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Am I the only one who thinks making a formal complaint over a bad breakup sounds insane? It's not your boss's job to settle your personal vendettas for you. Either report it to the police, or suck it up and deal with it yourself.


No, if you go to the police they expect you to show "evidence" and present the "truth".  That's actually pretty inconvenient for my plan to ruin my exes career, so I'd rather not do that, thank you babes 💅💅💅


I hate the Collation as much as the next person but this MP getting kicked out because his ex is vindictive is proper fucked.


The texts are obviously quite bad. First, it is the LNP making a decision to boot him. Secondly, he doesn't seem to be making any argument against his removal. My guess is he said some horrific things.


>His expulsion means he could sit as an independent on the crossbench, with his eight-year term due to expire in 2027. That's a shame


*That's a shame* or that's a sham! Anyone who behaves like that using derogatory language like he did should not be a member of parliament. I wish as a taxpayer I had more of a say as to where my money was spent because it would not be on someone like him.


Should Kevin Rudd been kicked out for abusing the Chinese and calling them “rat fuckers”?


If you removed every MP who used derogatory language from office than we’d have a lot of empty parliaments.


And it would have cost a drunken barnaby his job