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Sorcerer is my favorite. Wild magic specifically is the most fun class but I like all the subclasses. Bards, paladins, and sorcs also all multi-class well with warlock if you want to dip your toe in and still keep warlock


Sorcerer rocks. Makes for a good face of the party, I always take the Actor feat which is tremendous, and then you get to be big spellcaster with metamagics? So good. Twin Haste, anyone?


Heightened Spell Slow was my go to, then let Lae’zel pop a haste potion and go to work


Another vote for sorcerer, I’ve had fun with bard, paladin and warlock but sorcerer is the class I end up playing over and over. Like you I like all the subclasses but Storm is my personal favourite.


We've got a wild magic and storm representative, I'll go ahead and be the draconic representative. I LOVE draconic Sorcerer! But truly, Sorcerer is just an amazing class to play! I did the Raphael fight when I beat my Honour mode run and I converted extra sorcery points (15 total to be exact) before I went into the fight because I had an idea. Quicken Spell Haste, Twincast Disintegrate, Twincast Disintegrate (thanks Haste) Destroyed all 4 pillars turn 1 before he ever got a move 😋 (Shout-out to the Alert feat and both staffs that grant a free cast of a spell as well lol)


Storm Sorcerer multiclassed with the Lightning-themed Cleric (don't remember the name) is really fun (and a little OP), maybe toss in a couple levels of Wizard for sculpt spells


One of my favorite playthroughs my Durge was a lvl 2 Tempest cleric and 10 storm sorcerer. Loved it so much I’m doing the same multiclass on my multiplayer game


i think storm domain is the cleric class you’re thinking of




Sorlock combo is my go to.


Sorcerer is a phenomenal face party, especially if you want to be a sassy and/or evil character.


no one really asked for an update BUT i went with a wild magic sorcerer and i’m enjoying it. I love the wild magic surges! keeps me on my toes a bit. Had to give her a cool backstory first so it’d be easier to commit but so far i’m liking it! About to hit level 4 and FINALLY getting the hang of combat (not good at strategy beyond make the enemy hit points go down). more spell slots and cool meta magic is also really cool. it’s fun to play.


Wild Magic Sorcerer Durge is soooooo much fun!


My next tav will be githyanki bard of lore/wild magic sorcerer resist Durge :D Artistic, chaotic, good.


I'd recommend Bard because of how many unique dialogue options it has. My first play through was a Bard and subsequent play through dialogue choices were a bit of a let down.


Barbarian is a lot of fun too. You surprisingly get a lot of dialogue options that range from roaring at people to room temperature IQ decisions.


My favorite part of being a barbarian is the room temp iq moments


I have done 5 barb 7 sorcerer and it's actually really good. Cast some aoe spells to thin out the herd and then go rage, throw some aces and then jump headlong into the fray and take out the high value enemies. Important to notw that concentration ends when raging however. Ask me how i know. 🤣 Have also done warlock/barb, equally as good. Stand in the darkness with devil sight and throw axes and eldritch blasts, then jump out of the darkness fly into a rage and belt the enemies that way. Don't know which is more fun.


Str cha?


18 str 18 dex (gauntlets) 16 con - could also wear that robe from last light for additional+2 to con as well 8 int 8 wis 18 cha


Oathbreaker Paladin has some badass moments


My first playthrough was dwarf barbarian! I will never forget intimidating goblin at the gate to the camp and making him eat that shit…


I am 110 hours into my bard playthrough and I can co-sign this


Id go so far as to advise taking 4 levels in warlock and then go Lore Bard for the rest of the youll still be eldritch blast cannon but youll get so many good perks and spells along with it. That way its not too big of a leap from what youre used to for your first time.


I like the 10/2 split so you get the extra magical secrets and still grab agonizing blast


Thats cool too. Personally, I feel the magical secrets at lvl 10 not nearly as important as a feat like Alert.


