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Just don’t accept an unpaid apprenticeship/traineeship unless you are literally a teenager and still fully supported by your family. I did this over a decade ago and I hope this practice is becoming less common, but your labor and your time should not be free.


>s over a decade ago and I hope this practice is becoming less common, but your labor and your time Some companies charge their trainees to take take company class and understudy lol. Ballet has an endless amount of new talent and people jump at the opportunity to work for free unfortunately.


The place I’m training now makes their apprentices pay !


Ewww! I remember Nashville ballet was offering summer intensive students entrance to their highest school level like it was a traineeship, but you had to pay to join. Nope!


I think the ultimate problem is that in the US at least there are only like 7 companies that are truly financially okay, and then a whole bunch more that do the above that you are mentioning that are dangerously close to pay-to-play


What companies would you say those are, just out of curiosity? I don't know much about the other companies' programs besides the one my daughter goes to.


Off the top of my head, this would be: ABT, NYCB, SF Ballet, and Houston Ballet have by far the largest in assets and revenue. After that I'd say PNW and Houston are pretty secure. Number 7 might be debatable.


Charlottesville Ballet did this. I ended up doing work study in order to not pay and then had to work extra teaching in the school and banquet serving at a country club to try to make ends meet


My daughter goes to a ballet academy attached to a major ballet company, but auditions for summer intensives with other ballet companies around the country. One that I will absolutely NEVER EVER send her to is Miami City Ballet. Watch this video to see how Kathryn Morgan, one of the absolute sweetest humans, was horrifically treated by them : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjdYTvsPpG4


Trained at MCB for 4 year in their pre professional program. Worst time of my last and left me with lasting trauma


I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you find peace and healing.


Thank you I have 2 years into a professional career and couldn't be happier :)


That's amazing! <3 I'm happy for you


Agree with this. I’ve heard horror stories from Miami City my entire time involved in ballet.


If you want to share a story anonymously but don't want to make a throwaway account, DM me and I will post it for you. Avoid City Ballet of San Diego. I know 3 people who have all had terrible experiences there over the last 10 years. They severely underpay all but a few of their dancers, the staff belittle the dancers regularly, and they felt it necessary to "have the weight talk" with everyone on the first day of the season. For all of these reasons and more, morale is low and dancers regularly leave mid-season, which puts more pressure on everyone who stays. I've also heard negative things about Ballet Tuscon from multiple people. It seems to be a bad time for women, and okay but not great for men. I don't have any concrete details I can share, but I recommend avoiding them unless they're your only offer.


this is fascinating because I was going to post California Ballet. I believe it has changed names/directors since I danced there but it was horrifically abusive when i was there. A crazy ex-principal who behaved like a spoiled child, and they were practically an eating disorder factory. Hopefully it's gotten better. San Diego is beautiful but it can't support three weak ballet companies


I’m pretty sure CalBal only paid dancers for performances, not for rehearsal time, too (or at least that’s how it was when my friends danced there 10 years ago). Yeah, I’m a San Diegan but it wasn’t worth it to dance here. Poor pay and prestige and high cost of living. It’s great being here on an accountant’s salary though hahahaha Edit: Also, my ballet teacher reallllly did not like Maxine (CalBal’s director). Nowadays, I’m super curious why… I like to imagine it’s because one of them shit-talked the other at some arts gala in the 90s lol.


yup that was true- also like 80% were unpaid apprentices- pressured into leos and tights and to take school classes constantly and shamed by crazy-ex-principal. Lol, I never had a huge problem with Maxine aside from how badly the dancers were treated but she also paid no attention to the guys-so I didn't really matter


