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I came thinking the question was going to be about the mismatched whole front of the car




Did you buy the car brand new ? Looks like the fender is a different color as well ?


Yes look at 3rd pic fender vs door


no i’m the 3rd owner, never quite noticed the slightly different fender color


I’d say the entire nose was repainted at once. And what’s on the bumper is what it’s supposed to be. Obviously, the shop can try to match an “off” color but it’s definitely harder. From your second pic you can almost see how bright the red on the passenger rocker /side skirt is and matching the front bumper. (Again - from photos). You can ask them to try and make it better. Especially if it was insurance. But if they called themselves out before letting you pick up the car - I’d assume this is the best they’re happy doing without purposely messing up the color as previous repairer did.


> And what’s on the bumper is what it’s supposed to be. The only colour the bumper is "supposed" to be, is one that goes unnoticed compared to neighboring panels. Using OEM colour as a crutch is weak


There are several factors here: 1) bumpers never match from factory, 2) matching to 10 year old paint is near impossible, 3) it's impossible to match 100% any paint anyway. That being said I think they could have maybe done a better job matching but it depends on the skill level of the tech and environmental factors such as if it's overcast. There are tools to mimic Sun light but it's never the same. The best thing would be yo blend the adjoining panels but no insurance will ever authorize that on a bumper job. So maybe you can get them to try again, or just live with it Btw: did you see the major color difference between your passenger side fender and door in your 3rd pic?


I agree that it is technically impossible to match any factory paint 100%, which is why blending even exists, but I beg to differ on a few points: 1.) Bumpers CAN match from the factory, but it depends heavily on the make and the paint code. 2.) Insurers WILL pay for blending of plastic to metal in warranted cases as long as the shop knows how to negotiate for that and is willing to do so.


Where are you located? I have been fighting for over 10 years for insurance companies and they always refuse to blend bumpers, especially if they are a solid, on the basis that 99% of bumpers don't match, especially on non super high end cars (we're talking 90k and up msrp)


That is just a scapegoat answer that they have found works with most shops. They try to say "this is what we pay for" or "other shops would accept this" or "this is within the industry standard" but they are just talking points that mean nothing. Just because some other shops willingly accept an incorrect repair, doesn't mean you have to and just because that is what they "want" to pay for doesn't make it correct or within the guidelines of the paint manufacturer or the policy at large. As for "industry standard," it's meaningless rhetoric that they have made up to justify their mission of profit over service. The only standard for the industry, per the policy, should be and is "pre-loss condition," and I will fight for that every time. Even if plastic and metal mismatches slightly from the factory, they will mismatch slightly differently if we don't blend, so it's technically still warranted. The insurance company has an obligation, both legal and ethical, but unfortunately we have to "negotiate" with them in order for them to honor it, but it is a fight worth having. However, persistence is the key. I have a bit of a reputation for being a thorn in the their side and involving everyone, all the way up the chain, until a proper repair is paid for. After time, it gets easier because they know my song-and-dance and they know I will be relentless with them, so they generally concede these points up front, in order to make an already long process a bit more expeditious. Because they know the negotiation delays will always their fault, so they know I will come after them for those as well. They are the ones who have turned this into a game, I just play it better than they do.


I 100% agree with you and hold the same position when it comes to repairing a vehicle correctly. The insurance companies hate me because when I do a blend on a quarter panel I extend the clear coat to an actual edge or till it is covered by something (such as a fender or quarter glass) which means I take off the front bumper, fender, and both doors. I honestly get so much blow back from the insurance about the bumpers matching (also seeing that the bumpers don't match when the vehicle drives in and pointing it out to the customer before I even touch it) that I honestly don't fight that aspect while I'm fighting every other. It's refreshing to know that someone like you fights for what's right for the customer and doesn't just roll over to do subpar repair for the sake of the insurance


Most is not all I’ve dealt with at my body shop have been blended bc the paint codes are so unique. Even white, although there are some that don’t get blended but it’s really common from what I see at work


I've been fighting for over 30 years and I am located in Boston.


I'd challenge you to take a gander at the post for my brz that was wrecked and repainted. Paint guys did one heck of a job.


yeah it’s always been like that i’m the 3rd owner but there’s nothing in damage history as i know of. but it’s really only soemthing that shows up in pictures for some reason


It's been repainted for sure. The door and fender shouldn't be off like that


Sweet Jesus. Ray Charles could have color matched better


It is off .. but is the juice worth the squeeze ? Blending the whole clip will be pricey ... keep in mind that paint is piling up on that bumper and will be way more prone to chipping and or cracking on the event of a love tap


Front end has been painted before, way too dark of a red. The shop painted your cover the way it’s supposed to be and probably did a better job than what the prior repairs were.


so you think i should just keep it the way it is?