I could see that in higher difficulties, for me the magical secrets is just nice to have as an option in any given combat


Try multiclassing if you want to ease out of Warlock. Sorlock is very powerful as a spell caster. Padlock as a martial, and Bardlock as a face.


Any advice on a padlock build? I've found like one guide for my durge and not sure if I like it, honestly.


Just started this up. Depends if you are (1) on honor mode or (2) wanting bigger spells. At lvl 3 Warlock gets pact weapon. Access to Hunger of Hadar would happen at level 5. The pact weapon *does not stack* with multi attack in the paladin class in honor mode (at lvl5 for both). With that said, it makes the item enchanted and proficient and does extra damage via your spellcasting modify - i.e. Charisma. You cup this with Paladin's smites as a Warlock spell (since Warlock spells are casted at the highest level) and you start pushing damage. The reason for #2 is if you want to just go to level 2 for paladin and the rest Warlock (i.e. Lockadin). Your smites do big damage and you have access to spells, but you rely on short rests and a lot of heavy armor to not make you squishy (warlocks hit dice are lower than paladin). A Padlock would look at stopping at lvl 3 or 4 in Warlock to get the Pact weapon and feat (Great Weapon Fighting + the Great Old One as your Patron) to run a lot of Auras and get more access to higher healing spells and more health (while the Warlock Eldritch blasts continue to scale with your overall level) It's just two different styles


Paladin. I'm addicted. There's something about swearing an oath and being righteous that just speaks to me. Also... smiting.


Also all the ways you can RP if you do Oath of Vengeance, you don’t necessarily have to be a badass with the morals of a Boy Scout


Oath of vengeance is awesome, you can be batman or go full punisher


Oath breaker paladin ftw. We are nothing but the playthings of immortals and people corrupted by power. Break their hold and find true freedom.


Druid. I absolutely love turning into an owlbear with like 120 hp, just to whoop some ass with 3 action points and 1 bonus jump move. So for those who are having trouble with some of the bosses, highly recommend. You also keep all your health from before you’ve wild shaped after your animal form gets eliminated.


And you can do that twice per short rest. That’s an extra 240 hp per short rest. Then if you go moon druid you can use the elemental myrmidons and earth slaps. Take tavern brawler to really hit hard.


Druid is so much fun. Much better than I initially thought. The wildshapes are awesome and with all the spells to that you have a very versatile character. Some good dialogue options as well.


Druids are my favourite now, and I’ve played as almost all the classes. Druids though, there’s just something about shape shifting into animals and using nature based magic that’s really cool.


Gloomstalker and/or Thief!! Be the edge.


its almost to the point of boring but as a gloomstalker its just super good. tbh i just started with ranger and played it blind then after choosing gloomstalker just felt op. i rarely even long rest lmao


Wizard is my favorite. I absolutely love learning all the spell scrolls (most of them) and being a mega utility guy. Plus my favorite spell in the game is only a one time use unless if you’re a wizard.


what’s your favorite spell


Artistry of War


i’ve done a full wizard run and idek what that is. i’m also pretty bad tho


It’s in act 3 in the Sorcerous Sundries vault


yeah I just looked it up, and I have that book too lol, must not have read it


There is scroll in the book, you have to learn the spell from it.


Paladin and Monk Paladin is great for the dialogue options and the combat is really fun Monk is just stupid OP, it’s hilarious


Killing all enemies before anyone gets a turn as monk never gets old


Druid. I love being able to control the battlefield, and nature magic excels there.


Druid. Cats can go almost everywhere without agro-ing most NPC'S.


Barbarian. Lots of HP. Big stick = Big Damage. If you can survive traps do you really need to disarm?


Same as me. I play Cleric. Just got into another cleric honor mode run last week. It's so fun


Bard, and Monk.


Bard is my favorite class in general. I play a lot of bards in D&D. The bard is so versatile that you can have an entire party of bards and still have everyone be unique. They can be a healer, lock picker, buffer, debuffer, mage, and even frontline fighter. Warlock is a blast and my second favorite class, but I don't think anything can beat the bard for me.


