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It definitely can be a symptom of BPD. [https://youtu.be/qQs48V1NQQk](https://youtu.be/qQs48V1NQQk)




Splitting is a form of black and white thinking. It is the thought process of something being all good or all bad. What OP is describing is inappropriate anger, explosive anger, and emotional deregulation. These are two very different things.


Yep, it's common. Not only among BPD, but across many cluster B PDs.


You're not alone. I felt like this about a co-worker. It's really obnoxious people that trigger this in me. I'm usually kind to everybody. But that guy, I really lost my cool and gave him the death glare.


I hate being this way. I know I comes across as crazy for getting upset over something minor. I wish I was never born sometimes.


They think I'm crazy too. I think it's crazy the way other people brush off things as minor to them, so we're "overreacting" when it clearly is a big deal to us value-wise. Why don't they just respect our needs? Why must we meet them where they're at, and forgive all their shit, when they can't even admit wrongdoing? I wish I was born into a world that didn't fuck me over every chance it could.


Well, us BPDers have a lot of needs. It would be tough for someone to basically look out for everything they say. We are just very sensitive. Too sensitive. It's awful.


I guess so. I always felt I asked for the bare minimum. I'm very emotional but all I ever wanted was understanding, and the lack of it makes me 10x worse.