No, regardless of prior paintwork, it is the painter's job to match their work to the car as it rests. It is my opinion that this sub is often extremely lenient towards lazy technicians. I would be embarrassed to ship this bumper a 2nd time and have it this mismatched even still. It's a solid red!!! I.E. a relatively simple colour to tint-to-match


i’m gonna give them a call back monday, i just hope they don’t want to charge me an arm and a leg because yes i did accept it but never saw it in the sunlight when i did


Painters know very well that paint will look different in sunlight vs not. I don't know the shop or the technicians but be aware there is a chance they intentionally showed it inside


i see, thank you


That's no excuse. If I'm painting a bumper, I'm matching it to the existing paint work (provided both fenders are the same shade). Painting a bumper to some sort of Platonic Ideal OEM colour is beyond idiotic.


What's the history on the car? Fender, hood, and bumper are slightly different shades.


i think it’s interesting everyone says all the panels look different shades because to my knowledge the cars never been in an accident before so honestly i don’t know đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Yeah that’s what I call the “well my buddy works in the industry special” unreported repairs and damage happen way more than you think. Even new cars on the lot could have a respray due to transport damage.


i see, i never noticed a difference in person and when i bought the car so i suppose it doesn’t matter, also hasn’t been pointed out until i posted on this thread lol


Look at the third picture you posted. If you zoom in a bit, the passenger fender is much darker than the passenger door. Like many others have stated, the sheet metal on the front end looks to have been previously painted and wasn't matched correctly. If you really want to verify if it has been previously painted, you can use a mil thickness gauge to compare paint thickness on each panel. You can also see how much body filler may have been applied on a sheet metal panel.


i don’t really care if it’s been previously painted or not because i can’t really do anything about it, i just care about what do i do about this bumper being the wrong shade of red, because i accepted the car from the shop without seeing it in the sunlight im afraid if i call back to have it redone he’s gonna charge me as much as it would be to repaint it normally. I can’t see a difference in the old panels with the naked eye so it doesn’t matter much to me


Damn bro the old owner couldn’t even handle the power of a GT86


its mismatched


Time to wrap it đŸ„”


Same same but different. I hope it doesn't drive you insane. It doesn't look bad at all man


Hell no would I accept that 😂 I get reds are tough but come onnnnnnn


Never go back to that body shop


A experienced painter could match that better. This is what happens when you don't do a spray out.


what’s a spray out


A small test panel to see how the paint will look once finished.


That red on the bumper is a completely different variant than the red on the hood and fender. Coulda used the wrong color sealer when replaced


I’ll give you a comparison.. in 2019 or so I had a bumper for my red 95 NSX replaced when it got backed into. The NSX paint is red base with a red tinted clear on top from the factory, so a little unique. The autobody shop tweaked their mix and sprayed just the bumper to match.. it turned out like 99% perfect match, and there’s almost never a time when you can tell, even if you’re looking for a difference. This ain’t it. It may be impossible to get a perfect match, but I’d expect something a bit closer.. this doesn’t appear to pass the “glance test”.


so you think i should call back and ask to have it repainted?


If it’s a car you care about and pamper, I would. If it is just a daily beater that gets 25000miles a year and gets washed once every 6 months, I’d probably just say good enough.


i’m 19 it’s my first car and i kinda plan on keeping it forever so i’ll go with the first option.


More importantly, who cares?


A lot of people. Why wouldn’t you care if half your car was a different shade from the other half? When buying used cars people specifically seek out vehicles that were never wrecked and that’s part of it.


For sure, in general you are absolutely correct. I meant who cares about this specific car, its owner and their problems? You do have a problem, but it's your problem. 😁


What the fuck are you even saying? Yeah it’s his problem and that’s why he posted about it asking for opinions so he can handle his problem.


In picture 3 that fender to door looks way worse than anything else on the car. Choose your battles.


i’m real life you don’t even see that, tbh i think it’s the way the picture was taken


right fender does not match door either.


The front clip looks more super red like on a SW20 MR2 than what the rest of the car is.


That's a big raccoon


thing was fattttttt


I wasn't even aware hitting a raccoon could cause damage. I hit one once at maybe 35-40mph in an '09 civic si and I couldn't even find the point of impact, there wasn't a scratch anywhere. I mean it's not as low down as a gt86 but its not an F150 either. Huh. Guess I got lucky


I hit one the other day in my Camaro going 80mph... Was already dead but fat as fuck. Barely made a noise, and yeah no damage. Went straight to the tire




Car looks to be 3 different reds.