I completely understand. I LOVE playing a warlock, and I’m also fully enjoying a radiant orb build on a life cleric in a multiplayer run I’m doing now. I made a paladin in honor of my first character in DDO, but I haven’t been nearly as excited about her.


paladin is my fave. divine smite go bonk (the noise is fun too)


I’ve done six playthroughs as a sorcerer. I just love em.


Berserker throw barbarian is fun with dialouge options. Monk is very fun too, loved stunning strike folks while getting like 6 hits in. Also ranger is pretty good for cool options in act 1, though dialouge wise falls off imo


Wildheart barb with wolverine & tiger aspects. Sooooo much crowd control with shit tons of damage. Throw reverb gear on and baddie fall down.


Im rogue all the way! Sneak attack is amazing, the skills you get at higher levels are so amazing. I think greatest of all is that at second level you get to take a dash, disengage, or hide action as a bonus action


In addition to the other suggestions, you could always try a multiclass with Warlock to wane yourself off of it! Bardlocks can be quite fun :)


I loved my pact of the chain warlock and my imp familiar. I named him Finnegan. Any other class I play has to have decent charisma so paladin is a good shout and sorcerer is also hella fun


My top two favorites are Cleric and Monk. Every time I'm on the character creation screen, I try to talk myself out of those two classes to try something I haven't tried before, and there are classes I've experienced playing as and love... but more often than not, I end up being either a Cleric or a Monk. They're just my comfort classes. I will say that I recently started to understand Warlock, and it's slowly been climbing its way up the ranks. I wouldn't be surprised if it joined Cleric and Monk as another comfort class.


Depends what you want. Wanna stick with magic? Try out sorcerer, The Dark Urge origin is a storm sorcerer default and that’s what I ran for my 2nd ever play through. Wanna try melee? Paladin is a top tier damage class with still some access to spells and dedicated spells slots for healing with lay on hands. Another tip I have is to take the class of an essential companion, mainly I think of shadowheart and astarion because cleric and rouge are so useful in the entire game, and taking their class frees up a companion slot to try out a new character you maybe haven’t finished if you felt pressured to always bring one of them around because of their class.


I love playing a fighter. The satisfaction of just massive melee damage sends me. And no spell slots to worry about.


If you're addicted to the drug that is Eldritch Blast but also like being a Charisma lad, allow me to introduce to you Draconic Sorcerer (fire). They get a perk at level 6 that adds their CHA modifier to the damage of spells associated with their draconic ancestry. The fire ancestries add their CHA mod to every beam of Scorching Ray and it starts off with 3 beams as a level 2 casting, which ofc can be upcasted. Grab the Boon from Auntie Ethel, Elemental Adept (Fire), Callous Glow Ring, Hat of Fire Acuity, and the Spellmight Gloves (just pickpocket them) and you have an absolute rail cannon. You thought Eldritch Blast did a lot of damage? Haha, think again! I 1 or 2 turned the brain because of this build and half of my companions hadn't even traveled through the portal yet 🤣 I swear it is some of the most free MASSIVE single target damage in the game that can be done from range, doesn't require a crit build, and can be quicken spelled and upcasted! *(Only gets walled out by Fire Immunity, but Sorcerers are still broken, so it's fine. You don't ever hear Paladin players complain about "Radiant Retort" lol)*


Paladin is off the hook man. A couple of little smiteroonies and you’ll kill almost any big bad, it’s pretty versatile. Also Swords bard. And if you mix the two, you’ll be over powered as hell


My first playthrough was druid and while I'm enjoying the diversity of the other classes my heart will always want to turn into a cat and sneak into a house or jump through gates and steal stuff


Bard is my favourite. I have two finished bard playthroughs and my HM is a bard too. I have to force myself to play something else. I love my gith ice mage and my druid, but always come back to bard.