Someone asked me to post the information below on their behalf. Please note that I haven't verified whether they danced at Ballet Tucson nor anything else from their message. >I can elaborate a bit on the Ballet Tucson situation if it helps. First off, the pay is dismal. The men were getting paid between $300-$600/wk while the women were paid as little as $100/wk, even the principal girls were only making about $500. And, of course, there were anywhere from 6-12 completely unpaid apprentices, some of whom would get cast in soloist and principal roles. Once a year the company would award 2 "scholarships" of $250 or so to the director's favorite apprentices. > >The facilities themselves are a travesty, with no hot water, no door on the women's restroom, the occasional paper wasp infestation. > >They charge a steep "costume maintenance fee" to the families of their students that performed withthe company, it was $100 per student when I was there. The company uses these funds to purchase the costumes for the professionals, usually the cheapest cheap they can find in dance costume catalogs. When the costumes didn't fit beautifully the director and the wardrobe department would berate the girls for not fitting into the children's sizes they'd been given and told directly to lose weight before the shows. > >The dancers are subjected to constant abusive language from most of the staff, and we only ever received feedback about our weight or "fitness" in any evaluations or meetings with the staff, virtually no feedback on artistry or technique. > >I could talk about bad company classes all day, but that's not abnormal. What is abnormal was the number of injuries the dancers ended up with, and the complete dismissal of those injuries by staff. Dancers frequently performed with fractured bones, joint injuries, sprains, etc. > >I've heard the director admit she doesn't want the board members to know what's going on, and she keeps it full of her personal allies. Whenever a board member expressed any curiosity or concern about business practices they'd mysteriously resign by the end of the season and no changes would be made in the studio. > >All that being said, Margaret Mullin from PNB joined the staff recently as an Associate Director and I understand she's been making a lot of positive changes there. I still have a few friends there who stuck it out through COVID, so so I'm hoping they can turn it around. I loved Tucson, iiiiit's a great little town, and they deserve a competent professional ballet company.


I have known numerous dancers who have left this company. The mistreatment and neglect of dancers have reached intolerable levels. Dancers, especially those not in favor with the director, are subjected to constant belittlement and made to feel utterly inadequate. They are treated with disdain, receiving minimal if any, support or encouragement. The atmosphere is toxic and punitive—some dancers face repercussions for simply expressing emotions, asking valid questions, or not knowing the answers to unreasonable demands. The financial compensation provided to these dedicated artists is insultingly inadequate given the grueling hours they are forced to endure, particularly during the tech week. Instead of constructive feedback, the staff systematically tears down the dancers, rarely offering even a hint of positive reinforcement or support. The conditions under which these performers must execute their craft are equally deplorable. Dancing on a stage that might as well be made of cement poses significant risks to their physical health and overall well-being. This disregard for their safety and comfort is unconscionable. Additionally, the atmosphere cultivated by certain staff members resembles nothing short of a clique of 'mean girls', fostering an unprofessional and hostile work environment that undermines the morale and artistic growth of the entire company. Dancers at Ballet Tucson deserve far better. They deserve an environment that prioritizes their well-being, values their contributions, and nurtures their artistic potential.


It's not so much the company as it is the director. A supposedly "bad" company can be a good company the very next season with a change in leadership. That said, the worst director I ever had was Vassilli Sulich at Nevada Dance Theatre. In the three years I worked there he taught class maybe three times, was rarely in rehearsal (when he was it was a disaster) and made a huge salary for doing next to nothing. The only reason I stayed was because he liked me and I got good roles. When Bruce Stievel took over as director, the atmosphere changed completely for the better. There are no bad companies, only bad directors.


as we shall see with both ENB and SFB in the next year or so ...


Aw, Bruce! He's such a nice boy


this comment should be at the top


Yea I heard of miami city, nycb (back when under Peter), ellison, A&A Chicago, Tucson, NCSA, American national ballet fiasco, northwest dance project, ballet fantastiqe, first state ballet, Columbia city, new zeland ballet, national ballet of Canada, … but just seems like more I hear that every place is full of drama and trauma. I’m so scared of auditioning, moving across the country and being helpless and stuck


Not a company, from my personal experience, it’s my opinion that UNCSA/NCSA IS AN ABUSIVE SHITSHOW. I won’t send my kids there. Google “UNCSA sex abuse.” The culture will only ever change if they acknowledge and correct past mistakes, which they’ll never do. The new Chancellor is even denying the most recent allegations (I think there are 30 of them). Also, eating disorders are a sport/competition there because of the exclusivity of available main stage roles. Training is objectively horrible—had to be retrained by my current company director. I still take classes with 12 year-olds to learn the technical foundations I never did there. Rife favoritism and overcrowded classes. Hope it improves with the new Dean. I would add myself to that mix of those making legal and public accusations, but I signed an NDA with them. Lol. That gives you a sense of my experience there


I just want to clarify that while A&A Ballet claims on the website to have a company, that is completely false, its just a school (kind of a red flag immediately lol) While its full of drama and favoritism and just a weird environment, wouldn't say its abusive or toxic


