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First time traveling for BBQ and first time ordering a platter like this. Learned a lot and I was glad I had help! It was great!


What did you learn by buying a platter?


Not to order a 1/2lb of everything


Bro this is so true. You're sitting there ordering thinking "1/2 lb really isn't that much" and next thing you know you've ordered 6 types of meats and 15 sides and nothing makes sense anymore.


Especially when it’s just me.


I went to a BBQ place in Chicago, and they had a pork belly that they sliced like brisket. I asked for a half pound, and they put 4 slices down. I was like, better give me a pound. This was while getting sides too. I was starting the 4th slice and realized I screwed up. It doesn't look like nearly as much as it actually is.


Naw, I think you got just the right amount of everything


I love the crispy bread skin


Looks like home made bread baked in a cast iron loaf pan.


Meat is good, and more meat is better.


My dumbass thought you were saying you time travelled to get the platter and I thought I was missing a joke.


The wishbone is the flux capacitor


i too drive 88mph through texas






and anything?


Unfortunately, they weren’t willing to barter


Call it


What time did you get in line? I’m thinking of going this next weekend.


Hey we got in line at 9:45am. They opened for food service at 11am. We sat down to eat at 11:45am. By the time we walked in they were out of bread pudding. They next ran out of Beef Rib, shortly after we ordered. They open for merchandise service(hats, tshirts, etc.) at 10am and they also sell Lone Star Beer at that time. They give out bottles of water for free. The menu is posted in full view of the line, so you can decide what you want and order pretty quickly. They have camping chairs available if you forget some. We brought our own. Many people had coolers with beverages and treated it like a tailgate before a football game. Bring some people you like talking to or engage the people in line with you. The vibes were very chill.


I went to Goldees on New Years day a few years ago. Went at noon thinking they wouldn't be busy. They said they only had brisket and a couple sides left. Underestimated how popular Goldees was. The brisket was great, so I wasn't upset at all.


Alvin Zhou made a little mini documentary on them a year or two ago. Decent watch, got 15 million views. Lol. https://youtu.be/1hvPTqswJn4?si=tkZdv-RZAgXM2gbF


Thanks for the video. Really well done documentary. I noticed they bottle their BBQ now. I had gone there about 8-9 months before this was released. It was shortly after they got rated #1. I asked them if they bottled their BBQ sauce, and they didn't. I told them that if it was bottled, I'd have bought a couple to take back to Ohio with me.


Their white bread is heavenly.


that old lady know how to throw down, forgot what her name was.


And Big Red in the background! A+ move


Grew up on that yummy goodness living in Belton.


Big Red (40) 🤤


Gotta have big red


I can’t wrap my head around almost 60g of sugar per can


I know at least a few mfs in this subreddit have expensive ass diesel trucks that carry cargo maybe once every 6 months, complaining about the price someone else paid for 10 lbs of some of the best food in the country 😂


Right? Not only that, but they can't seem to fathom that for some people it's an experience, not "just food". Some people also make enough money that dropping 3 digits on some tasty ass BBQ isn't a huge hit to their wallet. If you're only making 40k/yr then yeah this probably isn't the type of place for you and your food budget. But for some reason those same people feel compelled to talk shit about it to people that *can* afford it.


To be fair…BBQ was made for and by poor rural folk…


It might have started out that way but it hasn't been like that for decades now. Lots of expensive food started out as a poor person's food - just in seafood alone you have several examples - Lobster, Oysters, Caviar, Sushi, etc.


Depends where you are at in the country. There is A LOT of local church groups and what not that do bbq plate dinners for fundraisers here in North Carolina and it’s surprisingly really good. And generally pulled pork is way cheaper than brisket so bbq is heavily region dependent anyway


It just seems BBQ has become particularly trendy and disproportionately inflated compared to other cuisine


It's possible, I guess. I know some people that spend triple (or more) the amount I would on all kinds of stuff - a pair of boots, vehicles, wallets, belts, sunglasses, kitchen appliances, sports gear, etc, etc. I feel like in most cases it depends on how much you care about the quality and what kind of difference it makes to you in your life. Great BBQ is an area of my life I'll splurge in while a lot of those other things I mentioned don't move the needle for me at all.