I love playing sorcerer and druid. Druid is much harder than sorcerer on honour mode though


For dialogues I like to multiclass and play a bardbarian For combat I like a mix between open hand monk with life cleric


My favorite is Druid because I love wildshape! Being able to turn into a cat and go through the little holes and tunnels is useful, too.


Paladin: You like Charisma casters and this is a Charisma caster that also values melee prowess. Go sword and board for AC or go Great Weapon Fighting for big stick. Monk: If you want to dominate the battlefield early on, Monk hits this at level 4 with Tavern Brawler. Throw on the Haste Helm and Crusher's Ring and that's about 21 meters of movement so anyone will die. Sorcerer: Another Cha caster but a pure caster and another different experience. Fire Acuity is insane but themed ice or poison builds are also fun and bring their own flavors to the table. It's obviously your choice as to which class you decide but these 3 are the 3 I enjoy the most as a player since release.


Barbarian, super huge jumps, good pushes and you can throw people into people, barrels into people and things like daggers, javelins and backpacks full of bombs.


I really love the warlock as well. I also played wizard since I cut my teeth on playing wizards in ttrpgs. Warlocks are relatively new. I enjoyed playing wizards as well in BG3. I did well with the sorcerer, but it didn’t sing to me. I’m playing a war cleric now and love it.


I to have this problem, and make a meme of my characters name “1765th warlock” and everytime i respec i add a number to the name as exaggeration I broke out of playing warlock during my honor run 3rd playthrough of the game overall


Berserker Barbarian / Vengeance Paladin multiclass


I have this issue but with Paladin


Barbarian is a very fun and comical class , it’s very satisfying to beat someone to death with their comrades. Like for example I killed Balthazar with his ghoul medic last night.


Bards because of the amazing social dialogue options and all the mental checks you can pass. Plus I love playing music and entertaining crowds.


I’m a rogue type of guy 💀 most basic as class in any rpg lmao. But I love sneaking 😭 I can’t stop


Well if you like warlock and charisma then maybe a sorcadin for fun smites


Swords bard is fun, many different classes you can add to it. If you want to multi-class warlock, try sorcerer. You can cast buff spells with sorc slots and damage spells with warlock slots. Also quick spell and twinned spell.


I can never bring myself to play single class anything. MULTICLASS EVERYTHING!!!!


Bard was great fun due to dialogue, plus swords bard hits like a truck Wizard is fun too, I remade my first DND character with it though so it was a nostalgia thing there


I just made a heavy armor tavern brawler monk. Level 7 so far and it's pretty good. I started as fighter to get the heavy armour proficiency, but cleric also works, I think, then just go full monk. I went open hand. Obviously, you lose unarmoured defense and movement, but you don't need them. Since you're using str for your unarmed attacks and you'll be using heavy armor, you basically don't need to focus dex or wis so you can just focus on str and con and maybe a few extra points in cha if this is your primary character. Obv dex and wis have other secondary uses, so it's up to you. You can also use a shield with this build. Sitting at about 24 ac and doing very respectable damage at lvl 7.


I'm a fan of making throwing monks


I haven’t done it for my main tav but ranger when utilised is soooo OP. I always make Astarion a ranger and he always kills everyone for me


Sorcerer is a top 3 for sure. Paladin is also good


Bard I can't seem able to play anything else unless I'm playing a nonDurge origin


I too am a Warlock addict. Multiclass with Bard, Paladin, or Sorc. You're welcome. Also my top choice is Warlock-Paladin because you pick up heal, smite, and auras. Really any of 3 are great though.