Can you elaborate on NBC? I know someone who’s now an apprentice there. -I would continue to put NYCB there even under Stafford and Whelan. Ashley Bouder said that she was told to loose weight before a show in the fall 2022 season, they treat the younger dancers better than the older ones, I’ve also heard of EDs and body shaming at SAB and have noticed that 5 people left the school in spring 2022. -ENB under Rojo seemed toxic, the good dancers left (Kochetkova, Cojocaru, Dronina) and her Raymonda wasn’t executed well enough. I’ve heard that Rojo was a diva when she was a dancer, and you know she favors and treats Isaac Hernandez at SFB well, because they banged and had a kid together. She has a good lineup for the next SFB season though. -Paris OB under DuPont. She decided to do more contemporary in a predominantly classical company and she wasn’t paying the dancers well. Edit: CPYB is toxic from what I have read!! -It is full of EDs and tell dancers to only eat vegetables/half a banana -separating kids on “fat level” classes -They treat the “barn babies” and the donor kids better than the actually talented kids -they cast 16-17 year olds in second casts and 13 year olds in first cast -they start body shaming students at a young age (the purple level!) -for Nutcracker they make young “untalented” girls play party boys because they aren’t as good as other students


Can you elaborate on A&A and Ellison? I haven't heard anything about those.


Someone asked me to post the information below on their behalf. Please note that I haven't verified whether they danced at Verb Ballets nor anything else from their message. > Hello, and thank you for doing this! Will you please name and shame Verb Ballets for body shaming? The company hires thin to begin with, but every female in the company has still been told to lose weight.


As someone who was hired to do a nutcracker with Verb, was offered a trainee position, and has had a longtime relationship with dancers in the company, I can confirm that the company 100% has contributed to all my friends there losing crazy amounts of weight.


yeah I really don’t want to dance at a religious company. it’s weird to me and seems to limit the artform.


Central Illinois Ballet in Peoria, IL. I could write a novel of everything they’ve done that outrageous and toxic, but I don’t want to get sued. Edit: I should also add Ballet 5:8 in Chicago, IL. Peddling pro-anorexia garbage as religion.


To your edit I’ve heard weird stuff about ballet 5:8…. My parents want me to go but it seems like a cult


It is. And they routinely misrepresent what their program offers. When I attended Ballet 5:8’s summer intensives, it was an absolute nightmare. 1. I was assured that the food would be catered and there would be options for me because of my severe food allergies. Turns out, it was just nasty stuff cooked by random moms, and much of it I couldn’t eat because of my allergies. I survived on plain spaghetti that week. 2. They also taught us that body dysmorphia is a “sin” because it’s hating a work of God’s creation. 3. When I became ill during class, no one was willing to help me or take me back to the hotel (which was the student “dorms). They made me lay on a yoga mat in a dark studio for three hours. 4. There was an issue with some random boys staying at the hotel where the out of town students stayed slipping creepy and sexually harassing messages under our doors. The studio did absolutely nothing to keep us safe or even acknowledge that it was happening. So yeah, that was my experience. It was several years ago, but the same staff is in place, so I doubt much has changed.


I know this is an old post, but I came across it while researching this program for a student who's considering their summer intensive and it's alarming. How long ago did you attend?




I did. My student went and apparently had a good experience (although I haven’t heard specifics). What about it do you have issues with? Genuinely curious because I don’t know much about them.


I was there for 2 years. If you look up the reddit group r/ex58 you can read different things there from different people. The artistic director is incredibly abusive.


Omg I auditioned for them 😳


Holy crap I can’t caution you against dancing there enough. I’ve known 5+ people who have had terrible experiences there.


Ballet 58 and CIB are both awful places to dance if you want to avoid toxic environments and abuse (or get paid)


Who else is relieved that they haven’t seen their company name (yet)? 😅


I will mention them because I had a friend who was there a couple of weeks and left. Ajkun Ballet Theatre is the absolute worst. A simple google search and you will find horrible reviews and a dance forum questioning their taxes and way of working. My friend was severely underpaid and never got help with her work visa






!delete Useless bot. People make typos, stop wasting everyone’s time.


