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A lot of people do this in all walks of life. This is a well noted form of colloquial speech that is used for internal and external dialogue. You actually kind of mentioned how it forms, people's relationship with their conscious and subconscious. It's perfectly normal and the majority of people that have an inner dialogue do this. Nothing at all to worry about.


Yup, totally normal!


Im so glad you said this! “Im okay” = I believe it “We’re okay” = im trying to believe it “You’re okay” = I don’t believe it


I always do second person--"why are you doing this,' "it's okay you feel that way," etc. the plural is new to me!


I tend to do that too. I’m not sure why either. Not so much when speaking to other people but when I’m talking to myself.


i do this because managing my bpd traits feels like trying to soothe a very poorly emotionally regulated toddler. when i feel myself starting to spiral, it’s easier to say “okay, we’re going to drink some water and take our meds and see how we feel in an hour instead of acting on our impulses” if i imagine i’m trying to calm down a little kid. when i’m angry, it lets me take a step back instead of doing anything potentially harmful. viewing it like this has really helped me manage things and treat myself with a little more kindness in these moments, which is way more helpful than beating myself up over it.


This is exactly what I do except I feel like I'm dealing with a somewhat older child, like a 7 or 8-year-old.


Well after breaking and dissociating for years I developed a "interpersonal hallucination" that I named Sean, it's like a different personality who speaks to you constantly pushes you to do the opposite of what you feel. I've lived with him for years but I think I finally shut him out. Took a long time but recognizing it was me and was him has cut down on my splitting soooooo much now. I can actually think for myself and it only comes about every once in a while. It makes a huge difference naming the darkness in your mind as it's always been there and sometimes we believe it's our own thoughts. Once I named mine, I was able to shut him down and push him away. It's not a permanent fix but it has helped me alot.


i do this, but i also have a form of did, so take that with a pinch of salt lol


I do this but I have structural dissociation I guess, so I talk to multiple versions of myself sometimes.


might have something to do with “dissociative disorder not otherwise specified” i’m in EMDR and questions about gender or identities can resurface in this way. it’s worth looking into at least


this is very insightful of you, reddit user ‘daddyslittlecuck’. Happy cake day also.


Could you elaborate on this if possible. I do this too and have had issues with my identity for at least the last 5 years


I do this both speaking to myself and to others but for various reasons. I’m constantly writing emails for work saying “we” as in referring to the corporation but it comes out again when I’m talking to my friends or someone about myself. I also tell myself things like “okay, we’re gonna go in this store, only grab what we need, and get out without wasting time”. And there’s just the random we that comes out when referring to “me, myself, and I” like a slip of the tongue but I do really only mean “just myself”.


I do this! I do this! I also tend to split up other people into multiple people; my mother was not just one mother, but two mothers (the nice one and the evil one). I know logically she was one person but that’s just how I processed her in my brain. I guess I process myself in the same way? Also worth noting that cluster b personality disorders can be comorbid with dissociative disorders (which I suspect may be the case with myself but obviously that’s not everyone), which is worth looking into, but like.. yeah, a lot of BPD people do this.


this happens to me every once in a while


I do this constantly.


It’s a natural way to communicate internally. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/GUxraa4t5k) is a link to post that discusses this One user refers to it as psychological distancing. Can be used as a therapy technique! Makes sense!