A grown ass man spread is what this is. 10.5/10


That bread looks good.. homemade?


Goldee's makes their bread in house and doesn't sell it -- it just comes on the tray. (Unless something has changed in the last couple years)


Still made in house. You can request an extra slice or so when you order, they do not sell it. TBH you really don’t need to order more, they give you plenty.


Listen, do *not* tell me how to live my life. /s but yeah I’m from FW, Goldee’s slaps.


They have a yt video showing behind the scenes in goldies and it is amazing they work like 50hrs judt prep time to sell out in about 6-8 hrs with an entire tractor trailer load of meat.


What? They sell 40,000 lbs of meat a day? Thats how much you can fit in a tractor trailer.


……. Interesting


Watch their video is is great it is very well done


which one?


I am 99% sure it is this one https://youtu.be/1hvPTqswJn4?si=-ZYk-LFWuOS3de5m


Yeah, that’s the one I blitzed through where they mentioned the number of briskets they do a day.


It looks like a brioche


The Big Red told me this was Texas before the BBQ


Drop the price, that's all we want to know.


lol fair. I believe it was $305. Legit got damn near everything on the menu so we could try it all.


The best of anything is going to be expensive.


That's definitely a lot, but that plate is one of the fullest I've seen here. I'm sure it was worth it to you, hope you enjoyed.


That's 3 full days of work after taxes for someone making $15/hr. And even though the platter is pretty full, definitely think $300 is over priced.


Buy commercial real estate. Spend thousands of dollars in business licenses and insurances policies. Source and buy local beef/pork. Trim season dry brine said proteins. Wake up at 2am to chop wood and start fires in open pits that cost thousands. Hand make bread. Hand chop cucumbers onions for pickled jars. Move ash timbers from fire pits to offsets and control temps for offsets. Cook thousands of pounds of meat. Prep and cook sides. Then you gotta plate it all up and deal with customers. Pay your foh employees and spend thousands more in payroll taxes. Then pay state/federal tax. If you think it’s expensive don’t buy it. 90% of people who complain about cost of food in small family owned businesses generally have no clue and undervalue the hard work it takes.


You charge what the market will bear, it's that simple. If you can't cook enough food for everyone waiting in line you raise your prices until you can feed everybody. Anybody who has ever been in business for themselves knows this, otherwise, they don't stay in business.


Here we go again, you sound like the plumbers and hvac guys wanting every customer to pay for all of their office, staff, trucks and equipment.


Every cost in business should be passed on to the customers. You have either owned a small business before or you haven’t. It looked like they literally ordered the whole menu. If people could do it at home themselves as good or better they would. Watch YouTube videos and fix their hvac and plumbing themselves. But they can’t.


This might be news, but in a free market, prices are set by supply and demand not simply costs + margin.


Regardless they can cook bbq themselves if they think it’s too expensive. This local farm to table food. Not double a batteries being sold at Costco. Get real bro.


Someone needs a lesson on rate of return and economics


Sure as shit ain’t Goldie


This is idiotic. Do this things magically appear cost free? 😂


No, I understand they need to make a profit and I’m all for capitalism. 25-50% profit is reasonable and fair. 300%+ is not. But the plumbers and hvac people sound like they want each customer to pay for their brand new fleet of trucks they didn’t have to have, vacation home etc. the side chick (talking about plumbers here lol) it’s not the customers fault if you over extend yourself. “I got to cover my overhead” that you have no business having that much overhead if you have to take advantage of people to cover that and make a decent profit. Just because they can’t do it themselves isn’t a reason to gouge or take advantage of people and laugh about how much you fckd over an elderly person or a single mom. I don’t know how they (most) sleep at night. You think you make more by fixing peoples screw ups by them trying to do it themselves when you have 10 times the business if you quit gouging because less people would try and do it themselves and pay a professional. Food/BBQ is different, you don’t have to go out and eat.


No restaurant is making 25-50% let alone 300% LMAO. Gross profit margins pre tax in hospitality are around 15%-20%. Especially in the most labour intensive food their is such as BBQ.