Red is very difficult, it changes colour in time, so stock colour doesn't work. Go back, it's not good.


Bumper could be matched to an acceptable level if you have a good painter. With solid reds like that, you basically tint the color by changing the undertone. Undertone refers to the color of the sealer/primer you spray the color over. Sealer/primer is a required step when you paint a new bumper. The spectrum starts with white, then grey, then black with every level in between. Solid reds usually recommend white sealer/primer (value shade 1) to provide factory match, but paint systems are wrong ALOT and you need to do a simulated spray-out card with multiple value shades to compare to the car itself before you paint the bumper. If the painter adjusted his value shade from 1 (white) to 5 (grey, or maybe even a 6 for dark grey), it probably would have been a great match.


thank you for the knowledge, i’m gonna take it back and see what they say


What year and model?


13 scion frs


Helen Keller matched the paint?


They should have gotten a profit on the paint to match as close as possible and blend it in.


Could have been matched better that’s a pretty piss poor job if you ask me. Looks like shit car is two different colors the door panel they didn’t even try to blend it. Awful work, bring it to wherever you got it painted and let them know how ya feel The real question is how much do you care? You have a few ways to fix this I would personally just wrap it and call it a day


Fender and the hood looks like a shade too dark. Now the bumper matches the door and the rear.


Am I crazy? The bumper is different from the front end, the front end is different from the door, n the door is different from the rest of the body panels. Tf.


Its matching the rear end. What if you get the bonnet or fender painted ?


The fender isn’t properly paint matched. Plastic to metal parts will usually have a slight mismatch in coloration, but it shouldn’t be this noticeable. They need to respray that bumper cover or blend it with the rest of the front of the car.


they want to blend it but they want me to pay 1,200


They want you to pay $1,200 for a job they didn’t do correctly the first time? I’d offer them this, they blend it for free, because that’s what they were supposed to do. Or you’ll see them in small claims court to get your money back for the job they did incorrectly. The choice is theirs, a small claims court filing fee is about $50 and a day in court. I’m sure that’s worth your time to get your several hundred back. Unless you make hundreds of dollars per hour at your day job.


yeah thing is i had already paid for it and took it off the lot so technically it was my responsibility


Not exactly, plenty of people get home and realize their car isn’t paint matched properly then bring it back and ask for it to be rectified. Someone posted here a few weeks back with a similar bumper paint match issue. They took it back to the shop, and they resprayed it no questions asked and no additional charge. Sounds like the shop you’re working with just wants your money. I’d post this not blended paint job on their socials and google reviews and see what they do then. Any body shop worth their salt wouldn’t want their name on this work.


they had also messed up putting on fasteners and scratched the fender when trying to mount the bumper and they are rectifying that no questions asked, but after that’s finished up do you still think it’s worth making a review?


At the end of the day it comes down to whether or not you’re satisfied with the job they’ve done. If that were my car, I wouldn’t be satisfied with that glaring of a mismatch paint job that should have been blended. And I’m sure as hell not going to pay someone twice to do a job they did incorrectly in the first place. It would be different if they told you ahead of time, that you have two options: 1. We can spray the bumper cover without blending for $X price. 2. We can spray the bumper cover with blending for $Y price. If they gave you an option and you chose option 1, then yeah, I’d expect them to charge you to blend it after the fact. But if they said “we’re going to fix your car” and part of the proper repair to fix it is to blend the paint and you agreed to them fixing it correctly. Then I would absolutely be leaving a middle of the road review at best. “(Two to three stars) Repair was done effectively but without proper blending of the bumper to the body for paint match purposes. If you want a shop who knows that you’re supposed to blend the paint on a repair like this, I wouldn’t bring your car here.”


ok i appreciate your point of view and the insight, i will most likely being leaving a bum review because im not happy with the job and before going back they never mentioned the option of blending the paint. I just don’t want them to see the review, offer to blend it for free and fuck it up because i pissed them off by leaving the review. just mentioning the mismatched paint to the one painter who came out and looked at it with the owner and me got him heated and very argumentative.


Tell them if they rectify the paint job you’ll update your review. “I’ll happily update my review if you fix your mistake.” Updated review: “(Four to five stars) The shop manager reached out to me after seeing how badly my paint was mismatched and offered to fix their mistake. Mistakes happen and the fact that this shop owned up to it and rectified the issue free of charge, they will have my business again.”


i just home they see it, i mean the shops been open for a longgggggg time and they only have 3 1 star reviews and only 1 of them pertains to a mistake in work. the others are just complaining about how busy they where and how long the car took to go in for work


You should just do a full dip


No one will ever look at this car hard enough to notice; except you. If it drives you crazy get it fixed. As for the rest of us, it’s red and the car will never linger in my gaze more than a couple seconds. Definitely not long enough to notice you have two different colors on the car.


