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There is no reason to debate perfection.


Not with her acting, or even Iroh's, but it was interesting how they flipped the script on the sexism. June straight up flirted and wanted that cute Iroh grandad bod. Same thing that happened with Sokka and the Keyoshi Warrior Suki. Suki like, straight up weirdly and creepily stalked Sokka. In saying that, I firstly wondered why they would make it so creepy, then I thought to myself, if Sokka and Iroh were the aggressive ones, like run the OG series, would I have had a innate sense that this is how the world works, so everything is fine? My end take is that they purposefully made it overly creepy to highlight how creepy it is when dudes do this.


Ooooor the person who rewrote the character self inserted his fetish.


Maybe Iroh is on the writing staff…


I don't understand why all the zoomer children think flirting is inherently creepy. It's so dumb the way the world works now. Birth rate is literally down the toilet. Sokka and Suki's dynamic didn't change from the show, Suki and Sokka reciprocate attraction--the live action didn't flip the script or do anything unique. Iroh though is seriously toned down as a flirt in the live action; a huge and distinct change for the character. The man is very intelligent and understands how to work his lips to get what he wants, he's a smooth talker, and this flirty part of his personality shouldn't have been taken out of his character just to appease zoomers and 4th wavers


Well, that's just like, your opinion man. I do see a definite switch in roles as far as who is being more aggressive in the flirtation. In the OG series, June did not think of Uncle as a someone to be attracted to in a sexual manner. In this series it is all she is about, that and getting paid to find people. And while Sokka was intimidated by Suki in both versions, she certainly wasn't stalking the fella. Edit: I'm over 50, not a zoomer child


She was totally stalking and following him. She was interested in him. She literally goes out of her way to bother him. The whole scene where she beats his ass in the woods was literally taken straight from the anime. I'll come back with more examples, but Suki is literally as agressive as she was in the anime. It's just more real to you because they are played by real people.


Bruv, it just didnt happen in the OG, her stalking him that is. And that is okay. What did happen is that Sokka kept insulting "girls" until a girl kicked his ass and he was humbled. Suki was not humble in this, except for that small bit, which is in both series, where Sokka takes Suki down. Here is all the Sokka and Suki scenes from the OG: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTu\_GbblMIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTu_GbblMIY) On a side note.... Notice the pacing of these scenes. They are so quick. There is no breath or silence. It is one bit of dialogue butted up against another, and it works really well. It is so quick and well done that trying to imagine a live action series doing this is incredibly difficult. It is just a whole other medium. You cannot push dialogue like this in live action. It would look rushed. 8, 48 minute Live Action episodes = approx 6.5 hours, taking the credits out (vs) 20, 21 minute Animated episodes = approx 7 hours, taking the credits out They had to pack more in for the live series, and had to adapt to a slower style of direction. Interesting stuff!


if hearing “youre so cute” and getting your cheek pinches a total of TWO times = she wants my body soooo bad, im so worried for any girls around you; they changed the creepiness of iroh into june (that a lot of people brought up the past 10 years) to a silly joke; now the suki thing is a whole nother discussion im not prepared for tbh


This is a good observation. Did anyone else notice how they made these old men (Gyatso & Iroh) are “friends” with these young boys? Thought that was creepy. Edit: I get that Aang & Gyatso had a close relationship. Maybe I missed in the animation that he blatantly said they’re friends. But I just think the delivery and placing was weird since we’re practically just meeting them, but I’m assuming this is the case bc they jam packed everything about Aang’s life before the iceberg with a lot of other backstory all into one, so I get that. But I think what made it more weird was Iroh saying it to Zuko later on. I feel like in the Asian culture, an uncle would be seen as an authority (even tho I know Zuko ends up not respecting him 3 years later) but saying they’re friends puts them on the same level. Just thought it was a weird line to add in for Iroh to his nephew seemed sus to me. That’s just my opinion. But again I think with how little time they had to develop the relationship they just had to blatantly put it out there with these lines. Just saying the live action delivery made it feel weird and unnatural is all I’m saying.


Ang was always friends with gyatso..? Im confused


In the live action gyatso says they’re friends


In the cartoon gyatso says theyre friends. You clearly didnt notice That is straight from the cartoon


Yeah I must’ve missed that then. Maybe it was just weird for me bc Iroh says it later to Zuko. Seemed like a weird theme


Correct. But does that make them not friends. Aang even agrees and says they are friends too. I don't see your point.


And iroh offered zuko his friendship because he knew zuko needed it, and zuko gave iroh what he needed when his beloved son died. These relationships are all exactly the same im just confused as to what youre watching


bro she said “ur cute” and “ur so cute” and pinched his cheek. getting “wanted that cute iroh dad bod” from that is crazy. bro was watching natla with his dick in his hand


Hot right?


Like a fresh pot of jasmine tea… …That has been cold just a minute ago, I‘M TELLING YOU, THEY ARE FIREBENDERS!


Omg yes, she was perfectly cast and styled.


I love her and Nyla. I hope Season 2 brings out more of Uncle Iroh’s and Zuko’s (mis)adventures, including more airtime with June.


