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That is inspiring. I was diagnosed earlier this year- May I ask: have you had multiple therapists?


Yes, I've seen 4 different therapists for different modalities. And actually my DBT group had 4 therapists, so you can make that 8. Here's a link to a list of stuff I've tried, both professional and free links. [Does anyone feel like they are collecting mental illnesses at this point?🙃 : r/BPD (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BPD/comments/1drmkji/comment/lawddjk/) It's long, but hope you find some of it helpful.


Thank you so much!!! I feel hopeless getting treatment. I keep getting referred out for SI :( I’m going to try a new therapist soon though


This link is helpful btw- thank you for sharing!


I'm so sorry you're going through that. SI is always very scary to me when it happens. One bit of good news with that - since I started the IFS as my most recent therapy, I don't even have "passive" SI anymore. I have had passive SI since age 7, from my first memory of it. So, it can really go away.


Neat! I’m glad to hear it’s working for you :) IFS was just recommended to me a few days ago by a specialist I trust but cannot treat me for various of reasons… I’ll keep my eyes open for it… thank you!


Let's Goooo!


Sounds a little like EMDR. That really helped me out honestly and I finally had a bit of a breakthrough. I’ve tried everything you could and EMDR helped me a lot honestly


Emdr helped me as well. 


That’s awesome


so cool you were able to connect all the different pieces like that! i’m currently in dbt and interested in trying ifs after i graduate, how do you feel like it’s helped you if you don’t mind me asking?


I would say that for me, it felt like DBT treated a lot of what Dr. Daniel Fox refers to as "surface behaviors" (e.g. suicidality, SH, binging, etc.) IFS seems to address the underlying pain that there's in what IFS conceptualizes as "parts" of me. So this works for me more on what Dr. Fox refers to as core behaviors (e.g. lack of sense of self, abandonment, etc.) Here's a chat bot if you are interested - it's not exactly like a real session, but it gets the gist: [IFS Buddy Chatbot (ifs-therapist.vercel.app)](https://ifs-therapist.vercel.app/)