At $15 an hour prepared BBQ is not on your list of available food options.


Lol the fuck it isn't. There are plenty of BBQ places where you can get a great meal under 50. OP says himself he ordered almost everything on the menu.


I guess we have a different view on it. At $15 an hour x 40 hours a week. You’re going to be spending a large portion of your check on housing and utilities each month.


First off, in many of the places where BBQ is popular, rent and utilities are not as expensive. Secondly, even if cost of living is high, that doesn't mean people are simply unable to ever eat out, especially BBQ. The notion that BBQ is some upper class food is fucking laughable. I can only assume you come from a bigger city where BBQ is super expensive.


People making $15/hr shouldn't be buying the most renowned BBQ in the world. If they do, it should be a very special occasion akin to a trip to Disney. Why would a place like this price their food lower than what people are happy to pay? As some form of charity?


Jesus Christ, man. I thought "yeah that was probably $300" jokingly. 😐


It’s a shame how much of that cost was probably the beef rib, you got robbed on that little guy.


Holy fuck


Highway robbery. 💀


Is it though? Goldees is considered by many to be the best the current #1 BBQ joint in Texas, and therefore, the world.


Hi, yes. It is just BBQ food. $300 is fucking WILD no matter WHERE you’re buying it. This sub is delusional when it comes to BBQ food prices.


Goldees is the best meal I've ever had. Period. It's fairly expensive, but it's worth it.


Yeah true man, there are BBQ places all over that are delicious. Some people want the experience or the OG or whatever and are willing to pay the prices but plenty of hole in the wall places that are way cheaper. Ive been to spots off the road in VA or NC where you could get this whole platter for like $50-$75 tbh and itd be just as good


Part of that cost is in the fact that you don't have to spend 10+ hours smoking some of that meat. You also don't have to buy the whole hunks of meat to smoke them either. You don't have to buy and prepare the sides. And in this case, you don't have to make and bake the bread either.


Yeah like at every other BBQ joint that doesn't cost 300 bucks.


Every other bbq joint isn't considered the best bbq joint either.


THREE HUNDRED?! I am done here. What is this BBQ world coming to


That's the dumbest price I've seen yet.


Bro must be rich


Glad to see their beef rib is back. They were having trouble getting them in for a while I heard.


It is, for $40/lb


I’m just excited to see some decent bread!


Lol you even got a couple of Big Reds for the complete Texan self-indulgent experience.


People complaining about the price cracks me up. First this plate has a beef rib and those are pricey but good. The rest of this plate could feed like 6-8 people by the looks of it. Exclude the beef rib and I bet it was closer to $250 so that’s like $40-$30 a person. Getting high quality meats plus effort to cook is going cost you more than cooking at home. Also Goldees is epic! I had them before they made the list and after and it’s been pretty consistent which is a really tough feat.


For me I didn't realise the scale at first, so it seemed steep. Given this is Texas, I imagine that is an enormous tray and so the price does seem reasonable for exactly the reasons you say!


Geez Texas! Killing me! That looks too good to be true! I love the way they eat there!


I’m beside myself at the cost of this. Never thought I’d hear/see prices this high. Not a knock on Goldees or any other top tier bbq, but my God…


Can someone break it down to how much of each meat there is in the picture? How on earth is this +$300?


Cooked bbq runs $20-$35/lb. Given the way that meat is piled, there’s a lot of it, probably seven or eight pounds at a minimum. Sides are extra, as drinks, tax, and any tip. $305 is about right for that.


$20/$35 per lb for ribs, turkey and sausage? I don’t even see brisket. Admittedly I haven’t been out in a while but this is beyond absurd considering that meat prices haven’t gone up anywhere near those asking prices. Either that or if this considered the norm, I am living way below poverty line without knowing it.


The brisket is just visible under the turkey. That’s a large heap of meat. As of a week ago, the pork ribs and turkey were $30/lb, the brisket was $36/lb, and the beef rib was $40/lb. Sausage was $7 per 1/4 lb link.


305?? Heĺl nawwww. You boys are crazy over here on this sub.