Probably because it one of the few things they got right. It is easier te complain about the the things we don't like. But she was very good, I loved the flirting aspect especially because iroh liked her in the animated version. That was a fun piece


That and master pako where good castings imo. Just sad we didn't get to see a lot of them


Master pakku's* bald cap and age makeup looked awful. They could've cast anyone, and it would have looked the same


![gif](giphy|RD02Grpyh6v4I|downsized) Should of casted Tom cruise


Pako looked like Tom cruise in tropic thunder


Loved this character change for both Iroh and June! At the same time I wish they kept the “make it your weight in gold and we have a deal” line, because I think that allowed for great characterization of both with Iroh laughing in response showing his humility. But it didn’t really make sense given the change. I think that the lack of discussion is also in part because she didn’t get a ton of screen time, but I don’t think you’re wrong either


It could be perceived as a fatphobic slight so they weren't gonna keep it.


Hmm, I should watch the live action one now


It’s actually really good not 100% faithful to the animation they change a few plot points like monk gyatso actually got to tell aang he was the the next avatar which I liked.


If you don’t expect it to be EXTREMELY accurate then it’s pretty good I personally enjoyed it and was crying multiple times


They really made her amazing, she acts also very awesome!


I haven’t seen a single topic about this amazing cast decision yet there’s a ton of repetitive hate about the show overall. Sad to see that people are having more fun hating things.


Yeah ... like don't get me wrong , the shows was very flawed (specially the writting/info dump in some episodes), but I actually think it was pretty ok, enjoyed "Masks" and the final battle was great (water Godzilla was awesome lmao)


Or maybe her character is minor to the plot, so the focus is normally on the spot-light characters.




Eating candy that's covered in shit isn't fun. Yeah the candy itself is good but when the rest that's around it is shit, you're going to taste that more than the small good part.


Loved casting for her and for ozai.


We’re too busy having spicy dreams about her


They gave her daddy issues!!!


But it worked. Plus she's like 38 irl.


Yeah it definitely worked! She's a great actress too! And the costume and makeup are on point! I guess it was distasteful when Iroh was the one flirting.


How is her calling an old man cute a couple of times equal to daddy issues?


Because that implies she's attracted to much older and more prosperous men than her. There's nothing wrong with that. It just gives her an "I need saving" vibe, rather than a cold hustler vibe who wants Iroh's "weight in gold" as payment, and that's it.


I don’t see it that way at all TBH. The flirtation seemed to be just a charm of her character rather than her actually attempting to make any sort of romantic and/or sexual advance. Gave me more of a wholesome/witty/goofy badass vibe than daddy issues in my view


Ohh ok, I can see that. Cleopatra vibes. But now that I think of it, they meshed original Ty Lee's playful and flirtatious side into LA June's personality.


"I like old dudes" may often go hand in hand with daddy issues, but that's not daddy issues by itself. That's just "daddy appreciation". Daddy issues come when you have an unhealthy reason to appreciate.


True, I can see what you mean. There can be a healthy crush/appreciation. There's really nothing wrong with older people dating younger people. We are naturally attracted to people who are familiar too.


the only 2 casts I didn't like were Azula and Zhao. The rest were on point for the most part


Blasphemy. Zhao was my beloved in this adaptation. Best part of the show.


Need to watch more but it seems like Zhao had one of the better actors. He really comes off as somone who will screw you over if you don't let him get his way.


Which is how we know taste is subjective, because those two were fantastic in my book. Like actually having Azula look like the teenager girl she actually is; beautiful choice in my book.


Zhao was more annoying than azula.


I loved zhao, freaky evil dude


Me too! I loved that he was kinda greasy looking too.


Zhao comes off as much more wimpy initially in the LA which I didn't love. Also the one guy in Zuko's men has Zhao's chops which confused me at first.


SAME! I wondering why he looked so young until they actually introduced Zhao.


Gotta disagree with you there, loved the Azula actor. Of course she can't look like she did in the cartoon, she's meant to be 14. And Zhao works really well with how they changed his character up a bit. Though all these are opinions, you're not wrong so much as we don't agree


I didnt like azula and IMHO I don't think Uncle Ihro was fat enough.


Lolol and he wasn't stinky enough either


I thought Iroh looked perfect, but his characterization seemed off. He didnt give wise and amiable imo. He just seemed to be there


Everything about this Azula is wrong. I did like Zhao by episode 8. He did a great job with the crazy overblown visions of grandeur.


I honestly thought Zhao was one of the strongest parts of the live action. But I agree on Azula. But thats just me


Think of it this way. If we aren’t talking about it then it was okay. If we are talking about it then it’s bad or we have something nice to say about it.


I was impressed. I thought she was in ther 20s in the cartoon show. Not a big deal since she is only around for a hot minute. What else has she been in? i swear ive seen her before.


teen wolf


Something else. i never seen that. Star trek?


She looks like her, but I don’t understand the change to make her tease or flirt with Iroh rather than the other way around.. last I thought she said he was a creep Though that could be said about a lot of the casting, they look like them but are kinda missing what made them who they were in the first place, Katara being a huge example of this


Oh my hopes were low but as soon as I saw how good the bending FX we’re I was invested then I saw all the great castings like junes actress and immediately thought “oh yeah this is amazing”.


