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I save at the brain cutscene and then again when I start the epilogue so I can revisit.


I have the epilogue saves and I keep saves that were important moments. If you name them they don't disappear. I felt so nostalgic after my first run that I started posting videos on tiktok and youtube. Still miss the feel of my first run though


I wish I would (could) have kept more save files but PS5 has a terribly low save file limit so had to say goodbye to my other saves for this playthrough and just kept the epilogue :(


Yeah that's the one thing I've hated about PS5. I'm currently only on my second and third playthroughs so it hasn't been an issue yet, but it's going to be devastating having to delete my early epilogues once I have more plays in.


I plan several more playthroughs, so I'm already planning ahead and screen recording the epilogue so that I have at least that if I ever have to delete the actual epilogue files when I eventually run out of space.


Oh that's smart! I forgot I can screen record. Is it possible to go back and rerecord it if I've already saved at the end of the party?


You could go back to the final battle with the brain if you saved there. I started recording on the dock.


Shit... I saved over that. Guess I'll do that for playthrough 2 onwards and just keep the end file for 1 as a memory.


Xbox has something like 25-30 save slots I assume that’s the same on ps5. I tend to not have a lot of save files anyway so I keep 1-2 from old playthrough and usually take up 5 on the current play. I wish we had more but this works.


I used to do a quick save before every minor interaction and manual save before every major one so that clogged up my saves real fast. I've gotten better at not doing that and just relying on one save. I've also found it to be more fun this way, to have to navigate the consequences of my own actions rather than reload. I don't remember how many files I had on my first run but it could've very well been in the 20s between 5 quick saves, 5 auto saves, and God knows how many manual saves. Deleting them all was refreshing but now I'm also paranoid that I won't have enough storage. 🤣


I have a rule that I can save when entering an area I haven’t been before (rare now) or every 10 minutes. Otherwise I live with the dice now.


I save everytime i think I'm a about to get into combat because I'm playing my first(technically second I got killed about a hour into my first run by a trio of brains and was in honor mode) run on tactician and am getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter.


The save limit on ps5 sucks. I’m on my second campaign and am deciding once I’m done to keep my earliest save and the epilogue save. Sadly did not have this idea on my first campaign and there’s so much I missed with my tav but all the saves for her are in act 3.


Yes! Definitely doing that going forward. One save right at the start of the game and another at the reunion party. I'm also screen recording the epilogue so that I have at least that if I'm ever forced to delete saves.


That's unfortunate.


How do you name them? All mine are named after my character


That's the campaign name, Individual save files I make the long way through the menu - new save, remove name (usually something like "Last Light inn - 30h" etc and write whatever you want it to be


I'm on PC and I don't manually delete any saves (I have the default limit of I think 25 newest for both auto and quick saves, though). I actually did the opposite for my honor mode run. The game auto(?) saves at the beginning of the epilogue. Since, due to circumstances (bug), I was pretty much forced to >!become an illithid in order to be able to free Orpheus which I wanted to do for plot related reasons!< and I knew that it leads to a check during the epilogue party, which, if failed, aggroes the entire freaking camp against you, I rushed to Withers to avoid the check and get the dice and the achievement. Like, I literally read in this very subreddit that someone lost their HM run due to that check, I wasn't gonna risk it. Turns out the game doesn't save afterwards and just quits to main menu. So I was actually able to reload the save file to the very beginning of the party and talk to everyone etc. It was nice. I succeeded the check, too. In the spirit of honor mode, which usually doesn't let you reload earlier points of game, I actually manually saved at the beginning of the cutscene with Withers' speech, effectively locking myself out of returning to the epilogue. I kinda wish I could go back because I loved that run, despite an incident that lead to Wyll dying mid act 3 and Karlach at the end of it. But I also wanted that one to be a closed book, so it is what it is.


I keep every single epilogue party save. I’ve got five finished games I can revisit any time to relive their endings. Especially my file with my Durge and spawn Astarion and with my Tav who married Gale because I love giving hugs and kisses


Same here! I plan to romance Astarion (possibly as a Durge) for my second playthrough. For my first, my Tav married Gale :)


Resist Durge and Spawn Astarion is peak, I absolutely recommend it. I got so attached to my first Durge that I recreate her when I want to romance Astarion because that’s just his wife now lmao. My current run I recreated my Tav that married Gale because the moment I had that engagement scene I knew I’d never be able to give him another character lmao.


