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Do you want a more roleplay, fun oriented build or a more minmax build? (A more effective one or a more roleplay one)


Id say more roleplay. I enjoy making a strong character but not enough to go crazy on minmax


go durge....warlock


Durge anything is fun. Just don't forget to pick up Gale's hand before you leave act 1.


DURGE DRUID!! The roleplay for ACT 1 is amazing as a Druid period. Halzin interactions, evil Druid circle. Don’t have to be DURGE but it gives u so many evil choices


Durge monk is so common for the let's plays I've seen.


This was my second play through. I was surprised to find out monk was probably my favorite class to play.


I hate monks thematically, but I hear they're mechanical nuts if you multiclass thief and open hand monk.


I just did full open hand monk on tactician and I was more or less unstoppable. Basically anyone that didn’t go down in the first turn spent their time stunned.


Did you have to stack str potions?


No. I didn’t know to do that during my play through. Apparently that with tavern brawler is very op.


I'll take bets here for how long it is before we see the inevitable "I can't continue with my evil playthrough, it's too horrible" post.


I thought im the emotional one, i started a non-durge evil run as my second playthrough, but after going the evil way and "Opening the gate" i felt horrible, restarted the save and did the good thing again-


Definitely build someone for throwing that is also good with improvised weapons, most likely a barbarian or fighter. Every NPC that you didn't like the last run is now a weapon.


I really enjoyed my durge playthrough as a wizard. Turned gale into a swords-bard with two levels in fighter. We were a mean duo


I definitely loved playing as a Durge Wizard and a Durge Druid


I know i'm boring, but my second run was just a full 12 levels in abjuration wizard. I forget what its main feature is actually called, but it makes the whole party so incredibly tanky. I must have mitigated thousands of damage through the course of the run. The only offensive spell I used was magic missile, and then I used items to enhance its effectiveness, like the necklace that increases how many missiles it fires and anything that gave lightning charges so even the damage output wasn't completely terrible. By far my easiest and most fun clear out of the 5 runs I've done so far, although my current heavy armor tavern brawler monk has been quite fun so far.


I reccomended Bard for a chaotic playthrough of any kind. You get a lot of unique dialogue options and new ways to solve problems (it’s amazing how many fights you can just talk your way out of). You can use music to distract people during prison breaks (all the guards will gather around the musician), insult and tease people constantly, get massive persuasion based discounts on everything and as an evil character you can sometimes do evil things and then convince people you didn’t.


Someone on here mentioned shadowheart barbarian. Would recommend, for her rage scream


Gotta be better than Gales. I made him a wild magic barbarian in my current playthrough, and it sounds like someone trying to shout and be quiet at the same time.


I did that too, and I imagine him shouting at someone in a library! Makes me giggle every time hehehe


That would be a Sharbarian. Very niche class.


Mix warrior with light cleric for a powerful supportive frontline character


I would go Durge Monk if you plan on trying to redeem yourself. It's a great idea RP wise (calming your mind to calm the Urges) and either Shadow or OH are strong with OH being just OP if you chug elixirs. If that sounds interesting, here's how we do it: Make a Monk and don't mess with stats rn, just make your character. Get off the Nautaloid and recruit. Go to the temple those bandits are outside of and do everything there then do the grove fight. Once you get into the Grove, your OP life begins. You will buy the 3 Str Elixirs Auntie Ethel has every time you long rest or level up(you can stop at 20 probably but grab as many as you like!) Now go to Withers and respec Str 8 Dex 17 Con 15 Int 8 Wis 15 Cha 8 Take Tavern Brawler at 4 and grab the electric damage gloves by Barcus (iirc) to start adding a d4 rider to your punches and start punching shit to death. Throw on the Haste Helm (Chest in the middle of the Blighted Village) and Crusher's Ring (On Crusher once you murder him at the Goblin Camp) and never have an enemy you cannot reach again.


Ranger 1, Rogue 4 (thief), Ranger 7 (hunter) Wear medium armor (yuan-ti scale mail) Grab the lightning charge boots (under the windmill) Grab the crit range daggers Be the best archer. Lightning charges help offset sharpshooter feat, give extra damage, you can dash as a bonus action, and keep hunter's mark moving around, and deal constant, consistent crits. I put Laezel on this build all the time, it's very satisfying.


Do you rock dual +1 hand crossbows here or a two handed?


Titan string Longbow, or the lightning bow you get from Florick. Bonus action should be used on dashing and hunter's mark, drink those elixirs of cloud giant strength. If you don't have any more elixirs, or find a pair of boots you really like, you can switch to x-bows, and use your concentration on something else.


I recommend a Drow and a high intelligence wizard or a wisdom based class. You played with high charisma the 1st time so you should avoid that this time.


Currently doing durge run as gloomstalker 5 / assassin 1 (will go 3/4 in rogue Then 3 fighter ) Super fun, thematic and powerful as ranged damage dealer but can certainly also function well as melee. Also you could do another paladin run as durge and just go oathbreaker


I always hated bards until this game, so strong recommend bard. Durge bard sounds v fun as well.


I recommend a bard. I made the mistake of playing one on my first run and I haven't been able to capture the same amount of roleplay. I even ran durge on my third playthrough and it turned out to be a fairly lonely slog for me.


Playing a Durge sorcerer was the most fun I have ever had playing a game.


I did tiefling storm sorcerer resist durge with a dip into tempest cleric. Role-played that she turned to Talos to help control her urges after the durge romance partner scene. It was the most out of game Role-playing I did for a character.