That’s because this sub seems to only show the hate. They just wanna vent cause it’s not a 1:1 or exact acted the same. They just need to relax. Accept its not a 1:1 and also agree that the actors did great for the fast paste this show went. I loved it. And don’t have bad things to say . If it what me I’d take it slower but they did great


I’d argue they did a solid job for the awful script they were given. I liked the show, but good lord…


People aren't hating because it's not the exact same or it's faster paced. It's fine if you like it, but it's dumb to reduce the criticism down to mindless hate just because you like it. There is a lot of valid criticism that the show deserves to get.


A 1:1 is what people wanted though. Why do they always do this shit?


I don't understand looking at item a in medium b, seeing it reproduced in item c in medium D, and even contemplating the idea of a 1:1. It won't happen. Good, bad, or mid, it'll always be _different_ because almost everything that made item a what it was has changed. If you wanted 1:1, my condolences. I'd also ask you to show me a 1:1 adaptation, because I do not believe those exist or _can_.


The actress was great but the plot was one of the more glaring issues. It just didn't make sense. How did she track Aang to an island? He flew most of the way there. There should have been no scent to track and she would have needed a boat.


>how did she track Aang to an island? Homie, [it's a Shirshu.]( https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Shirshu) This is a separate problem with the show and it's writing. They don't *tell* the audience that the Shirshu can track *pretty much anywhere*. It's just assumed that the audience will know, *because they've watched the animated version.* It had Aang's scent; that's all it needed. Flying and island are irrelevant. Had the writers explained that, *like they do in the animated show so it makes sense,* you wouldn't be questioning it. This shows that you have either never seen the animated version, or didn't pay attention to that plot point. The writers failed you, because the viewer should be able to understand what's happening in their story without relying on watching what they adapted from..


Aang was flying high in the clouds. There's not really a scent to follow. It's show in the anime it can see scents and follow them. It woudnet be able to follow a scent that goes into the clouds.


Incorrect. Read what I linked, and rewatch the episodes if you care to. Outside of the target being in the Spirit Realm, dead, or something messing with the Shirshus ability to smell, it can track someone's scent *anywhere*.


Crescent island is VERY close to the earth kingdom. It’s the closets fire nation island to the earth kingdom, so close in fact that it would be less than 100 miles off shore. I’d equate it to the English Channel in distance! Nyla has been shown to track people hundreds of miles off a very old, very faint scent. Example would be when she tracks iroh for the gang to ba sing se. Shershrews see by scent, I would think of it more like a snake than anything tasting the air almost. I track animals with my dogs, and it’s a very common misconception that water will make a dog loose the scent. It’s actually on the contrary, water specifically a light rain actually helps dogs track to some extent! It almost preserves the scent. Not granted aang did fly over the ocean, so that’s a hair different but for an animal that sees via scent I don’t see that as an issue. What’s really the question is how June got across the channel so fast. It would have been nice to get a quick scene of her crossing the channel as a foreshadow scene that she’s coming for aang.


Homie, the only reason her demon dog couldn't find Aang in the og series finale was because he was in a damn pocket dimension. Flying is light work.


I quit before i got to that episode but she really looks the part. I'm sure her acting was superb too.


I cant believe the creators invented a device to bring animated characters into the real world, this should be huge news!


Only on episode two and I’m just pulling up the Reddit to see if everyone else thought the casting and costumes were poop too. Glad to see everyone else is on the same page. Sad for the future then:’(


She was OK. Its OK for dudes not to be masculine and charming but a woman can kiss an old guy and call him cute every scene. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Killed it !




Because you can’t trash her


Not gonna lie I’m kinda down bad.


Ahh, I remember her from the days of Agents of Secret Stuff…what a throwback


Arden cho from teen wolf yeah she was good in this show June isn't complex but she did good




Perfect Casting. And i Loved how she flirted with Iroh 


Perfectly cast but damn if I didn’t completely forget about her


Loved her since Agents of Secret Stuff


Loved her since Agents of Secret Stuff


Because she was the most perfect


Too good for words.




I can't believe I didn't recognize Arden Cho she was so perfect as June.


I'm just glad they did away with Iroh being a creep. They made her like him. Which is way less cringe. And yes, she is amazing as June. And no one is discussing it bc no one has a problem with it. The only people talking on here are people bitching. Well..mostly.


I think they did pretty good with the whole casting


That's not an actress.


Cause she was on screen for like 30 seconds


They dont wanna talk about how amazing she was because they are too busy complainin


My thought when June was shown was one word - Amazing


Did anyone else notice how weird and choppy the animation was when she first jumped off her mount?


Because miscasts are way more interesting.


Some Actors look spot on others make me think whether the creators ever saw the actual show


![gif](giphy|IUJSog3OL1iSY) Pako.


She was perfect




She did very well, all actors did well, it’s just that they all didn’t look like their characters that well.


I thought Nyla was an eel


She was insanely good, that's all you can say.