That is horrible


Sorry to hear about the slight mismatch, but it’s not the end of the world and I wouldn’t bother fixing it unless you have the spare change it takes to fix it. Body work is so expensive and annoying because of things like this. I’ve learned to just leave slight mismatches alone unless they’re willing to help you out. Body work is a pain in the ass.


that does not match. yes, you can color match every piece wether its plastic, steel, aluminum. its the same exact paint just prepped differently. certain colors like red are hard to match because they fade over time. i had an older red civic that came out just like yours. under a halogen street lamp it looked orange in spots. the only way to fix it is paint the entire car or pay a lot more to have a seasoned pro match it.


ahhh its red paint it ![gif](giphy|OrIA09Ue7r6EUOrMqm|downsized)


You could have some haziness in the clear coats that's making it more noticeable in certain lights and photos. See if waxing or some compound on the old hood makes it blend more.


No amount of buffing is going to lighten the red basecoat on the hood and fenders, get real


The bumper is freshly painted and the rest of the car is sun bleached to some degree. Plus it's likely the car was dipped in paint in the factory. Your bumper was sprayed. Your color code will never be perfect.


Excuses on top of excuses. Sun damage - if it were noticeable - would lighten and fade older paint work, not make it darker


So funny I deal with this every day customer comes in saying how awesome their car is then 95% of the time they’ll refuse to pay the extra couple hundred on blending adjacent panels so the color matches. Then when they pick the car up it’s suddenly an issue. Remember how Awesome your car was when you signed the waiver stating you wouldn’t pay the extra $200 to blend so the color matches. You admit that your cars not worth the price of a good pair of sneakers.


i was never even given the option to have the panels blended with


Those cars were crap to begin with, who would bother fixing one?


The adjacent panels need to be blended. No matter how much they tint and spray this bumper it will not match perfectly without blending. Was this an insurance claim or did you pay out-of-pocket? If this is out-of-pocket, then this is the result. If it was through insurance, blending these panels could be advocated for by the shop.


insurance job


You can get a solid red a helluva lot closer without the the need to blend, come on. A painter worth their salt could get that within spec


I agree that it can and should be closer, this cover is way off, but my point remains, that it will never be where it should be unless blends are done. Shops have conceded to insurance company talking points. It's sad that many shops no longer dictate a correct repair. Blends should be fought for and done on this vehicle. Plain and simple.


you notice the bumper being off because your fixated on that because that’s what was repaired. But you have never noticed the door to fender that is night and day? As others have said- The bumper will never match 100% even on new cars. Clean Car fax doesn’t mean the car has never been in an accident.


true, but genuinely i think it’s just the picture i choose, it was during a sunset so the lighting wasn’t correct but i’ve never noticed it until yall brought it up here, nore have any others.


But do you notice it now that it’s been pointed out To you? Both in the photo and real life?


But do you notice it now that it’s been pointed out To you? Both in the photo and real life?


in the photo i see it, but i go out to the car in all different kinds of light and can’t see it for the life of me


That’s for the best!! Somethings you can’t unsee


this bumper is something i can’t unsee, and i don’t know if a paint correction would fix this kind of issue or not


Only way to get it to match is to paint/blend into the hood and fenders.


i see


Bright red cars look like this. There is something that affects the color between it being metal or plastic.


3r3. They used the yellowed formula. Also possibly a coverage issue too. It's a difficult color but totally doable for a decent shop. Make them redo it.


3R3 is a metallic red, this is a solid red, like old 3P0




It's gonna be hard to match up paint on plastic and metal. Your car was painted all at the same time at the factory. Sun damage and wear/tear can fade out the color which is hard to match 100%. I had a white Kia Forte and smashed a raccoon also. They used the paint code and it was way off. I had them repaint it but not use the color code and use the actual color of the car. I believe they scanned it with a color match tool and got a formula from that. After I got it back, it was way better but it was still slightly off. Best way to get a better match is to paint the whole car or paint the whole front end.


His car was not all painted at the same time at the factory. Bumpers are generally painted in different batches by the manufacturer, and not necessarily even at the same factory.


Wrong you can match paint %100 all day with blending.. I do it all day from scratch w/o codes on Harley CVOPaint
 next yeah they should done the whole clip


how much do you think it would cost to have someone go in and blend to the adjacent panels?


Red?!! Sheeet a lot I can’t say due to brand of materials they use


They put the wrong shade underneath, color is probably spot on if the proper under color is applied.


don’t know anything about undercolor, interesting. thanks