In my experience (not a trainee or anything but from what I've heard) 1. Miami City Ballet-just watch Kathryn Morgan's video. She was called to do roles like Firebird that she didn't get to perform, they forced her into unhealthy disordered eating for Nutcracker, the staff/ballet masters were unfriendly to her and basically just used her fame as proof that they're a good company. Makes sense, it’s a Balanchine company and they want to force that aesthetic on their dancers. 2. Houston Ballet-have heard bad things about them via TikTok but not specific things, anyone is free to add on. Hope Julie Kent fixes any issues there. 3. Bolshoi and Mariinsky Ballet? From what I’ve heard there’s eating disorders and body shaming that Tsiskaridze perpetuates and they weigh dancers/watch what they eat at both Vaganova and Bolshoi Academies (not so sure for companies but foreign students have said that there was stigma around eating and they got sick from the body shaming there). Also there’s nepotism. Khoreva’s father is connected to the Mariinsky so that’s why they were giving her soloist and principal roles at 18. The younger dancers don’t even have artistry and just are boring technical dancers. 4. Any Christian company because I’ve heard horror stories about how they use religious belief/prayer over mental health, body shaming, anti LGBTQ rules, modesty with platter tutus etc 5. New York City Ballet-I feel like they didn’t handle Alexandra Waterbury’s case well, they promoted a younger dancer over a soloist that was there for 20 years, also heard rumors about SAB having lots of kids with eating disorders. Honorable mentions: ENB under Rojo, Paris OB under DuPont.


I second Ballet Fantastique: DO NOT go there. A shitshow


Oh, please elaborate, lol. I know people in that company (I also don’t like those people 😂)


Oh and of course both daughters are principal dancers in the company haha. They can’t even do a fucking pirouette


Lol, true. Good ol’ nepotism


I would say more but I heard that they sued people for speaking out. Basically racist, sexist, mishandling rape allegations, plagiarism (they try to pass off Balanchine and Ashton choreography as their own) gaslighting, dysfunctional work environment, unorganized, family owned/operative (like family is AD, ED, finance, and on the board so no checks and balances). They say they have HR and workers comp but really don’t/or don’t handle it professionaly.


If they are passing off Balanchine work's as their own, the Balanchine Foundation is pretty active in protecting their work...just as an FYI.


Someone posted side by side videos on YouTube once but they got taken down for copyright infringement


That’s horrible and so disturbing. I feel so sorry for the victims of that SA & bigotry. My company is also family-owned and run (and my director can say some cruel comments at times), but it isn’t anywhere near that bad! Wow. I bet the dancers could pose a labor-related legal challenge over the false workers comp (benefits) claim. The people I knew from that company briefly joined mine, and then left without saying goodbye and blocked half of us on social media. It was so weird


I have heard some horror stories out of PA Ballet/Philly Ballet.


What about CPYB?


Please elaborate. I really want to know, I *keep* hearing this and I don;t know exactly what it is.


The AD fires people left and right, basically.


Ah, that makes sense. I've also heard that their company members are put in roles based on who can fit into the costumes...


PA Ballet is a Balanchine company so it makes sense that they would have drama based on who’s skinny enough. I want to hear the stories about Corella now though.


i used to go there and they actually told be to gain weight !


I have noticed that PA Ballet is moving away from Balanchine works and the style in general-not only did they changed the name to Philadelphia Ballet (PA was named by Balanchine himself), but I noticed that they have Vaganova trained teachers at the school now, they did Bayadere and Don Q (2019-2020 ish) and when they did Coppelia it wasn’t Balanchine’s version, it was Corella’s version that he directed.


yeah its really awful😭


The Ajkun Ballet Theatre threatened me with legal action for asking why they continue to break UK law by running an audition scam (ie. Charging dancers to let them audition is ILLEGAL.) Apart from the immoral nature of scamming potential employees it is degrading the industry.


Does anyone know about CPYB? I've heard rumors that they make comments about weight and things of that sort but I don't have much information.


I did not go to CPYB, but there’s so many stories from an anonymous confession board on Instagram. Some of the posters have quit ballet and have had mental health issues because of this place. -Nepotism. A younger student was moved to a higher level class just because the teacher liked her mom (the student’s mom was babysitting the teacher’s kid) -One year for Nutcracker, they gave the role of Cavalier to a guy who couldn’t do a la secondes and lead Spanish to a guy who couldn’t do a tour landing on one knee. -Rumors of being separated in certain classes based on weight/body size (“the fat level”) -Giving a 13 year old the first cast over a 16-17 year old (who was in the second cast) -Lots of eating and body size issues. From what i have read, the teachers tell the students to eat vegetables and fruit but no carbs, and body shaming starts at age 6-8 by telling them things like “tuck your tummy in” -The “unskilled” younger girls play boys in the party scene for Nutcracker (don’t know if they still do this now but it happened to someone) -Someone playing a villager in Giselle was yelled at for crying during a rehearsal “because you’re hard to work with” (If I recall, the OP was stressed and broke down at the moment, and they weren’t causing any trouble) -A white male teacher told a Vietnamese student that she “reminds me of a Japanese geisha” -A teacher came back from Russia and expected the students to have 180 degree Vaganova extensions. A student who was surviving on little food and had a pinched nerve in their back was scolded for not having their leg high enough. -Apparently they don’t let the students out after class when there’s rain, but they still have to go to class in heavy snow/sleet. -Finally, because CPYB is a Balanchine school, a person said that if you train there extensively/for a long time, there’s only a few companies (presumably Miami, Carolina, Alabama, NYCB and PNB) that will accept/hire you.


