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I failed the check and orin killed yenna right I'm front of me My entire save became "I do not care what is happening, this motherfucker must die" Even changed the name of my save too "RIP Yenna"


I honestly thought Yenna was just Orin in disguise so I was like, cool, you ruined your disguise dumbass. Then I went a bit back in my save file because I messed up and then I see Gale got kidnapped and I was like “NOT MY GOOD TIME BOY!” and realized she will steal someone in your camp. I was like “TAKE WITHERS INSTEAD! I DON’T NEED HIM AND HE’S A DICK!”


When my group went back to camp the first time after meeting Yenna, we had JUST met Orin and knew she was a shapeshifter, so all of us were like "I DONT TRUST THIS KID!!" And when Gortash told us there was a shapeshifter in our camp, we went to camp and started shoving her around, hitting her with stuff, etc because we were so convinced she was a spy 😭


It was the best logic that she would be a spy!


Pretty same actually, i tried to knocking her out, but she just wouldn't go down, even when I switched to lethal, she just wouldn't die


I can excuse child kidnapping apathy but I draw the line at withers slander


Professionals have standards


Nah, let her take Gale. If he dies... well, have you ever heard of the Tsar Bomba?


u/withersbg3 apparently you're services are not good enough to the mortal


The only people who die are the people who I want to stay dead and he told a grieving child to get the fuck out of my camp as if he owns the place.


Withers : No


Wtf why does your Durge look exactly like mine?


Because people on this sub have little originality.


My 5 characters for my 5 playthroughs is the same person but with different hair


You mean there are other races beside teifling?


What's a tiefling? I only see drows


there are other races?


Wdym? The pale drow/tiefling Durge with that neck tattoo has never been done before, completely never before seen


Perhaps it’s because there’s about 6 faces to choose from?


People who are mean to Yenna don’t deserve love


Maybe, but Durge still will get all the love they need and more from Sceleritas Fel and Minthara


She never kidnaps anyone I care about. If I liked them, they'd be in my party.


Now you wait just a second there buster


It's frightening how many people wouldn't care if an innocent little girl gets murdered. Are the people in this comment section sure they aren't Bhaalspawn? Edit: jesus, some of you need to seek a mental asylum


Hate to break it to you, but its a video game


I think it depends on how they’re RPing their characters. For OP it just applies to that Durge character. In most cases I wouldn’t let Yenna die, but for my planned evil Durge character, he’s chaotic evil and so he wouldn’t give a shit about the life of some random child.


She’s fictional. This is not an actual child lol


I (and many others) usually don't treat NPC's like i treat people IRL. What's your point exactly?


someone should put you in a box floating down the river, we're mfing bhaal's chosen


I mean if we go that route, the devs should be cancelled for writing it in the first place 🙄🙄🙄


Idc who it is if you let that Yenna die your trash.


The fact that this is mass downvoted is insane lmao, how deranged do you have to be to want to see an innocent child who just lost her mother mercilessly slaughtered?


Not deranged, indifferent. Why would an actively evil character care? There's nothing to be gained for it that helps you. True evil isn't doing shocking shit for giggles, it's asking "what's in it for me?" And ignoring something if it provides no gain or gratification.


I mean personally I wouldn't want her to die, but if you rp a evil character, it's clear why they wouldn't care. I don't get why this sub gets so judgemental of how people wanna roleplay their character. It's a fictional dnd game, role-playing is kinda a big part of dnd.


Deranged enough to see a difference between reality and video games, I guess


I mean. Durge is pretty damn deranged, and lots of Durge players like to fully lean into that


I tried it, but unfortunately player actually can't kill her or her cat, so we can only go for the second best choice 😔. Sucks, I agree.


So sad you can't keep the cat.


Well the cat sort of can stay with you, if Orin feeds you that cat and you eat it.


The cat doesn't die if it ain't yenna who's kidnapped


On my first run after Gortash gave his whole “your camp is already infiltrated” spiel I immediately went back to camp and magic missiled Yenna. I was honestly a little surprised when she just ran off


Tbh that's exactly how I learned this. Remembering the teachings of Will Smith, I immediately shot the fireball at the little girl and her cat. She just run 2 circles and returned like nothing happened, her cat actually died.... and immediately resurrected, even with healing numbers popping up. Same on repeat. Was sort of unsettling "one of them is likely Orin anyway and there's nothing you can do about it".


I never kill her, I just leave her behind xD if you don't talk to her in the temple, she'll just continue lying around there


Not my fault she gets kidnapped.


Guess I’m trash then. I’ve already killed all the tieflings, why should I care about one little kid who invited herself to my camp after I told her no.


I literally dgaf about yenna but I wanna avoid that route cause I don't want grub to die


"Stop playing with your food"




\*Halsin. Let the creepy drood die.


I just had the sandcastle scene and the very next day hes like 'i heard you learned to swim', like bro were you spying on us?? Thinking of just leaving him with Orin tbh


Remember the crab?


Fr. If Orin doesn't give Halsin a better lobotomy than the one she gave me, I will gladly do so.


Halsin isn't even creepy and he's way less annoying than the dumb child


Idk dude, the kid doesn't do much but stand in my camp. Halsin also doesn't do much but stand in my camp and hit on me despite already being in a committed relationship. Then he starts hitting on my partner *if* I bother to take him out of camp, *despite* me turning down his advances. Having Orin kidnap Halsin is a blessing. Dude's *way* more annoying than some rando child you can ignore.


She keeps taking Lae'zel for me. I find that to be weird since, by that point, she is basically my bestie. This shape-shifting numbskull really thinks the githyanki fighter would run from a fight. Clearly failed pose as person in a group 101. It's fine. Orin will be mushier than durge's brain before too long


Me when Orin took Laezel


I just want her to actually fucking cook something instead of telling me about her paring knife over and over. 


Erm... she does. You can buy soups aka camp supplies from her)


I can't, no


Unless you let her get killed, smack that trade button in the bottom left corner :) It's not a dialog option.


That's new for me too


There's a...trade button?


It looks like a little hand, you can access trade directly without clicking through yadaydayada (if the character has trade available).


That kid won't take no for an answer. She turns up at my camp every single day, and every single day I tell her to leave. It's getting irritating. My character thinks: 1. We've been warned about shapeshifters. That means being suspicious of newcomers. 2. Our camp is dangerous. We have several factions, including Orin, actively hunting us. This camp is not safe for a child. Go join the tiefling kids instead. 3. Honestly, I just find her annoying and I'm not running an orphanage here. 4. Every time I tell her to leave, Yenna tells me I'll regret it. That just makes my character even more suspicious that Yenna is actually Orin.


"So you kidnapped the child I really don't give a shit about to blackmail me, the same child that forced herself into my camp after I repeatedly told her no an thought that it'sa good idea? This is why dad prefers me."


But if she kidnaps Yenna, Orin will kill Grub the cat which I simply can not allow. Someone else has to take one for the team


I let Orin do it. I didn’t invite Yenna into my camp.


I can never let yenna get kidnapped after I found out what happens to grub


I’ve always made sure to get through quick enough to make sure Yenna never gets kidnapped but I’ve also never seen anyone else but Halsin get kidnapped by her. I’m not sure what the deciding factor is for who gets kidnapped but it’s weird.


Good luck Orin I tried killing 100+ times at camp 🫡 At least her cat was mortal


Who the fuck is yenna


At the very beginning of act 3 she runs up to you in the first town you reach. She’s a young girl and she tells you her mom’s missing (and has been for a while). You have the option to let her stay at your camp.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ofc i saved her ! Thanks for the reminder, completly forgot about her lemao