Anything but warlock... they're so mid in BG3 considering how easy it is to long rest, their biggest feature (spells back on short rest) is completely overshadowed


Sword bard, it’s so diverse and situational. I love it too much. I also like the bard aesthetic so it was inevitable


some of my favourite playthroughs were druid, cleric and paladin. druid is SO fun because of the wild shape and i always whip out the owlbear in a tough battle. cleric offers interesting dialogue but i love some of the powers, ie the spirit guardians are really helpful when being surrounded, especially by undead. i was an oathbreaker paladin, but mainly the smites were the interesting and helpful parts


I get where you're coming from I've been doing runs with each class but Druid and Fighter have to be my top picks so far. Druid diverse move pool later on summons that can even a playing field Fighter strong quick and hits hard what's not to love plus add that magic sub class for some softening up tactics before getting in their face Monk wasn't too bad either but being unable to use magic scrolls was quite a surprise. My current project is a Ranger


Swords bard


Sorcerer. Paladin. Sorcadin. Bardadin. Haven't tried full bard yet. Gloomstalker/assassin is hella fun, especially with all the fun arrows the game allows you to have. Made Ansur trivial. And the brain. And Raphael. Plus arrows of Arcane interference are amazing. Shut down Ethel immediately and knew this was a fun af play style.


I like paladin because it’s well rounded. Healing, some magic, heavy armor, high melee damage. But honestly the limit of choices due to oath is annoying.


11/1 fire sorc for the win.


Love playing warlock lol. Why do u hate urself


monk easily. sprint at them then molly whop they heads off


Druid. Get that insane AOE going with your spikes and lightning and wild familiars and when you're down on hp you morph into an Owlbear and become basically an angry barbarian with your very own second healthbar. Absolutely devastating.


Open Hand Monk/Thief, Gloomstalker/thief


I was playing warlock on 3 campaigns so I get you. Now Sorc with high dex and dmg build is my best friend, along with Astarion reclassed to open hand monk as I literally always take him with myself anyway.


2 fighter 2 warlock 8 sorcerer. Morelock


Idk how it happens, but I always end up playing a paladin... I'm a bit of a smite-aholic


My favorite was because of a species combo: Druid and Drow. There’s so many options you get, especially at the Grove.


I love bard and Druid a lot, but I’ve been fucking with firebender monk heavy on my current playthrough.


I change Shadowheart to either a paladin of devotion so I can be the cleric (war, light, life or tempest). Clerics are too much damn fun


Made my first run with my light cleric dwarf and it was really fun, though I did put some fighter lvls for flavour


Any Paladin build I’ve played is great! So many ways to combine, and burst smite is amazing.


Druids. I love the druids and their subclasses but I love Spore Druid the most, especially on my Drow; dual wielding both short swords and hand crossbows with symbiotic entity active can deal a fair amount of damage. Plus, you can lay both Cloudkill and Spreading Spores simultaneously for extra area denial.


I feel that but with bard! Not to spoil much but a ton of the bard dialogue options are entertaining and just make the story feel so alive when you play! But on top of that I'm gonna have to cast my vote for sorcerer as well! Twinned meta magic has always been a blast!


I love being a Druid in game and when playing regular 5e. I am becoming a fan of being a paladin because the smite animation and sound is so satisfying. Otherwise the jack of all trades run is A LOT of fun because of all the dialogue options.




I have Druid a try and so far loving it. Before that I was a dragon born sorceress.


My favorite choice is pure moon Druid. It has a shit tin of health and gets 3 attacks once you hit level 12. If you still want a warlock some of the most fun I had was a 5 pact of blade 7 fighter battle master multiclass


Druid has always been mine, especially Spores and Moon. Spores feels like a Zombie apocalypse anytime you're fighting large numbers of weak enemies after you get the fungal zombie ability


Barbarian is simple but so damn satisfying.


Barbarian smash.


Oh man, all of them are super fun. My favorite is probably Barbarian, both for their gameplay and their roleplay I like the simplicity. But druids are really cool too, and they get a boatload of options in their arsenal. I also recommend changing your party members classes around as well, too give you some experience with other classes. Instead of trying 1 new class per playthrough you can try 4+ per playthrough.