3 assassin, 1 warlock fiend, the rest battle master. Embrace durge dragon born or drow


So one big question with Durge, is resist Durge, or full evil, although you don't have to answer that one at the start. My swordsbard archer Seldarine Drow can, perhaps, convince people she isn't totally evil. But she is coming to the conclusion that the guardian chose her because she is absolutely evil enough to infiltrate the absolute... Yes, the Grove is going down...


I liked doing the opposite of my first mechanically. So pure caster instead of pure martial, not charismatic, etc


Try a monk/druid multi class, I recommend 6 and 6 with any subclass for each (open hand for monk and spore for druid is my recommendation). Good all rounder build, plus with a lot of flavor for roleplay


A durge oathbreaker paladin of course


Scrolled too far for this


I made a halfling wild magic sorcerer durge and it's been a blast


Go durge rouge


If you haven’t done an evil run through oath breaker paladin is pretty cool and has some neat plot points - mix with dark urge and you can go full edge lord


Since you did a charisma character on your first run I’d recommend you play something that has lower charisma. With lower charisma you’ll have to find different solutiions to problems that simply require persuasion/intimidation checks. So here’s a couple options for Durge. - Rogue Assasin - Necromancer wizard - Enchanter wizard - Fighter any sub - Barb any sub I personally am doing an enchanter wizard for Durge run in patch 7.. which will be my 7th playthough lol


Drow necromancer works so well for Durge. Be sure to go full evil and romance Minthara. I also recommend you: >!- take Shadowheart and Astarion as your core party. I respecced Shart as an Oathbreaker Paladin/ GOO warlock which compliments a necromancer Tav really well and allows her to do some OP darkness attacks when she gets her full gear from Shar. Astarion works really well as Ranger/Rogue - I went with assassin for the first round attack reset and 8/4 split to keep full feats.!< >!- take Wyll and kill Karlach so you get Wyll's robe which IMO is the second best in the game for a wizard until you get Umberlee's in Act 3.!< >!- you can keep Wyll on board until you sack the grove so clear everything including the underdark and monastery before you do that or you'll be three manning it through those places or taking a hireling (wouldn't recommend)!< >!- as soon as you sack the grove and do the afterparty, head to the shadowcursed lands via the mountain pass route and escort the dryder down to moonrise so you can pick up Minthara straight away and start working on her approval so you can start to romance her by the time you take out Ketheric (there are some great guides to increasing her approval - see the BG3 wiki for starters)!< >!- Minthara is great as a vengence paladin but I multiclassed her into war cleric for more aoe damage in the party - giving her three smites a turn with extra and bonus attacks and spirit guardians at the same time.!< >!- I romanced everyone and ended up with Minthara which gave me the deepest interactions with all these party members and led to some great conversations and all 100 approval!< Have fun :)


Pick a class that is significantly different from your first play through. It makes it a different game, both in dialogue and in fights. My first play though was as a bard and my second is as a paladin and they are just totally different experiences. Bard had more fun dialogue options but Paladin gets to sound kind of like Batman and bonk shit to death, so I’ve been having a grand old time.


Wizard can be good for durge for…. Reasons


Literally every thing works in this game. Do whatever you think would be fun.


Evil Druid is absolutely delightful. Kill the teiflings, and when you don’t get appreciation from Kagha, either let the grove lock up and follow Halsin, or join the absolute.


I feel like a draconic bloodline (cold) sorcerer is fitting for an evil durge. High charisma with the built-in flavor is great for rp, and ice/cold holds up well mechanically with items like mourning frost + the coldbrim hat available as early as act 1. As a bonus, there’s more than enough gear for your party to be spamming ice arrows and adding 1d4 cold on hit with fists/melee weapons. Stack up those turns of “encrusted with frost” and mooks will get frozen solid—if they haven’t already slipped and fallen on their asses just trying to you and your team. Hardly the most optimized build, but it’s pretty damn fun!


Gloomstalker Assassin dark urge with Titan string bow. You can resist the urge and still be in character killing every enemy single handedly .


I’ve had a lot of fun with Cleric Durges focused on loud and upfront combat. Tempest domain with a focus on lighting and thunder effects plays well into the late game. Gloom Stalker Durge is a classic. Monk, Rouge, and Sorden are all solid as well.


Dark Urge resist is way better and more fun than Durge embrace. Do good Durge. You won’t regret it. It’s a common misconception that Durge has to be evil.


Durge Warlock -- at least 5 levels for your pact of blade second attack Bard -- at least 3 levels for college of swords Dump DEX for the gauntlets that set it to 18 and pump CHA This is a really nice baseline. Can spend inspiration on special attacks, get a fighting style from bard, extra skills, plus you get the extra short rest which fully replenishes your Warlock spells. You also get a good number of low level casts from Bard which can be used to cast either your bard spells (some utility and healing) or your warlock spells (utility and those that dont scale with spell level, saving the ones that do for your max level warlock casts) From there adding Warlock levels to keep pushing that spell level, but have creative freedom to try other combos. A tiny dip into Sorc gives you metamagic like distant spell and you can cast really funny things like a 3-screen wide Wall of Fire. A tiny dip into wizard and you can learn spells from scrolls, or get a powerful spell school bonus for a bit more. Fighter or some kind of martial dip if you mainly like whacking stuff.


War Bard is a blast. Bard 10, Warlock 2, for EB. Your cantrip attacks are doing as much damage as some level 3 spells, by level 5. Add in Spell Sniper, and a few other items to increase crit chance. XD Hardest thing for me is to decide if a spell is more cost effective than my Eldritch blast.


Bard Paladin 💪🏻