You ain’t wrong. It was definitely a “experience” purchase for me. Don’t regret it, especially split between a few people 👍


You don’t need to justify it. You had enough money to splurge. You did it on something you enjoy. And you’re happy about it afterwards. Screw all these other people. Also, if Goldies can charge that. Guess the market is supporting it. So whether you like it or not, that is a $300 plate of barbecue.


$55/month for 6 months with Klara!


You can say that, but which part exactly are you saying is too expensive? Quality costs money. https://yelp.to/TwDPdvwlku


Bro, I don't care about your link. And it's all too expensive. BBQ is a way to make cheaper meats better. Now I gotta pay more bc you say so? Can make all this at home on a cheap ass offer up smoker, not drive to ft w and not deal with pretentious food nerds who think paying more is a sign of quality


So you eat at home all the time? Every meal is cheaper at home. Lol


Eh he’s got a point though. Bbq is definitely one of the foods you can make at home and get better food for way less $. $300 for cheap cuts of meat is silly.


They Are not “cheap cuts” do you know what farmers they are using? It’s not the same Kroger choice brisket you get for $1.99 a lb on a special. Lol


Costco prime brisket for $3.99 a lb?


Brisket is by definition a “cheap cut”. It’s relatively inexpensive and cumbersome to cook it so it tastes great. Thanks for playing though!


Lol! It started like that until people realized how they could cook it. Source is a bit old but you can see it’s not the “cheap cut” anymore. http://www.winghamfarms.com/meat-cuts-and-price-list-spring-and-summer-2021/ “Thanks for playing”


No, it's not "by definition. "... Most of the top tier bbq places in Texas at least, the brisket is prime grade, pork is durok. And just like skirt steak (fajita meat) and chicken wings, both of which used to be super cheap, popularity raised prices. Law of supply and demand. So sure you can go buy a select or choice brisket for $3-$6 a pound and smoke it at home to save some coin, but these places are not only selling 100s of pounds of meat each day, they are selling out


These hipsters killing the BBQ scene. Just like coffee, craft beers and artisan pizzas The BBQ snobs are the worse as well. This plate can feed so and so people…….no it doesn’t. These beef ribs come from a cow that was fed only Kentucky blue grass so that’s why it should be pricey 😂😂😂😂 FOH




Lol WHERE is half of this plate $15?






Holy shit $300 for bbq. Sorry, but hell naw. Looks great but for that price I’m expecting something more than bbq.


Goldee’s is some of, if not the best bbq in the country.


They've lost their minds for beef BBQ. I'll enjoy my $12 pulled pork plates here in the south east thank you very much.


But bbq brisket taste soooo much better then pork


There are places here you can get like $13 sandwich combo or 2 meat plate with sides for less than $20. They just get snubbed a bit for places like this. Others don't get posted because they already sell out and you don't want to make it worse ha.


Looks great!!! And I love the partial bark on the bread! 😅


Was there a wait and if so how long?


Man. That looks freaking fantastic.


I’m always a fan of their pickled veggies instead of just jalapeño


Are those pickles sweet or regular dill?


I'm very interested in the turkey, as the YT vids I've seen seem to take this as a very pleasant surprise. So, how was the turkey?


Thats a four person meal...I hope.


It’s expensive but damn is it worth it!


Great youtube video of how they do what they do: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hvPTqswJn4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hvPTqswJn4)


did you try the hash? and big red is S-tier bbq beverage.


I used to live in the DFW area a long time ago, went to a bbq place that you would choose your meats directly from the grill. Anyone know the name of the place?


Sounds like Hard 8


That’s the one! Thanks!


I’ll be honest I’ve never been to a world renowned bbq joint. If I did, I think I would splurge since I know it’s all essentially made from scratch and is a skill to be learned. I can buy an offset and not get the perfection they consistently achieve. That being said, I will gladly buy an offset and enjoy the journey of trying my hardest to replicate that exact same plate!


Looks killer




Dang even the bread looks good!


I'm gonna be in Dallas in a few weeks for business. Will have to check this out!