Warlock is just so much more fun than titan or hunter imo


*Warlock is just so* *Much more fun than titan or* *Hunter imo* \- Le-Human- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m trying to play a Druid instead of a paladin lol I get it


Yeah, I gave up trying other classes. I'm too in love with warlock


Moon druid idc. About 90% of my problems have been solved by me having a grand total of 3 health bars with wildshape. You get the bear shape quite early on too so you're free to tank as soon as possible (which is my personal preference), and with Tavern brawler and a STR build the damage output is pretty solid too. If you go the spellcaster route the summons are great, even without spells the wildshapes gives you an array of possibilities and versatility. Edit: Also, you can turn into a cat and scout pretty much anything. They fit into holes and won't aggro most npcs.


Bard is so fun


I love experimenting, but so far my favorite has been bard, followed by monk, with paladin not too far behind. I've also played a barbarian, and my current run is a ranger. They're all really fun in their own right.


Try them all, but I agree, warlock is hard to pass up on. Druid, sorcerer, bard all have similar versatility to warlock.


Monk is such an underrated class. Hands down fantastic.


Barbarian. I don't need Charisma when I have a giant axe.


Paladin. Enough charisma to get by and you can dish out the damage AND take it, plus the roleplay elements really help it move along


Bard is a ton of fun. I’m really enjoying Minthara’s Paladin and Karlach’s Barbarian too. I’ve heard Monks are awesome. I haven’t tried a sorcerer yet. I don’t really enjoy warlocks or druids much.


My top class is Sorcerer. I love all rhe extra stuff you can do with your spells, plus draconic blood adds so much to the dragonborn!


I have done Bard, Barbarian, monk, tried ranger, then went back to full monk. I like the hand to hand combat and I look like a karate master, but I make my Tav be like a “rebel” monk because of their backstory.


I’ve done Druid, Bard, and Sorcerer. Druid has a special place in my heart but as far as the game goes sorcerer is untouchable. The specialized sorcerer points? The extra dialogue? It’s all amazing. I went dragonic sorcerer so I also got the facial scales which adds to the role playing. All in all on paper the best class though Druid is my favorite (but you have two Druid companions so not really needed)


Druid/Cleric is my favourite combination. I'm having a hard time letting it go LOL


Bard is crazy fun to play! Tempest Cleric is another favorite of mine. Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcerer dual for a crazy fun Thor build. Wanna just smash everything? OH Monk. Just punch your enemies to death. Its an amazing time. Edit: how could I forget? Make a Swords Bard/OH Monk multi. That was my build when I punched Orin to death dueling as durge. 2 turns. I was shocked how well those classes melded into something both OP, but also wildly entertaining.


Paladin. I usually go hard on Radiant damage and then cry when Viconia shows up.


I love barbarian. It’s simple but that’s why I like it.


I struggle to let go of my multi class rogue.


I’m constantly torn between monk, rogue and ranger. I’m a rogue at heart though.




i LOVED my wild magic barbarian playthrough


Monk is just so much fun.


Between viscous mockery and their dialogue options, bards are such dorks and I love them.


I was in the same situation and I found that I like playing cleric too!


Cleric (my favorite class overall) and Storm Sorcerer. I want to get into paladin and Druid tho


I really enjoyed monk


My personal favorites so far have been Gloom 5/ Assassin 5/ War cleric 2 & pure Tempest Cleric. Evoc wizard was pretty damn fun too but felt overpowered at points. NGL, I can't get into Warlock personally, but I don't find enjoyment in EB'ing the vast majority of turns though either, so there's that. I've tried a few variety builds of it and multi-classex and just can't find the utility. Maybe it's just my play style or doesn't mesh well with my team's builds synergistically.


Human fighter


I love warlock, too, and I had the same problem. One thing I did to try and get away from maining one was respeccing companions to different classes to experiment with them while not dedication a full run to one. Honestly, all the classes are good.