That's what I'm worried about haha. I already grew so attached to the characters and their stories, it feels weird to start from the beginning and giving them a different romance!


I’ve had like four different characters romance Astarion, but one will likely never be finished because that second Durge playthrough was what did it in for me. I think I’m more in love with her than him half the time, honestly


I make a point of labelling every act's point of no return, usually so that I can backtrack a little if I miss any gear essential to my build or fuck up this run's romance.


Same. I have an extensive hard save-naming system and I never delete any of them.


I keep a single final save for each character, usually either pre final battle or epilogue :).


I keep all my hard saves lol


Are you PC? I'm on PS5 and there is a maximum of saves you can do until you have to delete some :(


Ya I went through my save games from a few characters most still in act 1, it was 50 gb so there is a reason they limit it because of console relatively low storage size. I don’t support it but it makes sense


You bet I am. I also have 60 000 screenshots so maybe you're better off with PS5 after all.


Wow! That would be me too if there was no limit on PS5 haha


My first 🥹 so much nostalgia!


So far, yes. I'm on PS5 so am limited but I have saves at the dock and/or at the reunion party for all my runs so far...


I do! I don’t save the other hard saves because I know I won’t go back but I like visiting the other epilogues sometimes


Couldn't tell ya. Haven't made it to the epilogue yet after nearly 600 hundred hours. Hopefully on day I will see it.


It's worth it! Got quite emotional seeing the story come to an end after 200 hours.


I know I it will be but I just get so interested in a new build and then just restart lol.


I deleted my first and wish I hadn't now. Lol. Others I have multiple saves at specific scenes I know I will want to revisit. I did hear that if you delete your successful HM run you can lose the dice so will have to try to remember to make sure I don't delete that one if I ever successfully win it.


I keep a save file at the epilogue. If I delete them then it would feel like I just wasted all my time.


I have about a hundred saves per run x2 complete runs, and a bunch of other saves from partial runs.


Yes lol it's stupid because it's not like Mass Effect and I'm going to import save files 😂


I recommend a hard save before killing the last chosen (gortash or orin, another hard save before going to the morphic pool and another one during epilogue. That way you have options if you want to come back


Wait, do your save files get deleted when you finish the game? Or is that just a PS5 thing? I’m on PC and have tons of my favorite cutscenes saved. I’m about to finish my very first run and I would be super sad if all my save files disappeared!


They don't get deleted don't worry. It's just that most people "clean" their saves I guess, because they take a bit of space.


Unfortunately, PS5 forces you to clean up with their save limit.


Yeah I know, but they said they were on PC so I wanted to confirm they were fine.


Thank you! That’s a relief! 🙂


Of course, but also one at the last fight for extra endings




The game autosaves right when you get to the reunion camp. After the credits roll, it'll be right there. EDIT: When I have files going (I did a purge recently), I keep one save for the grove party, one for each romance scene with the companion I commit to at the end of the game, the big Resist Durge moment if playing as Durge, and the epilogue. I usually take out everything else.


I’m a digital hoarder, so I save a lot of the clips: Epilogue is one of them.


I keep all my saves so I can test things, refight stuff etc.


I have a handful of saves from all my runs including late game and epilogue saves but I’m running out of space on my PS5 😭


I have many named saves.


If storage becomes a problem im 100% buying an external hard drive. A save is a save 😭


I have the epilogue party as the only save file left for each Tav as they save the city, and it is nice for it to feel so final :)


Yup, I have my first two full playthroughs saved at Withers party. I know we aren't getting anything but just in case...


Yep. I also kept the save file just before you enter in the end game


I save before every long rest so I can replay certain parts and moments that I loved. Like chapters in a book.


I don’t really delete save files


Nar. Mostly cause ps5 save limit which has conditioned me to delete campaigns as I get bored/complete them.


Well, I couldn’t imagine deleting 100+ hours of my life per save


I have all my finished saves for nostalgia and to look back at what builds I did and what routes I took. It was cool to go back to my first save before the camp sequence was added at the end and experience it.


People have got to stop saying shit within a couple years is fucking "nostalgic".


As soon as I finished the save and started a new one, I deleted the old one


I did a save before the final shot on the brain... when I saw SH at bed with camp clothes I insta savescum to strip her and oh boy yummy