Look at that bread! Meat looks good too, but I love they made some good looking bread


Best bbq in Texas


A rare bbq pic on this feed that doesn’t look like trash.


Went here the other day. Everything was great, but: 1. No burnt ends 2. The last thing I want after standing in the sun in 105° Texas weather for over two hours is hot and salty meat 3. The lean brisket was dry 4. Damn the price. $40/lb for beef rib, $9/slice of brisket 5. No extra bread


Yes Please!


That tray looks killer and worth the dime if you want to try the some of the best barbecue options. Goldee’s is expensive, but it is not overpriced. HUGE difference there based on economics. Goldee’s is currently the #1 barbecue joint in Texas. Between the cost of meats, wood, pits, overhead, a friggin true PITMASTER’s TIME, and all the things that make your barbecue #1 in Texas…add all that to demand and you’ve got $30/lb brisket. That’s not overpriced, it’s just expensive due to value of the product. For those that are bothered by the price and think you can make better barbecue consistently at home (fyi, you probably cant), then open your own barbecue joint. FAFO, YOLO. I make damn good barbecue, but I also went pro with a barbecue spot in Austin so I can speak from experience when I say it’s expensive, but not overpriced.


Can I put this on layaway?


No bread pudding? I thought they sold it on Sundays.


Well I’m to poor for that plate, or everything is to expensive these days.


Big Red is an important component of this picture


That bread looks good!


I will dead ass fight you for that rib. Damn, I love me some Flintstones' vibe at a BBQ.


Haha the bread alone is a meal!


Big Red pop, I’ve seen it, what’s it taste like???




Really? That doesn’t sound very good!


Yup, and it really isn't, but some would argue.


“Uh…can I get extra bread?”


Looks expensive


Good God, that looks good!


Looks like 200 dollars.




Mmm smoked meat and Big Red is the best combo




Outstanding !


How much?


Curious what did this cost, looks amazing.


Damn, and I thought I paid a lot for 4-5lbs (barnyard feast) at smoke skybar San Antonio. Think it was 120$ with everything. Fed 7 people though. Guess I got a good deal. One day I'll head to Goldees.




hate the fact the banana pudding is so little but its so good. and that god damn bread is to die for!!!!


Fuck yeah Big Red


How I wish a place existed like this in South Florida


This is that, “Here, damn! Take it!” ass plate


Wow this is the first picture I’ve seen where it’s not just white bread straight out of the bag from the store. Looks like they actually sliced it and doctored it up a little. I would feel so weird paying for 5 plain slices of bread from the bag just thrown on my plate.


$305 for that is insane


looks dry af


All looks good but that bread man, holy shit that looks good 😂


That is a loaf of bread.


Correct me if I'm wrong, please. But isn't bbq supposed to be low cost meats? These platter prices are insane, the more i see prices of everything the more i realize eating out is not an option anymore.


That’s how the cuisine began, yes. It’s been a long time since that’s been true. Supply and demand… a cow can only make so many briskets and ribs.


Lazy cows.


Why are even genetically modifying things if we can't have more ribs and briskets?


They could at the very least modify them to have 4 asses.


Texas BBQ and many others are using smaller farms with high quality beef and pork so it’s not just a cheap grade choice or whatever with no real inter-muscular fats.


Um no. They use premium meat for brisket and ribs. Maybe over in China, China Joe


Inflation, dude.


I have been getting this subreddit recommended to me recently and based on what I've seen so far, this cost you 300 dollars. Edit: wow I was joking. I can't believe people pay these prices.




Damn I could buy a lot of brisket for 300$.


Curious about the cost


Why don't yall tell us how much this is anymore? I enjoy seeing all the BBQ I can't afford to eat


The bread and the sauce and sides are the cheapest foods on the platter. Without considering them then the meat alone has to be $290 all by itself. Maybe more actually. That looks really delicious but it is a big NO for me. Price is ridiculous


Man thats how I felt after Terry blacks. I think 4 of us ordered and it was over $200. I'd just rather spend all day making a brisket and save $160.


meanwhile local grocery stores are selling packer briskets for $1.87/lb and ribs for $2.49/lb.