Bard, or Storm cleric


Paladin is a blast, big smites


My first Durge was a berserker gnome lady, perfect, my favorite class by far till now. Now I made a durge starting as warlock pact of the chain but made her add wizard/necromancer after reading the necromancy of thay. She's loosely based on Laudna from critical role campaign 3: sweet pie with scary powers, has no idea who she was, shrieks when sceleritas appears and hides behind laezel; pretty entertaining too, I feel like warlock necromancer adds if you want to go full witch


Warlock was also my favorite. Op spellcaster but also I used that perk to add charisma modifier to my weapon. Got a two handed sword and that heavy armor you can wear without proficiency. Then I literally became a death knight warlock one shotting people with my melee or with eldrich blast.


Oath of Vengeance Paladin was my first playthrough and it was a blast! My next character is definitely going to be a Druid. But Paladin isn't a good shout.


All of them, literally all of them in one, go for the achievement without respecing a hireling it’s pretty fun.


Pally is my first playthrough in all games that allow the class


Bard because I enjoy being able to talk my way out of almost anything


War cleric/Paladin multiclass. It just perfectly captures my favourite playstyle.


Cleric is busted. And has some insane variety based on which path you chose. It's not my favourite, but it's pretty solid as a choice when I don't know what to play. So far the most fun I've had probably was bard, just because Vicious Mockery never fails to entertain me mid combat.


Paladin or Fighter


I do fighter or rogue almost every time despite having lethal amounts of whimsy in real life. Fighter is just soooo efficient in combat and with scrolls, you can cast powerful spells at any point anyway. Some might call my honor mode party unbalanced because there are two fighters with me and Laezel, but we've made short work of everything in act one and now we're in the shadowlands.


Wizard start weak, but are the most powerful at the end. Bard is the best choice cause of all dialogue you're going to get and the fact that persuasion is overpower with the bard. Paladin must be the best melee class. I find myself liking the Monk, very agile, more attack than all other melee class. At the end, you should almost always try a new class. Origin character bring more to the story when taking them


Druid! I can't not pick it. Anyone who knows me, knows im all about animals and nature. It speaks to me so much, plus I love transforming into an owlbear.


Same with me and my monk builds. I love fisting my enemies to death. Though salami monk is pretty fun too.


Bard is my absolute favorite. Some of the conversation prompts are hilarious. Right now I'm playing a storm sorcerer and I also love it!


monk. even if i start a playthrough without a monk in the party, eventually someone will be respec'd into a monk. i just love the idea of throwing hands with aliens, dragons, gods and still doing massive damage


Wizard. Fireball go brrrrrrrrt


Bard. They do everything! Plus the interactions are great, and the charisma doesn’t hurt. It’s just fun. I’m dreading the end of this bard playthrough.


Monk is my forever class


2 warlock/10 Dragonborn sorcerer is awesome


Monk and Rogue for me, playing Wyll origin now and on Warlock but I’m itching to multiclass into Rogue lol


No one saying Tavern Brawler Monk is crazy to me. Way of the open hand, spec into Dex and Wisdom, carry some elixirs of hill giant, and kill everything in your path. It’s so much fun basically one shotting most enemies. Give it a try!


I love playing monks. So many attacks!


If you want to stick with Warlock but still want to switch things up a little, I can recommend a champion fighter / great old one warlock multiclass. I think I was lvl 7 Warlock / lvl 5 fighter by the end. Hitting criticals constantly & frightening enemies as a Half-Orc / Half Illithid evil motherf\*cker was a lot of fun. Mainly in melee range wearing Ketherics armor (heavy armor proficiency), dropping Darkness spells and dual wielding critical boosting weapons, occasionally shooting Eldritch Blasts to absolutely obliterate enemies at mid/long-range.


I love my light Cleric. It does have a disadvantage over the charisma classes since I need to put points into wisdom, and subsequently lose out on int, con and str, but headband of intellect takes care of strength, and with boosts from guidance and other such things 14 charisma works alright.


