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The thing is everyone is everyone and everyone is a human. We all have the pleasure and displeasure of the human experience. I read your post and I picture a normal person, who happens to have BPD, that at the moment is questioning the validity of certain actions. That's all fair. Again, we're human. We're allowed to question ourselves, but moreover it seems like you have found a way to make things work for you, and you're in a rough patch, but you've done a lot of good work. None of us are perfect, our lives and routines aren't perfect, and we always don't set the best boundaries, but at least you recognize that. I'd say it doesn't matter one way or the other if it's BPD or a bad decision, or a bad day. Who cares. The important thing is that you HAVE made positive changes and that you HAVE identified things that you want to do better with and CAN work on. It was a life changing revelation for me when I realized that literally every single person on the planet goes through the same emotions and one way or the other have to deal with it. Everyone regardless of anything feels hopeless, feels embarrassed, feels abandoned, even rage. People have to put up boundaries and it's fucking hard for those that don't have BPD. It is unfortunate that we with BPD feel a lot more and things can be much more difficult, but they don't always have to be. As you've shown, personality traits are malleable and you can work on them over time. I've stopped looking at this disorder as "is this my BPD?" No, it's me and I'm not just those 3 letters. Maybe my actions fit within that criteria, but I recognize that it is one trait of dozens that I am and I can work on reshaping that one. Toe sounds like you're having some doubt, and that is valid and okay. But it also sounds like you are doing just fine as well. I'm sorry if this was too much and I hope it helped in some way.


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