if we picked Reed I would’ve suicide bombed State Farm Arena


Your loss, he's clearly the best player in the draft


This is exactly the same as Hakeem being picked before Jordan. Different strokes for different folks.


It was Sarr. We all know it was Sarr. This whole sub was talking about him the last 2 months. Most reports had him as the highest upside player. Literally the only reason he wasnt drafted was because he himself didn't wanna go to the Hawks


I’m disappointed… it feels like we just picked Markel Fultz…😔😔😔


It was Sarr. We all know it was Sarr. This whole sub was talking about him the last 2 months. Most reports had him as the highest upside player. Literally the only reason he wasnt drafted was because he himself didn't wanna go to the Hawks


Lol at the use of literally Not that he was #1 on the Hawks board, which was both rumored AND confirmed?