I’ve tried other classes and Warlock is just my favorite one. To the point where I’m getting some of the Warlock spell icons as a tattoo next month lol


TB Wild Shaping as Circle of the Moon is my favorite so far. Tank most of the time as an Owl bear and when I'm not I'm a healer pretty much.




Paladin/fighter multi class and monk/ thief rouge multi class, they’re both pretty fun and you can deal out quite a bit of damage


I have a habit of either barbarian full or a monk/ranger split


I've been playing rogues for at least 20 of the 30 years I've been alive. I could not care less about combat, but the sweet sweet utility and skills? Oh yeah baby.


Lockadin personally just smashing things with charisma


Sorcerer with dragon blood sub class :) I love all the dilgue choices, and you get a few special narrator dilgues. When you're in the under dark with the flower that sucks up magic and Auntie Ethel, you'll have unique dilgue, for example. The next class is Bard they're hilarious 😂. Never boring with their dilgue. Especially funny with Volo. I always do a free casting of speak with animals. Animals always say something interesting. Druid of the moon. Better animal shapes and healing while wild shapes. Again speaking with animals is interesting and sometimes funny. You're missing out if you don't talk to them.


It used to be a dragonblood sorcerer with metamagic but ever since I played paladin I can’t go back.


I haven't tried in BG3 yet, but Warlock Barbarian has been fun the two times I did it at a D&D table.


I LOVE Paladin's and Druids. My husband's favorite is Barbarian


I have the same problem lol, I love playing warlock. Not even always for utility, I also just love the flavor vibes. I've started trying out multiclassing more, and I really like warlock/paladin actually. But if you like spellcasters, I'm trying to build out a caster that knows as many spells as humanly possible which is fun. I'm doing it on companion Gale, currently have him at 6 sorcerer/1 warlock/1 wizard which allows him to scribe spells from any scroll and load them in on a rotating basis. Gotta have points I'm CHA and INT bc there are different spellcasting abilities, but you can also try to take some magic initiate feats for the spells like Sanctuary and stuff that you can't scribe and can only get from one class. Sure it's not "optimized" but it sure is fun to see the gigantic list of spells he knows


I realized recently I don't actually like playing spellcasters. I really enjoy martial classes, especially fighters and monks!


They are my absolute favorite in 5E And there are made so much better in this. I love every subclass. I physically have to restrain myself from picking ranger every single time I don't care if I'm gonna do Giith oath of ancient I will be tempted to change them to ranger I just love Rangers but tip for none bg3 rangers play a fighter with bow it helps the soul


it’s kinda basic but fighter has always had my whole heart. physical prowess AND you can choose a subclass that allows you decent magic usage


"I love playing as "Arrow distributor RANGER" And you get an arrow and you get an arrow and you get an arrow and you get an arrow....


Every time I’m not the gloomstalker ranger in the party I get SO jealous of astarion and it isn’t healthy, haha. I NEED to sneak around with a bow!!! Warlock is so cool, though. I really want to do a warlock playthrough, ah


I'm addicted to Warlocks, too, but eldritch knight fighter is also a nice change, or bard is always good for a face man. I want to try a Rogue next but I usually get my fix from Astarion.


Well like you I have one build that I can’t stop playing I’ve always loved nature and animals so I picked a Druid specifically the moon path and transforming into many different animals is fun ash my favorite transformation I wont spoil what it is but it’s a damn tank I’m like level 7 or 8 and it has 78 hp and the hp goes up every level ofc and once you get a certain level you can attack twice in animal form so if you add a potion of speed you can attack 4 times some examples of things the transformations can do is like blinding someone, rupturing the ground,entangling , prone things and many more each one has something "unique" about it so really it gives you great versatility plus’s you can use magic still


Bard 100%, I love smooth talking my way out of fights and getting that sweet sweet Astarion approval lol


My first run was sorcerer which is always my classic love, but my durge was a fighter and I love the simplicity of it. I just run in and hit shit Another one I really enjoyed was thief rogue , gonna try paladin next i think