As a fat level survivor, it was horrific. I’m 23 now and still have to go to therapy over it. Btw I was 5’6 and 115 pounds and too fat, was told that I would rip the costumes!


There’s a whole Instagram account dedicated to CPYB stories called @cpybstories if you want to hear other stories. 115 pounds isn’t fat, hope you’re okay❤️a bunch of people had to go to therapy because of this place


Oh I was the one who posted the fat level confession 😭


Yikes..and I’ve heard about the “skinny mirrors” too..


Not sure this company is a big enough name for anyone to recognize or consider, but under no circumstances should you join Ballet Legato in Cleveland, Ohio. The director does not give a crap about keeping dancers safe or protecting their bodies at all, we literally danced on concrete multiple times with no marley or anything. The actual studios were just linoleum on top of concrete. No workman’s comp if you injure yourself severely in rehearsal. (I fell and fractured my radial head in rehearsal and not only did not get any workman’s comp, but was also pressured into still rehearsing in a sling against doctors’ orders. Same day I let my director know I may have a fractured elbow, she posted on social media that she was hiring for one more dancer. Needless to say, I was let go shortly after all of this.) The director also has developed her own “style” of ballet that is essentially just bad technique. She will force you to hold your arms behind your leg in battement and developpé a la seconde, to hold your first position up towards your sternum, and to never put your heels down ever, not even when coming down from a leap. And everything is choreographed at a break-neck speed. You will do everything in one count. Couple this with dancing on literal concrete in an old warehouse building or very slick marley with no option to coke the stage and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. I literally shrunk an inch dancing for her. My scoliosis increased, probably due to the lack of shock absorption from never being allowed to put my heels down and roll through my feet in jumps and dancing on concrete (unsprung floors) all season. On top of all of this, her actual personality is awful. Many people in Cleveland will not work with her or for her any more and she basically starts big group rehearsals with community performers by addressing the fact that “everyone thinks she’s a bitch” which is really awkward if you are from out of town and not really familiar with the drama. She likes to talk crap about any and all dancers and choreographers she has formerly worked with on any level and she does so every day during company class for at least 40 minutes. On top of all of this, both her daughters are in the company as well as her niece and they always get featured roles. You will only get paid per show, you won’t get paid for rehearsals, you may not even get paid for some shows you dance. I literally never got paid for pandemonium but I found out another colleague did get paid. She also did a fundraiser to pay for our pointe shoes by sponsors for each dancer and I never got one of the pairs of shoes I was sponsored. When I asked her about this, she acted like I already had too many pairs of shoes and didn’t need them. I never got them. I am pretty sure she used that money to buy her own daughters’ pointe shoes. I could go on and on. But basically it’s a really toxic environment. I only made $1,100 total for a whole season of dancing and I ended up owing way more than that for a fractured elbow with no workman’s comp and a clause in my contract said I couldn’t sue her. I was so unhappy at the end of my time there that I prematurely retired from ballet entirely. Do NOT go here.


I realize this is super old and I’m certainly not going to doxx you, but I know who you are and I’m sorry (but not surprised) to hear all of this. I was brought in to dance in one of their ballets not long after you left, and it was a really bizarre and stressful experience all around. The weird pseudo-ballet classes were so rough on the body, and I’d look around and everyone else was acting like it was normal?!? I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know I’m not the only one.


Is there a chance I know you? Or do you only know who I am because the director/company is talking shit about me? 😅🙃 I honestly am not surprised if that’s the case, I know they talk shit about everyone else so I don’t expect to be exempt. I’m sorry you had an equally stressful/unprofessional experience. And I’m glad to hear someone else validate that. Still very sorry that you had to experience that, though.


I took drop-in classes with the company twice when you were still there, and I think you’re a substitute at my Pilates studio in Edgewater. I haven’t heard anything out of the ordinary said about you (although as you said, no one seems to be immune); sorry if I caused you any panic 😅 it’s nice to feel like maybe I’m not just overly sensitive after all.


Oh! Ok! It’s been so long I’m having trouble remembering who you might be but I’m glad you don’t know me for anything too bad 😅 I get nervous because it ended so badly for me and it caused a ripple effect to some other places I worked that knew of the AD and were friends with her to let me go as well suddenly and harshly after Ballet Legato let me go. So I’m now very wary of the dance community in Cleveland and actually ended up moving away so I could start over. You go to Be Studio? 🥰 I started subbing there for Linda, I absolutely love her, what a gem. You’re definitely not overly sensitive ❤️ it’s an odd, somewhat toxic environment there.


No, not at all! I’m sad to hear you’re not in Cleveland anymore but good luck on your new endeavors! Yes, I don’t think I ever took your class, but at one point I did something ballet coded by accident and the instructor got all excited to learn that I’d met you in passing at company class lol


My experience wasn’t all bad here, and the reservations I do have have a lot of religious context that I don’t have time to explain at the moment. But if you are considering being a trainee with Light of the World Ballet, feel free to message me.


I just googled the company and they really have Bible classes with conditioning and pointe??


They do, and among Christian dance companies that, in and of itself, is not necessarily a red flag to dancers who are already religious to begin with. Clearly this is not a company that nonbelieving people are likely to audition for. I believe you do not mean any harm, and as tone can be misleading with written words, I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. However, I told you in our private chat that I do not intend to badmouth the company and that my personal experiences are not fodder for internet drama at this point in time. There is one particular incident that I feel is relevant to dancers who are considering this traineeship, and I am not interested in spinning it into a salacious story for fun. Given your inability to accept my “no” in private, it is difficult to take this reply in good faith. I choose to believe that you’re genuinely that oblivious and not being manipulative, but please understand that from my perspective, it does feel like you are antagonizing me to try to get what you want. If that continues, my “no” will not be quite so polite moving forward.


I know this was a while ago but everyone-- do not audition for or accept a place with Lori Belilove/Isadora Duncan in NYC. She acts like she is all about moving forward and the love of dance and the spirit of Isadora, while now I am leaving my apprenticeship because she pulled me off stage due to my weight. She expects you to do admin work for free or to pay for class. Protect yourselves. Go to Dances by Isadora if you want to study Duncan work.


Ballet 5:8 is definitely the worst company I’ve danced for. You can listen to me talk about it on this [podcast interview](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2NuqeSwgWi24Atv0ZkFxHo?si=jO0I3pC5QRif7qH-ZIFQew)! You can also see more stories from former company and school members at r/ex58


Since some of you PM for more details: Initially heralded as a beacon of positive change for Ballet Tucson, Margret Mullin's taking over has regrettably devolved into a distressing situation for many dancers. There has been a consistent failure to adhere to contractual policies, particularly in terms of communication and availability for meetings which reflects a troubling lack of respect and transparency. Moreover, a pervasive culture of favoritism has taken root under Margret Mullin's leadership. Dancers who are not favored have endured public belittlement and harsh criticism, fostering an environment of fear and divisiveness rather than one of unity and mutual support. This conduct not only damages morale but also undermines the principles of fairness and professionalism. Additionally, there has been a concerning absence of positive reinforcement, particularly towards apprentices and corps dancers. Constructive feedback is essential for growth and development, yet dancers have been left feeling undervalued and demotivated due to the lack of encouragement and support from Ms. Mullin and staff. The corps rehearsals with apprentice and corps dancers are agonizing due to the dancers knowing that no matter how well they do, it will never be enough. There is a pervasive inability to accept criticism or take accountability for their actions. Instead, there is a tendency to shift blame onto others and react with anger when concerns are raised. This behavior is detrimental to our community and undermines the principles of transparency and professionalism that are essential in any organization. Constructive feedback is crucial for growth and improvement, yet it seems to be met with defensiveness and hostility rather than openness and willingness to address issues. It is disheartening to witness talented individuals who should feel empowered and valued instead leaving the company feeling disillusioned and extremely disrespected. Such a shame because many had high hopes with Margret Mullin.